
by Terry Gore

First of all, let me welcome the new SAGA subscribers. I hope that you will enjoy this journal for years to come. It is more than a 'rules engine'. I try to provide historical articles, timely product reviews, convention reports and much more. Of course, what makes up each issue is determined by what I receive from the readers! Without articles, there is little I have to work with. So keep sending me those letters, articles and reviews.

There is plenty going on lately. The AW/MW and RW rules are seeing their largest distribution and use to date. We have over 240 members on our rules discussion group and are diligently working to get both AW and RW ready for eventual Foundry publication (MW has already been sent in). Actually, I had to reprint MW just this week as I'm again sold out. Thanks to everyone for keeping me busy! We have gone to a new font for easier reading as well for SAGA.

I have retired from the music business after 27 years. This is a result of some health problems compounded by a change of management at my previous place of employment. From this point on, I will be working full-time at home as a free-lance writer as well as writing for the Foundry. This new-found freedom has allowed me to pursue several projects that have been gathering dust on the shelf. I've started work on the follow up book to Neglected Heroes. Also, I have been involved with writing for Military Heritage magazine. An article on Bannockburn will be forthcoming. This has also given me the time to work daily on the rules. I can now get back to anyone who has questions within a few hours at most.

Army wise, since the completion of the Graeco-Indians, I have decided to work on two new 25mm armies, the Later Hoplite Greeks for AW and Sicilian Normans for MW. For the Normans, this meant heading back to the library and researching the initial Norman 'scouting expedition' of Sicily in 1060 up to the final conquest in the 1090's. A chapter in the new book will come out of all this, I'm sure!

Jay Wirth of Renaissance Ink sent me some of his wooden bases for use with the Graeco-Indians and I've decided to use these for all of my new armies. These give just the right heft to the figures and using Jay's basing material, mixed with green paint, the final result looks great. I recommend these to everyone. The price is very reasonable and I really like the way these look. As Paul Schneider said, I'm upscaling my armies…true enough. I've had some of my figures since the early '70's and it's time to update some of my troops. It's very interesting, replacing all of my 'old' armies. There are some figures I will continue to use, they have just too much personal history!

We are continually adding army lists to both the Ancient Warfare and Medieval Warfare rules sets and to RW as well. We welcome army list suggestions and lists. Please mail them to me or send them email.

Perry Gray is in charge of the AW/MW lists. Jeff Ball is doing the RW lists. I am also in the need of more articles for SAGA. If you have any battle reports, historical articles or short reviews, please send them on to me. There is plenty of room for improvement.

Note also the new sub-title for SAGA. We are expanding our coverage to include the Renaissance, Thirty Year's War and ECW for the RW rules.

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© Copyright 2000 by Terry Gore
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