
by Terry Gore

The new Renaissance Warfare rules are now available from SAGA for $25.00, postage paid. This is a 90 page booklet with over 50 army lists, advanced rules, examples of play and more. On a related topic, the Foundry is looking for a full-time editor for the rules and scenario booklets they will be publishing. Until that position is filled, it looks like MW is moving VERY slowly toward publication. Not much I can do about it, except wait.

I've finished painting up my latest 25mm army, the Ancient Germans, and what a great group of figures. Both the new Foundry Germans and Old Glory figures were used. This army, manpower wise, is huge. I have blocks of close order German foot and Cherusci and Batavian open order types for rough terrain. There also is a Celtic Gaul contingent, fighting alongside their neighbors to combat the Roman incursions. These include light chariots, loose order foot and some mounted troops. the Germans also have some mounted troops, though they are fanatics and prone to charge off at the first opportunity. This army will certainly be a challenge to exercise control over, what with warband foot aplenty. Still, I'm looking forward to their first outing.

Historicon is just around the corner. Many of the 'regulars' are not able to make the convention this year for a number of reasons. Still, we filled all of the slots for our MW tournament. No big prizes this year, but I'll have some t-shirts and NASAMW will be providing plaques again.

MAGWEB has increased the number of subscribers considerably. The 'hits' on the SAGA site have kept us in the top 10. The only bad part about this is the drop in mail subscriptions. I've lost about a fifth of my printed readers, but doubled the number of last year's readers on MAGWEB. I guess you have to attribute much of this to the success of the internet and web, but will this eventually spell the end of the print media?

Much in the letters column this issue about the work on Ancient Warfare in progress. We have gotten some very good suggestions re: improving the rules and I put all of these up on the onelist for feedback from our 88 members. If you are not on the onelist, I urge you to join. GoreAMwar@egroups.com

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© Copyright 2000 by Terry Gore
This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com