Recent Additions
to the MW/AW Rules


by Terry Gore

Anyone who reads the onelist knows that we have gotten a lot done these last few weeks insofar as the rules go. Unless anyone has any other ideas, they are pretty close to being ready for Howard Whitehouse's able editing. The small additions to MW re: the optional Supply Unit(s) and the new missile fire restrictions have been emailed to Howard Monday.

First of all, move the Recover Phase to the end on the turn sequence, after the Close Combat Phase for both AW and MW. This makes the game better and is more practical as well as reflective of the flow of battle.

AW is in the same situation. I have opted to retain the Trained unit Retreat/Rout options for both sets of rules as follows:

  • Trained units in good order, that have a Retreat order marker make a normal Strategic or Tactical move to the rear (they must Retreat at least 1/2 of their normal movement allowance).
  • Trained units forced to Retreat because of bad morale, use the Charge/Retreat/Rout movement chart.
  • Trained units Routing use the Rout movement chart.
  • Trained troops in GOOD ORDER (not disordered/fragmented/routing) may use echelon move in AW, but not in MW.

We have also put a new weapon factor in AW, spear-armed cavalry The Spear-armed cavalry weapon factor is +1/+2 for initial round and +1/+1 for subsequent rounds. Please add these to your QRS sheet. I have reworked the army lists to reflect those cavalry using spear rather than javelin. Email me for them.

Optional Rules

We have also argued the merits of the Supply Unit(s) and they will be included as an optional rule. I am also adding a section to the end of the Supply Unit rule as a further option to them. It is not required to be used if the Supply Unit rule is used, but for those who wish to use it as a further restriction, it is there.

Supply for Missile Units

Many armies maintained a regular system of missile supply for their troops. Other armies did not. In MW/AW, you have the choice of either buying supply wagons/pack animals or not.

Each army may have a Supply Wagon or Pack Animals to carry additional missile weapons. This costs 15 points.

The Supply unit allows missile units to restock.

Armies without a Supply unit may never Recover from Low on Missiles or Out of Missiles. Once the units are Low or Out, they remain that way for the rest of the game.

In addition, armies may have a second Supply unit, that costs an additional 10 points.

The second Supply unit allows one unit to immediately resupply itself each turn. You can therefore remove one Low on Missiles (but not an Out of Missiles) marker at the end of each turn from any desired unit.

If the Supply unit is contacted by an enemy unit, it is permanently removed from the game (destroyed, dispersed, captured, etc.)

Optional Advanced Supply Restrictions: This portion of the rule is an optional addition to the normal Supply for Missile Units rule. Units must be within Command Range of a Supply Unit in order to recover from Low or Out of Missiles.

Like I said, you can use the Supply Unit rule as is, or add this to it, whatever you wish. For the sake of simplicity, I would not require it for tournament use, the Supply Unit rule by itself is strong enough and takes into account Perry's concern re: those armies that carried additional quantities of arrows...the additional arrows represent the added cost to the army of supplies.


Any non-routing general and the CiC can give a simple "Follow me!" signal to any units within his command radius. If electing to do this, no other orders may be issued by that general for that turn. The general electing to give the signal must be in the front rank of his army and not involved in a close combat. Here is how it works.

  • During the Orders Phase, place an order marker behind the general's stand.
  • The order can be to Charge, Advance or Retreat.
  • During the Tactical Movement Phase, the player with initiative declares that his general is giving a signal.The order marker is flipped over and all other friendly units within command radius of the signalling general without other orders must follow the general, unless it is impossible for them to do so (moved already during Strategic Movement, facing the wrong way, in retreat or routing).

As an aside, Bruce and I have just had limited quantities of the most AW and MW printed. They include all of the latest army list changes, rules addenda and clarifications. Interested gamers who would like a 'hard-copy' set can order from me directly, $20.00 each postage paid.

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