Changes to the
DBM Seleucid Army List


The issuance of a revised Book Two of the DBM army lists in November, 1998, allowed WRG to update the majority of the lists therein. The Seleucid list, number 19, is among those with numerous changes.

Many of the changes actually follow some of the guidelines proposed earlier in this series, so the list is far more flexible in representing the wide varieties of force combinations fielded by Seleucid commanders throughout the empire's history. Below is a summary of the changes to the list:

Terrain – added H(S) [steep hills] to the terrain of the empire

Command – added the option for one of the sub-generals to be fielded as Pk(S) instead of mounted

Skythians – allowable elements revised from 0-3 to 1-3

Civic Militia and Tarantines – was 0-6 throughout, revised to 0-2 Tarantines before 189BC, and 0-6 Civic Militia cavalry after 167BC. In addition, the Civic Militia cavalry can now be fielded as either Reg LH(O) or Reg Cv(I), to reflect the poor quality cavalry fielded by later armies.

Argyraspids – minimum reduced from 8 elements to 3

Phalanx – minimum reduced from 12 elements to 4

Scythed Chariots – the cost is reduced from 10 points to 7

Asiatic archers and slingers – from 2-8 slingers and 4-12 archers to 6-20 combined, now only ½ of the combined total may be fielded as Irr Bw(I)

Added Asiatic Light Horse, 0-5 Irr LH(O), before 280BC

Galatian foot must now all be Irr Wb(S), rather than offering a choice of Irr Wb(O).

Elephants – later elephants with escorts Irr El(S) allowed only from 204 to 162BC, no elephants from 161BC to 145BC and 125BC to the end of the list. Added 0-3 African elephants Irr El(I) from 145 to 125BC.

After 205BC, instead of all sub-generals upgrading from Reg Kn(F) to Reg Kn(X), 0-2 of any generals may do so.

City militia theurophoroi are not available until after 167BC.

Allies are added – Aitolians from 191 to 190BC, Jewish auxiliaries using the Maccabean or Hasmonean Jewish lists from 145 to 131BC and 129 to circa 90BC, and Elymaians and 0-30 other Parthian rebel allies using the Parthian list from 140 to 129BC.

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