NASAMW and WRG 7.6

by Terry Gore

Scott Holder spoke with Phil Barker at Historicon 98. Phil told Scott that since he was no longer supporting WRG 7.x, (and was in fact looking for someone who might want to purchase the copyright) revisions and reasonable alterations in this set of rules for the better enjoyment of those still interested was fine by him. Scott has therefore created a draft revision of the rules tentatively called WRG 7.6 They are listed below. They will be playtested at Fall-In 98 in Gettysburg, and a final version will be created during the winter. Even if you do not go to Fall-In, you might want to play test these changes at home and tell Scott what you think.

Unofficial NASAMW Update to WRG 7th Edition

(this text addition making it Version "7.6")


Pg 6 para 9 line 3: insert ", knights" after "regulars"

Pg 13 para 5 line 4: change "2000" to "2480"

Pg 14 para 4 line 3: insert "Only one can be chosen by each side." after "side."

Pg 14 para 9 line 1: insert "hidden from enemy forward zone by intervening higher ground or woods" after "gully"

Pg 15 para 5: After first sentence delete everything and replace with "Both sides then record the relative position of their commands from right to left and front to rear, the flank of arrival of any commands or units making off-table flank marches, and the position and direction faced of each unit deployed in ambush. An outscouted side then deploys all on-table troops except that forced marchers deploy no closer than 240p from the table centerline. Then the side not outscouted deploys all on-table troops not in ambush. If neither side is outscouted, they alternately deploy one on-table command each, starting with the side with fewest scouting points. Each side must deploy its commands in their order of march and none can overlap laterally except that an entire command may deploy entirely behind another. Both sides now write tactical orders."

Pg 15 para 6 line 3: replace "Units" with "Commands"

Pg 15 para 7: Delete entire paragraph and replace with "Players should define the troop types on the table which should include all weapons and armor but not morale grades."

Pg 15 para 10 line 2: add "on either flank" after "unit"

Pg 15 para 10 line 9: add "A general or expendable cannot flank march unless part of a whole command and detachments may not unless the parent unit does" after "march."

Pg 18 para 1 line 4: delete "revert from wedge,"

Pg 18 para 2 line 1: delete "wedge, and rhomboid"

Pg 18 para 2 line replace "wedge and rhomboid are" with "is"

Pg 18 para 4: delete entire paragraph

Pg 18 para 5: delete entire paragraph

Pg 18 para 7 line 6: Insert "Troops adopting or already in skirmish cannot move back in a counter and out of missile range. Troops adopting skirmish cannot move back in a counter and then drop out of skirmish." after "formation."

Pg 18 para 8 line 3: insert "state" after "morale"

Pg 22 para 4 line 2: insert ", standard and enemy both visible to the body," after "enemy"

Pg 23 para 5 line 3: delete "dismounted" and "mounted"

Pg 23 para 11 line 5: insert "if exceeding 40p in good terrain" after "foot"

Pg 24 para 2 line 4: insert "except that it cannot combine a march or tactical move" after "types"

Pg 25 para 1 line 9: add "Bodies cannot interpenetrate during marches".

Pg 25 para 2 line 3: insert "Bodies already within 40p of enemy can make permitted formation changes, counters, retirements or staff moves." after "started."

Pg 25 para 4 line 1: delete first sentence and replace with "Counters are a defensive response to any of the following situations arising before charges: an enemy body capable of declaring charges against the body, an enemy body is capable of shooting at the body, an enemy body is within 240 paces and is behind the flank of the body with no intervening friendly bodies and is not engaged with other friends, a detachment is more than its tactical move distant from its parent unit, an unease cause exists within 240 paces, or the body is less than 40 paces of an enemy body."

Pg 25 para 7 line 2: insert "visible" between "against" and "targets"

Pg 26 para 1 line 2: insert "Troops waver testing, test first, then decide a response." after "evade."

Pg 26 para 9 line 7: insert "staff" after "approach"

Pg 29 para 12 line 5: insert "or artillery on a ship" after "cart" Pg 30 para 3 line5: delete "crossbows or longbows"

Pg 30 para 3: insert new line: "Foot Crossbows, longbows 240p 120p"

Pg 32 para 4 line 11: insert "or initially" between "currently" and "applies." Pg 32 para 4 line 12: delete "+ JLS" and add additional sentence "Any additional figures armed with JLS who are eligible to fight due to their other weaponry retain that eligibility, but do not receive the + for JLS."

Pg 32 para 4: insert new line after line 12: "If charging, counter-charging or pursuing, any cavalry figure armed with lance counts all second rank figures at half effect."

Pg 32 para 5: delete entire paragraph

Pg 32 para 8 line 6: replace "counts" with "applies"

Pg 33 para 12 line 2-3: delete and replace with "If at first contact and facing non-impetuous pike- or LTS-armed steady foot unless using HTW, pike, or non-impetuous LTS and steady."

Pg 35 para 6 line 3: change "16" to "15"

Pg 36 para 6 line 4: insert "Units which paid no command points because a general is an integral part of the unit break and rout should that general be killed." after "element."

Pg 37 para 1: insert new paragraph after first paragraph: "Results of Movement. At the end of counters/retires, any LI entirely in good going which are within 40p of any close or loose order foot and not partially behind the flank either test wavering or must rally back unless charged first, and then evade instead."

Pg 38 para 4 line 5: insert "Routing generals cannot intercept or rally themselves and cannot issue orders. Dismounted LC, Lcm, or Lch do not count as close formation foot for the purposes of halting a rout." after "foot."

Pg 38 para 4 line 6: insert "Elephants and scythed chariots never alter the direction of their rout to take advantages of gaps but always burst through friends or fight as if surrounded if they meet enemies." after "rally."

Pg 38 para 9 line 3: insert "except that bodies can evade or rally back off table if called upon to do so as a result of shooting or H-T-H." after "voluntarily"

Pg 38 para 9 line 4: insert "If a body's breakoff move takes it off table but it would have otherwise been caught, it routs and cannot return. Bodies that evade off table cannot be caught." after "follow-up."

Pg 43 para 2 line 3: delete "and" between "army" and "always" and replace with ","

Pg 43 para 2 line 3: insert "cannot counter or retire or turn away from an undesirable combat and must charge the first available enemy." after "orders"

Pg 47 para 10 line 2: delete "more sub-generals than a list specifies" and replace with "up to six sub-generals if sub-generals are allowed; up to six ally-generals of the list's nationality are allowed in those lists which specify only such generals, i.e., Galatians."

Pg 47 para 10: insert new line: "General's elements must be of the identical troop type to that listed and must be purchased, if available, as such whether or not required by the army list. General's on single models not otherwise listed in the army cannot purchase a second model to have an even number of elements."

Pg 47 para 10: insert new line: "Weapon types no longer allowed to a troop type are no longer carried and the appropriate cost should be subtracted from that troop type."

Pg 47 para 10: insert new line: "Ignore references to "African" "rhomboid" and "wedge" formations.

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