Rules Queries and Answers

Medievel Warfare and Ancient Warfare

By Terry L. Gore

Here are some recent rules queries received from gamers about MW/AW.

1) I have a unit of skirmish cavalry and skirmish infantry moving side by side in mutual support. I won the Initiative and elected to move first. I proceeded to move both units up to within close missile range of an enemy skirmisher cavalry unit and HI longbow unit. My opponent had move orders as well and proceeded to move into my SC with his own SC and the HI moved into my SI. What are my options?

[Ed. Your SI must Retire. If they stand, they will be automatically dispersed by the closer order enemy. Assume that they see the HI moving towards them and simply turn and run! They will make their Retirement move from the point that the enemy HI would move into contact with them. The SC also may opt to Retire, or they can stand and fight it out. They at least have the option to fight, the SI do not.]

2) What happens when my archer units shoot an enemy unit into total destruction, i.e. it takes enough casualties to remove it from the table? Is it counted as routed? Or is it just removed and ignored?

[Ed. Any time a unit is destroyed, whether in close combat or as a result of missile fire, all units around it treat the lost unit as destroyed. If within range, they must take a morale test for seeing Routing/Destroyed friends.]

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