Copyright by Terry Gore
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Under Morale Die Roll Modifiers, +2 add "Halberd" after Pike/Long Spear. New Missile Fire Modifiers chart:
Target is Full Plate or Armored* Target is SI Under Missile Fire Figure Modifiers, add "Out of Missiles (which is two Low Markers): No Stands May Fire" Troop Definitions: The final troop definitions which will be used in subsequent editions.
All references to d5 should be d6. In Close Combat, no matter how bad the factors, a stand still has a 10% chance to inflict a Hit. Dummy Order markers can be used to confuse your opponent. You are allowed as many Dummy markers as your CiC has Order chits. SI/SC are Unarmored. When rolling for Quality of Generals, all roll 2d6, with the CiC adding +2 to his roll. The Leader Effectiveness Table has been changed to:
New Optional rules for Medieval WarfareH) Fire and Flee or Feigned Flight Rule 1. A new Action Order called Fire and Flee/Feigned Flight will be instituted. This requires a new Action Order marker and a new rule under the Action Orders section. Only missile-armed cavalry units may be issued FF Action Orders.
2. If the FF Action Ordered unit is other cavalry, they will make their move and will be slammed into by the enemy! They will count as Countercharging. b) Cavalry with FF Action Orders which were not charged will now make a Charge move toward the Enemy they wish to Fire at. Use the normal Charge move with the d6 bonus roll to determine your total movement allowance.
2. Move up to Close Missile Range and immediately adjudicate missile fire against the target, treating the target as a Charging enemy (i.e. with a +2 to the missile fire dice). 3. Mounted units which had a FF charge declared against them must now test their Morale. They roll a d10 attempting to roll their Morale To Pass number or more to not respond. The only modifiers to their die roll is a -1 for each actual figure casualty inflicted by the FF firing unit and a +1 if Trained. 4. Any cavalry unit which fails to pass its Morale immediately becomes Frenzied and Charges the FF unit which fired upon it. A unit failing this morale test suffers no other adverse results. 5. The FF unit turns 180 and makes the rest of its movement, followed by the counter-charging enemy. 6. If the FF unit is caught, it suffers the consequences of being hit in the rear! 7. If the Charging unit fails to contact an enemy unit, it will be disordered. 8. Foot units with a FF charge declared against them return fire as normal, if they have Deploy or Defend Action Orders, counting the FF unit as charging target (+2), and rolling their Morale to Pass number to see what range they get to shoot at, but no Arrow Barrage is allowed. If having other Action Orders, they may not fire at the FF unit until it has Retreatd to its final position. I) Weather Factor Both players roll a d6. If the total is 2, 11 or 12, weather is a factor.
11= Muddy: No Close Combat combat charge die bonus rolls. 12= Stormy: Counts as windy and muddy. Weather effects:
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