
by Terry Gore

This issue of SAGA is being created on my new computer, and I hope you like the look of it as well as the content. There are plenty of exciting things to talk about this month, not least of which is that SAGA now has it's own e-mail number. For any of your rules questions, or subscription queries, you can e-mail me at tlgore@frontiernet.net. This has been a concern of mine in the past and now I am happy to prepare for the 21st century. Any 3.5" floppies you send me can now be in WORD format or Text (ASCII) for ease of publication. E-mail articles can also be simply directed to the above address.

It appears that Ancient Warfare once again has jumped to the publication forefront insofar as the Foundry edition is concerned. I met with Bryan Ansell for several hours at FALL IN (see report later) and we went over the rules. The Medieval Warfare rules will be released shortly afterwards. This is the best situation, I feel, what with our tournament planned for next summer's HISTORICON. By the way, I would like to hear from anyone who intends to play in the 25mm only tourney (600 point MW list armies) so we can plan on how many tables to have NASAMW a lot to us. Remember that this is a low intensity, fun tournament, with some terrific prizes from the Foundry, Jeff Ball and myself. It will be a learning experience for all involved. As an aside, Rich Pichnarczyk in New Jersey has been running some big MW games for his club, Russ Lockwood informs me. Thanks, Rich, and let me know how they turn out.

Recent reading material includes two books dealing with the history of Scotland, notably the Bruce family and William Wallace. The Sword of Freedom by Peter Traquair and The Wars of the Bruces by Colm McNamee are both excellent studies of the struggle for Scottish freedom. Another highly recommended (and expensive paperback) book is Stephen Morillo's The Battle of Hastings. This superb volume includes virtually all of the contemporary writings on the battle, along with 19th century writings and more recent interpretations, battle maps and thoughts on the Hastings. A fine work and one that will be reviewed in detail at a later date.

Lately, the idea has come up to try doing another scenario booklet, this one a bit more comprehensive than the others do. It would be for MW (of course) as well as DBM and ARMATI. Perhaps aimed at the Viking period of Western Europe, roughly 800-1200 A.D., the booklet would contain troops types, units, starting positions, what-if situations and painting guides. This is something that I feel we need; at least I would enjoy it! It seems I am always looking for an interesting scenario to help plan an evening's game or something to put on at the club. Anyway, I will keep you posted.

Bruce, Mitch, Jamie and I got together with Jeff Ball at FALL IN last month. We put on our Punic War game while Jeff and Dave Bonk did a post-Liegnitz MW game. Saturday night, we played a Scots vrs. Anglo-Norman MW game, introducing Mr. WRG 7th (Jamie) to our rules. I loved seeing his Scots-Highlander "tactics" in dealing with mounted Norman attacks.

Again I must put out the plea that I need articles! Those of you who wish to see more DBM and ARMATI have to jump in and get me the material to publish…I do not play them and would love to see more on these systems. Anyone playing Warhammer Ancient Battles? I know that you do Jervis, but anyone else who has experience with them, please send me your battle reports and army lists.

I wish to thank all of you who have promptly resubscribed for another year. Subscriptions have stabilized and actually increased this year after last year's falling off. E-mail me! Anyone with a '66' or '67' after their address is due for resubscription.

Watch for our Web site coming soon!

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© Copyright 1998 by Terry Gore
This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com