Saga #57

Jan-Feb 1997

Table of Contents

On rules, a book, and MagWeb.

Greetings from the Press Gang
Associate Editor Jamie Fish enjoys submissions on disk.

The Selucid Army
Craig Tyrell brings part 5 of the series to Saga with Antiochus III (the Great) rescuing the kingdom. Guidelines for recreating the armies on the tabletop included.

Tmima Stratiotikon Plirophorion
The "military intelligence" column covers the many historical sieges in Cyprus.

Medieval Naval Wargame Rules
Benjamin Garstad brings sea battles to the tabletop with this set of miniatures rules.

Battle Report: For God, Wealth, and Honor
Terry Gore pits Norse-Irish against Vikings in this playtest of the upcoming medieval miniatures rules.

Medieval Rules Principles
Thomas Thomas examines a variety of medieval rules and some rational behind them.

Letters and E-mail to the Editor
The readers strike back.


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© Copyright 1997 by Terry Gore

This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web.
Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at