
by Terry Gore

What a strange winter this has been. One day it snows like crazy, the next, it all melted. In any event, I have certainly not accomplished all of the goals which I figured could be reached these last few months.

Most of my time has been spent working on FGWH and the army lists for them. After the last couple playtests, I have redone the close combat weapons factors a bit and tightened up some move restrictions. There are quite a few helpful hints coming in each week from the testing groups and I am becoming quite comfortable with the look, feel and sense of Medieval warfare which the rules attempt to replicate.

In April, I will be puttinq on a game for six to eight players at our local club as a dry run for HISTORICON. Bruce and I tried out the scenario a week ago and he managed to destroy my entire center. Sending loose order Welsh out in the open to take on Norman knights was not one of my brighter tactical moves....

Some subacribers have written to me expreasing regret that SAGA haa an "anti-DBM" bias. One in particular took me to task and suggested that I screen the articles and letters, restricting those that have such a bias.....

Well, the way I see it, SAGA contains many fine articles on DBM. Some of my best contributors, including Craig Tyrrell, Ted Grulke, Harvey Harmon and Dusty Koellhoffer all write extensively about DBM. Others do not care for these rules, and express their opinions. I can't see restricting the articles I receive. As WRG 7th continues to decline, I anticipate an upsurge in ARMATI as well as DBM articles. I also anticipate some comments on my own rules, too. With that in mind the more the merrier.

I have got to get back to painting! There are over fifty 25mm Gripping Beast figures staring at me down in the basement. Promises, promises. In any event, they will have to be done by the April game or else. Nothing like a deadline to get the paint flowing.

There is a new book out, entitled Great Commanders in Action. It is being published by Cowles History Group and is available for $21.95 including shipping by calling 1-800-358-6327. There are thirty-two chaptera, each dealing with an historical general (my own contribution deals with Brian Boru). It should be out by the time this issue of SAGA is in your hands.

Last but not least, let me mention the fine work being done by Russ Lockwood and Coalition Web (http://www.magweb.com). I fear that I will lose some subscribers to the web site, but it is a great deal! At the present time, I have no plans to get on the internet, mostly because of time considerations. What with the rules, my next book and SAGA, as well as my 'day job', there just are not enough hours in the day as it is. Keep those articles coming!

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© Copyright 1997 by Terry Gore

This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web.
Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com