DBR Rumors

Renaissance Rules

by Christopher Salander

The following article is a collection of rumors about thc upooming product callod DBR, the Renaissance era follow-on to the DBM rules from Wargames Research Group. None of the information in this article is official information from WRG. Most of this article assumes that you are already familier with DBM.

DBR will be released in October, 1995. It will cover the era 1494 to 1700 (the beginning of the Italian Wars to the battle of Narva) It will use the same basing as DBM.

DBR will introduce a few troop types: Lancers, Pistols, Sipahis, Dragoons, and Shot. lancers are European cavalry with full or partial plate armor and are armedwith lances. Pistols are European cavalry with full or partial plate armor and are armed witb a pair of pistols. Sipahis are all mailed Asiatic or East European cavalry who both skirmish with a bow or javelin, andd charge to contact. Dragoons are mounted infantry trained to fight on foot with firearms. Shot are foot shooting in formation with firearms. The first three cavalry are mounted 3 figures to a stand. Dragoons are mounted 3 firing figures to the front and four horse holdsers behind. Shot are 4 per stand.

All European troops will be Regulars. No flank marches will be allowed. Groups that are wider than three elements will need a second die pip to move. Elements routing an pursuing can be rallied (In DBM, most routing units leave the table).

The rules will have a Normal scale and a Compressed scale. In the Compressed scale, all distances are cut in half, and the number of men represented by an element is increased. The Compressed scale was created to fit larger historical battles on a table more readily.

(S) and (O) artillery might have horse teams, creating double depth stands. DBM stands are 60mm wide far 25mm, and 40mm wide for 15mm. DBR will cover 25mm, 15mm, and 6mm. Using the format: 25mm/15mm, the following base depths are used for the new element types:

    Lancers, Pistols, and Sipahis: 40mm/30mm.
    Dragoons: 30mm/20mm plus 40mm/30mm (a row of Shot and row of horse)
    Shot: 30mm/20mm

Except for Dragoons, this basing is compatible with Medieval Tactica and Armati.

All othere elements, such as Blades, Pikes, Warbands, and Cavalry, are the same as DBM. Psiloi will now be called Skirmishers. I do not have any information about values or special combat results.

For most of the info in the article, I am indebted to Ed Allen, from Stanford, home of the DBM page on the Internet.

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