DBM Siege Rules


by Peter Hall


Each player is allowed 500 Army Pts (AP)

Gatehouse (includes gate) 25 AP
Keep/Citadel30 AP
Tower10 AP
Wall (/ element frontage)4 AP
Stone Throwers Art. (S)10 AP
Bolt Shooters Art. (O)9 AP
Other Art. (I)4 AP
Ram WWg (S) (/ element)20 AP
Siege Tower WWg (S) (/ element)14 AP
Ditch/Moat (/ element frontage)5 AP
Ditch/Palisade (/ element frontage) 2 AP
Ramp (/ element x 40mm depth) 2 AP
Pavise 1 AP
Gateway (addod to cost of wall)+2 AP
Temporary Wall (/ element frontage)2 AP

Remaining Troop Types - As Appropriate List


Terrain set up as per DBM. Defending player(s) note terrain and place fortifications. Then place all troop elements within fortification or within 600 paces. Fortified area can be anywhere on the table.

Attacking player deploys as per DBM.

After two combat bounds, the defender must - Retreat into fortification, but may use elements as a field army. This must retreat to 600 paces of the base edge furthest from the attacking player and must be at least 1200 paces from any fortifcation.

Attacking player sets up siege lines. They are constructed using temporary fortification and cost 1 dice PIP per element. Siege lines must start adjacent to a friendly element. Any army containing Roman Legionnaires can double the amount constructed per dice PIP throw.


After dicing and allocating PIPS the attacking player can fire on any fortification in range. Both players dice. Each time the defending player's modified score is less than half the attacking playera score -1 is deducted from his combat factor (CF).


Wall+6 v artillery, +3 v rams
Keep+7 v artillery, +. v rams
Gatehouse+6 v artillay, +3 v rams
Temporary wall+2 v artillery,+2 v rams

When a fortification's CF= 0, it collapses. A wall collapse is one element frontage, any elements on the wall are destroyed. Artillery can fire is its own bound at fortifications.


Elements can assault if:

    a) they have ladders (this is assurned under DBM)
    b) they are in base edge contact with a war wagon which her forced an enemy to flee or recoil
    c) the wall has collapsed

Attacking troops approach using normal movement rules. Normal distant shooting and normal shooting modifiers apply. Only troops behind permanent fortifications can get overlaps.


    +3 if in keep (also add +2 for behind permanent fortification)
    +2 if in gatehouse (also add +2 as behind permanent fortification)
    +2 if defending permanent fortification unless shot at by Art(S) or is in close contact with WWg(S)
    +2 if attacking using a ramp
    +1 if within 1 element widt of a tower held by friendly troops
    +1 if Using testudo (if allowed)
    +1 if defending and upslope
    -1 if attacking using a ladder

RAM ATTACKs - Rarn must touch the wall. Use artillay mechanism for attack Remember that a wall's CF may already be lowered due to previous attacks. Rams have a close combat CF of +4

SALLY - Defenders may sally out of any gateway at any time.

RAMPS - By expendingg 1 PIP per bound ramps can be constructed up to the wall. Cost is 1 PIP per element frontage x 40mm depth. Romans can double this each PIP.

INFILL OF DITCHES/MOAT - 1 PIP per bound to infilll one element frontage. No element can cross until next bound. Ditches/moats rnust be filled before war wagon can cross.

TEMPORARY WALLS - Temporary walls may be constructed after perrnanent fortifications collape. Cost is 1 PIP per bound per element frontage. Walls are erected as soon as perrnanent walls collapse AND before any assault. However sufficient APs that have been retained from initial set up.

COMBAT OUTCOME - Attacker half or less than its opponent is destroyed. If more than half but less, it recoils After two recoils it must flee back to its siege lines. However, if attacked using a ladder, it must flee after the first recoil. Defender - half or less than its opponent is destroyed. If more than half but Iess, it recoils.

TROOP TYPES - All types except Pikes Warband and Mounted can cross walls after war wagon assault. Pikes and Mounted are not permitted on any fortification. Pikes, and mounted can cross any collapsed fortification but are classed as in difficult terrain.


1. Players may decide on the number of bounds to be played.

2. Defenders may surrender at any time to (campaign role - throw PIP dice for the number of elements allowed to march out with "honours of war"). One PIP dice per command.

3. Otherwise, when the keep/citadel falls or when all generals are dead.

4. If attackers suffer more than 1/3 casualties (do not include artillery or war wagons in this total) the siege is abandoned.

5. Optional rules for campaigns: if when the city falls there are any gaps in the siege lines, the defenders can flee towards them. Normal flee rules apply. Otherwise all defending elements are lost when a city falls.

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