New Optional Rules for Armati

Movements and Meneuvers

by Arty Conliffe

The following new advanced rules are official additions and permit players who otherwise like ARMATI, but disagree with my maneuver restrictions, some added flexibility. The goal is to keep ARMATI progressive without having to create a new edition. As always, advanced rules may be used only when both sides agree, or when a tournament director mandates their use.

12. Wheeling and Enemy Proximity

A Division or line of Divisions, is permitted to wheel greater than 2" -- performing up to a 90 degree wheel. The following rules and limitations apply to this extended wheel. All other Wheeling mechanics apply.

Restrictions when wheeling greater than 2":

A wheel greater than 2" is permitted only when enemy units capable of engaging any to the wheeling units in Melee are beyond 15" before the wheel occurs. Use ARMATI section 6.10 to determine the wheeling prohibition rules and mechanics (i.e. Flank Line intersection, etc.). The only difference here is that the usual 6" wheeling prohibition distance is extended to 15". because the wheel is greater than 2".

If the unit wheels greater than 2" it may not perform any other movement(s) nor may it initiate Melee contact. However, light units may be Dispersed by units wheeling greater than 2" as per the usual Dispersion rules in section 7.11.

When enemy are 6+ - 15" away, units may wheel 2" and move normally as per the standard ARMATI rules.

Wheeling potential inside 6" is governed by the standard prohibitions in section 6. 10.

12a. About Face

All units not normally permitted to About Face (i.e. heavies)may About Face providing enemy are not within 6" of their current front facing as per the Movement Prohibitions in sec. 6.10. This About Face move must be performed by all units of a Division or none at all. No additional movement is permitted if the About Face rule is used by such troops (heavies). This rule (1 2a) replaces Advanced Rule # 11 only if 12a is used.

*'*Special Note- Heavy Units may not enter the 6" zone at the rear of their deployment area unless they are able to charge an enemy unit which has moved into that area.

(This is the 6" on your own table edge. This keeps someone from starting the game with their backs to the enemy, making one move to their table edge, about facing and then standing there denying the enemy any possiblity of a flank attack. A very sleazy tactic that came out during playtesting of this rule. Dave Ottney comment)

Notes: Either one of these rules (12 and 12a) may be used independent of the other. While these mechanics generally permit units a greater degree of flexibility than I believe they had historically, unit maneuver still remains restricted by the greatest limiting factor of all-enemy proximity. Players will be encouraged to "pin" enemy units/divisions by placing units directly to their front, while attempting to maneuver with outflanking forces. This practice seems consistent with the historical pinning tactics demonstrated throughout the periods covered by ARMATI.

13. Surprise Fire

This rules applies only to Firing units that are entirely behind the Front Line of their target. In such cases, the target suffers a -1 to the die roll (cumulative with its norm PROT rating). This modifier reflects both the unshielded side of targets and the demoralizing effects of their being fired upon from an unexpected direction.

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