To List or Not to List

DBM Army Lists for
Early Hoplite Greeks and
Early Acheamenid Persians

by Alan Spencer

For some unknown reason, I have been pounded by people asking questions about the new WRG release of De Bellis Multitudinis (DBM). Well, until Historicon, I didn't even own a set of the rules!

But now that I have them, I, like everyone else, needed an army list. Now those of you who know me, know that for some strange reason, I am rather fond of the often abused, routed, shakened, destroyed, lowly hoplites armed with break-oncontact weapons. After sitting down and computating the very rough approximate change from 1200-1800 point WRG armies to the recommended 300-500 point armies suggested by VBm, I have put together the accompanying lists for a historical (hysterical?) meeting of the Persians and Early 11oplite Greeks. These lists were used by John Mullikin and Dave Ray in a DBM game recently. (A battle report on the game will be sent later.)

As a note: I am in NO WAY saying this is an official DBM list sanctioned by WRG or NASAMW. Nor am I proposing to drop my commitments to DBA for DBM. NOR AM I WANTING TO BE THE DBM GURUQ! I did use some of my own research for these list, but mostly they are just a revamping of the lists currently published for WRG and transposed for DRM. These lists are presented to just to get folks to try DBM.

DHM Early Hoplite Greek List 700 BC to 450 BC (Warm)
Aggresiveness: 2
CinC as Regular O Spear @ 25pts 1
Extra to upgrade CinC to Regular S as Spartan @2pts *1
Spartan Sub General as Regular S Spear @27pts 1 to 2
Greek Ally General as Irregular O Spear @ 14pts up to 3
Extra to upgrade Generals to mounted infantry 0 lpt Up to 3
Hoplites Irregular O Spear @ 4pts $20 to 60
Extra to upgrade hoplites to Regular S as Spartans @ 3pts Up to 54
Thesslian Nobles irregular O Cavalry @ 7 pts Up to 1
Thesslian cavalry Irregular O Light Horse 0 5 pts Up to 4
Theban cavalry Regular I Cavalry @ 6 pts Up to 2
Other Greek cavalry Irregular I Cavalry @ 5 pts Up to 1
Extra to upgrade any Cavalry (not LH) one morale grade @ 2 pts Up to 3
Greek Javelinmen Irregular I Psiloi@ 1 pt $2 to 16
Extra to upgrade Javelinmen to Irregular S by adding shields@ 2 pts Up to 16
Greek Slingers Irregular I Psiloi @ 1 pt Up to 4
Greek Archers Irregular I Psiloi 0 1 pt $Up to 6
Extra to upgrade Greek archers to Regular 0 as Athenian archers@ 1 pt Up to 4
Thracians Irregular S Auxilia 0 4 pts Up to 4
Triremes Regular O Galley @ 3 pts, Up to 20
Extra to upgrade Triremes to Regular S as Athenian 0 1 pt Up to 20
Ships Irregular O Ships @ 3 pts Up to 10
Extra to upgrade ships to irregular S as Athenian @ 1 pt Up to 10

Home Terrain Availability: Major Water, Brush, Plains (clear), Hills, Knolls, Marsh. An army including Spartans must have a Spartan CinC. An army including Thebans must include a Theban general. Any army including Thessaliar nobles or Athenian archers or naval vessels must include a general from each respective city state. All generals must command at least hoplite elements of their own city state if used. If Spartans are used, at least 1/2 of the hoplites must be upgraded as Spartans, and only 2 ally generals are allowed. Spartan CinCs are the only ones allowed sub generals. Minimums marked * apply only if Spartans are used. Spartans can only have 5 galleys and 5 ships with no upgrades. Only Athenian CinCs may upgrade all galleys and ships to Athenian. Greek Sp get the +1 for a supporting rank of bow armed Psiloi vs mounted. Greek Cv get the +1 for Cavalry with supporting rear rank Cv. Psiloi vs Cavalry. Troops marked $ may be placed on triremes or ships. Athenian troops may only sail on Athenian vessels.

DBM Early Achaemenid Persian 670 BC to 420 BC (Dry)
Aggresiveness: 3

CinC in 2 horse chariot as Irregular S Cavalry 0 29 pts I
Sub General Regular O Cavalry @ 28 pts I to 2
Guard Cavalry Regular O Cavalry @ 8 pts $Up to 3
Persian or Median cavalry I Irregular Cavalry @ 7 pts $3 to 10
Bactrian cavalry Irregular O Light Horse @ 5 pts Up to 3
Skythian cavalry Irregular F Light Horse @ 4 pts tip to 6
Theban cavalry Regular I Cavalry @ 6 pts *2
Thessalian cavalry Irregular I Light Horse @ 4 pts *4
Immortals Regular S Spears @ 7 pts 6 to 16
Persian or Median infantry Irregular I Spears @ 3 pts 10 to 26
Extra to upgrade Persian or Median infantry to Irregular @1 pt All or none
Assyrian and Chaldean infantry Irregular I Spears @ 3pts Up to 6
Bactrian infantry Irregular I Auxilia @ 2 pts Up to 13
Skythian infantry Irregular I Psiloi @ 1 pt Up to 3
Mysian, Mares, Colchian infantry Irfegular I Psiloi @ 1 pt Up to 6
Paphlagonian, Pisidian, Cabeles, Moschi, or Tibareni infantry Irregular 0 Hordes @ 1 pt Up to 3
Carduchian, Milyae, Ethiopian, Libyan infantry Irregular O Psiloi @ 2 pts Up to 20
Indian infantry Irregular O Bowmen @ 4 pts or Psiloi @ 2 pts Up to 3
Thracian infantry Irregular S Auxilia @ 4 pts Up to 6
Lydian or Medizing Greek hoplites Irregular I Spears @ 3 pts *6 to 16
Extra to upgrade Greek hoplites to Irregular as Thebans @1 pt Up to 1/2
Egyptian marines Regular F Blades @ 7 pts $$Up to 6
Phoenician marines Irregular O Auxilia @ 3 pts $$up to 10
Lycian marines Irregular O Auxilia @ 3 pts $$Up to 4
Arab camelry Irregular I Light Horse @ 3 pts Up to 1
Indian 2 horse heavy chariot Irregular F Knights @ 9 pts Up to 1
Lybian 4 horse light chariot Irregular O Cavalry @ 7 pts Up to 1
Extra to upgrade Libyan chariot to Irregular F Knights @ 2 pts Up to 1/2
Cyrus' camelry Irregular O Camelry @ 6 pts **1 to 5
Cyrus' scythed cariot Irregular O expendables @ 10 pts **1 to 2
Cyrus' mobile tower Irregular S War Wagon @ 10 pts **1
Persian oared triremes Regular O Galley @ 3 pts Up to 20
Extra to upgrade triremes to Regular S as Phoenician oared triremes @ 4 pts Up to 6
Persian ships Irregular I Ships @ 2 pts Up to 20
Extra to upgrade ships to Irregular 0 as Phoenicians @ 1 pt Up to 10

Home Terrain Availability: Major Water, Minor Water, Brush, Gentle Hills, Steep Hills, Knolls, Plains (clear).

Minimums marked * or ** apply only if troops so marked are used. Those marked **, only the camelry may be taken without the orders. If other gimmicks are used, then all must be. If any troops marked ** are used, then only other troops the army can include are. Guard, Persian and Median cavalry, and Immortal, Persian, Median, Assyrian and paplilagonian infantry. Troops marked $$ can serve on galleys. Troops marked $$ or $ can be placed on ships. Phoenician marines may only sail on Phoenician vessels.

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