History of the World

Part II: The Wargame Campaign

by Terry Gore

This is a brief history of the rulers in the campaign, to give new players a background to the current year 1256.


The current archduke has just died, having come to power in 1233 as the first active ruler of that state. It had been the seat of the Emperor and contained the imperial treasury. The new emperor handed over Bohemia in return for his treasury. The Archduke successfully invaded Venetia in 1234. After fourteen years of peace (three turns "pacifying" Venetia) the Archduke invaded Apulia while the King of Sicilly was besieging Tunis, on his way home from liberating the Holy Lind. He started raising a new army in Apulia in 1250. In 1254 the Prussian army invaded Venetia. In 1255 Apulia was pacified.

The new ruler will have to decide on his priorities: make peace with Sicily and return to Venetia; build up the Apulian army; invade Naples and let the Prussians worry about the Mongols behind them; bribe the Mongols to invade Venetia.


The current Emir has just died. Having come to power in 1246, when his predecessor was deposed for paying "Danegeld" to the Byzantines and Sicillians. He was instrumental in financing the founding of the state of Epirus, as a counterweight to the Byzantines. He took Tripoli in 1251 and Algeria in 1252 from the Sicillians while they were busy with Tunis. He kept his lands at peace for ten years (three turns), but failed to rebuild his armies, which are very weak. And the Seljuks are stirring in Asia Minor.


A minor state who's army is only just recovering from its disastrous war with Venetia in 1225. It was the seat of the Emperor for some time, who did nothing to rebuild the army, spending his revenues in creating new provinces, none of which have remained with the Bavarian state.


Formerly the county of Savoy, it became the duchy of Burgundy in 1255. The count of Savoy came to power in 1233 and invaded Avignon in 1234 as part of the "Barbarian conspiracy" to dismember France. A French army invaded in 1238 and ceded the province, recognising a Duke of Burgundy when one outgenerals them. In 1247 he went on crusade to Provence, liberating it from the Grenadines. In 1255 the province of Burgundy was constituted from Avignon. Motto: "Walk softly and carry a big army."


The Byzantine Emperor came to power in 1246, his predecessor having failed to return from his conquest of Bulgaria. He constituted the province of Thrace in 1254 just in time for an Epirot invasion in 1255 which demolished his field army. Will he have time to reorganize his forces before the Despot of Epirus advances on Byzantium?


A collection of defenceless German states, plus Milan. No field army, but a reasonable income. Start canvassing now.


The current chancelor came to power in 1246, his predecessors having' failed to recover France. subdue the Scots, or even defend London from the Welsh! Has spent his time rebuilding the English armies and founding a supply base in Normandy to facilitale this.


A minor state constituted in 1249. Invaded Thrace in 1255, defeating the Byzantines. Once Thrace is pacified, Epirus will need a Despot.


The current king inherited the throne in 1246 with a hostile army in every province. He has bribed and treatied his way to recovering most of his country, and rebuilt his armies. He knows who his friends were.


The current emir inherited in 1250. finding his army in Gascony, his Iberian empire under threat, and a crusade preached to turn him out of France. Selling Gascony to France in 1250 he conquered Leon from the Portuguese in 1251 and invaded Castile in 1252. Andalus was reconstituted from Castile in 1253, and the Portuguese invaded Castile in 1254. The Grenadine army was too weak to face them, and is preparing to withdraw.


The current emir inherited in 1246 after a period of uncertainty in Moroccan affairs. The previous emir had died in 1237, having Invaded Provence and Sardinia. On his death his empire was divided between his sons, one taking the Iberian provinces and army. the other the African provinces and army. Both sons died fairly quickly, leaving their affairs in confusion. The army in Sardinia was built up during the interregnum, while Sardinia was being pacified and the Sicilians and Egyptians were roaming across North Africa. He's got the men, he's got the ships, he's got the money too.


The current ruler inherited in 1214, when his predecessor died at sea on his way to the Holy Land. He continued the crusade and captured Palestine in 1232. He was excommunicated in 1233 for failing to repay the pope the money advanced to pay for the crusade. He inherited the kingdom of Cyprus in 1234 (paying for a new province). The excommunication was raised in 1216, a settlement with the pope being agreed. The Franks in Syria rose against the Saracens and with Sicilian mediation gained control of the coastal province of Outremer. The pope's money paying for a new province. In 1245, taking advantage of a crusade against the Moors (the Iberian ones!), he marched homeward, passing through Egypt peacefully, taking Tripoli and Algeria and laying siege to Tunis. A revolt in Sicily in 1246 reputedly caused by Moroccan gold, and an Austrian invasion of Apulia in 1248 led to the abandonment of the siege and a return to Sicily, while the Egyptians swept up the African provinces. Some interesting diplomacy could be seen soon.


An army, an income, and a good position for trade.


An elective kingdom, currently sharing a ruler with Prussia, whose Hungarian province has just been invaded by a Mongol army.


The current ruler inherited in 1230, and conquered Navarre in 1231 after spectacularly defeating a Grenadine invasion of Portugal. In 1240 the province of Leon was separated from Navarre. In 1246 after pacifying Navarre Aragon was liberated from the Grenadines as part of the crusade to drive them out of Francc(!). The Grenadines took Leon in 1251, but lost Castile to the Portuguese in 1255. A slow, steady unification of the Iberian peninsula, but both the Aragonese and Navarrese are just waiting for a chance to throw off Portuguese rule.


The current chancellor came to power in 1253, also winning the Polish election. He invaded Vendia in 1254, and a Mongol army invaded Hungary (previously conquered by Prussia) in 1255.


Currently awaiting the coronation of a new king, the, previous one having died in 1251 having being forced to cede Normandy to the French after being deserted by his Flemish allies. The Saxon army was allowed to rebuild in Normandy by the gracious consent of the king of France.


Following the withdrawal of the English in 1240, Scotland pursued an active foreign policy, invading Flanders in 1246 in pursuance of a claim to the Crown of that duchy. The duchy of Frisia was separated from Flanders in 1251. Swedes on one side and Saxons on the other.


A newly coalesced state, awaiting its first sultan to take office, and a lot of defenceless Ayyubid teritory to hand.


Having just pacified Denmark, it is awaiting a new ruler to take office.


The curent prince came to power in 1236 and slowly built up a trading empire. New townships were founded in 1240, and the Marches reorganised in 1253 into the provinces of Chester and Gloucester. With the English committed to France, Wales has slowly built up an impressive little state.

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