

by Terry Gore

As SAGA enters its seventh year of publication, I'd like to thank all of the many subscribers who have purchased this newsletter and my PALLAS ARMATA booklets. You will quickly note that this issue of SAGA has very little in the way Of advertisements in it. I'd like to say that this is because I don't need the revenue which ads bring in ... far from it! I sent out a total of 24 letters to the various hobby merchandisers, figure manufacturers and peripheral producers who deal in figure-related materials. The response is reflected within.

Times being what they are, I know money is tight, and advertising budgets (my own music store's included) have been slashed. Unfortunately, this makes it difficult for the small hobby journals to survive, relying simply an subscriptions. I'll continue to plug my own products, of course, hopefully making some of the lost monies up in additional sales, but I hope that some of you will support those companies which do take out ads in journals such as this one, thus keeping smaller hobby publications going.

My latest PALLAS ARMATA booklet, dealing with the Anglo-Scottish wars should be available by the time you receive this issue. It contains eight scenarios, in the same format as the SCENARIOS booklets. I've already started work on the next one, being another 20 scenario BATTLES AND LEADERS booklet, covering battles from 1141 to 1415. 1 believe the Anglo-Scots booklet will run $8.00 including postage, and the BATTLES AND LEADERS booklet be $10.00 postpaid.

The tournament season is fast approaching and I've been fool with the Normans (again!) This year I would like to try this army in 25mm, and since the figures are already painted, based and flocked, it's a simple matter of deciding how to use them! One problem with Normans is their disastrous outings against Pike and Elephant armies. A further call for period specific tournaments? But, again, if you make it to the bigger 'open' tournaments, you have to face the unpleasant with the good.

Lately, Dave Ottney Seljuqs have been giving me fits. Hey, if Bohemand could handle these guys, so can I, right? Not yet!

Also received the 'new' WRG Biblical/Classical Army List Book. Very nicely done, with element costed instead of individual figure costed lists. The very number of lists (four Spartans!) expand, t period specific feel of the armies quite nicely. I'm (of course) looking forward to the Dark Ages lists!

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© Copyright 1993 by Terry Gore
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