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[Editors note: the following set of Electric Football Rules are to be used with the Tudor Electric Football Product. These rules were written by Dan Reardon and hosted by John Cordry in an annual Lion's Den Electric Football Tournament since 1987. Enjoy this blast from the past during this years Football Electra Bowl.] Skilled Players 1. Quarterback and Two Replacements: 40% Base chance to complete a pass or pitch-out. Add the sum of a rolled 2D10 to each of your three quarterback's base abilities. Determine starting quarterback, as well as second and third-string replacements. 2. Place Kicker and Punter: 70% Base chance to complete a field goal, conversion attempt or punt. Add the sum of a rolled 2D10 to your kicker and punter's base abilities. 3. Figures used for Quarterback, Place Kicker, and Punter must be designated before tournament begins. 4. Drafting: Quarterbacks, Kickers, and Punters have a career of 1D4 Seasons, rolled when skilled players are drafted. New players may be drafted in the presence of another player each new game year. Old players must be released before drafting occurs. 5. Drafting Bases: All players will draw 12 bases, these bases will be used throughout the entire regular season, playoffs, and electrabowl. You may trade bases in the regular season but not after the playoffs begin. Defective bases may be substituted with the permission of the commissioner only. The bases are not allowed to leave the host house after play begins. Definitions 1. Tackle: The ball carrier is considered tackled only when an opposing player's base touches his base. The ball is downed at the point on the field directly under the forward point of the ball carrier's hand. If the ball carrier turns and begins movement toward his own goal line, the coach is allowed to move that carrier ONCE back in the disired direction. Each time the offensive coach stops play, the defensive coach is allowed to turn ONE player in any desired direction, including stoppage for pass plays. If the carrier again turns, play is stopped and the ball is downed at the point at which he turns. 2. Out of Bounds: If any portion of the ball carrier's base or the ball touches the side line of the playing field, he is out of bounds and play stops. Play is resumed on the next down at the in bounds mark on the yard line where the ball went out of bounds. 3. Fumble: If the ball carrier loses the ball for any reason, it shall be considered a fumble. Play is stopped. Each coach may then position, but NOT MOVE, THREE players to move in the direction of the ball. The first player to touch the ball has recovered and may move until tackled. 4. First Down: The offensive team is allowed four downs in which to gain ten yards. 5. Touchdown: A touchdown is scored when any part of the ball crosses the opponent's goal line, or when a pass is completed or a fumble recovered by the offense in the opponent's end-zone. 6. Safety: A safety is called when a ball carrier is tackled behind his own goal line or when a player recovers a fumble behind his own goal line. Two points are given to the opposition and the ball is punted by the team who has been scored against on their own twenty yard line. 7. Die Rolls: Each game table will be provided with 3 10-sided dice 2 black and 1 white on all percentile rolls the white die is always the tens dice. Sequence of Play 1. Determine Climate and Crowd Noise: Percentage die are rolled, Consult Team Roster Sheet to determine by home team coach. Consult Team Roster for weather and crowd noise conditions. 2. Determine Starting Kick: A coin is flipped by home coach or neutral party; visiting team is allowed to call. Winner may elect to kick off or receive. 3. Arrange players on field: Kicking team lines all players no farther than its own 35 yard line. Receiving team may line NO MORE than five players on its own 40 yard line. Kicker rolls 3d10 + 20 + his ability modifier to determine distance of kick. Ball is given to Kick Returner and is placed according to the chart below: Play begins on offense's Play From Scrimmage 1. Offense sets front line; SEVEN players must be on the line. 2. Defense is allowed all players FIVE YARDS in front of the offense. 3. Offense may set backfield, and places the ball in the hands of either the quarterback or a ball carrier. 4. The defense may re-position four players FIVE YARDS in front of the offense. Play continues until ball carrier is tackled, 5. TO RUN: Play continues until tackeled or player reverses direction twice, or scores. 6. TO PASS: Quarterback may pass UNTIL ANY PART OF THE QB'S BASE crosses the line of scrimmage. A coach may elect to drop quarterback "in the pocket." Offensive coach removes the quarterback's base and places quarterback in exact position on the field before base was removed. Quarterback then must stay in pocket, and may not drop back more than 10 yards behind the line of scrimmage. If quarterback moves farther than 10 yards, he is considered sacked. If a defensive player tackles the quarterback the offensive coach must roll 1d10 and consult the INJURY TABLE. When the offensive coach finds a receiver he must call "PASS" and play is stopped. Eligible receivers are running backs, tight ends, and wide receivers designated at play's start. Eligible players must face towards opponent's goal line or side line. If any part of the receiver is pointing toward the offense's goal line, he is considered ineligible. To pass, offensive coach rolls 2d10 and declares which die is the "tens." If the resulting percentage is equal to or less than the quarterback's modified chance for completion, the ball has been caught. If the number rolled is greater than the quarterback's chance, the pass is incomplete. A -1 die modifier is accrued for every yards PAST twenty yard's distance from the FRONTMOST part of the quarterback to the BACKMOST part of the receiver. Defensive coach may roll 1d10 for each defensive player within five yards of either the quarterback or receiver. a "10" indicates the pass has been intercepted. That defensive player then becomes the ball carrier, and defensive coach then controls ON/OFF switch. If any part of a defensive player is touching EITHER the quarterback or the intended receiver, the defensive coach is allowed a 3 in 10 chance of interception. a 7-10 on a ten-sided die indicates an interception. 7. To Punt: Teams are set up according to regular formations for play, except that kicking team must set ONE player SEVEN YARDS behind line of scrimmage to indicate punting spot. Punter rolls 3d10 + 20 + punter's quality and measures from FRONT of punter's BASE. Kicking coach rolls 1d10 to determine on which side of the field the ball lands. Punt returner is given the ball and may return the punt if not out-of-bounds. A FAILED punt roll indicates the kick has been blocked. Ball is given to RECEIVING team player nearest the punter and that player becomes the ball carrier. 8. To Attempt a Field Goal: Teams are not set up. Percentage roll is made by kicker. A -1 penalty is accrued for every yard past the twenty yard line. Failed rolls are always considered incomplete, and opposing team begins first down at the same line where kick occurred. 9. Time: Game time is 60 minutes. Players may take a break at halftime the team that recieved the first half must kick off. Electrabowl Cheat Sheet Tables and Roll References PENALTIES: Rolled after EVERY DOWN. Defensive coach rolls percentage die AND 1d10 to determine any penalties. (1 - 5 Def. - 6 - 10 Off.)
06-10 Holding. Offense, 10 yards; Defense, 5 yards 11-90 No Penalty 91-95 Pass Interference if Pass Defense: 15 yards from line of scrimmage, Automatic 1st down Offense: 5 yards. Illegal Block if Run, 10 yards 96-00 Personal Foul-Unsportsmanlike Conduct, 10 yards. Kick: 3d10 + 20 + kicker's modified quality Kicking coach rolls 1d10:
5-6 left in-bounds marker 7-8 right in-bounds marker 9-10 out of bounds. Play begins on offense's 35 yard line if kick, or on spot out of bounds if punt. Punt: 3d10 + 20 + punter's modified quality from spot of punter Field Goal: Percentage roll: A -1 penalty for every yard attempted passed twenty yards. Failed attempts results change of possesion at line of scrimmage. Pass: Percentage roll: QB may not drop back more than 10 yards, if "in pocket" must remain so. A -1 penalty for every yard past twenty yards from the FRONTMOST part of QB to BACKMOST part of receiver. Injury Table: Offensive Coach must roll 1d10 for EACH Player who sacked quarterback.
9: QB is winded and must rest 2d10 OFFENSIVE downs. 10: QB sustains injury and is out for rest of game. Roll 1d10:
7-8: QB is out for next game 9: QB is out for next two games 10: QB is out for rest of season Back to Table of Contents Penny Whistle #40 Back to Penny Whistle List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1999 by Lion's Den Publications. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |