by Jon M. Haworth
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The La Fiere Causeway was captured on June 9 after intense fighting had occurred. Members of the U.S. 395th Glider Regiment and the 507th Parachute Regiment fought with armor support against members of the 1057th Panzergrenadier Regiment, also with armor support. Outnumbered 4 to 1, the German troops held the initial Allied attack at bay, it was just a matter of time however until reinforcements arrive to help repel the Allied onslaught. This scenario was designed around this event, however it may not follow the actual event perfectly. The map above is wht the Axis know about where the Allies will enter. Feel free to mark this map for gun and troop emplacements. AXIS FORCESThe defending Axis force will consist of armor and infantry units from the 1057th Panzergrenadier Regiment as described below. 1057th PANZERGRENADIER REGIMENT
2- PzKw VG Panther Tanks; crews may be up to elite status. 2- PzKw IV H Panzer Tank crewed as above. 1-Command Squad; Commander may be elite status only. 1 - Infantry Squad, may not be elite in status. Armed as normal except for the addition of two panzerfausts and a MG42 tripod-mounted heavy machine gun emplacement with additional crew of five. 1- Pak40 75mm AT gun and crew of five with SdKfz251 half-track for transport. 1 - Pak36 37mm AT gun emplacement with crew of three. 2- Pak43 88mm AT gun emplacements with crew of seven. The first gun has a total of five rounds, two are smoke and three are AP; the second gun has a total of seven rounds, three are AP, two are HE, and two are smoke. >AXIS OBJECTIVE Prevent the Allies from crossing the causeway and establishing a bridgehead. Hold this position until reinforcements arrive from Amfreville. This stretch of countryside is a very important link to other destinations in France,, this causeway must not be taken. Reinforcements wrIt come into play on the 7th turn for this scenario, you will receive two PzKw VI Tigers. The Panthers on the table are low on petrol and willr un out on the roll of a 10 on a ten sided dice. GAME PLAYThe Axis forces must be placed on the fidd or marked on the map if hidden positions are desired. Hedgerows (dark wavy lines) can not be traversed by tanks and block line of sight Fields will cut movement by 1/2. The area marked flooded is just that, flooded and impassable. The three Panthers have fallen back to a positions inside Cauquigny, they have been involved in the fighting to this point, but appear to be unscathed. Each unit has 1D6+6 rounds of AP and 1D6+6 rounds of HE. Smoke rounds add up to 2D6. The PzKw IV is in Cauquigny at the start of the game and must be placed in view of the Allies. This unit has a full compliment of ammunition. The German troops receive four mines that may be placed on the map. If infantry come into contact with the mine it will explode on a D10 roll of 9 or 10. Armor that enters a mine field will trigger a mine on a 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10. Effective radius is 3" from center point of mine. The operation commander may be decided by a die roll between the commanders of the armor and infantry.UNITED STATES ARMY BRIEFINGAs Allied troops start to breakthrough the defenses of the German defenders following D-Day, they began to run into pockets where the German Army had dug in well and were prepared for a long fight. Other situations found the German troops running to find locations where they could regroup. The La Fiere Causeway was captured on June 9 after intense fighting has occurred. Members of the 325th Glider Regiment and the 507th Parachute Regiment fought with armor support against members of the German 1057th Panzergrenadier Regiment, also with armor support. Outnumbered 4to 1, the German troops held the initial Allied attack at bay, it was just a matter of time however until the Allies were able to break through and continue march. ALLIED FORCES The attacking Allied force will consist of an armor unit from the 325th Glider Regiment and infantry units from the 507th Parachute Regiment as described below. 325TH GLIDER REGIMENT
8- M4A3 Sherman Tanks; crews may be up to, but not including elite status. 507th PARACHUTE REGIMENT
2- Infantry Squads; may not be elite in status. Armed as normal except for the addition of a bazooka with five rounds and a .30 cal. tripod-mounted light machine gun. ALLIED OBJECTIVE Reach the other side of the causeway and establish a bridgehead. Hold this position until reinforcements arrive from Ste. Mere Eglise. This stretch of countryside is a very important link to other destinations in France, this causeway must be taken. Reinforcements will not come into play for this scenario, you are on your own. GAME PLAYThe Allies may start 12" in from their table edge. Hedgerows (dark wavy lines) can not be traversed by tanks. Fields will cut movement by 1/2. The area marked flooded is just that, flooded and impassable. There are three German PzKw VG Panthers that have fallen back to positions somewhere in Cauquigny. They have been involved in the fighting to this point, but all appear to be unscathed. A PzKw IV can been seen in Cauquigny and appears to be oblivious to your arrival. There are four rounds of 105mm howitzer rounds that are available to the command of the Allied forces. The operation commander may be decided by a die roll between the commanders of the armor and infantry. Located by the bridge over the Merderet River are four boats suitable for four infantrymen with their gear. The boats can transport troops across the flooded area of the map to within three inches of the edge of the bank. It will take one turn for all four troops to launch the boat into the flood water. A fully loaded boat may travel four inches each turn if not under fire. If under fire, the boat may only travel two inches. The movement rate will be cut by 1/4 for each crew member that is incapacitated or killed. Once the boat can no longer travel closer to shore, the troops, if they choose, will have to go by foot. The water at this point is up to waist high and will be traversed as difficult or 1/4 movement rate, plus provide soft cover against attacks. Good luck! ![]() Back to Table of Contents Penny Whistle #38 Back to Penny Whistle List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1998 by Lion's Den Publications. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |