by Abram Paradies
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(From the records of Tamara, Historian to the Torontair, Duca Octil Year Three of the Third Age.) ... The background of Brock of Hillsboro is rich and interesting. When we first learned about him, he had advanced from a common life to one of adventure and vitality. He came from a quaint little Timoin smial in the Hillsboro section of the Toridar South Maple Forest; an unlikely spot for such a character. His house was not a great big one like that of the Pip family, but one of great warmth and tenderness none the less. His parents were robust and true farmers of the hillsides. They raised a notable crop of corn in the summer and wheat in the winter. Perhaps it was this farmer background that gave Brock such an understanding of nutrition. His father had always wanted Brock to get something that he never had: book learning. Therefore he sent him to a small Eyri Monastery in the town of Blustery... ... after Brock completed his studies, he had become an accomplished physician and a durable hand to hand fighter. He was at that time one of the fastest fist fighters that Hillsboro had ever seen... ... there was one problem however, Brock wasn't happy with the disciplined life of the Monastery. After each year that he trained, he became more restless. One of the masters noticed this and called him to his office for a conference. Here is a brief section of the conversation as recorded in Master Nap's files: (Master Nap:) "I have noticed that you are experiencing a great yearning to leave. This is true, is it not?" (Brock:) "It is true, Elder." "Have you forgotten that we will ask you to search for the promised Torontair, one day?" "Must I wait more, Elder?" (Nap smiled.) "You understand many things that the world does not. You have great knowledge of how to cure people of their illnesses. You have great abilities both to defend yourself and the cause of Light in Arveta. You have loving parents, caring friends, and understanding professors. Are these things not valuable to you?" (Brock lowered his head.) (Nap proceeded:) "Do not be sad, young one. Before I send you out on a quest, I first had to be sure you would stay if we thought it was best." (Brock's head picked up and he positively beamed.) "You mean?..." "Precisely. You leave in the morning...." ... As you can tell, Brock was posted on an assignment earlier than most of the Monks had intended. There was; however, a reason for that: Dariel: (excerpt) ... That she was a Ranger of Dondor was all the Hillsboro Timoins were sure about. She always wore her hood over her head, but locks of her sandy blonde hair lay out around her neck. The Timoin men reasoned that she must be very attractive. Her sword was bigger than a woman normally would carry, indicating that she was very strong. She stood a full foot taller than most of the Timoins. She had bright blue eyes that seemed to look right through you when she talked, and she had a pretty face. Still, she seemed tired and forlorn, as if she had been on a long journey of some sort. Dondor was; of course, at least 720 kai to the North-West of Hillsboro. Few men, and fewer women, ever came to Hillsboro. Those that did were usually trappers, hunters, or fishing men from the Vivar River. One woman riding by herself caused quite a stir. She seemed used to the attention and minded her own business. When she asked to speak at the next Hillsboro council session, rumors flew about her visit... (excerpt from Dariel's speech:) "You of Hillsboro are not used to dignitaries. I am one. See me. (She removed her hood. Then all beheld her beautiful face and long flowing hair.) I am Dariel of Dondor. I was once in the care and training of the Light Knights of the Torontair. (Gasps and bewilderment. A soldier for sure, but a lady knight?) I am one of the few that would have been commissioned if the treacherous Charge Supreme had not disbanded us and tried to hunt us down. He has told you lies: That the time of the kingship is past, false. That there is no heir to the throne of Arveta, false. That you need to bow down to him instead of the True Lord of Heaven, absolutely false. How long, Oh you of Hillsboro, will you hide among the hills of the Vivar valley and ignore the world around you. Battle is coming. Get prepared. The forces of the Charge Supreme are about to take hold of all of the territories in Dondor. The Castle of Frost is right now under siege. Those of South Gate Castle have fled into the Desert of Dune Winds. Your brethren in Fairgreen have left secretly for the valley of the North Fairy Peoples. Believe me or not, we are at war. If you will fight, prepare an army that can move where we will send it, and look for the Seal of the Torontair." Needless to say, the reaction to Dariel's convicting speech was one of astonishment. No one had spoken that way to the council in a long time... ... Dariel went to the Monastery to enquire if they would provide her with a squire and a physician to take with her North. She got both: Brock the Flash of Hillsboro... Back to Arveta 4 Table of Contents Back to Arveta List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1999 by Abram Paradies. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |