by Abram Paradies
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When everyone had stopped laughing it was apparent that Elkin wasn't. He just sat there and watched the fire. One by one they all looked at him again. He stood up slowly and spoke: "There was a time when the Elves of Wildwood danced and sang on the shore of the Vivar -- before this, before Baldor. I enjoyed this stay with you. For an instant, I thought of those happy times. Perhaps, one day, they will come again..." Tato stood up when no one else saw the depth of Elkin's grief. "I, for one, will not rest until there is peace again in Arveta. I say we make plans now. And if we live or die, we will see them through!" With that he drew his sword and pointed toward the sky. The bright glow of it shone like fire. Kip stood up and pointed his sword skyward. "For Arveta and the Seat of Dondor! Hooray!!" Rollvag stood up and brought his sword high. "For Vasquenta and the new Prosperity of both Peoples!" "Arveta!" said everyone else while they arose with their own swords held aloft. Elkin smiled. "Perhaps now I know why I have waited so long." The swords were sheathed and all but Elkin sat down. Elkin spoke immediately: "It will take two nights of flying to reach the caves without being seen, if we count all the scouting that will be required. Therefore plan accordingly. I will not console you. What we will attempt will require great discipline. There can be no loud talking or shouting at any time, and we must travel slowly and carefully -- perhaps more slowly than you can stand. If we succeed in rescuing some or all that we can, there will still be a march back. There could be great misery. Remember to pray. Above all, pray. (pause) There only remains the last hour to bring our journey." Rollvag looked at Elkin and said: "Before I give the approach plan, I think we would all like to hear how the battle is going in the other places." "Very well, Ask. What I can tell you, I will." "Where is Galahad, the Dondor Knight, and what is he doing?" "The fearsome Karwe, Galahad, is somewhere in the wild North Reaches of Dondor. He is trying to gather what support from the people and Nomads that he can. He is faced with the turning away of most of the people of Dondor." "Why won't he fight them?" "Does a man turn upon his own people with the sword? It is not the sword that has turned them away, but the lies of the Charge Supreme. When it is time to use the sword, believe me, he can and will." "What happened to all the knights?" "Most grew old and infertile, some passed on, all were hunted down by the Charge Supreme." "How many are left?" "Two, and the other shall remain nameless, Rollvag." "Well, what happened to the Torontair?" "He was locked away in the Pinnacle of the Seat of Dondor, the Castle Proper. At the end, only the Monks were allowed to visit him. All else is not to be spoken of just yet." "Who is the Charge Supreme and what is his government like?" "He is a usurper and a braggart. He once was a general. Now he sits on the throne of popularity..." "Why, Elkin, why didn't the Toridarian people throw the Charge Elect of Toridar out?" "Those that tried were hung out on the wall of the Seat of Toridar..." "Why are the Dorfus and all of these, ah, scum, doing all this?" "Rollvag, dear Sir, you are asking me to define Good and Evil. Rest assured that there is a True Lord in the place beyond, just as there is a Force of Evil! Avarice and Envy are two of the reasons why the Dorfus and others are doing this, but the revenge for the ancient order of Arveta once established is central. Where a knight delivered a righteous group from an unrighteous group, the unrighteous felt resentment of that justice. Some repented, as the Kanokai; others never learned justice. Be warned: the people have often fallen away from grace. As for how the Evil is placed there and grows, I am not omnipotent. You have already made choices that place YOU with the Good or with the Evil. Again I say, The Good will triumph in the End, in spite of it all. I, for one, will stand with the Good, because they have the promise. And I will do everything in my power to aid the coming of that End, and the promise thereafter. (Here, Here!) Just remember that we all have the choice to make in this life." Rollvag paused a few seconds, and then turned his thoughts to what lay ahead: "Where will the rescued stay when this is over?" "If I may suggest so, why not the dwarven ruins?" "What," cried Tato, "How are we to defeat the curse of that place?" "Oh the curse is real enough; but, wise Forester, would you have the curse forever disclaim you? Together we will overcome it. You will see." Rollvag smiled. "I'll bet the place is even fortified!" "Ah, the General is using his good sense..." Elkin now turned to other matters: "I know that you have all been wondering about our fairy companions. This is Finnie, and this is Flippie. They are both Princesses and they are sisters. They are quite a bit older than they look. I will tell you this: When their time comes to aid us you will surely be glad that they came!...I believe that Tato now wishes to address you." Tato rose slowly and looked ahead into the gloom: "I do not wish you to call me Sir. I have a place among you just as you have a place in my heart. Please, Tato will do. Now I have another matter to address: I am bothered by a recurring dream. Let me tell you of it: Back to Arveta 3 Table of Contents Back to Arveta List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1999 by Abram Paradies. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |