by Abram Paradies
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Rollvag set the parchment down to dry and walked over to Tato. The Freeman reached up with one hand and brought it to rest lightly on Tato's shoulder. Tato's eyebrows raised as he waited for Rollvag to speak: "Tato, there is more than meets the eye concerning the Kanokai. We are but ten against and army and we had enough trouble with a patrol!" The Forester stared at Rollvag in disbelief. "Rollvag run?" he asked incredulously. "You, who merely heard the word `battle' and sped into the distance screaming war cries? You, who charged into the fighting without so much as a thought? You want to cower while the Ard slaughter the Kanokai? You?" Even the shield star could not turn away Tato's verbal arrows. Rollvag blinked a couple of times, as he recounted mentally the purposefulness of his speech: "It's a fine line between being cautious and being reckless, and an even thinner one between being a coward and a hero. Rushing into battle is as disastrous as fleeing from battle. Furthermore, we are alone and must do what the Kanokai, for all their size, cannot do themselves. We count on two things in our favor: we have surprise and we are a tightly knit band with skills greater than our number." Rollvag emphasized his next point: "To take advantage of both, we must act as one. Those that rush off without thought..." Rollvag paused as the memory of his race against the wind with only a sword in his hand flashed through his mind. "...must learn restraint." Tato smiled and said: "I surmise that we all know that now." Rollvag removed his hand and let it drop awkwardly to his side. He continued: "Yes, we must help the Kanokai and quickly. But we must be prepared. Let us FLY to Trader's Nest -- a ten centas journey -- dispose of what weighs us down, and buy supplies for the expedition. While we are there, we can speak of the Elven Plan and consider what each must do. Also, we must devise a way to travel without being seen. It's real enemy territory this time..." Rollvag's words penetrated each adventurer's heart. Tato said "Well then, let's go!" as he turned toward Rugged. But Rollvag was not through: "Tato! There is a second reason for going to Trader's Nest!" Tato froze. Rollvag captivated everyone's attention: "Hasn't it occurred to you that Murki was searching for you???" Tato turned around and shrugged: "Yes, wise Freeman, I understand that the village is searching for me, but I have no real ties with them now." Elkin, who had been eyeing the two of them, now spoke up: "Young Tato," said Elkin, "You know that you have a duty to us as our Forester, but you also have a duty to respect and honor those who are part of your heritage." "Yes Tato," added Rollvag, "And there is also the matter of Murki's statement; about the `highest Toridar concern,' as he has said." "Yes," said Murki, "Dingle's instructions were to bring you back to the Trading Post." Tato's countenance fell because he remembered how Gvin had ordered him to remain at the Ranger's Cabin, and how he wished to be off looking for his real father and find some adventure. Now it seemed that they were holding him back. "I had not wanted to realize." he said sadly. Tara went up and touched Tato on the cheek. She said gently: "I believe that Dingle loves you, even as your real father must have." Byc, who had been silent up to now, said "I perceive that Gvin does also." Byc closed his eyes for a moment and added: "Gvin has been hiding something -- some real purpose -- but I can tell no more than that." Kuros filled it in: "Of course! Gvin wanted you to stay put not because he didn't care about you any more, but because he had a reason for you to stay home!" Murki gave the answer: "He wanted you to receive my message. The one that I have flown over 700 Kai to bring here." Elkin began to laugh. "Well," he said proudly, "I see that I have a crop of proverbial geniuses here! In fact, you have all reasoned it out correctly!" Tato felt much better and turned toward Murki: "Why did you come here?" Murki smiled and answered: "First, I flew here with a message from my Schoolmaster to Dingle. Really though, it was for you. Then, when you weren't to be found, they dispatched me to look for you. Only now, I'm afraid that Dingle, his son, and Gvin are all out there flying around! Dingle went North and Gvin went toward Baldor!" "Oh no!" cried Byc, "the Drog are in the West!" "Hold!!" said Elkin sharply, "The Elves have already stopped Gvin and Dingle and brought them news." Tato turned toward Elkin this time and asked: "Elkin of Toridar, what do you know about all this?" Elkin's countenance grew rigid as he stated: I can tell you no more than this: When the time comes for me to reveal what I know, you will clearly understand." Even Cher seemed happy despite the ache of her former injuries, which is all that remained after Tara had applied her medical skill. "Ladies and Gentlemen," interrupted Rollvag, "we now have the matter of supplies to gather. As I have said already, let us make haste toward the Village..." They loaded up the spoils and mounted upon their beasts. Grimheld still stood there calmly with his arms crossed and watched them. Tato looked over at him and asked: "What will you do now, Sir?" Grimheld smiled broadly, took out his whistle, and piped it twice. Then, a dozen more men appeared from behind the upper bluffs. They led their fine effereet down toward Grimheld and the Adventurers. "I am quite prepared, young man." said Grimheld proudly. One of the soldiers led a fine, sturdy bird up to Grimheld and he mounted upon it. "Boy!," blurted Rollvag, "I'm glad you are on OUR side..." The sound of beating wings filled the air as the pegasi and the effereet launched themselves skyward. The soldiers took perimeter positions as the adventurers assembled themselves into a V-formation. Since Cher was still in no condition to fight, Tato had to take the scouting duty... Tato knew the terrain well. He urged Rugged to climb upward in order to see far ahead of the others. The crook in the river where the village lay soon became apparent to him, but the details of the Post he could not yet pick out. He liked the way Rugged responded better than the smaller effereet. He contemplated about how pegasi made better steeds: faster, stronger, and more maneuverable; although not much more durable. Suddenly Tato spied something unusual: Two winged, faintly glowing figures flew from the direction of the village toward him. Tato touched his bow to be sure it was handy and nervously thought how Rugged had not been taught to fly without the reins, so Tato's hands would be free for the fighting! This feeling of alarm did not last long, because a soft, melodic song abruptly filled Tato's ears: Far Away, Far Away,
Tato thought that they were Elves, but he asked himself: "How could Elves be flying? Besides, the music is too sweet." As the figures approached, Tato realized that they were Fairies, because they looked very much like Cher! As they came closer still, he could see that they were young, petite girls. They were a little smaller than Cher and appeared to be half flying, half zipping along. He believed that they could fly very fast if they wanted to do so. Rugged slowed down as the two girls paralleled their course with his, one on each side. Tato's owl woke up and said "Who!" in surprise. The two Fairies came close and began dancing and hovering about. Their speech and antics were full of frolic: "Tee-he he he!" laughed the one on the left. "Tato, Tato, worse than a potato! Tee-he he he!" taunted the one on the right frivolously. "But we like you anyway!" said the one on the left. "Yeah, we do, Tater-head!" laughed the one on the right. "Who are you??" asked Tato. "I'm Finnie," said the one on the right, "and I'm the funniest!" "I'm Flippie," said the one on the left, "and I'm the SERIEST!!! Tee-he he he." Tato laughed and asked: "What are you doing here?" Flippie answered him saying: "We've come to keep you company!" "Why?" asked Tato in bewilderment. "Because our boss told us to!!" answered Finnie. "We've been dispatched by Finniway, King of the North Dondor Fairies!" answered Flippie. "You ARE Fairies!!!" stated Tato happily. "Yes, of course!!!" said Finnie and Flippie together. They then sang: "Fairies, Fairies,
"How cheerful you are!!" said Tato. "It takes quite a bit to make us sad!" said Flippie. "Better glad than sad, Pumpkin head! Tee-he he he." laughed Finnie. "Say, he's kinda cute..." she added. "Now, now, Finnie, you can't have a crush on ol' Tater-head, can you???" laughed Flippie. "Oh, very well then," said Tato. "My group is going to the Trading Post -- in fact, they're behind us!" "Oh, you mean we can't have you all to ourselves???" teased Finnie. "Now quit, Finnie!" laughed Flippie. Then she looked at Tato and said "We didn't know if you had started traveling yet or not, but here, the village is near; let's land with the others!!" Tato looked behind, and sure enough, the main group had caught up to them. ![]() Back to Arveta 3 Table of Contents Back to Arveta List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1999 by Abram Paradies. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |