by Kevin Zucker
There are three books, actually, published by Tondeur's press, "Editions de la Belle Alliance." These are: "Hougoumont," by B. Coppens and P. Courcelle; "Les Armees de Waterloo, 1815," by B. Coppens; and "Ceux qui Bravaient l'Aigle," by P. Courcelle. Upcoming volumes will cover "Le chemin d'Ohain (l'attaque du 1er corps)," "La Papelotte," and "La Haie Sainte," scheduled to be released by the end of this year. Each volume is about 90 pages, large format, with dozens of color plates. These volumes cut through all the re-hashed half-truths we are so used to seeing, and present the battle in a fresh perspective. For more information on these books, please contact:
Editions de la Belle Alliance, Jean-Philippe Tondeur |