by Kevin Zucker
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SEVEN DAYS OF 1809 Chris Moeller has created some very attractive counters for our playtest use. Thanks Chris! Seven Days of 1809 covers the Abensberg-Eckmühl operation and will beour next game published. Please place pre-orders at NEW AT NAPOLEONGAMES.COM The 'Napoleonic History' section has been moved over from the 'old' Napoleongames site. Click on the button on the left-hand side of the main page and you will go to a history of the Napoleonic Wars. We have more material to add... Look for new uploads at our site each weekend! Mark James, our new admin, is working on a secret animation project for dynamically representing the campaigns. Dick Vohlers has combined the rules for the NAB-series Campaign games into one booklet. With this new booklet, players no longer have to look at the Standard booklet, then the Battle rules, and then the Campaign rules. This combined Campaign rulesbooklet is ready and waiting for posting at the website. (Updates are done each weekend, so check back regularly.) MHP BOOK UPDATE: The book sale will be continuing at our website through the end of February. We have now added the MHP Books to our Store Order Form, so ordering them is a lot easier. OSG receives half the proceeds on sales of these books which are helping defray the production and mailing costs of our Fall flyer. We have orders for 19 MHP Books: 'Napoleon's Finest' - 7, 'Both Books' - 6. BOOK CHARGES: The Davout book will be published first, to appear in March. If you have already ordered, we have begun processing charges for 'Napoleon's Finest' this month. THE PRE-PUBLICATION PROGRAM Updated P-250 standings (as of 02/12/2004) The standings show the quantity of 'will buy' orders (1's and 2's). Here are the response codes: 1. Will definitely buy one copy. 2. Will buy two copies 3. Will buy one copy from my local brick & mortar store. 4. I would like more information on this title. 5. I may consider buying the game after it appears in print. Pre-Orders as of 02/12/2004. Counts 1's and 2's only
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