Kevin Zucker
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A. LAST DAYS OF THE GRANDE ARMEE 11.51 Grand Batteries (addition) Horse and Foot artillery must be from the same corps in order to combine fire. EXCEPTION: The French may combine fire from foot and horse artillery from different corps. This is considered a "Grand Battery." The French player may have only one Grand Battery on any given turn. B. LA GUERRE DE L'EMPEREUR This is an update to the 2nd Edition Rules. We have reworked the rules governing pursuit, as well as The Battle Options and Related sections. 5.513 Entering Provinces Occupied by Enemy Armies When an Army moves into a Province containing an enemy Army, each player rolls a die and "modifies" the result by adding any Commander's tactical rating. If the moving player rolls a modified result higher than his opponent's, proceed immediately to resolve the attack. If the non-moving player's modified result is higher, he has the "initiative" and may choose to fight a battle or to retreat to an adjacent friendly Province (see 5.612 and 5.616). (If the modified die rolls are equal, roll again.) NOTE: If the Initiative Player chooses to retreat at this time, the Garrison remains behind, and the moving player must besiege it at least once (there is no additional Movement Point cost for this first attempt, as it was paid when entering the enemy-held province). The defender does not suffer pursuit losses. 5.612 Strategic Battle Sequence Players roll on the Approach to Battlefield Table. Then follows a short decision cycle, resulting in one army either retreating or attacking. (see steps 1 through 8 below). If an attack is made, the battle is resolved (one six-sided die is rolled by each player). Victory Points and Pursuit are determined, and the Moving Player's turn continues.
2) Attacker Rolls on Approach to Battlefield Table. 3) Players count how many Corps they have in the battle. 4) The Initiative Player may choose one option:
Retreat Auxiliary Option Bombard 5) If there was no Attack in Step 4, the Non-Initiative Player may choose:
Retreat Auxiliary Option Bombard 6) If there was no Attack in Step 5, Initiative Player MUST choose:
Retreat 7) Attack Resolution. 8) Collect Victory Points (5.628). 9) Conduct Retreat and Pursuit (5.629). NOTE: Pursuit occurs only after an attack is resolved. If the Initiative Player chooses to retreat before combat, there is no Pursuit. 5.615 Initiative The player who gained initiative when entering the province choses one of the following options: 5.616 Battle Options The Retreat Option Choosing this option means that the player must retreat his army into an adjacent friendly province, risking casualties from pursuit (see 5.629). If the defender retreats after a battle has begun, he takes any garrison (except Ghost Divisions) with him, and the attacker gains control of the province immediately (after scoring VPs for the victory and placing the new garrison). If there is no adjacent Province to which the enemy army can retreat, it may retreat through enemy occupied provinces, losing divisions as in 5.6291. The Auxiliary Option This option allows the player to roll on the Auxiliary Options column of the Offensive Options Card (see 5.6272). The Auxiliary options "Redeployment" and "Rally" have no effect; all other options are handled normally. The Bombardment Option Roll one d10 per artillery unit present: each result of '10' is a hit causing 2 enemy divisions to be eliminated. These must come from different Corps if possible. Note: In Tactical battles the "bombardment" result on the Auxiliary Table functions differently (see 5.6272). The Attack Option Once either player decides to attack, the Battle is resolved. [Editor sez: We have been working on a new 'Continental System' rule to bring in the effects of the blockade. The current text of this new rule follows...] Trade embargo (see 4.24) 4.241 France's Continental System Embargo If France has an alliance or an enforced peace with all of Russia, Prussia, and Spain - or failing this, has troops occupying all of a nation's ports bordering on the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean - and if France also controls Holland and Hanover, the Embargo limit goes up to 10 VPs per year (instead of a maximum of 5 VPs). In addition, Britain may buy no more than 5 VP's that winter. If the enforced peace or alliance between Russia, Prussia or Spain and France expires, that nation may still be considered part of the Embargo at the player's discretion. If an 'inactive' NPC (see 3.31) that nation remains part of the Embargo. [Editor sez: We are going to print 93 new counters for La Guerre, which will be included on the counter sheet for the Sun of Austerlitz. We would like to hear from you with suggestions as to the ratings of the leaders of the French Revolutionary era that we will include on the sheet.] Here are the additional Leaders:
Rus Bennigsen Fr Davout Macdonald Soult Fr Eugene Suchet Marmont Sp Blake Palafox Additional Pre-1805 Army Commanders:
Fr Dumouriez Hoche Pichegru Fr Augereau Bonaparte Pr Brunswick Möllendorff Au Beaulieu Wurmser Alvinczy Au Coburg Kray Melas Ru Suvorov Sp Ricardos Back to OSG News May 2002 Table of Contents Back to OSG News List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 2002 by Operational Studies Group This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |