by Kevin Zucker
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4.24 France's Continental System During any turn in which (a) French troops occupy Berlin, or (b) France and Prussia are allied, the French player may declare an embargo banning British merchandise from European ports controlled by France and her allies. The French player may cancel the Continental System at any time. During each winterphase, at the end of the VP Collection Step, all player countries participating in the Continental System inflict VP losses on Britain (4.244), pay penalties to the bank (4.245) and advance their Embargo marker one space on the Victory Point track (4.246). 4.241 Historical Note
The Continental System was a powerful weapon that caused more than just financial harm to Britain, it was politically destabilizing as well. At the same time it hurt Russia, it was good for France, the Confederation of the Rhine, and Italy. Napoleon invaded Spain, Portugal and Russia to enforce the Continental System. 4.242 Ports of Trade with Britain "Ports of Trade with Britain" include all provinces bordering on the Baltic Sea, the British Isles zone, the North Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean. 4.243 Ports Included in the Embargo During the Embargo, (while the Continental System is in place), if France has an alliance or an enforced peace with any nation containing ports of trade with Britain, or directly controls ports of trade with Britain, then the affected trading ports are included in the Continental System and closed to British merchandise. In addition, a player country not allied with, at war with, or under an enforced peace agreement with France, may voluntarily join the embargo, closing all its trading ports, and may also leave it again voluntarily. 4.244 Embargo Effect on British VPs Britain loses Victory Points every winter, assessed on a country by country basis, depeding on how many years that country has been part of the embargo (see 4.257). In addition, for each minor country port of trade closed to British merchandise, Britain must deduct one Victory Point. 4.245 Effect on Economic Value During their participation in the Continental System, the participating countries have their total economic value reduced by a specified amount of Gold which increases each year the country participates in the embargo (see 4.258). 4.256 Tracking Player Country Participation Use the VP Point Track on the map to track the number of years of participation by each country in the embargo. Move their marker forward one space on the VP Track each year. The marker only moves if a PC is pariticpating in the embargo during that winterphase. Example: If Prussia joins the embargo a number of years after it was declared by France, she will pay $2 for her first year of participation and move her marker one space on the VP track. If still part of the Continental System the next year, she will pay $5. A Player who voluntarily joins the embargo may withdraw from the embargo at any time. A country that is allied with France may only leave the embargo by leaving the alliance. A country at enforced peace with France automatically withdraws from the embargo when the enforced peace expires. During years of Enforced Peace with France, the marker advances normally. A Nation's marker doesn't move during Winter Turns in which it isn't a part of the Continental System. If a country withdraws from the System, then rejoins at a later time its marker will not be reset to year one but will pick up from where it was and begin to move forward again. 4.257 VP Losses Inflicted on Britain For each country participating in the embargo, Britain loses the number of VPs listed for that country below. This cost increases by one VP after three years.
In addition, each minor power port of trade owned by a blockading player inflicts a 1 VP loss on Britain. 4.258 Economic Loss to Blockading Country During the Tax Collection Step each Winter Turn, each participating country suffers the appropriate income loss, as shown below. This cost increases every year that the country participates in the System. The Economic costs are shown below in the following order: first year - second year - 3rd year - (etc.) of continuous participation in the embargo:
Minor power ports of trade controlled by a blockading player generate no income. France subtracts $15 from its listed economic loss if at least one other nation is participating in the embargo that year. That means France would actually gain income during the first two years if another country participated in the embargo. EMBARGO START MARKERS Will be added To Counter Sheet
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