by the readers
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From: Keith Cumiskey
Just returned from MonsterGame.con in Tempe, AZ. I was really impressed with the number of games OSG contributed as door prizes (I just hope too many of them didn't go to "PanzerPushers." I know at least one didn't ... one of the guys in the game I was playing won a copy of 1806. After we perused the game, I was convinced I had to pick up a copy (and I have been a fan of the NAB system already). From: Jeff
Thanks for the update on Highway to the Kremlin. I would say you and The Gamers handle the pre-pub offers better than any other publisher I have dealt with. Your work has always been outstanding, so there is no doubt HttK will be worth the wait. From: Mike Traynor
I get to ride along on your energy and enthusiasm for the subject when my own aren't up to doing it myself. That enthusiasm you have comes through in the games and is one of the things that makes it easy to get caught up in them. I got the same effect from Richard Fortey's excellent "Trilobite! Eyewitness to Evolution" in a bit of history that makes Napoleon look like he lived yesterday. I wouldn't have though trilobites could be so interesting, but the author's love for his subject does the trick. ... From: Jerry Malone
I pre-ordered Highway to the Kremlin with a credit card what seems like 2-3 years ago. I was wondering if I was still on the list. I am very excited about this new release (or any release from OSG) and I want to make sure I get Highway as soon as possible. A lot of us have waited a long time for a simulation of this campaign. I'm SO glad it's coming from you. I have all your Napoleonic games going back to before AH's Struggle of Nations, and I have learned much history from them. Since the reemergence of OSG your games are THE standard for Napoleonic operational and strategic games. (And I have designed two NBS games for The Gamers.) Thank you for all your hard work and great games. From: Mike Hellyer
I got La Guerre de l'Empereur in the mail today. Thank you for the very fast shipping. While it looks like it would be a really good game to play, I was expecting more of a Diplomacy game and less of an Avalon-Hill mega-game (30 pages of rules and 560 counters? wow!). Is there a 4-page introductory game? Or, is there a group in the Chicago area that plays this that I can watch? Otherwise, I'm afraid it's going into storage in the garage with the other games that require days rather than hours to learn. I wonder who has time to figure out how to play these games. It's back to Avalon-Hill Waterloo or SPI Quads for me. [Editor sez: La Guerre players from the Aurora, IL area get in touch with Mike!] From: Colin Fraser
I have all the original 1970's OSG games and they are classic. I just found your site and pre-ordered the Russssua game. Can you let me know if the "Bonaparte in Italy" game is an update of the original or whether it is a smaller subset of that game. I'm glad I found you. I have been out of boardgaming for years but will make an exception and buy anything in your Campaigns of Napoleon series - gotta have them all for retirement!!!! [Kev sez: Our 'Bonaparte in Italy: The Quadrilateral,' covers only Scenarios IV through VII of the original Bonaparte in Italy. We are taking pre-orders on the 'Expansion Set' that continues the terrain westward and includes Scenarios I - III and VIII (Marengo).] From: Zachary Grant
Greetings! How are you? I'm sure your very busy with organizing the final days of preparation for Highway to the Kremlin, yes? I'm writing because I'm wondering if there are any special offers still left when pre ordering HTK? I have a friend who is interested in purchasing HTK, but he and his wife just had a little baby girl, so he isn't really prepared to purchase a new game at the moment. However, I would hate to see my friend miss out on pre ordering HTK. Then I thought, if there are any more special offer left, why not get those as well? So, what I'd like to do is pre order another copy of HTK for my friend. I'd also like to know if there are any special order offers left so that I can take advantage of that as well. Even though I've already taken advantage of this once, your games always make great gifts and this would be a great way to obtain them. If I've missed out on the special offers, just let me know and I'll pre order a second copy of HTK for my friend directly on the web page. If, however, you have any special offers left, let me know how you wish to handle this and I'll do as you direct me to. Thanks again and good luck with finishing up what looks like a fantastic game, [Editor's note: there are still several four-game offers remaining.] From: Jeff and Jimmy
The listing on your web has Bautzen as part of the 1813 quad. Has the line-up been amended? Will the Bautzen game be put on the pre-order schedule (if so, you can go ahead and sign me up)? [Ed. sez, Yes. The four titles in the 1813 Quad are: Grossbeeren, Katzbach, Kulm, and Dennewitz (23 August, 26 August, 29 August and 6 September 1813) The same designer, A. Fontana, has a Bautzen game (two maps, NLB system like the above). Bautzen needs two full sized 22 x 34" maps. I can't sign you up yet, but were definitely adding the Bautzen game to the line-up when we get a chance.] From: Danny Parker
I know I am always hesitant when I receive things like this, so please forgive me if I affront someone. The simple message is boycott Exxon/Mobil which is largely behind the Global Climate Coalition (GCC). The message from GCC/Exxon: 1) We don't really know for sure if the earth's climate is heating up or, 2) It may be heating up, but we don't know why. They also hire the best experts. You can read more in _The Wall Street Journal_ on March 22, 2001 ("Scientists Work Becomes Group's Fodder"). From what I can discern, the preferred companies to buy gasoline from are: Shell and BP-Amoco (who both have large divisions supporting renewable energy). Also, both companies refused to support the Exxon/oil lobby position dismissing climate change. Both Ford and GM have also left GCC. Yet, Exxon/Mobil continues boldly on... Take a look at their seductive information for yourself: See any bias in their coverage? Contrast with other coverage of mainstream science: And a more recent one from the National Oceanographic Data Center published in _Science_ on April 13th: Exxon/Mobil and the GCC only understand the almighty dollar. Accordingly, refusing to buy their products allows effective communication in their chosen language. [Editors Note: In my opinion, our response to global warming now will have a profound impact on the quality of life of future generations. The Op-Ed piece, 'A Tiger by the Tail' by Thomas L. Friedman can be viewed at the following url. It appeared in the June 1st edition of The New York Times.] 2da39a7e From: "Beth Brody", the world's largest online military history archive, is celebrating its 5th full year in business as a subscription-based content web site by posting its 1,000th magazine issue.'s success stems from a bountiful mix of compelling content, constant new uploads, economical pricing, no advertisements, and the convenience of one site. To showcase its archive, offers about 100 free sample articles from the various publications. MagWeb's 1,000th issue is First Empire #57 (March-April 2001), a British magazine of Napoleonic history, with articles on Dutch Revolutionary Wars (Part VI: French Invasion 1793), Hornblower Sails Again! (interviews with actors and the director of the series), Situational Awareness and the Napoleonic Commander, and The French Skirmisher (Tirailleurs De Route et de Combat). In addition to all the major Napoleonic Journals, MagWeb also features OSG's Wargame Design Magazine (including Vol. 1), OSG's monthly Enews (all issues), and the complete rules to OSG's '1806.' Check out From: "E Pervier
Chers passionnés d'histoire, Nous avons le plasir de vous informer que le site de l'Association Belge Napoléonienne a été entièrement repensé. La nouvelle présentation de notre site a été chargée ce week end et est visible sur Si cette nouvelle présentation vous plait, relayez-là auprès de vos connaissance. Une dernière chose, si vous souhaitez profiter de notre rebrique lien pour faire connaître votre propre site, n'hésitez pas à nous le faire savoir. Un échange de relais est toujours appréciable. Et puis, entre passionné d'histoire, ne faut-il pas s'aider? Bien confraternellement Patrick MAES Président de l'Association Belge Napoléonienne. Back to OSG News June 2001 Table of Contents Back to OSG News List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 2001 by Operational Studies Group. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |