by Kevin Zucker
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WHERE ARE WE GOING? I am heading to visit my parents on their 50th anniversary for a few days. Highway to the Kremlin is going a bit behindhand, but it will be worth the wait. I'll be stoping off to see Joe in Berkeley, to check progress on the map and make final corrections ('lotta villages on this,' says the creator of our Bonaparte in Italy, NAB and 1806 maps). Masahiro's lavish counter and box art is done, but I haven't seen final corrected art yet. We are still considering which printer to go with for the box and other components. Look for a March 30th release. PUBLICATION SCHEDULE Even this newsletter is late. Chris M. told me 'We'd rather have you working on 'Highway to the Kremlin' than wasting time on email!' Chris wrote an article for Wargame Design, see rough draft of the intro, below. 'Kremlin' is really coming together and I wish I could share that, but it is better if I spend that energy actually working on the game. The rules appear to be done, and the 'Fire Intensity' rules are especially intriguing to me. This ties-in to French victory conditions for the campaign, and you won't know until you get there how the Moscow Fire may impact your chances of victory. Wargame Design # 6 is still done, still waiting for a new credit card processer. We have one on the way. The four-page flyer went out to The Gamers list, and our domestic list, but not overseas yet...maybe tomorrow? Orders for Highway to the Kremlin have really picked up. We are officially at 235 but more have arrived that haven't been logged-in. They cover about two-thirds of the production cost for 'Highway.' Keep 'em comin' folks... With a sigh of relief I am pleased to welcome Paul Denhup