by Kevin Zucker
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Some questions can be answered immediately, and some require more time. Often the latter involve difficult concepts that require extensive reference of the rules, and other times it is just difficult to figure out the problem the gamer is having. Some of these questions came in last week; the last group of questions have been sitting around since July. Again, PLEASE begin each question with the paragraph number that is causing the problem. It will speed up your reply... BONAPARTE IN ITALY
Q) Standard Rules, 147 & 148. I am not sure, because in 147 seems that a Force can participate in different combats without limitations (except that originally attacked forces are no longer present), and in 148 seems that there is a limitation, you can only participate in other combat if the enemy force is eliminated in the first round. You can also make another combat if you fail a Repulse during pursuit. Could you please explain these to me? A) 148 is the rule, 147 should not be understood to contradict 148. Exclusive Rules, 165 & Combat Results Table. In accordance with 165 a Force defending in Forage Mode is benefiting of a two columns shift to the left, and in attack there is no penalty. I do not understand this, because a Force in Forage Mode is better in defence than a Concentrated one, which does not have sense for me. Also, in the Combat Results Table, the Forage Penalty is a shift of two columns against the force in Forage Mode, which in my opinion has more sense. What is the actual modification of a Force in Forage Mode for defense and attack? A) The Combat Results Table is correct. 165 should specify shift 'right.' NAPOLEON AT BAY - campaign game
1) Where does the Vincennes garrison set up? I can't find a town called Vincennes, so I am assuming it sets up in the Bois de Vincennes (W0229 or W0230). A) Yes! 2) The Exclusive Rules specify a quality for each garrison unit, but there is nothing about the physical appearance of the garrison counters that would indicate their quality. Besides, in what way would the quality of these units have any effect on the play of the game? I'm assuming that they can't be absorbed into other units. A) See the Attack Effectiveness Table, first line 3) The French Major General Organization Display has tracks for 8 cavalry major generals, but the counter mix only has 5. Which is the correct number? A) Eight, and use vedettes in place of the missing Major General counters. 4) Am I correct in assuming that the Paris garrision units may be returned to "garrison", thus "renewing the replacement process", only if there are no enemy forces within 7 MPs of Paris? A) Yes. 5) There doesn't seem to be a strength track for the Paris garrison units. Yet, according to the Paris Garrison rule, the French can use these units as a source of replacements prior to their appearance on the map. Am I correct in assuming that one must keep a side record of some sort to keep track of their strengths? A) Use whole units at a time and just remove the unit from the 'pool.' 1806
Can vedettes be used for reconaissance by using them to (pretend to) repulse enemy units, and then they retreat before combat in the next phase avoiding the -2 col attack. Meanwhile other phasing units not stacked with the vedette could attack the unit revealed by the (faux)repulse attempt. It seems legal but the more I think about it I'm not sure it's in the spirit of the game (yes I've used it myself). LEGAL yes or no? A) You are right. If a vedette tries to REPULSE anybody he should be eliminated totally without any revelation of the target of his repulse. Re: Roadmarch - Units in roadmarch ending their movement can ignore "friendly cav. brigades and vedettes, plus their ZOCs" - DOES THIS MEAN THEY CAN STACK WITH THESE UNITS, not just simply move adjacent - if so it means they could get combined arms benefit in defence if attacked, which is not possible under your earlier clarication and errata communications - Surely it must be "can ignore the ZOCs of friendly cav. brigades and vedettes which are also in Roadmarch"? A) Yes. More Roadmarch - I am correct in thinking that units in roadmarch can move through units not in roadmarch AND VICE VERSA with no penalty? A) Yes. Imagine the scene: It is actually EASIER for a unit in roadmarch to move through a (stationery & not too hostile) unit, because its 'wake' is less disruptive. It is relatively easy for MPs and orderly officers to clear the immediate vicinity of the road. A unit in road march hardly exists in a military sense. But spend one MP (roughly an hour's march) and you can unite most of the unit. A MOVEMENT/COMBAT EXAMPLE - A Vedette (in roadmarch for the sake of argument) moves next to an enemy unit and attempts to overrun it (never going to be possible of course!)the both units are then placed in their revealed state - say the enemy unit is a 2SP infantry brigade - the vedette is marked with the -2 col attack marker for the next phase - the phasing player continues moving and moves at stack of 2 infantry divisions, 2 Cavalry divsions and a leader adjacent to both his own vedette and the enemy brigade. In the following combat phase the vedette retreats before combat and the enemy brigade finds itself on the wrong end of a massive combined arms attack (the -2 marker having gone with the vedette) - is this all legal? A) YES! Travel with cavalry, *use* your vedettes. LAST DAYS OF THE GRANDE ARMEE
Two things, first, we have been played 1806 with 7 people during 3 days. Nice game, best of the series. Second, about last days, I am doing a campaign game and I've got a few questions. For anglo-allied démoralization, do we allow one point for the french for each nationality demoralized? A) Yes. See 12.14 So If Nassau is demoralized, do the French receive one victory point at the end of the game? A) Yes. If you lose one Nassau unit, protect the other one. The elan rule is nice but quite difficult to play : What should I do if a force is not in the ratio (11.74) and the rest of the force in the hex has to withdraw because it missed is elan check? A) Withdraw or do another Elan check: pass-stay in hex; fail-run away. For leader benefit, what should I do for a multiple hex attack? A) What rule is giving you the problem? Last thing, two French hexes attack two Prussian hexes. French force 1 attacks Prussian force 1 and French force 2 attacks Prussian force 2. FF1 missed its elan check and has to go back. FF2 must only attack PF2 or must attack the two prussians forces? A) It must attack the two. Back to OSG News January 2001 Table of Contents Back to OSG News List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 2001 by Operational Studies Group. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |