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SCS Series Errata 1. The example of combat, pan 2 is incorrect in stating that unit 6 cannot use the Exploitation Phase. In its ending position it can. If it had moved to hex A, it wouldn't be able to do so. 2. The "beginning of movement" provision in the overrun eligibility rule refers to the beginning of the Movement Phase, not the stack in question. 3. Stacking is in effect at the end of movement and at the instant of an overrun attack. Overrunning units may stack with non-overrunning ones when they do the attack. In that case, the total of the two may not exceed the stacking Limit and any adverse combat result only affects the units actually overrunning. 4. Players may never examine enemy stacks; only the top unit (or marker) may be examined. 5. Units with zero combat values may be involved with other attacking units in an attack and may be used to absorb step losses. 6. Reinforcements are placed on the map (and are in-supply at the time) at the very beginning of the Movement Phase. They begin their movement from the hex containing the entry area, not from off-map, etc. Placement is unaffected by EZOCs (hexes containing enemy units are off limits) and entering units may overstack on placement provided the stack is split up properly by the end of the stack's first Movement Phase. 7. Overrunning units (attackers, that is) must enter the defender's hex should it become vacent during the course of an overrun. 8. Retreating units may stick together or split up as the owning player desires The same applies to stacking and advance after combat. Changes for the Revised Series Rules (due out with the next game) 1. A stack loses one step per EZOC hex retreated through-not one per unit as it currently is, a total of one step from the stack per hex. 2. Stacking points will be used in future games. One stacking point per step with the nurnber printed on the counter Stacking limits will be given in stacking points for each game and the current (confusing) stacking rule will be dropped. 3. Each target hex may only be overrun once in a given phase. Note that it is the target hex, not the units, which may only be hit once. Specific game rules can provide exceptions to this rule for a given game or side in a game. 4. Change the +2 to exit an EZOC to +2 to enter an EZOC. 5. Overruns cost 2 MPs to conduct. Overruns may not be conducted into hexes which would cost the attacking units 2 MPs or more to enter in regular movement (ignore EZOC costs in this calculation). Therefore, to overrun a hex which would normally cost I MP to enter would cost as follows: Cost of movement up to (and including) the adjacent hex, +2 MPs for the EZOC there, +2 MPs to do the overrun. That is all. 5-01 Stalingrad Pocket 1. The German supply rules infer that one can trace an unlimited distance to a supply source and then proceeds to define the map edge and supply units as supply sources. In the latter case, the distance is limited by the supply range of the supply unit. 2. The bottom Stalingrad Holding Box refers to hex 41.30, not 41.29 as printed. 3. The Supply Summary on the map incorrectly limits the Soviet Supply source to the East map edge. Rule 1.3d is more correct, the Soviets ran trace off the East or North map edges. 4. The two German airfields may never be involved in an attack and may never be used to absorb step losses for the attacking side. 5. Yes, that's a Rumanian Panzer Division. The German 1st Panzer is up in AGC's sector. 6. CHANGE: Soviet units must use the HQ of their historical designation for supply purposes. Reinforcements may draw from any Soviet HQ. HQs which do not have units assigned to them may only be used to supply reinforcement units. Units whose HQ is destroyed are perpetually out of supply. German HQs may supply any alert unit and are not subject to this rule. 7. The German 20th Infantry Division should be Rumanian. 8. In scenario 2, the German supply unit which is to set up in hex 36.77, should be in hex 38.27 Also, 524/297/4 should be in hex 40.27, not 40.26. 9. German units which begin scenario 2 pocketed are out of supply at the beginning of that scenario (even though they have not yet had a Supply Phase). 10. German HQs, unlike Soviet ones, are allowed to move off roads. Soviet HQs must remain on road features. 11. The Soviet Naval infantry "divisions" should be brigades. Questions and Answers Must I cover the whole front line in the set up, or can I concentrate in important areas, leaving others with gaps? Yes, you can concentrate and leave gaps as desired-a careful concentration is advised. At any rate, there is no requirement, whatsoever, to cover the whole front-line with units or ZOCs as in other games. Can a player use roads within an enemy ZOC? Yes, they can be used to help with movement. The only thing they cannot be used for is to get into an overrun target hex. Is the map edge a 'hard-boundary' that destroys units pushed off through it? Yes, if the only available retreat route is off map and the player doesn't take the no retreat option, the retreating unit (stack) will be destroyed. May units cross a pontoon to enter an overrun target hex? Bridges are expressly forbidden by rule 6.0g, but no mention is made of pontoons. Like bridges, pontoons cannot be used to enter an overrun target hex. Is the standard rounding rule applied to movement points as well? Yes, an out of supply unit which has a normal movement allowance of 5 would now have a movement allowance of 3. Do out of supply units have ZOCs? Yes, units have the same ZOCs regardless of supply status. Can HQs advance after combat? Participate in Overruns? Is there any sort of replacement for HQs lost in combat? Wouldn't some sort of Adhoc HQ be formed to take a lost HQs place? HQs cannot advance after combat or participate in overruns. German HQs can 'affect' both combats and overruns but cannot participate in any advance result-even in the case of overruns where the attacking units must enter the defender's hex should it become vacant. There is no replacement available for lost HQs. Adhoc HQs would be formed, but in the context of the game, a lost Soviet army HQ would (for the period of the game) completely derail the efforts of that army. Back to Table of Contents -- Operations #8 Back to Operations List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1993 by The Gamers. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |