by Bruce Peckham
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The trade-off for heavier firepower was a reduction in performance: speed, maneuverability or both. This was especially true of existing aircraft types that had external weapons packages bolted onto their wings or airframes. Other aircraft such as the JU88 and ME410 were versatile enough to be converted from a bomber or ground support role to the bomber destroyer mission. All of the destroyer types shared one common drawback -- they were extremely vulnerable to enemy first-line fighters. The variant rules for appearance and use in "B17-Queen of The Skies" reflect the zerstoerers weaknesses and strengths. The Smasher roster follows: ME-1109F-4/R6 The Bf 109F-4/R6 was fitted with an extra pair of 20mm MG 151 cannon in underwing gondolas. The increase in firepower was made at the request of General Adolf Galland and other top Luftwaffe fighter aces. The additional armament of the F-4/R6 was well received. The increased weight and added drag had a detrimental effect on the aircraft's handling qualities, however, reducing its capability as a "dogfighter", and the aircraft were used strictly as bomber- interceptors. ME-1109G-6/R6 The Germans added two 20mm MG 151 cannons in Rtistsatz 6 underwing-mounted gondolas on the Me-109G6/116, and 30mm MG 108s on the Me-109G-6/U4. Although devastating against American bombers, the Kanonenboote ("gunboats"), as their pilots called them, were unable to outmaneuver or outrun the Allied fighter escorts. ME-110G-4/R3 The G-4 was principally a night fighter, but occasionally thrown into the breach against the day bombers. Armed with two 30MM and two 20MM forward firing cannon she could carry two additional 20MM cannon in a ventral tray. The 110s were vulnerable to enemy fighters and since 1940 served in the second rank as an excellent gun platform in the night fighter and fighter-bomber roles. ME-41OA-2/U2 The main operational night fighter version of the Hornisse was the Me 410 A-2/U2, fitted with nose radar aerials, a 50 mm BK 5 nose cannon for bomber destroyer purposes, two MG 17 machine guns and two 20 MG 151 cannons in an allfront armament configuration, except for the rear MG 131 barbettes. This was one of the most unique of many gun configurations of the Hornisse because of its tremendous destruction power. The BK 5 was a troublesome cannon for its automatic reloading system jammed easily, but a single round could bring down a four-engine bomber hit in any part from a 1000 yards. JU-88C-6C A bomber converted to a fighter, the JU-88C had a more than generous size, and this enabled it to carry powerful armament over long distances. But while well liked in its limited fighter-bomber/night fighter roles it was actually too slow for its task. The transparent bomber nose was replaced by a metal nose cap, containing at first three 7.92mm machineguns and one 20mm cannon - a relatively modest armament, but many models could carry two more 20mm cannon in the gondola under the nose. Smasher Appearance The Smasher variant is not intended to be a dominant factor in the game. Appearance of these fighters is therefore restricted to certain locations and conditions, the principal restriction being the limitation of only one Smasher in any given wave. All of the conditions and probabilities under which a Smasher is encountered are presented in Smasher Charts and Unique Rules. This variant and its components are completely optional. Players are encouraged to use all or part of it, or to change it to enhance their play experience. Smasher Unique Rules 1) If Poor Fighter Cover drives off a fighter, the Smasher is the first to go except in the case of the Me-109F-4/R6, which is driven off in accordance with normal fighter allocation procedures. 2) No green pilots fly Smashers. If a green pilot is allocated by M- 6 consider the pilot status to be veteran. 3) B17 defensive gunnery hits JU88 as an ME110 with a +1 to the gunnery roll. 3a) No aces fly JU88s. All aces on Chart M-6 become veterans. 4) The ME 410 has a 50mm cannon. When hits on Chart B4 (as modified for fighter type) are greater than 4 roll 2d6 for the last hit. Treat roll 2d6 of 2 as BIP on final hit per Chart 0-4 Effect of Flak Hits (a) and Rule 19. If not BIP play as a normal shell hit. If the hit is BIP the B17 is destroyed and surviving crew subject to uncontrolled bailout (Chart G-7). 5) B17 defensive gunnery hits the ME410 as an ME110.
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