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Each Entry has the Date of latest Revision: 2-12 A Frozen Hell (6 Oct 2000) 1. The Finnish 5/2/JR 16 company was printed with eight infantry platoons. Four of these are actually 5/2/JR 16, the other four should be marked as 6/2/JR 16. OCS Series (ver 3.0) (2 Oct 2000) 1. On the Transportation Equivalents list on the charts and tables (page 1), the final bullet gives the modified Rail Cap cost for moving through interdicted or damaged hexes. This is incorrect when it comes to damaged hexes, as they totally inhibit rail movement (as per 13.3e). 2. Delete 5.7h, Reserve Mode units can spot, provided they meet the other requirements for spotters (10.0e). 3. Delete the sentence in 10.0h stating that Air units conducting a Barrage are the only ... air units subject to Flak. There are other cases where air units get "flak'ed", see 14.9. 4. In 15.0c part B), the flak rating is the air base level minus one, not the level itself (as it is in the other rules and on the tables). 5. DUKWs can only carry items that could be carried by air transport. 6. The OCS Standard Markers illustration on page 3 of the rules incorrectly displays an air base symbol for the Hedgehog example. A real hedgehog can be seen at the start of 16.0 on page 29. 7. The Barrage Air Mission examples at the top of page 26 uses the old flak table. The first two examples roll as a +0 roll on the Flak Table. In the third example, the flak roll is done +1 (for the HQ). All examples show the attacks as undeterred by flak, which is fine, but the method shown is from the old rules. 8. 4.1 Action C applies only to traces from detrainable hex back to the supply source. HQ's always draw and throw and trace with whatever MP type they happen to have on the counter (enemy ZOC's block Truck-based MP traces, do not block leg or track based, etc). (This makes all these rules the same, regardless as to whether it is SP throw, or trace.) 9. Change the definition of Attack Capable units (4.8) to "Attack Capable units are ground combat units with an attack combat strength (nonparenthetical) of zero or more in their current mode. 10. Delete the last paragraph of 13.9 and replace with "See 14.1g for air units." 4-07 Sicily (17 Oct 2000) 1. Off Map Holding Boxes are unlimited ports as well. This is an inference from 1.5a, but I wanted to make it absolutely clear. Also, the reference to 3.4 in 1.5a is bogus ... it should point at a shipping rule which was moved into the series rules anyway, so disregard it. 2. Axis shipping can be used from these boxes to the available Sicilian ports (the restriction in 2.5a only affects the destination port, not the port of embarkation). 3. The Artillery Regiment of Napoli (1st Artillery Rgt) has "54" as its unit ID on the Move Mode side; this should be a "I ff as well. 4. The Alp G It Mountain Division costs the Axis player 2 VPs, just like the 29th PG early entry option. 5. The set up for scenario 5.4 calls for one more air base than was provided (oops), use any convenient marker or an air base from any other game in its place. 6. In scenario 5.5, the number of DUKWs should be 8, not 12 (reduce the DUKWs in B49.12 and B47.31 to 2 each instead of 4) and the level 1 air base in B47.04 should be in B47.03. The Coastal artillery battalion in A25.02 should be in A25.03 (dry land is something they need). 7. In scenario 5.7, the 16 Inf Rgt (1 Inf Div) should not be listed as dead. II-HG Pz Bn should be listed as dead. 5-07 Drive on Paris (3 Oct 2000) 1. St. Avald should be St. Avold (49.17), Remieremont should be Remiremont (52.04), Vitry de Francois should be Vitry-le-Francois (33.09), Marche-en-Famene should be Marcheen-Famenne (33.09), Maastrich should be Maastricht (35.33), Fontainbleau should be Fontainebleau (18.01), Gebweiler should be Gebwiller (56.05), Kaiserlautern should be Kaiserslautern (56.22), Phillpeville should be Phillipeville (28.24). 2. Siege Guns are not eligible to advance after combat (even given their 0 combat strength and the series rule regarding 0 strength units), nor can they be put into Reserve. 3. Siege Guns do not pay the EZOC cost adjacent to enemy units (given that there must be a friendly unit in the hex as well to negate that EZOQ. 4. The French Plan XVII VP hexes cannot be counted for German VPs, but can be counted for the French if captured at any time during turns 1-8 OR held at the end of the game (like any other VP hex). 5. "Infantry" for the German Forced March rule includes all the "other" infantry types (ersatz, fortress, mountain, etc.). 6. HQs cannot be put into Reserve. 7. In any combat involving the British as attacker or defender apply the following: On the Attack, give the British a +1 DRM to their roll on the Combat Table. On Defense, give the British one column shift in their favor. 8. In scenario 5.2, Nancy is worth 5 VPs and hex 46.10 is worth I VP. The issue is that Nancy is hex 46.10. The 5 VPs are for the city, the 1 VP is for the mine. There is no need to separate the values, so just treat the hex as worth 6 VPs. 9. The French Doctrine Line (FDL) ceases to exist on Turn 15, regardless of what the situation is (or if the Germans have crossed the Panic Line). 10. The Foch effect on reconstitution is too narrow in the rule (2.6). The rule states "He applies his 1 rating as a modifier. This statement is correct when Foch is ADFoch, but not when he becomes C-n-C. A better wording is "He applies his rating as a modifier..." 11. HQs cannot refit or reconstitute in an EZOC. 7-01 This Hallowed Ground (5 Sept 2000) 1. In scenarios 6.2 and 6.4 Archer's Repl leader (his flip side) should set up, not Archer himself. 2. In scenario 6.5, the reference to 12 NJ in D1.28 should be the 12 NH instead. 3. The headings for VPs for losses on page 7 show Confederate Losses on the far left, the heading should be for the last column on the right. 4. 1/1/1 commander's name is Meredith, not Meredeth as listed on the counter. 5. The 13th Alabama (Archer's Brigade, H3) has an Icon for Tennessee on it, this should be Alabama (of course.) 6. Variable Arrivals: Begin rolling on the turn listed, once per game turn. Reinforcements arrive if the roll is 10 or more on two dice. 7. Union Reinforcement Chart, Order explanation number 7 should read hex E8.31, not C7.32 for the road junction to turn onto the Wolf Hill Road. 8. In the four-map campaign scenario, Reynolds and the Ist Corps troops that normally enter at 8:00 AM in the five-map version need to be posted up the road two turn's movement given that this scenario starts at 8:30 AM. 9. The ANVa HQ currently enters without orders. It should have orders to move to Herr Tavern. 10. In 3/1/12, the 13 NY Regiment should be the 13 NJ Regiment. The data on the unit is correct, the name is incorrect. 11. The commander of 3/1/3 (DeTrobriand) should be a Colonel, not Brig. General. 12. The commander of S/J/2 should be Steuart, not Stueart. 13. Dave Powell and Rick Barber recently discovered (by a foot tour of a cow pasture) a heretofore forgotten feature of the Battle of Gettysburg (yes, as odd as that seems). There was a quarry on the 1st Day's battlefield that was a serious obstacle to movement. This feature can be shown by changing the following hexsides to railroad cut hexsides. B21.01 to B22.01, B22.00 to B22.01, and B23.01 to B22.01 with the up and down side effects as is true of the other RR Cut hexsides. The quarry had 10 foot high walls cut into the side of the hill. 14. A few State outlines that were botched: (All Reb Cav units and should be the state listed) 2 NC should be NC, I SC should be SC, Cobb Lgn should be Ga, JD Lgn should be Miss, Phllps Lgn should be GA. 7-02 This Terrible Sound (29 Aug 2000) 1. In all scenarios starting on 18 Sept, Robertson's Brigade is attached to JPD/ 1 until Law arrives. 2. In scenario 6.6, Thomas should set up w/i I A47.23 not A57.23. Also the set up for 2/2/21 and 3/2 /21 have the wrong titles (the brigade names are flip-flopped, but the units are correct in both). 3. In the 4-map Chickamauga scenario, Breckenridge enters at 11:00 AM, 19 Sept, at E62.10. He has orders to move to the vicinity of B47.30 and defend the crossing at Lee and Gordon's Mill. 4. In scenario 6.6, the reference to 23 Tenn/Sm/C/P should be to 29 Tenn instead. 5. In scenario 6.4, the 60 Ohio (3/2/ 21) sets up in A59.28. Also, BG Dick should set up with 13 Ohio, not 18 Ohio. 8 Kansas (3/l/20) should setup inB13.30, not B13.20. 6. No breastworks or Routed markers were included. Use any available markers to represent these-new counters will be sent to you as soon as available to solve this (they are being printed right now, Aug 00). 7. Losses and Scenario Starting Strength Table: The columns were shifted on the table so the strengths listed do not match with the scenario. The strengths given in the scenarios are correct. The actual columns should be: Full Strength-scenarios 6.1,6.2,6.7,6. 10, 6.11,6.12 Sept 19 Am-this should actually be Sept 19 Pm-scenario 6.4 Sept 19 Pm-This should read Sept 20 AMScenario 6.3, 6.5, 6.8. Sept 20 Am-should read just Sept 20 scenario 6.9 Sept 20-should read Sept 20 PmScenario 6.6 Sept 20 Pm-should read End-this is the end strength of each unit. Total, end Losses-should just read total losses-this is the number of SPs suffered by each unit in the battle. As a further irritation, some of the individual strengths have shifted. Any unit that has a "2' in the "Full Strength" Column has shifted over. Note that in each case, a number appears immediately after the unit ID. This is the full strength value. Shift all numbers one column to the right for the correct strength for a given scenario. 8. Directions in Orders: The following scenarios have order issues with direction: 6.2-the orders for 3 / 14 Division to attack west, should be attack "east" 6.7, 6.11, 6.12-In all Union orders, references to "west" should read "east" Cheatham's Division orders read to move to hex E12.13 - should be E12.10. 9. In all scenarios where Kershaw is in play, Kershaw is the acting division commander for M/1, as well as Brigade commander. Units of K/M/1 trace brigade radius to Kershaw, while Humphreys would trace divisional radius to Kershaw. 10. In scenario 6.8, "11 Ohio/2/2/ 21" should be 41 Ohio. "25 Ohio/3/l/ 21" should be 125 Ohio. "18 Ohio/2/3/ 21" should be 13 Ohio. 11. In 6.9, Ector, 32 Tex et al set up in A37.27 not A57.27. Circus Minimus (3 Oct 2000) 1. just so it is clear, there are essentially two "phases": Corpse Movement and Regular Movement. Corpse Movement includes any loose horses, unmanned chariots, and running drivers. The Regular Movement includes only manned chariots. In both phases, the pack order applies (front to rear, inside to out). In unresolved ties (two running drivers at the end of the median), flip a coin to see who goes first. 2. Appeal to the Gods gives 6 rerolls, not three as mentioned in the rules at one point (the other entries are correct). 3. Jumping into chariots occurs only during the foot guy's move not "as they go by". 4. Whip opponent rules are wrong in saying you use the Damage Table, the Whip Attack Table is correct. 5. When you whip another player's horses, apply that speed increase as the very last control function (after the player does everything he can think of to slow down). 6. Expand the description of how a running driver jumps onto the track from the median to include the following: "The dismounted driver can make his move by jumping down on the track into any of the hexes at or within 2 hexes of the end of the median. Running drivers cannot jump into the rectangular spaces near the end of the median; they can only jump into hexagonal spaces. 7. As per the rules, a wreck will contain all extra equipment the driver might have had. Drivers who voluntarily dismount can take any equipment they might have with them. Drivers pulled from their chariot in a wreck (or a whip attack) leave all extra equipment in their chariot (or wreck), but do bring their whip with them (if they have one). 8. Each player (read: driver) can get only one chance to do things in a given move. For example, a running driver might move as a corpse and get in an unmanned chariot. Even though he is now mounted, he does not also get to move in the regular movement cycle. Likewise, a driver that is tossed from his chariot after moving does not also get to move as a corpse. Circus Minimus Advanced Rules (3 Oct 2000) Advanced Chariot Capture Rules: These are optional, use them instead of the regular rules for chariot jumping/ capture if you like (we all find them to be a great hoot). In any case where a dismounted charioteer tries to get aboard another manned chariot (by jumping off the median or during the corpse move (moving the two spaces available to the running guy), roll one die to see if the attempt was successful. On a 5 or 6, the running charioteer successfully mounts the chariot (original driver remains in place) on any other roll, he is simply in that space, dismounted as before. There is no limit to the number of charioteers that can be in one chariot (but I've never seen more than two ... ). The chariot's owner (the guy driving it when somebody jumps in) continues to drive his chariot normally. (Beware of the weapon restrictions based on Control selection; you can choose hard whip, just don't expect to use your sword, too.) The chariot behaves normally for the owning player. During each move with such an arrangement in play, the corpse attacks once in his move (or he can jump off and give up). During the chariot's move, the driver moves normally, can attack running guy once, or can jump off himself. If (when?) one of the two guys gets killed in the fist fight, drop the corpse on the track at that point. The fist fight continues each move until someone is killed or gives up. Standard Rule for All Series: A unit cannot move from hex A to hex B unless it could also move from hex B to hex A This rule applies to ability as determined by terrain prohibited to some or all unit types, not MP cost. For example, a unit prohibited from entering mountains may not move from a mountain hex to a clear hex through a non-road, nonrail, non-track hexside. 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