If you have found any of the Gamers CWB games becoming
predictable with your gaming group, or have found it a bother to
decide which optional troops to use and which not to, or just want
to add some tension and uncertainty to solo gaming, you might find
these alternative reinforcement rules a treat. Using them for multi-
day scenarios, you will find the advantage swinging back and forth
over the game as you cope with the changing likelihood of receiving
that extra help we all need.
Imagine being the Union player on the first day at
10am All of H-3 has arrived and is pushing in 1
Corps in its defense of McPherson's Ridge. You are desperate for
reinforcements. You are unsure whether to fall back or not, or how far
to fall back because of your uncertain reinforcements. A look at your
reinforcement track shows that none of 11 Corps have arrived yet,
though all should be arriving very soon. 2, 3, and 5 Corps should
arrive in the afternoon, but 12 Corps seems to have been detained and
is unlikely to arrive today at all. Your hope to have 6 Corps arrive
tomorrow has been dashed as it now seems unlikely that it will arrive
at all before the third day of battle is over. On the other hand,
French's division seems that it might arrive tomorrow. You decide to
fall back to the town and the sunken road.
2pm Your new defensive line seems to be holding.
Some of Longstreet's Corps have arrived along with more of the
enemy's 3 Corps and 2 Corps, but the enemy's reinforcements seem
slow to arrive and none of the confederate supply wagons have arrived
yet. Most of the enemy's attacks are now artillery barrages and
flanking moves. You've had much of 11 Corps arrive in the past two
hours and so has part of 5 Corps, much to your relief. 2 Corps seems
set to arrive soon along with parts of 3 Corps. 6 Corps might arrive
tomorrow after all, but now it seems that the rest of 5 Corps might not
arrive at all for the battle. French's division seems closer to arriving
and should make it during the night. You decide to go onto the attack
in the late afternoon while your position is strong and the enemy weak.
Scattered about this article are alternative reinforcement
schedules. They all are similar to the variable reinforcement
schedules in the David Powell CWB games, but even more
turbulent. They also include all of the optional units as possible
The alternative reinforcement schedules work this way.
There are four stages for reinforcements. The larger the stage
number, the less likely they will arrive soon. Reinforcements are
rolled for during each side's straggler recovery phase. Roll two 6-
sided dice once for each force. The table below tells how the sum of
the two dice affects the stage for the reinforcement force.
Current Stage | Dice Roll: Result
1 | 2: force goes to stage 2; 3-7: no change; 8-
12: force arrives next turn |
2 | 2: force goes to stage 3; 3-8: no change; 9-
12: force goes to stage 1 |
3 | 2: force goes to stage 4; 3-10: no change;
11-12: force goes to stage 2 |
4 | 2-11: no change; 12: force goes to stage 3
Stage 1 is meant for forces that were just off map at the scenario start or that historically arrived soon after the start of the scenario. Stage 2 is meant for forces that would be expected to arrive later in the day, while stage 3 is meant for forces that arrive
the next day. Stage 4 is reserved for optional units or units that
historically arrived 2 days after the start of the battle.
Using this table, I estimate the following average times to
arrival for forces at each stage:
Stage |
Estimated average time until arrival, in hours
1 | 2 |
2 | 8 |
3 | 24 |
4 | 42 |
A few pointers on playing with these alternative
reinforcement could help. First, it would be simpler to ignore any
and all VP effects with these rules. If you're playing in a
competition or where Victory points are the primary goal, these
rules will just cause chaos. Next, these rules only affect the time of
arrival of reinforcements: the entry locations remain the same, as do
the orders on arrival. In some cases, the early arrival of certain
forces seems so crucial to the development of the game that the
forces are still given exact times of arrival with these rules. All
discussion of arrival times for optional units in the special rules
would be ignored.
In other alternative scenarios here, the first turn start is
different than in the scenario as published. This allows the
reinforcements to arrive at a closer time to when they should arrive
when using historical arrival. Similarly, in some alternatives,
players do not roll for reinforcements for the first few turns.
If too many units end up arriving on a given turn, then the
player chooses which are to arrive, and the rest sit off-map until
the entry area clears enough for them to enter in the next turn.
These alternative rules work best with multi-day scenarios.
The longer the scenario, the more stage 3 and 4 forces will arrive.
For a long enough scenario (like the four-day Gettysburg scenario
in TATC or the Seven Days), all optional units will likely
Warning Label
These rules should come with a large warning label.
Warning: These rules will produce games with wildly
unhistorical reinforcement arrivals.
Not only will some optional units start arriving after a
day or so of battle, but some Stage 2 forces will never arrive in
time, and there is a remote chance that a Stage 1 force won't arrive
either. Some corps can arrive without their supply, while other
corps might arrive a day or two before their artillery.
Anyone who uses these rules will quickly appreciate that
tension mounts with the additional uncertainty in your
reinforcements. The tension compounds because you are unsure of
your opponents' reinforcements. You will find that your plans will
change frequently based on the changing progress of
reinforcements. If you want to add to the excitement, you and your opponent can agree to hide the staging of reinforcements from each other. For solitaire play, you may find the uncertainty
will allow the momentum to shift from one side to the other allowing for multiple plans
to be implemented and changed as circumstances do.
I would be interested to hear from anyone with suggestions on how to
improve these, and to hear about your experiences. You can contact me at
1-01b In Their Quiet Fields, 2nd edn.
A relatively short game with too few
reinforcements to work in this format.
1-02b Thunder at the Crossroads, 2nd
Scenario 10: Full Battle
First Turn: 8:30 AM, 1 July, 1863
Last Turn: 8 rm, 4 July, 1863
In place of 6.12.4 (Historical Variable
Arrivals), use these alternate rules. Due to
the long length of this scenario, almost all
the units below will eventually arrive under
these alternative rules.
Union Reinforcements
8:30 am Robinson, 2-1, lb(4) (as per
game rules)
Stage Force
1 Barlow, 1-11
1 Howard, 11 HQ, Schurz, 3-11,
1 Doubleday, 1-3-1,2-3-1
1 Steinwher, 2-11, 11 supply, 1
2 3-3-1, 1 supply
2 12 Corps (minus Ind-12)
2 Sickles, 3 HQ, Birney, 1-3 (less 3-1-
2 2 Corps
2 Humphreys, 2-3 (less 3-2-3),
3 Meade, Army HQ/Supply,
Pleasonton, Cav HQ/Supply
3 Sykes, 5 corp, Barnes, 1-5,5b(5)
3 3 x Rb(5)
3 Ayres, 2-5,5 Supply, 5b(3)
3 Ind-12
3 4 x Rb(5)
3 3-1-3, 3-2-3, 3 Supply
3 Gregg, 3-2-Cv
3 1-2-Cv, Cb(5)
3 Crawford, 1-Pa-5,3-Pa-5
3 Kilpatrick, 3-Cv, Cb(5)
3 6 Corps
4 R-1-Cv, Cb(3)
4 2-Pa-5
4 French Division
4 Naglee Division
Confederate Reinforcements
9:00 Heth, A-H-3, D-H-3,3b(5) (as
per rule book)
9:30 P-H-3, B-H-3, 3b(5) (as per rule
Stage Force
1 AP Hill, 3 HQ
1 Fender, P-3, 3b(5), 3 Supply
1 Ewell, 2 HQ, Rodes, R-2,2b(5)
2 Early, E-2,2b(5)
2 Jn-Cav
2 Lee, Army HQ, 3b(5)
2 Anderson, A-3, 3b(5), Army
2 Johnson, J-2, 2b(5), 2 Supply
2 2 x 2b(5)
2 Longstreet, 1 HQ, McLaws, M-1,
lb(5), lb(2)
3 Hood, H-1 (less L-H-1), lb(5), 1
3 2 x lb(5)
3 Stuart, H-Cav, C-Cav, F-Cav, 2 x
3 L-H-1
3 Pickett, P-1, lb(5)
4 I-Cav
4 Jo-Cav
4 R-Cav
4 C-P-1, J-P-1
4 Ransom Division
4 Buckner Division
4 W-H
4 J-H
4 T-H
4 DH Hill, HQ/Supply
1-03 August Fury
Scenario 5- Full Battle
First Turn: 5 Pm, 28 August, 1862
Start rolling for reinforcements. at 3:00
Am, 29 August
Last Turn: 8:30 Pm, 30 August, 1862
Union Reinforcements
7pm Ricketts, 2/3v, 2 x
7:30 Cav/2v,Cav/3v
Stage Force
1 McDowell, 3v HQ
2 Cav/1v
2 Kearny, 1/3p
2 Heintzelman, Hooker, 3p HQ/
Supply, 2/3p, 3pb
2 5p Corps
2 Stevens, 1/9p, 9pb
2 Pope, Army HQ/Supply
2 Reno, 9p HQ/Supply, 2/9p
2 Hatch, 1/3v, 3vb
2 Piatt/Res, Rb
4 2v Corps (less Cav/2v)
4 K/9p
4 6p Corps
4 2p Corps
Confederate Reinforcements
Stage Force
2 Hood, Kemper, H/Rw, K/Rw, E/
Rw, Rwb
2 Lee, Long., Jones, Wilcox, Army
HQ, Rw HQ/Supply, J/Rw, W/
Rw, 2 x Rwb
2 L/Cav
3 Anderson, A/Rw, Army Supply,
Rwb, Rwb(2)
4 Hill's Corps
1-04 Barren Victory
Scenario 6- Full Battle
First Turn: 7:30 AM, 19 September,
Start rolling for reinforcements at 9 AM
Last Turn: 6 Pm, 20 September, 1863
Union Reinforcements
7:30 4/14, 14b (as per rule book)
Stage Force
1 2/20,20b
1 1/20 (less 1/l/20),20b
1 Rosecrans, Army HQ/Supply
1 3/20,20b
1 McCook, 20 HQ/Supply
2 2/14,14b
2 Mitchell, Cav HQ/Supply,
3 Crook, 2/2/Cav, Cavb(5)
4 1/1/20
4 2/1/21, 3/3/Res
4 3/l/Res
4 1/2/Res, 3/2/Res
Confederate Reinforcements
Stage Force
1 Hill, H HQ / Supply, C H,
2 Br/H, Hb
2 Longstreet, LW HQ
2 M/1
3 Gist, G/W/Res
3 W Cav Corps
4 Rb(5), Rb(2)
4 St division
4 Lo division
4 McLaws, W/M/1, B/M/1
4 J/H/1, A/H/1
1-05 Bloody Roads South
Sorry, I don't own that
[Ed. note: You can use your own
judgments regarding how likely each
formation is to arrive at what time to assign
a stage to each scheduled group of
1-06 Perryville
Scenario 3: Encounter at Perryville
First Turn: 5 Pm, 7 October, 1862
Last Turn: 6 Pm, 9 October, 1862
Drop the use of arrival modifiers as
discussed in the rule book.
Stage Force
1 Buell, Army HQ/Supply, 3 Corps
1 Cav
2 McCook, 3-1, 1 HQ/Supply, lb
3 10-1, lb
3 Crittenden, 5-2,2b, 2
3 Thomas
3 6-2, 2b
3 4-2, 2b, 2b(3)
4 Sill, Sill's Wing (minus 1-cav, 2-
4 1-cav
4 2-cav
Stage Force
2 Polk, C-RW, RW HQ/Supply,
2 Cav-RW
2 Br-RW, RWb, Army Supply
2 Bragg, Army HQ
2 W-RW, RWb
2 Smith, Army HQ/Supply
2 S-Cav-Ky
2 H-Ky, Kyb
3 S-Ky, Kyb
3 Marshall, I-M-Ky, Kyb(2)
3 Churchill, C-M-Ky, C-Ky (all minus
T-C-Ky), Kyb
4 T-C-Ky
1-07 Embrace An
Angry Wind
Scenario 8.0: Campaign
First Turn: 11 Am, 29 November, 1864
Last Turn: midnight, 30 November,
1864 This game is already bizarre enough,
but what the heck!
Union Reinforcements
as per rule book, except that 2-23 is
minus 1-2-23
Stage Force
4 1-2-23 (entry Hex A, map B)
Stage Force
1 Forrest, Cav HQ, J-Cav
1 B-Cav
1 Hood, Army HQ
1 Cheatham, C HQ, C-C
1 Ba-C, B-C
2 Stewart, S HQ, L-S, W-S, F-S (less
E-F-S), Sb(2)
2 J-L
3 J-Cav b, B-Cav b
3 2 x Sb
3 3 x Cb
3 Lee, L HQ, C-L
3 S-L
3 2 x Lb
3 E-S-Lv
3 S Corps supply, C Corps supply, L
Corps supply
3 Army supply (add 70 to artillery
4 E-F-S
1-08 No Better Place to Die
Scenario 6.5- full battle
First Turn: 6 Am, 30 December,
Last Turn: 6 Pm, 2 January, 1862
Stage Force
1 RW
1 2-1-Cav
1 1-C (minus 3-1-C)
3 1-3-C
3 Stanley, Res-Cav
3 3-1-C
4 1-2-C
4 3-C (minus 1-3-C)
Confederate Reinforcements
Stage Force
3 Wheeler, Wh-Cavv
3 B-Cav
4 Stevenson Div.
4 Heth Div.
4 Morgan
4 Forrest, Cavb
1-09 April's
Scenario 5.4 The whole battle
First Turn: 5:30 AM, 6 April, 1862
Start rolling for reinforcements at 7 AM
Last Turn: 6:30 Pm, 7 April, 1862
Stage Force
1 T-6
1 2 x Atennb(2)
1 R-6
1 Grant, Army HQ
1 USS Tyler
2 USS Lexington
2 L. Wallace, 3 Div.
3 Buell, Army Ohio HQ*
4 14 WI-Ind
4 Wood, 6 Div Army Ohio
* If Buell arrives, so does all of 4 Div,
Div, 2 Div of the Army of Ohio.
6:30 Breckinridge, R Div
Stage Force
1 van Dorn's Corps
1 W-Cav
2 A-Cav
2 F-Cav, Maney
3 47-Tn-1
1-10 Champion Hill
Scenario: 5.2 An Early Start
First Turn: 7 AM, 16 May, 1863
(earlier than the 8 AM start in the rule book)
Last Turn: 7 Pm, 16 May, 1863 The
shortness of this scenario means that some
Stage 2 forces, most Stage 3 forces, and
(probably) all Stage 4 forces will not enter
the game.
Union Reinforcements
8 AM McClernand, 13 HQ/Supply, 9-
13, 13b(4) (entry hex B)
8 AM 10-13, 13b(4) (entry hex Q
Stage Force
1 Grant, Army HQ/Supply
1 McPherson, 17 HQ/Supply, 3-17,
1 12-13,13b(4)
1 2-15, 15b
1 14-13, 13b(3)
2 7-17,17b
3 6-17,2 x 17b
3 3-15,15b, 15b(3)
3 Sherman, 15 HQ/Supply
3 1-15,15b
Stage Force
2 R-S
3 W-S
3 Forney Div.
3 Smith Div.
4 Breckinridge Div.; Johnston;
Relief HQ/Supply
4 French Div.
4 Walker Div.
1-11 Gaines Mill
Scenario 6.7: Campaign Scenario 2
First Turn: 10 Am, 26 June, 1862
Last Turn: 8 Pm, 27 June, 1862
Ignore the variable arrival rules when
evaluating the arrival of reinforcements.
Stage Force
2 Resb
3 1-6, Resb
3 1-2
4 Cav-6
4 2-6, Franklin, 6 HQ/Supply, 3 x
4 Cav-1
4 McDowell, 1 Corps (all)
4 McClellan, Army HQ/Supply
Stage Force
1 B-AH 1 Cav 1 Jackson, Valley Army (all) 4
Holmes, NC Div.
1-12 Seven Pines
Scenario 5.5: Johnston's Offensive
First Turn: 6 Am, 31 May, 1862
Last Turn: 8 Pm, 1 June, 1862
Union Reinforcements
Only start rolling for reinforcements af-
ter Union units have been fired on from
a range of 3 hexes or less.
Stage Force
1 Heintz., 3 HQ/Supply
1 Sumner, 2 HQ/Supply, 2-2,1-2
1 1-3-3
2 2-3 (minus 1-2-3),3b
2 2 x 2b
4 1-2-3
4 Cav-3
4 Cav-4
4 McClellan, Army HQ/Supply
Stage Force
1 Huger Div.
4 Magruder Div.
Scenario 6.5: Gaines Mill /Savage
First Turn: 10 AM, 26 June, 1862
Last Turn: 8 Pm, 29 June, 1862 Due
to the extra length of this scenario, most
Stage 4 units will eventually come
into play with these rules. Ignore the
variable arrival rule provided with the
Union Reinforcements
Stage Force
4 Cav-1
4 McDowell, 1 Corps (all)
Confederate Reinforcements
Stage Force
1 B-AH
1 Cav
1 Jackson, Valley Army (all)
4 Holmes, R-Hu, Wa-Hu, 2 x Hub
1-13 Malvern Hill
Scenario 7.5: Glendale to Malvern
First Turn: 7 AM, 30 June, 1862 (not
8 AM as in the correction or 4 Am as in the
rule book) Start rolling for reinforcements
on the 7 AM, 30 June, turn.
Last Turn: 8 Pm, 1 July, 1862
Union Reinforcements
Stage Force
3 Couch, 1-4 (enters at 153.16, with
15 fatigue boxes marked off)
Confederate Reinforcements
Stage Force
1 Holmes, W-NC, Da-NC, Wa-Hu(NC), Wb-Hu(NC), 2 x NCb
1 Huger, M-Hu, R-Hu, A-Hu, W-Hu, 2 x Hub, ANVa b
1 L Div, AH Div, LW HQ/Supply
1 Army HQ/Supply, Lee, ANVab
1 Stb-Cav
1 Valley HQ/Supply, E Div, J Div, W Div, DH Div
2 Mc Div, Mg Div, Jo Div, RW HQ/Supply
2 ANVab
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