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Each Entry has the Date of LAST Revision:
Civil War Brigade Series (v3.0) (3 Aug 99) 1. The Close Combat Sequences in the pull-out charts and tables were not updated to the new sequence. Use the new sequence (Seeries rules, page 5). 2. 20.3a and 20.3e counterdict. The correct answer is Fire Splitting is not allowed, period. 3. 10.0 The statements regarding the Army HQ are in error with respect to the new rules 10.6. Also orders are issued from the HQ, not the leader'unless it is an IPV order'and order delivery distance is measured from the HQ. 10.6 supercedes this section. 4. The example regarding council of war was not written with the new Army Commander rule in mind, 10.6c dictates how a council of war can be done and how often.. 5. In 6.5a, delete the second sentance (which refers to the old AA and A fire level markers). OCS Series (ver 2.0i) (24 May 99) 1. RR Repair units can use rail movement through hexes repaired/converted in that phase, but such units cannot then be used to repair/convert rail hexes beyond that section of track. Such movement and repair constitutes leapfrogging. 2. An airbase can be repaired (to eliminate damage) one level at a time until the base is back to the highest actually built level it ever held (it cannot be improved beyond that limit in this way) by any 1 RE unit with the expenditure of 2T. There is no die roll for this method of repair'regardless of terrain. The repairing unit need not be engineer or attack capable'but it must be classed as a unit according to 3.1. 3. DG units cannot do recons. 4. If a breakdown regiment is stacked with a division capable of absorbing breakdowns (but not this one, due to action ratings, etc.), then the breakdown does not add to the combat strength of the hex. The breakdown becomes a 1-step, zero strength, zero action rating unit while it remains in the hex. 5. In situations where units must 'eat off the map' (i.e. they cannot trace) pay 1T per 2 REs or fraction thereof. This is a change to 11.6d. 11.6d is dropped entirely and replaced with 'Pay 1T per 2 REs (or fraction thereof).' In effect, the player is now paying as if 4 REs equaled a division under the old rule (eliminating the anomaly when multiple non'divisionals are present). It is also simpler to deal with. Change references to 11.6d and its effects in 11.6f and 11.6h. 6. HQs cannot use their draw and throw abilities while in Strategic Move or Reserve Mode. 7. When optional rule #4 Destroying Hedgehogs is used, no more than one level can be destroyed in a hex per turn, even if more than one 'unit' is available (two if an engineer capable unit is in the hex). 8. Future reinforcements, and breakdown regiments which have not yet entered play in the normal manner cannot be 'rebuilt' using Pax and Eq Repls before they do so. 9. The following require an attack capable unit to perform (and'just so it is clear'units in Strategic Move Mode or in Reserve Mode are not attack capable, regardless of the counter's strength until they exit those modes): capture of an enemy Dump, Truck, Wagon, or airfield OR entry into an enemy controlled Hedgehog, Port, Village, Minor or Major City hex. 'Control' is defined here as belonging to the last player to pass a friendly attack capable unit through the hex'apply common sense to those areas obviously behind friendly lines and so on. 10. 'Breakdown' Regiments are infantry regiments marked with either 'Brkdn' or no unit identification at all. 11. When using the v2.0i optional air rules, do not use 14.11 at all. Furthermore, the restriction on parenthesized air units entering hexes containing enemy air units is removed. Parenthesized air units still cannot be the attacker in air to air combat and are not, even if they entered the enemy air unit's hex. 12. The effects of rail Damage and Interdiction are the same (no effect on trace supply, RR cap costs x2), 'Damage' just lasts longer than 'Interdiction.' 13. The bracketed special modifiers needs to be explained in 9.4. The bracketed modifier applies to the attacker only, if the unit is defending, the modifier becomes x1 in all cases for that particular terrain type. OCS Consolidated Optionals (24 May 99) 1. The change to the series rule regarding use of options needs one additional clause which you see here as the exception. It should read: 9.10a: Nobody is free from his option, even if the other side is destroyed, EXCEPTION: The defender is always free from his options if the attacker chooses to retreat. 4-04 Hube's Pocket (2 Aug 99) 1. Delete the reference to rule 3.11 in scenario 5. There is no such rule (it was eliminated in development). 2. In Scenario 1, add the following to the other two hexes listed for the 40th and 27th Armies (1st Column, toward the top of page 7): w/i 3 B17.28. This covers the troops at Kanev. 3. The 60th Army HQ should arrive on turn 15 (as listed on the Order of Arrival), it should not set up in any scenario before that turn. 4. In scenario 3, the setup for Group Steddmann is incorrect. The listed set up is w/i 3 B15.20 should be w/i 3 B15.21. Also, the pre'game weather in this scenario is intentionally different from the historical listing. The pre'game weather listed is correct. 5. The VPs for Reinforcing the flank do not apply to Sudden Death Victory, only to the end of the game victory determination. 6. All Organic Trucks are considered loaded at the start of all scenarios (this is in addition to the SPs already in the set up). 7. Alert Battalions: (Add) In lieu of a roll and VP expense, the German player can automatically (and for free) get one additional Alert Battalion on any turn in which there are four or fewer in play. 8. Rail Destruction: (Add) Before starting any scenario, each side can destroy any desired rail hexes on or behind their front. No units (or whatever) need to be there to do this, simply select and mark the hexes. 9. The Russian air units available is missing from scenario 3. Use the list from scenario 2. 4-05 DAK (16 June 99) 1. (Not errata but might confuse) a) The two entries for C38.20 in several scenarios are supposed to set up in the same hex and b) The two identical lines on the Axis Variable Reinforcement Table are supposed to be that way. Why weren't these combined into single entries each? Wish I knew... 2. The rule regarding the road west from Sidi Barrani was updated with last minute information while the map entry was not'it becomes primary on 1 Dec 40 and is a road (not track) until then. The Map entry is incorrect, the rule is right. 3. While the map differentiates cities into Minor and Major for historical purposes, they have the same terrain effects (both listed under the category of 'City'). 4. The end of the sentence of the last paragraph of 3.11a should read '...and the turn's result is no effect.' (For some reason the last phrase disappeared...) 5. The Tripoli to Map Track rule (3.1f para h) says one exits Box 5 to get on the map, it should read Box 1. 6. Historically, the Tobruk Command HQ was disbanded after Tobruk was relieved in Crusader. As an historical option, the player should remove this HQ two turns after the fortress is relieved (has road trace available) if a seige occurs. There is no requirement to do this. 7. On the Map E Abstract, the distance from Cairo to D38.01 is 8 MPs (it is not listed). 8. The Greek Campaign die roll description in 3.11b incorrectly states that the marker advances when the die roll is 'greater than or equal to' the number in the Allied Order of Arrival. This should be 'Less than or Equal to' and is correctly stated in the little description of the die roll on the Allied OOA (Vol II, page 35). 9. On 1 May 41, the 2 RHA Arty Bn (Red) should convert into 2 RHA Arty Bn (Yellow). 10. The 5 Ind Div Organic Truck should also be withdrawn on 1 Nov 41 with the two listed infantry brigades. 11. Revise 3.1g (the Tobruk AT Ditch). The ditch does not exist at the start of the campaign. It comes into existence 1 Apr 41 (when the hedgehogs get their full value). While the Italians had dug the ditch before the campaign began, they allowed it to fill mostly with sand. It wasn't until the CW occupation that the ditch was cleaned out and fully functional. 4-06 Burma (4 Aug 99) 1. In Short Scenario 5 (Imphal): The two Japanese artillery battalions in A21.03 should be set up in A12.03. The 33 Eng'31 called for in the Japanese set up should be 33 Eng'33. 2. For 1.11, B39.01 is also a Japanese RR supply source. 3. For 3.5c, the definition of an 'enemy' hex is found below the chart at the bottom of the page, not 'above' as indicated in the rule. 4. In Short Scenario 2, Free Set Up: add B2.34 4-4-8 Tank Bn (7 Cav). 5. In Short Scenario 4, ignore the level 2 airbase at A41.35 as it is out of play. 6. In Campaign Scenario 1, add to the Japanese Free Set Up: Mandalay: 2x 1-1-2 Garrison, 8 SPs. In the Allied Free Set Up, change the 40 SPs with any Allied unit to 34 (so it matches the historical set up). Allied 3 VP per hex award, should read 'along the Bhamo'Myitkyina fair weather road.' 7. The two listings for the Chinese Artillery Bn (Chi) has the wrong values, the unit is the 3-1-2-1 as on the counter. 8. Campaign Senario 2: Add to Japanese Free Set Up: Mandalay: 2x 1-1-2 Garrision, 8 SPs. Delete these from the 'On any friendly RR or City hex' list. 9. Campaign Scenario 3, bottom of left column, page 30 add 'Both Set Ups' below the asterisks. Move the 33 Corps HQ (Allied Free Set Up) from the 'On any road hex...' group to the 'On any friendly rail/city hex' group. Top right column of page 31, delete the 'A' on the right side of the first list of units (A-77-3 is accounted for in the 4-5-3 Columns in the next list). Add to the Allied VPs on page 32, 3 VPs per hex of Ledo Road extends along Myitkyina'Bhamo Fair Weather Road east of the Irrawaddy River (matching Campaign Scenarios 1 and 2). 10. Both the Chindits and Galahad use Leg MPs for direct draw. 11. The 831 Engineer Bn is an independent, non'divisional unit and is not a Chindit. 5-01a Stalingrad Pocket II (2 Aug 99) 1. The Infantry Regiments of the 3rd and 60th Mtr Inf Divisions (German) should have the following ratings on their backs: 1-3-9. The infantry of the 16th Pz Div should be a 1-4-10 on its back. 2. The map's Weather Table lists turn 8 twice (4-8 line and 8-12 line). The latter should be 9-12. 3. The Turn 6 Soviet Reinforcements for Scenario 2 should read '2x Artillery Bdes' not '1x Artillery Bde.' 4. There should be a bridge between 44.30 and 44.31 (just to make sure everyone knows there is). 5. The Soviet 118 UR Bde should only have one step. 6. The Rumanian 18 Inf Division's artillery should be a brigade, not a regiment (strength is correct). 7. The 38th Soviet Inf Bde should have the motorization wheel symbol. 8. In the set up for Scenario 2 (page 9), one regiment each of two Rumanian Cavalry Divisions are listed as Motorized Infantry. These are the 6 Rgt (5 Cav Div) and 3 Rgt (8 Cav Div). The 'Motorized Infantry' listing is in error, these units are correctly the cavalry regiments shown on the counters. 9. The 3rd Gd Tank Brigade (7 Tk Corps) should be the Guards red color, not regular Red Army brown. 10. The 57th Pz Corps HQ replaces the 17th Corps HQ. 17 Corps fell back to the Kuban and did not participate here, 57th Pz Corps led the relief drive. 11. The Rumanian 3'2 Artillery (4 Inf Div) is marked as aregiment, it is actually a battalion. 12. Although Soviet units unable to trace a supply line to their owning HQ are out of supply, out of supply Soviet units may trace supply to any HQ to avoid attritional losses. 5-03 Ardennes (2 Aug 99) 1. The terrain key on the map lists 'river' and 'stream' features, these should be 'Major River' and 'Minor River' respectively. 2. In scenario 5.1, the 293-18 VG which sets up in B42.06 should set up in B47.06. 3. In scenario 5.2, delete B31.17 and the blank after it -- the 9 Arm units show up as reinforcements. 4. More than one DG result against a unit has no additional effect. 5. The St Vith hex (listed for its supply dump) is B42.16, not B41.16. 6. The terrain effects which apply to the Barrage Table are those listed under the table itself'do not apply the regular terrain effects (the Combat Effects) to the Barrage Table; those are for the regular Combat Table only. 7. In scenario 5.5, the 387 Inf Rgt of the 167 VG Division sets up in hex B24.13 with the Divisional Artillery Regiment. 8. When a bridge reverts back into an engineer, it can do so into either hex of the two forming the hexside containing the river being bridged. In other words, the engineers can reform on the far bank so as to avoid crossing the river they were bridging without the benefit of their own bridge. 9. Rule 1.7b includes the ability to continue to move with remaining Movement Allowance after an Overrun. 10. The 1994 Variant countersheet provided the 11th Pz Division as an optional inclusion. This unit can set up with any German units at start. There is no VP cost for this option (just agreement between the two players that hey want to see what effect this formation would have had on the offensive). The division was in OKH reserve and was not used in the historical battle. 5-05 Crusader (18 Aug 99) 1. As stated in the rules, hex 48.08 should be a trench. 2. No, there aren't any missing rules in the 'invisible' rules sections between 1.4 and 1.8. This glitch just proves the designer (me) cannot count. 3. The note on the map above entry area E that reads '...any D hex' should read '...any E hex.' 4. Any units slated for Tobruk Reconsitution (as well as the ability to ever do any Tobruk Reconsitution in the future) are lost the instant an Axis unit ocuppies 19.32 (Tobruk). 5. As is the case with all SCS games with air points, the Defender idenifies his air point use, then the Attacker identifies his air points then determine the odds and execute the shifts. 6. In a couple of scenarios, German Motorcycle units are listed as setting up 'less one step'. These are one step units and cannot set up 'less one step'. Set them up at full strength instead. 6-02 Marengo (18 April 96) 1. In optional rule 3.4a, the first bullet is correct (divisions must be assigned to wings). Bullet number 4 is in error in saying that such assignment is optional. Regimental Sub-Series (CWB Expansion) Series Rules (10 Aug 99) 1. The modification for 'Wrecked Regiment of Wrecked Division' on the Close Combat Odds Table should be 'Wrecked Regiment of Wrecked Brigade' instead. 2. The CWB Morale State Effects Chart and Blood Lust Morale Check Chart apply to the RSS as well (they were not reproduced in the RSS Charts and Tables Booklet). 3. The abbreviations for weapons types are as follows: Small Arms: R: Rifle Musket, C: Breechloading Carbine, SR: Sharps Rifle, S: Spenser Rifle, M: Smoothbore Musket, P: Pistol, CR: Colt Rifle Artillery: N: Napoleon, R: Rifled Cannon (3 inch or 10 lb Parrott), HvyR (hR): 20 lb Parrot, SG: 4.5 in Rifle (seige gun), H: 12 lb Howitzer, W: Whitworth, L: Light Artillery (6 lb Smoothbore), MH: Mountain Howitzer
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