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Each entry has the date of its last revision.
1-01 In their Quiet Fields II (28 April 99) 1. For purposes of this game, the Union Player Turn is first in every turn, the Confederate Player Turn is second. This is a variation on the Series rules default of Confederates always go first and corrects the Sequence of Play as printed on the map (the SoP gives the series standard "Rebs first" which does not apply to this game). 2. There is a VP cost for getting McClellan killed and the rules say McClellan cannot be killed -- the correct answer is: McClellan cannot be killed and there are no VPs available for offing him. 3. The rules say the cornfield has no effect on play, the Terrain Effects Chart on the map says it is Prohibitive (!) terrain -- the rules are correct. 4. In scenario 5.1, several 12th Corps units set up beyond the scenario's eastern boundary. They are in the correct locations, but the Union player must move these units into the play area on the first turn. 5. Confederate division commanders are "bolted to the ground" like corps HQs when without orders. They only move when they have initiative or orders to do so and they function just like the regular corps HQ units (but with a smaller command radius, of course). They are exempted from the rule requiring them to stack with one of their brigades. 6. Union artillery can trace off the north map edge in order to reach the Army Supply Train. The roads north of the map are assumed to connect (unlike the northern map area farm lanes, which don't). 7. The brigade commander of 1-3-2 is Kimball, not Kimbell. 1-06 Perryville (28 April 99) 1. The Chaplin River is missing its center dark blue line. It is a river in game terms -- not a stream or a third kind of feature. 2. Our laser printer lobbed off the furthest right loss chart boxes for a few units in their C fire level. Each of the following brigades should have three boxes following the lonely "C" on the Loss Charts: Confederate: I-M-Ky Union: 34-10-1, 3-1-3, 36-11-3, and 37-11-3 3. Give the Union player 6 VPs when playing scenario 4. This automatic award nullifies the points the CSA player has for holding bridges and fords at the beginning of the scenario. 1-09 April's Harvest (28 April 99) 1. The first turn for scenarios 5.1 and 5.4 is 5:30 am, not 6:30 am. 2. Union Alert actually happens during the Union Command Phase, not at the beginning of the listed turn (which would be in the Confederate Player Turn). 3. The Order of Arrival states the optional vD Corps arrives at 8:00am, the rules about the vD Corps state they set up on the map in any scenario starting at 6:30am. The Order of Arrival is correct; they enter as reinforcements. 4. The Indian Mounds in hex 27.07 block LOS. 5. The counter for 1-6 has an incorrect strength on its back -- it should be an AB as stated on the Loss Charts. 6. The Confederate player turn is first in all scenarios. 7. IMPORTANT: The Confederate army cannot use Column or Mounted formations until 8:30 am on the first day. While artillery can use Limbered formation, gun units cannot move into hexes which have not yet been traversed by infantry or cavalry before 8:30 am. 8. Alb-6 should be alerted with the rest of its division at 7:30 am. 9. Defensive Orders should not be used in this game. 10. The commander designations of the Union 11-5 and 14-5 brigades are switched, Boyle commands 11-5 and Smith 14-5. Otherwise the counters are correct. 11. S-H-3 should be from Arkansas, not Louisiana. 12. L-P-vD should be from Missouri, not Mississippi. 13. S-P-vD should be from Missouri, not Louisiana. 14. Gr-P-vD should be from from Texas, not Arkansas. 15. The brigade commander on Hb-M-vD should be Hebert, not Herbert, and should be from Arkansas not Louisiana. 16. Ma-M-vD should be from Texas, not Arkansas. Mb-M-vD is correct. 1-12 Seven Pines (28 April 99) 1. The Savage Station Loss Chart reflects the old F-AH, not the corrected one. See Gaines Mill, #12. 2. In scenario 5.3, The Confederate Right Wing HQ and supply should set up in E24.11, not E22.11. 3. Victory Point hex (in Savage Station) E16.15 should be E15.26 and E53.10 should be E53.15. 4. The Union 4th Corps supply wagon is incorrectly in the 3rd Corps color. 2-09 GD'41 (28 April 99) 1. The following are errors in the Counter Manifest on the back of the rulebook, in all cases the actual counters are correct.
2. For rule 1.3 the designations on the counters were reversed, so use w=tracked and t=truck instead. 3. For rule 1.4b, the Soviets always use a Prep Rating of 6 for activating reserves. 4. On the Soviet Variable Reinforcement Chart, the 11-12 roll no later than time should be 0900, 24 Oct. 5. On the German Variable Reinforcement Chart, the 2-5 roll allows the 3-521 PJ Co to enter with I-6 Pz Bn. 6. The 18-GD Company should be pioneers, not regular infantry. 7. For the Guderian's Blitzkrieg scenario (page 23), the 41 Soviet Cav Division should set up in A39.02, not A39.01. 8. The FOs for the 34th Gd and 26 Gd artillery battalions show mortars on their counters, these mortars should not be there. 5-01a Stalingrad Pocket II (28 Apr 99) 1. The Infantry Regiments of the 3rd and 60th Mtr Inf Divisions (German) should have the following ratings on their backs: 1-3-9. The infantry of the 16th Pz Div should be a 1-4-10 on its back. 2. The map's Weather Table lists turn 8 twice (4-8 line and 8-12 line). The latter should be 9-12. 3. The Turn 6 Soviet Reinforcements for Scenario 2 should read "2x Artillery Bdes" not "1x Artillery Bde." 4. There should be a bridge between 44.30 and 44.31 (just to make sure everyone knows there is). 5. The Soviet 118 UR Bde should only have one step. 6. The Rumanian 18 Inf Division's artillery should be a brigade, not a regiment (strength is correct). 7. The 38th Soviet Inf Bde should have the motorization wheel symbol. 8. In the set up for Scenario 2 (page 9), one regiment each of two Rumanian Cavalry Divisions are listed as Motorized Infantry. These are the 6 Rgt (5 Cav Div) and 3 Rgt (8 Cav Div). The "Motorized Infantry" listing is in error, these units are correctly the cavalry regiments shown on the counters. 9. The 3rd Gd Tank Brigade (7 Tk Corps) should be the Guards red color, not regular Red Army brown. 10. The 57th Pz Corps HQ replaces the 17th Corps HQ. 17 Corps fell back to the Kuban and did not participate here, 57th Pz Corps led the relief drive. 11. The Rumanian 3-2 Artillery (4 Inf Div) is marked as aregiment, it is actually a battalion. 5-03 Ardennes (7 Dec 98) 1. The terrain key on the map lists "river" and "stream" features, these should be "Major River" and "Minor River" respectively. 2. In scenario 5.1, the 293-18 VG which sets up in B42.06 should set up in B47.06. 3. In scenario 5.2, delete B31.17 and the blank after it -- the 9 Arm units show up as reinforcements. 4. More than one DG result against a unit has no additional effect. 5. The St Vith hex (listed for its supply dump) is B42.16, not B41.16. 6. The terrain effects which apply to the Barrage Table are those listed under the table itself -- do not apply the regular terrain effects (the Combat Effects) to the Barrage Table; those are for the regular Combat Table only. 7. In scenario 5.5, the 387 Inf Rgt of the 167 VG Division sets up in hex B24.13 with the Divisional Artillery Regiment. 8. When a bridge reverts back into an engineer, it can do so into either hex of the two forming the hexside containing the river being bridged. In other words, the engineers can reform on the far bank so as to avoid crossing the river they were bridging without the benefit of their own bridge. 9. Rule 1.7b includes the ability to continue to move with remaining Movement Allowance after an Overrun. 7-01 This Hallowed Ground (28 April 99) 1. In scenarios 6.2 and 6.4 Archer's Repl leader (his flip side) should set up, not Archer himself. 2. In scenario 6.5, the reference to 12 NH in D1.28 should be the 12 NJ instead. 3. The headings for VPs for losses on page 7 show Confederate Losses on the far left, the heading should be for the last column on the right. 4. 1/1/1 commander's name is Meredith, not Meredeth as listed on the counter. 5. The 13th Alabama (Archer's Brigade, H-3) has an Icon for Tennessee on it, this should be Alabama (of course.) 6. Variable Arrivals: Begin rolling on the turn listed, once per game turn. Reinforcements arrive if the roll is 10 or more on two dice. 7. Union Reinforcement Chart, Order explanation number 7 should read hex E8.31, not C7.32 for the road junction to turn onto the Wolf Hill Road. 8. 23.0e states that units that are routed take stragglers as casualties. The RSS Morale Table shows this as not an option and includes DG as well. 9. In the four-map campaign scenario, Reynolds and the 1st Corps troops that normally enter at 8:00am in the five-map version need to be posted up the road for one turn's movement given that this scenario starts at 8:30am. 10. The ANVa HQ currently enters without orders. It should have orders to move to Herr Tavern. 11. In 3/1/12, the 13 NY Regiment should be the 13 NJ Regiment. The data on the unit is correct, the name is incorrect. 12. The commander of 3/1/3 (DeTrobriand) should be a Colonel, not Brig. General. 13. The commander of S/J/2 should be Steuart, not Stueart. Stable Errata Listings(Numbers indicate the issue of Operations containing each game's most recent errata listing.)
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