by Udo Grebe
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Historical Background:Hitler and Franco met in Hendaye on 22 October 1940. Hitler tried to convince Spain to join forces with the Axis. These negotiations failed. Franco was difficult to deal with as he had a lot of reasons to remain neutral. He demanded to change French Morocco into a Spanish colony. This was refused by Hitler who did not want to disappoint the Vichy French government. Hitler also had made plans about dealing with the Soviets and so did not put an emphasis on his plans in the South. "What if" changes:The historical Axis plan "Felix" has been adjusted to fit for EoA purposes. With "Operation Felix" we now presume that the negotiations took place in August 1940: Hitler gave Morocco to Spain and the negotiations lead to a partial success. Spain remains neutral but allows German forces to enter its territory -- up to a limit of 10 units at a time. The objective of these German units is Gibraltar . . . Aug. 1940 / Initial ForcesGermany: Within 5 hexes of Gibraltar:
any 1 Fighter with air to air strength 5, any 1 Bomber with tactical bombardment Strength 3; 3 points supply. British Empire: Gibraltar:
1 BC "Repulse" 1 CV "Illustrious" 1 x Inf 1-2-4 , 2 points supply 1 engineer, constructing 1 fort (backside up) ReinforcementsGerman reinforcements appear in either Sevilla or Granada, British reinforcements appear in Gibraltar. Germany: Sept. 1940: 1 x Inf 4-3-6, any 1 Fighter with air to air strength 5, any 1 Bomber with tactical bombardment Strength 4, any 1 Bomber with naval bombardment Strength 4 Oct. 1940: 1 Inf 5-4-6, 1 HQ "Kesselring"
Each month: 4 RPs, 2 points supply, 1 point material. British Empire: Sept. 1940: 1 Inf 3-3-6 and any 1 Bomber with tactical bombardment Strength 2 Oct. 1940: 1 Inf 5-4-6 1 BC "Renown" Each month: 2 RPs 2 points supply, 1 point material Special: Eliminated units may be re-bought and appear as reinforcements the month after. Rules option: If the German paratrooper dropped over Gibraltar scores a hit against the defenders, the German player may destroy the fort instead of hitting enemy units. Victory ConditionsVictory points for capturing Gibraltar in:
Sep. 1940: 40 pts. Oct. 1940: 30 pts. Nov. 1940: 20 pts. Dec. 1940: 10 pts. If the Allies control Gibraltar with the end of Dec. 1940: Allied decisive Victory. Each Axis RP loss: one point for the Allies. Each Allied RP loss: one point for the Axis. Supply and material are not counting for victory condition purposes. Subtract Allied points from Axis points. Positive result : Axis victory, negative result: Allied victory. Historical Option:Spain is not neutral but joins the Axis. In this case the Spanish units arrive as reinforcements in Sep. 1940 in any Spanish city. This option gives 20 victory points to the Allies. Play the France 1940 scenario with both Morsecode -- and T&F. Negotiate with Spain yourself. Create your own reinforcements to assault Gibraltar. Back to Table of Contents -- Operations #33 Back to Operations List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1999 by The Gamers. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |