Editor's Introduction
Yes, I'm breaking from our long-standing policy and actually publishing a game in our little magazine. Please remember to vote for Tour of Duty for the Post-WW2 CSR award.
This game casts you as the Engineer of the U.S.S. Barney and challenges you to make it through a tour of duty while taming, or at least holding at bay, the various demons of the captain, the crew, the ship itself, and your own inner torment. The Barney, DDG-6, was a real Navy ship, and we have reason to believe that the game's incidents are not only stranger than fiction but (at least) inspired by true events. The names are all made up.
Every turn you roll a single die once to determine the random event table and again to select a particular event. For each event, choose (as your decision, not randomly) one of two courses of action and adjust the ship's status markers as indicated. If you don't have suitable counters, coins work well (tails = minus, heads = plus). Set these markers up by rolling one die for position (except TOUR, which always starts at the Welcome box). Flip the coin to see if it starts heads or tails up. During the Player Options Phase, you can turn your sweat into some ship improvement, or not. You may not shift any marker higher than 6. Try to get the Tour track marker into the rightmost box before any other marker falls below 1. Otherwise, catastrophe.
Anchors aweigh! It's not just a game, it's an adventure.
Sequence of Play
A) Roll random event.
B) Adjust track(s) as noted in event and Adjustment Track.
C) Player options phase (pick one):
1) Engineer -, Plant +
2) Engineer -, Hull +
3) No Changes
Random Events Table (roll one die)
1 Port of Call "A" Table
2 My Personal Hell Table
3 This is Nuts Table
4 Emergency! Table
5 Not Again Table
6 Port of Call "B" Table
Adjustment Table |
Result | Current Status + | Current Status - |
-- | Flip to - and left 1 box | left 2 boxes |
- | Flip to - | Left 1 box |
+ | Right 1 box | Flip to + |
++ | Right 2 boxes | Flip to + and right 1 box |
1. Port of Call "A" Table
1. Norfolk, VA (home port): The Captain finds life at home too difficult. He hangs around the ship, checking up on things. If Captain is currently (+), he finds a bunch of unsat inflatable life jackets in your spaces. TOUR +, CPT -, ENGR -. If Captain is currently (-), you find he brought something more than cheap jewelry back from Haifa. He's got to explain how he got that social disease to his wife. Life on the ship ain't good. You have two options: Do you A) join in the crass jokes at the captain's expense or B) stay aloof?
A) You and the rest of the crew are most amused at the Old Man's predicament. TOUR +, CREW ++, ENGR ++, CPT --
B) You wish someone with some character was in charge. TOUR +, CREW ++, ENGR +, CPT -
2. Naples, Italy: Barney ties up with much twitching and flopping. The German destroyer Rommel makes her approach at high speed, lines over, a smart evolution all around. The Old Man overhears SN Andrews say to you, "Geez, I wish we could do that." Choose an option: A) write SN Andrews up or B) agree with him.
A) What in the world are you going to write Andrews up for? CREW - , CPT +, ENGR -
B) Old Man ignores you, but you know you're doomed. What else is new? CPT -, ENGR +
3. St. Lucia: Dip Ship. You'll never get the paint out of your uniform. CREW -, CPT -, ENGR -
4. Ft. Lauderdale, FL: FC3(SW) Hamblin scores some dope for his buds while on liberty. Before returning to the ship, he lights up and gets busted by the Ft. Lauderdale police. Choose an option. Do you A) fight to get him back in custody so he can go to Captain's Mast or B) leave him in civilian custody pending a civilian trial?
A) Hamblin gets 90 days restriction and reduction in rate to E-3. ENGR +, CREW +, CAPT +
B) The cops who arrested Hamblin fouled up the collar. The case was dismissed. Hamblin is a hero to all the other scumbags on board. ENGR ++, CAPT -, CREW -
5. Oceanview, VA: BMSA Rousahr gets picked up for "Frequenting a Baudy House." He's in the brig. You've got to visit him. Choose an option: Do you A) fight for his right to return to duty or B) let the wheels of naval justice grind slow.
A) The idiot is returned to the ship. Congrats. Now you get to deal with him. CPT ++, ENGR -
B) You sail without him. Things work better. CREW +, ENGR +
6. Norfolk, VA: Inport steaming, FN Clabber decides to shift fuel oil suction. He opens an overboard discharge instead of a transfer valve, pumping 1000 gallons of DFM into Hampton Roads. It's going to be a long day. Do you A) get off the ship, or B) stay and work?
A) You've got no business leaving the ship. TOUR +, CREW+, ENGR --, CPT +.
B) You work like a dog. It's still your fault. TOUR +, CREW -, ENGR -, CPT -
2. My Personal Hell Table
1. During heavy weather, your stateroom is awash. Everything smells like diesel fuel and sea water. Choose an option. Do you A) request new quarters, or B) live with it?
A) What are you? Worthless and weak? CPT -, ENGR +.
B) Take off your shoes and socks. Put the socks in the shoes. Hang the combination from a hook on the bulkhead. Now, get to work. (After a while, you get used to the smell.) ENG -
2. The Captain makes a tour of the Forward Fireroom. There's oil in the bilge. He orders a FN to carry a bucket of it to your stateroom. You haul ass down to the Fireroom. BTC(SW) Johnson says, "Shit, sir! It's a goddamned Fireroom! What'd the Old Man expect in the bilges? Budweiser?" Choose an option. Do you A) chew out the chief, or B) just shut up and pump down the bilges?
A) This just irritates the chief who gundecks a bunch of PMS logs just to spite you. CPT -, CREW +, ENGR -.
B) The Captain -- and you -- get what you want. The chief grumbles. CREW --, ENGR +. CPT +
3. Captain's Gig runs out of gas twenty yards from the ship. The Boatswain's Mates have to rescue it with a bolo and heaving line. The Weapons Officer keeps a photo of the event in his stateroom. Choose an option. Do you A) chew out the first EN you find or B) just take the ribbing?
A) You feel better, but the EN now hates you and loosens up the shaft coupling before your next trip in the gig. CREW -, ENGR +
B) Internalizing your problems is a short road to a heart attack, but it keeps you alive today. ENGR -, CREW +
4. You agree to check every inflatable life jacket before an INSURV inspection. Only you and your chief are qualified to pass a life jacket check. When the inspector checks your work, yours all pass; the chief's all fail. Choose an option. Do you A) make light of it with the inspectors and hope they pass you or B) get rid of the chief?
A) You really are deluding yourself. CREW +, ENGR --, CPT +
B) Since when can an Ensign get rid of a chief? CREW -, ENGR -
5. Absolutely nothing happened today. Nothing broke. It was a good day. Do you A) keep it to yourself, or B) share your happiness with others?
A) Lay to the 01 level aft and smoke a cigar. ENGR ++
B) Just one big happy ship. ENGR +, CREW +
6. While performing an underway replenishment, the drift pin holding the wheel to the servo transmitter snaps. You can't come left! The oiler's on your starboard side! At the last possible minute, the ship comes left, opening the range. When the span wire runs out completely, it fails at the weak link, just like the NAVSHIPS tech manual said it would. You own the steering gear. Choose an option. Do you A) fix the casualty and take credit for it or B) blame it on the Electrical Officer.
A) Thank God you lived to see another day. ENGR ++, PLANT -.
B) Never bilge a shipmate. ENGR -, CREW +, PLANT -, HULL -
3. This is Nuts Table
1. The people living around the naval gunfire range have three numbers on their speed dials: Domino's Pizza, Blockbuster Video and CINCLANTFLT. One of them dials up CINCLANTFLT and asks if the Navy could, please, stop shooting those big guns. "Sure," says CINCLANTFLT. "We'll get right on that." Barney's shooting's done for the day. The Captain passes over the 1MC, "I guess they just can't stand the Sound of Freedom!" Choose an option. do you A) laugh until it hurts and write the quote on the bulkhead in your stateroom or B) mumble and bitch?
A) Captain thinks he's pretty clever. CPT ++, CREW -, ENGR -
B) Captain overhears you and ain't pleased. CPT --, ENGR +
2. Berthing is a mess on the ship. Junior Officers are sleeping wherever they can find the space. The Electrical Officer asks if we'll ever get real staterooms. The XO responds, "Of course! JO's are a top priority on the Barney!" Choose an option. Do you laugh until it hurts and write the quote on the bulkhead in your stateroom or B) mumble and bitch?
A) The XO has no idea how dumb that statement sounds. CPT ++, CREW --, ENGR -
B) The XO isn't as dumb as you think. CREW +, ENGR --
3. During DIVTACS, the discharge line from the transfer and blocking valve -- part of the hydraulic system operating the rudders -- ruptures, covering the floor of After Steering with hydraulic fluid. Red-Over-White-Over-Red until it's fixed... Choose an option. Do you A) take charge of it or B) cover it up, FAST!
A) You win a prize for knowing your job. ENGR ++, CPT +, CREW -, PLANT -.
B) Your chances of ever becoming a SWO are zero. ENGR --, CREW +, CAPT ++, HULL +.
4. BT2 Feller, while working in a fuel tank, decides to take a break, sits down, pulls out his smokes and lights up. Choose an option. Do you A) chew out Feller or B) run for cover?
A) Nobody deserves a man like Feller. It just ain't fair. ENGR +, CPT -
B) Your life flashes before your eyes. Feller stubs out the butt. ENGR +, HULL --, CPT +
5. BMSN Morgan decides to check serial numbers on the 5" IR rounds with his Zippo. Do you A) leave the ship immediately and drink until the shaking subsides or B) run for cover?
A) Nobody deserves a man like Morgan. It just ain't fair. ENGR -, CPT +
B) Your life flashes before your eyes. Morgan clicks the Zippo shut. People start breathing again. CREW +, HULL -.
6. MM3 Williams, sounding a Reserve Feed Transfer Tank, drops a sounding tape into 5-99-0-W. After letting out 30' of tape, he realizes that the bob has punctured the tank, the strike plate and the hull. ENGR -, CREW +, HULL -.
1. When BT2(SW) Klampett cleaned the Lube Oil Cooler on 1B2 Forced Draft Blower, he neglected to replace the gaskets. when lit off, sea water sprays all over 1C Main Feed Booster Pump, starting an electrical fire. The fire is quickly extinguished, but you're still stuck with Klampett. ENGR -, PLANT -.
2. Mess cranks, lounging on the fantail flick their butts into an improperly fitted ventilation duct. Grease fire in the galley. The fire is extinguished, reflash watch set. ENGR -, CREW -, CAPT -, HULL -, PLANT -
3. When coming alongside the oiler -- one Barney's collided with in the past -- the Captain notes fenders over the side. He's not pleased... CAPT -, ENGR +, CREW -.
4. MM3 Branks, while on extra duty, improperly aligns the bilge eductor and floods main control. You get it pumped out, but not before causing a ton of extra work. ENGR -, CREW +, TOUR +.
5. BTFA Manning, directed to shift fuel oil strainers on the midwatch, takes a chainfall to the stuck strainer handle. Fuel oil shoots into the overhead, bursts into flames and rages around the Forward Fireroom. The fire is extinguished, but the plant is severely damaged. PLANT -, CAPT -, HULL -, TOUR +.
6. The XO has decided that an instantaneously hot shower is the most important thing in his life. The Chief Engineer agrees. You violate watertight integrity and take two men away from repairing the lube oil pump on 2A Main Feed Pump to run a recirc line from the XO's shower head to the fresh water pump in Aft Fireroom. HULL -, CREW -, ENGR -, TOUR +.
5. Not Again Table
1. During UNREP, three drops of diesel fuel spill on BMSN Cooder. The Captain feels you're not being sufficiently vigilant as Safety Officer. You drank more fuel oil in your coffee at lunch, but you catch hell for this one... ENGR-, CAPT -, CREW +
2. The Captain has a thing about sailors painting over rust. You've explained to your men and the Chief that proper surface preparation is the One True Path, but every time you're not looking, they're painting over rust, water, dirt, essentially anything to which paint will not adhere. You're called to the bridge to explain why youy've consciously chosen to disobey the Captain's directives. You're sure you'll get those E-4 evals done one of these days... ENGR -, CAPT -, CREW +, HULL -.
3. Another Med Moor gone bad. The Captain's so agitated he's reduced to running back and forth across the bridge, bridgewing to bridgewing. On one of his jumps through the watertight door, he smacks his head on the knife edge. the Commanding Officer is reeling in pain. You're trying not to laugh. ENGR +, CREW -, CAPT -, HULL -.
4. The Captain has a thing about "hand fenders," small fenders that can be deployed quickly in the event of a collision with the pier. Your guys spend all night figuring out how to make one. When it's done, the Captain declares it "useless as the Pope's balls." He still expects to see it every time you moor, though. ENGR +, CREW -, CAPT -, TOUR +.
5. After completing emergency hull repairs, a fissure opens next to the weld. It seems the drunken Norwegian dock worker made the weld with too much heat, making the hull brittle. The compartment filled quickly from the 5 foot geyser of water. Do you A) rush to fix the problem, or B) swear a lot the repair party?
A) You're a real hero. ENGR + HULL -
B) You realize it was a drunken Norwegian dock worker, after alienating the repair party. ENGR -, CREW -, HULL --
6. A seal in the strut bearing tears loose. You can't rotate the shaft without serious vibration. Into Roosevelt Roads for immediate repairs. ENGR -, CREW -, CAPT -, PLANT -
6. Port of Call "B" Table
1. Norfolk, VA: Back from deployment. Half the crew is on leave. The other half spends a lot of time in the rack. Life is good. CPT ++, CREW ++, ENGR ++, HULL ++, PLANT ++, TOUR +
2. Underway Replenishment: ENS Christopher, newly in command of your old division, asssures you he knows what he's doing when he prepares the ship for UNREP of a HARPOON missile. Alongside, you find that's just not the case. Seems BMC(SW) Gibley neglected to install the backstay pins in the sliding padeye. There's an Emergency Breakaway and a lot of running around. Afterwards, there's a CASREP. Barney will never use that padeye again. ENGR -, HULL --, CAPT -, CREW -.
3. Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico: Barney needs divers to look at the malfunctioning strut bearing, so you pull into Puerto Rico instead of St. Thomas where you were going to get some liberty. You and a couple of other guys head for the Officer's Club for some beers. You ask the DJ for something tropical. He plays "Margaritaville." ENGR --, HULL -, CAPT +, CREW -, TOUR +.
4. Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia: You get some time off the ship. And in a very cool place. When the Navy's good, it's the best. CREW +, CAPT +, ENGR +, HULL -.
5. Naples, Italy: BMSR Smith decides it's time to work out all those feelings of persecution he's been experiencing by getting into some fisticuffs with a good portion of the Weapons Department. Smith is finally cornered in Forward Crew's Head, cuffed and stuffed by the Master-at-Arms and shipped back to Norfolk for further processing. There's a ton of paperwork and you've got one less guy to get all the work done. CREW -, ENGR -, CAPT -.
6. Operational Propulsion Plant Exam (OPPE): You work like a dog or four months getting ready for an outchop OPPE. The Propulsion Examining Board (PEB) is supposed to VERTREP only Barney during an UNREP. The CH-46 loses an engine during the transfer and crashes off your port quarter. The ship executes an Emergency Breakaway. The pilot restarts the engine with his windows awash -- and amazingly -- and gets back in the air. An hour later, the PEB is on board and the OPPE starts. God help you. ENGR -, CREW -, HULL +, PLANT ++, CAPT +.
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