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Each Entry has the Date of LAST Revision: 1-11 Gaines Mill (26 Aug 97) 1. The second Day Record Box (the one cryptically marked with only June) is for June 27th. 2. North is toward the 01.xx hexrow. Map A is toward the west. 3. The bridge at B61.24 is Duane's Bridge. The one at B1.27 is Woodbury's Bridge. 4. The reference to rule 5.1b at the bottom of the last column on page one should be to rule 2.6b. 5. For the Fatigue rules (4.2) if a unit has all of its faigue boxes checked it suffers the following: 6. For 5.3, the optional divisions on each side are worth 2 VPs each when they become wrecked. The Union Engineer Bde is worth 1 VP when wrecked. 7. In scenario 6.4, the 5th Corps set up should be east and south (not west and south) of Boatswain's Swamp. The orders for L Div should be to take up positions southwest of New Cold Harbor (not southeast). 8. In scenarios 6.4 and 6.5, no Confederate units can cross to the south side of the Chickahominy River on Maps B or C. 9. The 5th Corps Supply Wagon acts as an Army Supply Train in this game (it never runs out of small arms ammo and is the source for artillery trace). 10. For purposes of rule 3.5, the Jackson die roll is made on the 5:00am turn, to be precise. 11. The J-J-V Brigade is an AB strength unit (the Loss Chart is correct), not an A as stated on the back of the counter. 12. F-AH should be 15 strength, and AA strength. The counter should read AA, not AAB, and the first seven Loss Chart boxes should be permanently X'd off. All other data about the unit is correct. 13. Stuart's Cavalry should be an 11 strength with 7 steps left after being wrecked. Its B strength is correct. 14. In scenario 6.6, the Confederate reinforcments at 3:30pm should include Ewell and the E Division. 15. In scenario 6.5, DH Hill's Division's orders should start in a D1 status.
2-08 Leros (20 June 96) 1. In order to resolve the conflict between the two rules regarding coastal batteries (one stating they can only fire once per phase and the other claiming they can fire once per Landing Zone), the correct version is that they can only fire once per phase. 2. Delete the "or less" from the Parachute Loss Table's bottom row, it should read "1", not "1 or less." 3. Apply the entire range of AA guns when determining distance for the Parachute Loss Table, 3.6e is in error when it says to ignore those at ranges greater than three hexes. 4. The II-16 Bn (German) Battalion Morale Box is missing, it should have one with the others. 4-05 DAK (2 Sept 97) 1. (Not errata but might confuse) a) The two entries for C38.20 in several scenarios are supposed to set up in the same hex and b) The two identical lines on the Axis Variable Reinforcement Table are supposed to be that way. Why weren't these combined into single entries each? Wish I knew... 2. The rule regarding the road west from Sidi Barrani was updated with last minute information while the map entry was not--it becomes primary on 1 Dec 40 and is a road (not track) until then. The Map entry is incorrect, the rule is right. 3. While the map differentiates cities into Minor and Major for historical purposes, they have the same terrain effects (both listed under the category of "City"). 4. The end of the sentence of the last paragraph of 3.11a should read "...and the turn's result is no effect." (For some reason the last phrase disappeared...) 5. The Tripoli to Map Track rule (3.1f para h) says one exits Box 5 to get on the map, it should read Box 1. 6. Historically, the Tobruk Command HQ was disbanded after Tobruk was relieved in Crusader. As a historical option, the player should remove this HQ two turns after the fortress is relieved (has road trace available) if a seige occurs. There is no requirement to do this. 7. On the Map E Abstract, the distance from Cairo to D38.01 is 8 MPs (it is not listed). 8. The Greek Campaign die roll description in 3.11b incorrectly states that the marker advances when the die roll is "greater than or equal to" the number in the Allied Order of Arrival. This should be "Less than or Equal to" and is correctly stated in the little decription of the die roll on the Allied OOA (Vol II, page 35). 9. On 1 May 41, the 2 RHA Arty Bn (Red) should convert into 2 RHA Arty Bn (Yellow). 10. The 5 Ind Div Organic Truck should also be withdrawn on 1 Nov 41 with the two listed infantry brigades. 5-01a Stalingrad Pocket II (19 Sept 97) 1. The Infantry Regiments of the 3rd and 60th Mtr Inf Divisions (German) should have the following ratings on their backs: 1-3-9. The infantry of the 16th Pz Div should be a 1-4-10 on its back. 2. The map's Weather Table lists turn 8 twice (4-8 line and 8-12 line). The latter should be 9-12. 3. The Turn 6 Soviet Reinforcements for Scenario 2 should read "2x Artillery Bdes" not "1x Artillery Bde." 4. There should be a bridge between 44.30 and 44.31 (just to make sure everyone knows there is). 5. The Soviet 118 UR Bde should only have one step. 6. The Rumanian 18 Inf Division's artillery should be a brigade, not a regiment (strength is correct). 7. The 38th Soviet Inf Bde should have the motorization wheel symbol. 8. In the set up for Scenario 2 (page 9), one regiment each of two Rumanian Cavalry Divisions are listed as Motorized Infantry. These are the 6 Rgt (5 Cav Div) and 3 Rgt (8 Cav Div). The "Motorized Infantry" listing is in error, these units are correctly the cavalry regiments shown on the counters. 5-05 Crusader (23 July 97) 1. As stated in the rules, hex 48.08 should be a trench. 2. No, there aren't any missing rules in the "invisible" rules sections between 1.4 and 1.8. This glitch just proves the designer (me) cannot count. The errata listings on the left are from games with new corrections since last issue. For those series and games that do not have newly discovered errata, we have compiled a list of Operations issues that contain the most up-to-date listings. Series: Stable Since CWB 24 Game Stable Since ITQF II 26 Back to Table of Contents -- Operations #27 Back to Operations List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1997 by The Gamers. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |