Errata Update

OCS Series

Each Entry has the Date of LAST Revision:

OCS Series (ver 2.0i) (3 Dec 96)

1. RR Repair units can use rail movement through hexes repaired / converted in that phase, but such units cannot then be used to repair/convert rail hexes beyond that section of track. Such movement and repair constitutes leapfrogging.

2. An airbase can be repaired (to eliminate damage) one level at a time until the base is back to the highest actually built level it ever held (it cannot be improved beyond that limit in this way) by any 1 RE unit with the expenditure of 2T. There is no die roll for this method of repair--regardless of terrain. The repairing unit need not be engineer or attack capable--but it must be classed as a unit according to 3.1.

3. DG units cannot do recons.

4. If a breakdown regiment is stacked with a division capable of absorbing breakdowns (but not this one, due to action ratings, etc.), then the breakdown does not add to the combat strength of the hex. The breakdown becomes a 1step, zero strength, zero action rating unit while it remains in the hex.

5. In situations where units must "eat off the map" (i.e. they cannot trace) pay 1T per 2 REs. This is a change to 11.6d. 11.6d is dropped entirely and replaced with "Pay 1T per 2 REs (round normally)." In effect, the player is now paying as if 4 REs equaled a division under the old rule (eliminating the anomaly when multiple non-divisionals are present). It is also simpler to deal with. Change references to 11.6d and its effects in 11.6f and 11.6h.

6. HQs cannot use their draw and throw abilities while in Strategic Move or Reserve Mode.

7. When optional rule #4 Destroying Hedgehogs is used, no more than one level can be destroyed in a hex per turn, even if more than one "unit" is available (two if an engineer capable unit is in the hex).

8. Future reinforcements, and breakdown regiments which have not yet entered play in the normal manner cannot be "rebuilt" using Pax and Eq Repls before they do so.

4-02 Enemy at the Gates (16 Dec 96)

1. In scenario 4, the set up for D34.20 should read "16-1-1 Rum Arty Rgt (lHvy)".

2. The 3rd Motorized Division's Motorcycle Bn is the 53rd, not the 58th as listed on the counter.

3. The 3rd Gd Ron toon C;rou p comes in on Turn 6 (with its HQ).

4. The Germans setting up in scenario 9 (page 30) in hex C53.03 (the northern pocket hex) should be in hex C53.02.

5. None of the operations reguiring Victory Point costs (Alert Bn rolls, variants, etc.) can be used in the small scenarios which do not have victory conditions using Victory Points. Unless allowed by special scenario rules.

6. The "12-3-3" Rumanian Inf Divs in the set ups are "12-3-2" Rumanian Inf Divs.

7. In scenario 6, the 11 Pz Div dead units are 1-15 & 2-15 Pz Bns.

8. The Panzer Regiment number for the 22nd Panzer Division was transposed--it should be "204 Pz Rgt" not "240 Pz Rgt."

9. In every scenario where the Stalingrad area is in play, the large Axis dumps near Stalingrad can set up in any hex at or within two of the hex listed. (This keeps Russian Arc Light strikes on the dumps under control...)

4-03 Tunisia (9 Oct 96)

1. The Charcoal trucks pay 2 MPs to load and unload (just like wagons).

2. Any large stacks created by reinforcement arrival during Mud turns are off limits to Barrage attack until the player has an opportunity to break up such artificial stacks in his first player h~rn after the Mud effects end.

3. (clarification) Rule 3.5a is correct; the 8th Army arrives with 6 SPs (plus those on organic trucks) on its turn of entry. The 3 SPs listed in the Order of Arrival are in addition to the 3 SPs the 8th Army gets every turn according to 3.5b.

4. In scenario 6, page 15, there should only be 2x B-25 available, not 3x. There are three B-25's in the game and the third one is in the Desert Air Force.

4-04 Hube's Pocket (9 Sept 96)

1. Delete the reference to rule 3.11 in scenario 5. There is no such rule (it was eliminated in development).

2. In Scenario 1, add the following to the other two hexes listed for the 40th and 27th Armies (1st Column, toward the top of page 7): w/i 3 B17.28. This covers the troops at Kanev.

3. The 60th Army HQ should arrive on turn 15 (as listed on the Order of Arrival), it should not set up in any scenario before that turn.

5-Ola Stalingrad Pocket II (21 Nov 96)

1. The Infantry Regiments of the 3rd and 60th Mtr Inf Divisions (German) should have the following ratings on their backs: 1-3-9. The infantry of the 16th Pz Div should be a 1-4-10 on itsback.

2. The map's Weather Table lists turn 8 twice (4-8 line and 8-12 line). The latter should be 9-12.

3. The Turn 6 Soviet Reinforcements for Scenario 2 should read "2x Artillery Bdes" not "1x Artillery Bde."

4. There should be a bridge between 44.30 and 44.31 (just to make sure everyone knows there is).

5. The Soviet 118 UR Bde should only have one step.

6. The Rumanian 18 Inf Division's artillery should be a brigade, not a regiment (strength is correct).

7. The 38th Soviet Inf Bde should have the motorization wheel symbol.

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