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Civil War Brigade Series (2nd ed., revised) (13 Aug 96)1. Pre-set written orders before the game begins are accepted before the game begins. 2. Fire splitting is not allowed--a single unit counter or extended line can only engage one target hex. The independent fire of extended lines is not considered to be Ôfire splitting' and is allowed. This rule does not affect artillery fires. 3. Artillery detachments cannot be made with less than two gun points. This restriction only applies at the time detachments are made--should a detached gun unit become one gun point due to losses, it is allowed. 4. The limit in 20.3f of the number of times a hex can be attacked by fire does not imply that a unit that retreats because of combat is eligible to be fired upon again because it is in another hex. Nor does such a retreat provide any "protection" to units already in that hex which have yet to be fired upon--engage the hex as if the retreating units are not yet there and inflict any retreat or morale result to the retreating units as well. 5. For games with the New-style Graphics: Any hex which has at least one complete tree in it is considered to be a forest hex--the 50% rule is not used in these games. LOS is blocked by such hexes if the LOS either actually hits a tree or passes between two trees at or within 1/4 inch of each other. 6. In games where there is no functioning corps HQs or when divisions are off on divisional goals, the division commander begins to function like a corps HQ--bolted to the ground when there are no orders requiring movement, and all the other rules usually applied to corps HQs. When this rule is enforced, the division commander is freed from the "must stack with one of his brigades" rule. 7. In 17.2e, delete the first sentence (regarding if an extended line become Low Ammo, the entire brigade does). Each part of an extended brigade becomes Low Ammo separately. If parts of such a brigade are reabsorbed by the parent, all brigade parts in the hex with the Low Ammo marker are then Low Ammo. Should the brigade form in one hex, then the entire brigade is Low Ammo. The removal of Low Ammo still takes only one ammo point per brigade, regardless of how many separate parts are Low Ammo. 1-02a Thunder at the Crossroads, 2nd Edition (27 Aug 96) 1. In scenario 6.2, the 3rd Corps Supply Wagon sets up in A10.21. 2. The Union Variant about 12th Corps should have them enter at I, not F. 3. In scenario 1 and 5 a couple of entry areas were given their old (1st ed) designations: E should be I, F should be K, G should be L. 4. Powers Hill (mentioned in scenario 5) is the hill at B34.34. 5. Pender's Division (P-3) should be included as part of Force #4 on page 13 for the Variable Entry rules. 6. The counters for four Confederate Cavalry Brigades state that they are in Column on the back, they should be marked as Mounted (as all good cavalry should be...). The units in question are: F Cav, Jo-Cav, H Cav, and R-Cav. 1-09 April's Harvest (29 Aug 96) 1. The first turn for scenarios 5.1 and 5.4 is 5:30 am, not 6:30 am 2. Union Alert actually happens during the Union Command Phase, not at the beginning of the listed turn (which would be in the Confederate Player Turn). 3. The Order of Arrival states the optional vD Corps arrives at 8:00am, the rules about the vD Corps state they set up on the map in any scenario starting at 6:30am. The Order of Arrival is correct; they enter as reinforcements. 4. The Indian Mounds in hex 27.07 block LOS. 5. The counter for 1-6 has an incorrect strength on its back--it should be an AB as stated on the Loss Charts. 6. The Confederate player turn is first in all scenarios. 7. IMPORTANT: The Confederate army cannot use Column or Mounted formations until 8:30 am on the first day. While artillery can use Limbered formation, gun units cannot move into hexes which have not yet been traversed by infantry or cavalry before 8:30 am. 8. Alb-6 should be alerted with the rest of its division at 7:30 am.
2-01 Bloody 110th (27 Aug 96) 1. Add the 38th PzJg Bn (all) to the Historical Order of Arrival to the other units arriving at 0200, 17 Dec 44. That the 273 Flak did not enter the map is correct, and it should not be on the Order of Arrival. 2. Only one German Bridge may be built during the game. If a bridge allows the use of Areas 3 and 4, the player need not wait to reduce Hosingen before using Area 3 when the bridge is up. Hosingen only makes units wait which are trying to enter Areas 4 or 5. 3. 2 PG Regimental troops, 2x Gw38(t), enter with 2/2 PG in the Historical Order of Arrival. 4. One 38th Pioneer Platoon was printed without a morale. It has the same morale as the others in its company (5.) 5. The four German 75mm artillery batteries should be 105mm. All 75mm ammo given in the scenarios should be added to the 105mm totals. OCS Series (ver 2.0i) (23 Aug 96)1. RR Repair units can use rail movement through hexes repaired/converted in that phase, but such units cannot then be used to repair/convert rail hexes beyond that section of track. Such movement and repair constitutes leapfrogging. 2. An airbase can be repaired (to eliminate damage) one level at a time until the base is back to the highest actually built level it ever held (it cannot be improved beyond that limit in this way) by any 1 RE unit with the expenditure of 2T. There is no die roll for this method of repair--regardless of terrain. The repairing unit need not be engineer or attack capable--but it must be classed as a unit according to 3.1. 3. DG units cannot do recons. 4. If a breakdown regiment is stacked with a division capable of absorbing breakdowns (but not this one, due to action ratings, etc.), then the breakdown does not add to the combat strength of the hex. The breakdown becomes a 1-step, zero strength, zero action rating unit while it remains in the hex. 5. In situations where units must "eat off the map" (i.e. they cannot trace) pay 1T per 2 REs. This is a change to 11.6d. 11.6d is dropped entirely and replaced with "Pay 1T per 2 REs (round normally)." In effect, the player is now paying as if 4 REs equaled a division under the old rule (eliminating the anomaly when multiple non-divisionals are present). It is also simpler to deal with. Change references to 11.6d and its effects in 11.6f and 11.6h. 6. HQs cannot use their draw and throw abilities while in Strategic Move or Reserve Mode. 4-04 Hube's Pocket (30 Aug 96) 1. Delete the reference to rule 3.11 in scenario 5. There is no such rule (it was eliminated in development). 2. In Scenario 1, add the following to the other two hexes listed for the 40th and 27th Armies (1st Column, toward the top of page 7): w/i 3 B17.28. This covers the troops at Kanev. 5-01a Stalingrad Pocket II (13 Aug 96) 1. The Infantry Regiments of the 3rd and 60th Mtr Inf Divisions (German) should have the following ratings on their backs: 1-3-9. The infantry of the 16th Pz Div should be a 1-4-10 on its back. 2. The map's Weather Table lists turn 8 twice (4-8 line and 8-12 line). The latter should be 9-12. 3. The Turn 6 Soviet Reinforcements for Scenario 2 should read "2x Artillery Bdes" not "1x Artillery Bde." 4. There should be a bridge between 44.30 and 44.31 (just to make sure everyone knows there is). The errata listings on the left are from games with new corrections since last issue. For those series and games that do not have newly discovered errata, we have compiled a list of Operations issues that contain the most up-to-date listings. Series: Stable Since TCS Modern 13
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