by Dean Essig
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OK here's the plan for the Errata Update section. If the errata for a series or a specific game contain ally new items, we print that entire section. You therefore have the updated errata for a given series or game handy in one place. This issue's entries include items presented in the 1994 Christmas mailing so there should be no gaps in coverage. We are looking at compiling a list of the stable errata to tell you which issue of Ops contains the most up-to-date listing for any given game or series. Of course, the Christmas mailing reproduces these listings. But we aim for maximum coverage. Civil War Brigade Series (2nd ed. revised)1. Pre-set written orders before the game begins are accepted before the game begins. 2. Fire splitting is not allowed-a single unit counter or extended Iine can only engage one target hex. The independent fire of extended lines is not considered "fire splitting" and is allowed. This rule does not affect artillery fires. 3. Artillery detachments cannot be made with less than two gun points. This restriction only applies at the time detachments are made-should a detached gun unit become one gun point due to losses, it is allowed. 1-08 No Better Place to Die 1. The formation change cost for mounted cavalry should be 2 (as in the rest of the series), not 1. 2. The Union Cavalry units are lacking their "+" weapons symbol-they all should have them. TCS Series (ver 3.1)1. The Area Fire Table's "Three Dice" result columns shifted one space to the left-each of the dice results at the right of the table is one column left of where it should be (see page 14 of this issue for the corrected table). 2. The example of SYRs after rule 16.2 should show a loss of two steps, not one. 2-05 GD'40 1. The Air Tables (on the Player's Aid) use one die-not two as the rules text indicates. The revised air tables, first presented in Ops 13 and reprinted in last issue's errata section, use two dice. OCS Series (ver 2.0)1. The second sentence in 5.7 (Reserve Mode) should not imply that every unit in a hex in Reserve Mode requires its own Reserve Mode Marker-only one marker is needed to put all or some of an entire stack into Reserve Mode. 2. In rule 14.20e, second sentence, change "A Tpt unit can make a trip into an active air base..." to "A Tpt unit can make a trip into an air base (In other words, the turn-around base need not be supplied to apply this rule.) Also, not that the restriction on unloading according to an air base's level does not require supplied air base levels-use the raw air base level for this limit. 3. In 12.8b, HQs which are acting as bridges can change to Move Mode and still act as a bridge for the first hex they move into for themselves. (This is to allow them to use their own bridges to get across the river they bridge.) 4.11.3c says to count supply draw from the dump to the unit, 11.6b says to count supply draw from the unit to the dump. 11.6b is correct and agrees with the example on page 14. 5. The example of a complex air mission on page 27 violates the two air unit movement rule. Otherwise, it is correct. 6. Add to 14.20b that units must be in Move Mode to be transported by air. Units being air dropped switch to Combat Mode (and DG) automatically when they do so. 7. A hex becomes "vacant" for purposes of 9.12c when there are no units with a defense strength of at least 0 in it. Air Bases, trucks, wagons, dumps and other "markers" do not count. In 9.15f, the enemy unit which enters the hex to capture an Air Base must be Attackcapable. 4-02 Enemy at the Gates 1. In scenario 4, the set up for D34.20 should read "16-1-1 Rum Arty Rgt (lHvy)." 2. The 3rd Motorized Division's Motorcycle Bn is the 53rd, not the 58th as listed on the counter. 3. The 3rd Gd Pontoon Group comes in on Turn 6 (with its HQ). 4. The Germans setting up in scenario 9 (page 30) in hex C53.03 (the northern pocket hex) should be in hex C53.02. 5. None of the operations requiring Victory Point costs (Alert Bn rolls, variants, etc.) can be used in the small scenarios which do not have victory conditions using Victory Points, unless allowed by special scenario rules. 6. The "12-3-3" Rumanian Inf Divs in the set ups are " 12-3-2" Rumanian Inf Divs. 7. In scenario 6, the 11 Pz Div dead units are 1-15 & 2-15 Pz Bns. 8. The Panzer Regiment number for the 22nd Panzer Division was transposed-it should be "204 Pz Rgt" not "240 Pz Rgt." 5-03 Ardennes 1. The terrain key on the map lists "river" and "stream" features, these should be "Major River" and "Minor River" respectively. 2. In scenario 5. 1, the 293-18 VG which sets up in B42.06 should set up in B47.06. 3. In scenario 5.2, delete B31.17 and the blank after it -- the 9 Arm units show up as reinforcements. 4. More than one DG result against a unit has no additional effect. 5. The St Vith hex (listed for its supply dump) is B42.16, not B41.16. 6. The terrain effects which apply to the Barrage Table are those listed under the table itself-do not apply the regular terrain effects (the Combat Effects) to the Barrage Table; those are for the regular Combat Table only. Back to Table of Contents -- Operations #16 Back to Operations List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1995 by The Gamers. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |