by Thomas Prowell
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Players familiar with later titles in Rich Berg's GBACW series will know how random events add more chaos and fun to Civil War paper battlefields. It is an idea that one can easily adopt as an optional rule to The Gamers' CWB series. I think that matching random events with the CWBs command rules creates the best game system for capturing the military history of the era. The process is simple; each turn, as the first action of his Command Phase, the phasing player checks for a random event. He rolls one die. If a I results, he checks the Random Event Tables. There are two Random Event Tables in play, one "standard table" and one exclusive to each game. For a random event, the player rolls two dice on the Standard Random Event Table. Results on this table may direct him to roll an additional die and consult the Game Random Event Table. If the random event specifies certain conditions and these do not exist, ignore the Random Event for this turn-do not generate another in its place. Otherwise, follow the instructions below the table. A final note: these Random Events aim to work with the full battle, "campaign" treatments of the CWB titles. Some of the events may unbalance or be inappropriate for the shorter scenarios. Also, the use of some variants (those replacing Bragg as commander in Barren Victory, for example) may render certain events irrelevant.
Standard Random EventsLeader Casualty-Select one of the player's leaders (infantry or cavalry, division, corps or army commander) from the map at random (use any mutually acceptable procedure, such as placing all the leaders in a cup and drawing one). Roll one die: on a roll of 1-2, that leader is killed; on a roll of 3-6, that leader is wounded. The leader's current location does not matter nor does the proximity of enemy troops; this event covers such actions as friendly fire or non-combat related injuries. (For the curious, there is only a I -in- 216 chance per turn of this event happening, and even then some unlucky division commander is usually the recipient. Yet somehow, the Confederate army lost Robert E. Lee to this event in our last Bloody Roads South game. The Wilderness claims yet another Confederate leader at the hands of friendly fire. Shades of Jackson's ghost!) Order Lost-Consider one random aide-delivered order currently in transit lost and disregard it. The army commander may reissue the lost order in any friendly Command Phase. Delay Reinforcements-If the phasing player should receive reinforcements this turn, he gets them next turn instead. Alternatively, if using a variant where players must roll 10 or greater on two dice to receive reinforcements, the player may not roll to bring any reinforcements on this turn. Advance Reinforcements-If the phasing player should receive reinforcements on the next turn, he receives them this turn instead. Alternatively, if using a variant where players must roll 10 or greater on two dice to receive reinforcements, the player automatically receives any reinforcements for which he is eligible to roll this turn. He may not receive or roll for reinforcement groups for which he is eligible to roll beginning next turn. Loose Cannon-The phasing player must randomly select one infantry division or cavalry brigade (chosen by a mutually acceptable random means, such as blind selection). The selected command becomes a Loose Cannon this turn; the non-phasing player may write an order for it as if the command were attempting to obtain initiative and rolled a "2" Panic Check/Loose Cannon-If playing a game with army status rules and panic checks, the phasing player must check his status. If it is a I or 2, he must conduct a Panic Check. If those rules are not in play, the player undergoes the Loose Cannon procedure above. Game Tables The die rolls on the Game Random Event Tables will usually produce different random events for the Union and Confederate sides. Explanations for the random events follow with each table. If a "once only" event occurs after being put in play treat it as no event if it reccurs. In Their Quiet Fields
1-2 Fog/Heat 3-4 Conf: Delay Reinforcements Union: Fords Discovered 5 Conf: "Dr. McGuire, they have done their worst." Union: Tardy Corps Commitment 6 Conf: Extra Panic Demand Union: Variable Corps Commitment Fog/Heat (once only for each effect)-If you roll this event before 7:00 a.m., the early morning fog either burns off early (die roll of 1-3) or burns off late (die roll of 4-6). If the fog bums off early, visibility immediately increases to 8 hexes for the remainder of this turn, and is clear at the start of next turn. If the fog bums off late, then visibility is no more than 5 hexes until 7:30 a.m. Visibility is 8 hexes at 8:00 a.m. and clear at 8:30 a.m. If you roll this event between noon and 5:00 p.m., heat is in effect until the end of the 5:30 p.m. turn. Heat produces an automatic +1 DRM to all I Straggler Rolls as if the unit were DG. Delay Reinforcements-Apply the standard random event. Lee had no reason to expect his reinforcements to be as timely as they were in this battle. Union parolees returning north slowed Anderson and McLaw's march to the battlefield and A. P. Hill's 17 mile march was a remarkably speedy achievement. This event introduces some uncertainty and "white-knuckle time" for the Confederate player. Fords Discovered (once only)-The Union player may not freely use the fords south of Lower Bridge until someone discovers them. Someone discovers a ford when A) this event occurs, or B) a Union leader next to a ford hexside makes a successful Initiative roll. The benefits of discovered fords apply only to units under the command of that leader, so if a division leader discovers the fords, only his division may use it. No anti-initiatives or loose cannon results apply to this roll, and more than one leader may roll for a given formation (i.e., if a corps commander fails, the division leaders may check also). When this event occurs, all Union leaders are aware of the fords. "Dr. McGuire, they have done their worst." (once only)This is what Jackson said to a surgeon who feared Hooker might attack again in the afternoon. If the Union player has had a corps become uncommitted through corps attack stoppage and this event occurs, then the Union player may not recommit that corps for the rest of the day, regardless of its current corps attack stoppage column. If this event could apply to more than one corps, the Union player may select the frozen corps. Tardy Corps Commitment-2 Corps and 9 Corps both got their attacks off slowly. If this event occurs during a corps commitment turn, only half (round up) of the divisions in the selected corps commit this turn. The Union player may select the committed divisions. Give the remaining uncommitted divisions orders in DI delay status to commit. Extra Panic Demand (once only)-Lee seemed to have a special insight into how McClellan would conduct the battle. This partly precipitated his decision to stay and fight at Sharpsburg. When this event occurs, the Confederate player receives an extra panic demand to use during the game. Variable Corps Commitment-The Union player may roll on the Variable Corps Commitment Table this turn. Thunder at the Crossroads
1-2 Heat/Rain 3-4 Conf: Lee is too Polite Union: Meade is too Cautious 5 Conf: Faulty Reconnaissance Union: Command Politics 6 Conf: Stuart Arrives/Leader Wakes Up Union: Corps Leader Casualty Heat/Rain-If you roll this event between the noon and 5:00 p.m. turns on July 1-3, then heat is in effect until the end of the next 5:30 p.m. turn, just as in the In their Quiet Fields game table. If this event occurs anytime on 4 July, rain is in effect (apply 4.1 from the TatC rule book) through the end of the game. Lee is too Polite-Ewell and Hill, new to corps command, were unused to Lee's gentlemanly ways of leading the army. When this event occurs, consider all aide-delivered orders from Lee to Ewell or Hill that have not yet arrived to be Force 0, regardless of the original issue force. Furthermore, if Lee wishes to issue an order to either of those two commanders this turn, the order must be at Force 0. Meade is too Cautious-Meade was extremely cautious at Gettysburg because he was new to commanding the Army of the Potomac. When this event occurs, Meade may not issue any complex orders this turn or the next. This event does not apply if Meade is not in command of the army. Faulty Reconnaissance-Confederate scouting fails at a crucial time. If the Confederate player has a force using Dave Powell's optional Hidden Movement rules, that force must reverse the order and subtract MPs from its accumulated total until the accumulated total reaches zero (page 30 of the Second Edition, Revised standard rule book). Once at zero, it may try moving out again. However, if the Confederate player does not have a force using surprise movement, but has one moving in column along a road, one randomly selected force nearly takes the wrong turn. That force may only move as far as the next fork in the road, whereupon it must halt in place until its next turn (while it figures out which way to go). Command Politics-Infighting within the Union command rears its ugly head. Application of this event depends on who the overall army commander is between Meade, Hooker or McClellan: Meade commands the Army of the Potomac: If Hancock is leading the army due to the death or wounding of Reynolds, the highest ranking Union general on board (Sedgwick or Slocum) takes offense at Meade's slight, pulls rank and takes control of the army until Meade arrives. Also, Howard is now subject to the loose cannon corps commander rule applied to Sickles. Alternatively, if you cannot apply the preceding, consider Sickles a loose cannon this turn per 2.9 from the TatC rule book. Hooker or McClellan command the Army of the Potomac: Ignore the preceeding. Instead, Hooker or McClellan are hesitant to act and may not issue any orders this turn or the next. Stuart Arrives/Leader Wakes Up (once only)-If you roll this event before the 11: 30 a.m., 2 July turn, then Stuart arrives with his cavalry (H-Cav, C-Cav, F-Cav, 2 xCb[5]). If the event occurs after 11:30 a.m., 2 July, then choose one under-performing Confederate leader (Ewell, Hill or Lee with a command value of 1) at random, and turn him over to his better side. Corps Leader Casualty (once only)-The Union had an unusually high number of corps commander killed or wounded at Gettysburg. If this event occurs, select one Union corps commander at random and subject him to the Leader Casualty random event from the Standard Random Event Table. August Fury
1-2 Heat 3-4 Conf: Longstreet Waits Union: Hatch Takes Command 5 Conf: Evans Takes Command Union: Pope is Confused 6 Conf: Stuart's Ruse Works Union: Variable Reinforcements Heat-Heat is in effect until the end of the next 5:30 p.m. turn if you roll this event between noon and 5:00 p.m. See the In their Quiet Fields Game Table. Longstreet Waits: If the date is 29 Aug. and Longstreet has a complex order from Lee that is currently in delay status, consider that order canceled as if Longstreet had rolled initiative to cancel it. Additionally, Lee may not issue Longstreet an in-person, verbal complex order this turn. Hatch Takes Command (once only)-At the beginning of the game, a very ill Rufus King commands the Union I-3v division with a command value of 0. (It will be necessary to create a counter for King.) When this event occurs, replace King with Hatch (the divisional leader in the standard August Fury order of battle). Hatch also serves as a replacement leader or King if he is killed or wounded. See the Designer's Notes of the AF rule book. Evans Takes Command (once only)-If the Confederate E-Rw separate brigade has been assigned to H-Rw (Hood's division) or a division commanded by a Replacement Commander, then Evans pulls rank and takes command of the division. Evans has a command value of 2. If this event applies to Hood's division, remove Hood from play and use him as a replacement if Evans is killed or wounded. Lee or Longstreet may restore Hood to command by detaching Evans, but then E-Rw may never again be attached to any division in Longstreet's wing. Pope is Confused-Pope's misunderstanding of the developments going on around him paralyzes him. The Union player may not use Pope to issue any orders this turn or next. Division and corps leaders may check for initiative as usual. Stuart's Ruse Works-Stuart delayed Porter's march on Gainesville by having his cavalry troopers drag logs behind the horses to raise dust and make it appear large numbers of Confederates were present. If this event occurs while the Confederate has a cavalry brigade with orders to screen the army's flank or delay the enemy within 8 hexes but out of LOS of a Union unit, then that Union command (no larger than a corps) cancels its current orders and assumes a "no orders" state. Variable Reinforcements-McClellan hurries troops to the battlefield. This event introduces some of the variants presented as Union options. If the Union player has already chosen the option, then this event may be irrelevant. Otherwise, the Union player may receive the reinforcement at a reduced victory point cost. The Union player may decline the reinforcement, but must state whether he wishes to do so now. If this occurs before 5:00 a.m., 29 Aug., McDowell finds his corps. McDowell, 3vHQ and 3v Supply arrive this turn at Entry Hex E. 1-3v and 2-3v lose their Initiative restrictions. This costs no victory points. If this occurs between 5:30 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., 29 Aug., McClellan sends 6p Corps (option 4). The Union player may start rolling to bring this corps on Entry Hex F at 9:00 p.m., 29 Aug. He must roll a 10 or greater on two dice. He rolls every turn until the corps arrives. This reinforcement costs 4 victory points, but for each hour 6p Corps is late the VP cost decreases by one to a minimum of 0. If this occurs between 10:00 p.m., 29 Aug. and 8:00 a.m., 30 Aug., McClellan sends 2p Corps (option 5). The Union player may start rolling to bring this corps on Entry Hex F at 8:00 a.m., 30 Aug. Again, he must roll a 10 or greater on two dice for the Corps to arrive, rolling every turn until the corps arrives. This reinforcement costs 5 victory points with the cost reduced by one but for each hour 2p Corps is late. (A quick side discussion: The variable reinforcements event might not sit well with some players. It is my opinion that August Fury leans against the Union side, and they need all the help they can get. While I am on the subject, let me share some ideas we have used to balance this game: 1. Allow the Union player to use off-map movement between Entry Hexes D and E. It takes cavalry and leaders 2 turns to move between the two, infantry and limbered artillery take 3, and wagons take 4. This gives the Union player more options regarding Porter. 2. The Union player cannot select variant options 1-5 before the game. Instead, leave it to the Random Events Tables and McClellan's good graces to decide if 6p and 2p corps arrive. As for 2v Corps, Pope may issue orders to Banks to move to the battle any time after 4:00 a.m., 29 Aug. To determine the order arrival time, count from Pope to any southern Entry Hex and add two turns. Once Banks accepts his orders, the Union player may begin rolling [needing 10 or greater on two dice] to see if he arrives after a certain number of turns. If Banks' orders are entry at Entry Hex C, the Union player may start rolling 4 turns after acceptance. If the Entry Hex is D or E, he starts rolling 6 turns after acceptance. The Confederate player receives 6 victory points if Banks enters on 29 Aug.; he gets 4 victory points if Banks arrives on 30 Aug. If the Union player brings 2v Corps on at Entry Hex C, the VP award increases by 3 points. This gives the Union player the flexibility to call for Banks as needed in response to events on the battlefield.) Barren Victory
1-2 Confusion / Chill and Fog 3-4 Conf: Piecemeal Commitment Union: Rosecrans' Map 5 Conf: Bragg Sulks Union: Panic Check 6 Conf: D. H. Hill Resurgent Union: Advance Reinforcements Confusion/Chill and Fog-If this event occurs during a day turn, the Phasing Player suffers from confusion in the ranks, brought on by moving troops in the dense woods. This effectis similar to that used for Union troops in Bloody Roads South. During the Rally Phase of this player turn, Shaken and Disorganized units in nonroad forest hexes must be stacked with a leader to recover morale automatically. Units without leaders must roll a I or 2 on one die (as if they were Routed) to improve their morale state. Handle routed units normally. If it occurs during a night turn, chill and fog are in effect. Chill cancels the +2 DRM for nighttime straggler recovery for both sides the rest of the game. Also, fog will cover the battlefield on the morning of 20 Sep. Visibility will be no more than 5 hexes until the fog lifts at 8:00 a.m. Piecemeal Commitment-Any Confederate commander with a command value of 2 or less that accepts a complex order (or enacts a delayed complex order) this turn does so in piecemeal fashion. Only one-half of the brigades (rounded up) in each division of the force accept the order this turn. Each separate remaining uncommitted brigade receives a DI status order to commit. The Confederate player may choose which brigades become committed this turn and which are delayed. Rosecrans' Map-Poor intelligence and an inadequate map hampered Rosecrans' knowledge events at Chickamauga. He often tried to deduce the situation by the sound of firing. This became more difficult as the fighting raged. When this event occurs, all Union new order acceptance checks this turn receive an additional column shift to the left. Bragg Sulks-Furious at his subordinates, Bragg rides away from the battlefield in disgust. When this event occurs, Bragg and the Army HQ must move east of Chickamauga Creek at least 15 hexes from the nearest Union unit. Bragg may not issue any orders until the Confederate player rolls a I or 2 on one die in the Delay Reduction Segment of the Command Phase. After Bragg is free from this "command delay," he may not leave the HQ hex until he rolls a second I or 2 in some later Command Phase. Panic Check-If Confederate units are on or west of the Lafayette Road, Rosecrans must immediately check for panic with an Army Status rating of 2 or his status, whichever is lower. If Confederate units occupy any of Entry Hexes G, H, 1, J, or K, then he must check panic with an Army Status rating of 1. D. H. Hill Resurgent-If the Confederate player has not yet broken the army into two wings but is eligible to do so, Bragg puts aside (for now) his hard feelings regarding Hill and includes him in the reorganization. The Confederate army may now reorganize into three wings (left, center and right), with Longstreet, Polk and Hill each in charge. Each wing must include the commander's original corps, and may include either Walker's or Buckner's corps as well (thus, each wing may include no more than 2 corps). In this three-wing organization, treat each wing as a "super-corps" structure, similar to Longstreet's in the standard game; it is not necessary for Polk or Hill to issue orders to subordinate corps leaders. The Confederate player may not use the two-wing structure unless one of Longstreet, Polk or Hill is wounded or killed. If the Confederate army is already in two wings, then Hill feels slighted. He is now subject to the loose cannon corps commander rule. If he rolls a 2 on the Order Acceptance Table, consider the order distorted and the Union player may write a loose cannon order for him (similar to the rule applied to Sickles in Thunder at the Crossroads). If Hill is serving under Longstreet, then Longstreet must issue orders to Hill as Polk does to his subordinate corps leaders. Advance Reinforcements-Rosecrans reacts more quickly to Thomas's request for reinforcements on the first day in summoning his divisions. Apply the Standard Random Event Table result. Bloody Roads South
1-2 Forest Fires 3-4 Conf: Unfinished Railroad Discovered Union: Burnside is Released 5 Conf: A. P. Hill Becomes Sick Union: Griffin's Temper Gets Out of Hand 6 Conf: Longstreet Comes Up Early Union: Butler Threatens Richmond Forest Fires-The Non-Phasing Player may select a Wilderness hex containing enemy units that received fire in the preceding Fire Combat Phase. The top unit must take a Morale Check. If the unit receives a retreat result (ignore the presence of artillery or breastworks for this determination), it must vacate the hex and place a fire marker in the hex. Thereafter, no unit of either side may enter the hex as long as the fire marker is there. Fires may spread or bum out. In the Game Turn End Phase of every hour turn, roll one die for each fire hex. On a roll of 1, the fire spreads to a randomly determined adjacent Wilderness hex. On a roll of 6, the fire bums out and you remove the marker. If fire spreads to a hex occupied by units, those units displace one hex and worsen by one morale state as if they had been "routed through". Wilderness hexes containing roads and trails are subject to forest fires. Unfinished Railroad Discovered (once only): If the Confederate player has not yet discovered the Unfinished Railroad, consider it found. This event occurs regardless of whether the Confederate player currently satisfies the conditions for discovery. Burnside is released (once only)-If not already released, Burnside is now free from the movement restrictions imposed in 3.3a of the BRS rule book. A. P. Hill Becomes Sick-Each time this result occurs, the Confederate player rolls one die and divides the result by two, rounding fractions up. Reduce A. P. Hill's command rating by that amount. If Hill's command rating falls below 0, remove him from command and replace him with one if his division commanders or Lee (BRS 4. 1 d). Optional: Players may wish to have Hill start the game with a command rating of 3. Griffin's Temper Gets Out of Hand (once only)-If the Union 1-5 division engages in combat and Grant and Meade are stacked together, then Brig. Gen. Charles Griffin rides back and curses Meade for a lack of support. Grant promptly orders the man incarcerated for insubordination. Replace Griffin with a Replacement Leader. Longstreet Comes Up Early (once only)-If the Confederate player rolls this on or before the 10:00 p.m. turn on 5 May, Longstreet receives his summons to come up without being delayed. The Confederate Player may bring Longstreet and I Corps on board at midnight, 5 May, or at 2 a.m. if using BRS 4.5b. Butler Threatens Richmond-Special: If the Confederate player has not taken option 4.5a (Pickett's Division), the Union player must roll this event twice (in the period specified) in order for it to take effect. If this occurs between 6:00 a.m., 6 May and noon, 7 May inclusive, then Butler overcomes his natural inertia and moves on Richmond. The Confederate player may halt Butler by moving a division off map using any primary road. If the Confederate does not move a division off map before the end of the game, the Union player scores 2 strategic victory points.
1-2 Acoustic Oddities / Thirst 3-4 Seeing the Elephant 5Conf: Bragg Sulks / Smith Sulks Union: Buell is Unhorsed 6 Conf: Bragg and Smith Act in Concert Union: Thomas Takes Initiative Acoustic Oddities/Thirst-The Battle of Perryville occurred under a still wind that limited the travel of sound (which partially explains Buell's curious lack of reaction to being attacked) in near-drought conditions. When this event occurs during a day turn, the Phasing Player may not make any Initiative Checks this turn. When it occurs during a night turn, the +2 DRM for nighttime straggler recovery is concealed for all units, both sides for the rest of the night, unless they are stacked next to a Chaplin River or Doctor's Fork hexside. Seeing the Elephant-Perryville marked the first combat experience for a number of units, particularly on the Union side. In addition, there were a depressing number of cases of friendly fire and mistaken identity (one famous incident nearly led to Polk death or capture). When this event occurs, the Non-Phasing player may select any enemy unit; that unit must immediately undergo a Morale Check and apply the result. Alternatively, the Non-Phasing player may select any one enemy leader; that leader immediately undergoes a Leader Casualty Check (i.e., he is killed on a 2 or wounded on an I I or 12). Bragg Sulks/Smith Sulks (once only)--If Bragg commands the Army of Mississippi: Similar to the "Bragg Sulks" result in the Barren Victory Game Table, Bragg rides off. He and the Army HQ must move to a building hex, preferably on the east side of the Chaplin River, at least 15 hexes from the nearest Union unit. Again, he may not issue any orders until a I or 2 roll in the Delay Reduction Segment, and he may not move until a second I or 2 in some later Command Phase. E. K. Smith may give orders to Hardee and Polk while Bragg is sulking, but with a two column shift left on the Order Acceptance Table. If Beauregard commands the united Confederate armies, Kirby Smith resents Beauregard's presence and imagines undertaking independent action. Smith is now subject to the loose cannon corps commander rule. If he rolls a 2 on the Order Acceptance Table, consider the order distorted and the Union player may write a loose cannon order for Smith (similar to the rule used for Sickles in Thunder). Buell is Unhorsed (once only)-Buell falls off his horse and comes up lame. Buell and the army HQ must move to a building hex, preferably on the west side of the Chaplin River, at least 15 hexes from the nearest Confederate unit. Once there, he may not leave that hex (unless displaced by Confederate units moving within 3 hexes), and he flips to his "0" command value side. Alternatively, Thomas may become commander of the army (with a "4" command value) once he is on board, at a cost of 5 victory points. Bragg and Smith Act in Concert-Bragg and Smith finally a gree on a course of action. When this event occurs, both Bragg and Smith may spend up to 15 command points issuing orders this turn; the restrictions of 3.4 from the Perryville rules do not apply. Thomas Takes Initiative-Thomas, if functioning as Buell's supernumerary, may issue an order per 2.3 of the Perryville rules as if he rolled initiative (2.3 from the Perryville rule book). Alternatively, if any Union corps commander has been killed or wounded, you may name Thomas to lead that corps with a 4 command value. When Thomas functions as a corps commander, he may no longer roll initiative to issue orders. Embrace an Angry Wind
1-2 Chill 3-4 Conf: Hood Sleeps Union: Schofield Receives New Orders from Thomas 5 Conf: Hood is Manic Union: Wagner Gets Drunk 6 Conf: The Wonders of Discipline Union: Wilson Rides Again Players should not use the Hood Addiction Table and Random Events together when playing EAW. (That would be slamming poor ol' Hood a little too hard!) Instead, most of the events on the Hood Addiction Table are here where they will occur less often. It is my opinion that, hilarious as the Hood Addiction Table is, it is a tad extreme. For example, when using the Addiction Table there, is a 74% chance that Hood will fall on his sword and leave Forrest the army before the end of the campaign game. Hood was eccentric at Franklin, to say the least, but he was not that far gone. I feel the EAW Game Random Event Table produces more historically valid results by muting the Addiction Table. Chill-If this occurs during a night turn, chill is in effect. See the Barren Victory Game Table. Hood Sleeps-When this event occurs, consider Hood to have fallen asleep or gotten stoned on Laudanum. Either way, he may not issue any orders this turn or for the next three, except if he should become manic or decide a disciplining assault is necessary (Random Events 5 and 6 below). On the fourth turn from now, Hood returns to his (relatively speaking) normal state. Schofield Receives New Orders From Thomas-A courier from Nashville arrives with new victory conditions for the Union player. Toss out the victory conditions he currently holds; select his new conditions if the Union player does not hold any Spring Hill town hexes. You may not select Option 3 if the Confederates already hold the Harpeth River bridges. Hood is Manic-Apply the "Manic, Bad Version" result from the Hood Addiction Table. Wagner Gets Drunk (once only)- Wagner hits the sauce and his division immediately receives a loose cannon order written by the Confederate player. Only 2-2-4 and 3-2-4 are subject to the loose cannon order. Release 1-2-4 as an independent unit and free Wagner from the requirement to stack with any of his brigades. However, this will leave the Union player unable to command 2-2-4 and 3-2-4. Once Wagner accepts new orders (either by initiative or command), he sobers up and must return to command. The 1-2-4 also loses its independent status and must return to within division command radius. The Wonders of Discipline-Apply the same-named result from the Hood Addiction Table. Wilson Rides Again (once only)-James Wilson, the Union cavalry commander, performed unusually poorly during the Franklin campaign; in other efforts he was much more successful. If this event occurs, he wises up and his Command Rating is increased to 3. Back to Table of Contents -- Operations #13 Back to Operations List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1994 by The Gamers. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |