by Dean Essig
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Civil War Brigade Series 1. Pre-set written orders before the game begins are accepted before the game begins. 2. Fire splitting is not allowed brigade can only engage one target hex. 3. Artillery detachments cannot be made with less than two gun points. This restriction only applies at the time detachments are made--should a detached gun unit become one gun point due to losses, it is allowed. 1-01 In Their Quiet Fields, 2nd Edition 1. M/DM/2 Should be M/DH/2 on the counter. 2. 1/3/2 and 2/3/2 are overstacked in the initial set up. Place 1/3/2 in any adjacent hex. 3. A number of Loss Charts were shipped which were improperly printed. If you do not have both Union and Confederate Loss charts (printed on one big sheet in the 2nd Ed), let us know and we will replace your sheet with it Correct one. 4. The Union artillery west of the Antietam violates the 2nd Ed CWB rule regarding artillery Supply tracing along roads. All Union artillery units west of the Antietam can fire at full Strength it they can trace a path to the Union Supply Train of any length along hexes the artillery could move through. 1-02a Thunder at the Crossroads, 2nd Edition 1.In scenario 6.2, the 3rd Corps Supply Wagon sets up in A 10.21. 2. The Union Variant about 12th Corps should have them enter at I not F. 3. In scenario 1 and 5 a Couple of entry areas were given their old (1st ed) designations: E should be I, F should be K, G Should be L. 4. Powers Hill (mentioned in scenario 5) is the hill at B34.34. 5. Pender's Division (P-3) should be included as part of Force #4 on page 13 for the Variable Entry rules. 1-03 August Fury 1. It for any reason a newly arriving unit finds its entry area blocked by enemy forces, it may appear, one turn later, at the Closest unblocked map edge hex. in any formation desired. 2. The CSA RW Supply arrives at 9:00a.m., the 29th, at area A. 3. Remove the 3v Supply wagon from both Scenario 2 and 6 Set Lips. The wagon enters at 5:00 a.m. on the 29th with McDowell which is the first turn of both scenarios and does not begin on [lie map. 4. H/Cav should be listed as part of the option which includes Hill's Provisional Corps. 5. Hatch is allowed to Stack with the artillery with his division its it it were one of his brigades in the set up. He must move it) one of his brigades when play begins. 6. In scenario 5, the 3v Supply wagon sets up and is on the Arrival Schedule-the Set Up is correct. 1-04 Barren Victory 1. There are two Entry Area Fs on the map. The one on the North map edge should be it G. There are supposed to be two Entry Area Gs. 2. The Ammo and Casualty tracks for both sides were Set Up from 1 to 10 instead of 0 to 9. Please use the 10 as the 0. 3. The use of Kershaw and McLaws is not explained. McLaws is an optional unit for use when the "rest of M/1 variant is used. Kershaw is the normal commander of M/1 When the regular reinforcements of M/1 come on the map he is their commander. When the option is used, ignore Kershaw and bring on McLaws instead. 4. The example of forest in the terrain key was omitted. What the forest symbol looks like should be obvious. The use of the words forest and woods in the Terrain notes of the exclusive rules was unfortunateplease read woods as open. 5. The dice rolls given its examples in the rules for Lee and Johnston to bypass Wing Structure are incorrect. Johnston needs 11+, Lee needs 9+. The number listed for Bragg ( 12) is correct. 6. The two optional Reserve Corps Batteries- Rb(5), Rb(2)-should be omitted when setting up the game. Where the set up calls for "Reserve Corps, all" it is too easy to forget that these two batteries are optional and should not be set up. Be sure to keep them with the optionals. 7. The reference to "5" in 4.2f should be to 4.2e. 8. When the Union Army panics, the center of the "zone of rout" is measured from Rosecrans himself, not his HQ. 9. The arrival of Stevenson's Division (optional) is correct on the Order of Arrival. The rule text incorrectly states 9:00pm--9:00am is correct. 1-05 Bloody Roads South 1. The following rules should be added to those already marked Optional: 1.2c and 3.1d. As a further option, if 3.1d is used, do not apply it to those Union leaders listed in 3.1g which are capable of issuing themselves attack orders. 2. The Off-Map mvt hex for the Rebs should be A2.01, not A1.01 3. The Divisional Goal listed for 3/5 in Scenario 3 also applies in 4 and 5. 4. 3.1a & 3.1b are not meant to imply that Grant cannot issue orders to division commanders. lie can if he wants to, and this would be done with the same column shift on the Acceptance Table as if the receiver was a corps commander. 5. 3.1c: A sentence is incorrect as written. The sentence beginning: -Union corps no longer need to check for acceptance themselves..." should read "Union corps no longer need to check for Corps Attack Stoppage themselves..." 6. In Strategic Victory determination, The Brock Crossing should be worth 2 VPs to either side, not just the Confederates. In Tactical Victory determination, -Every I (X) enemy casualties" should be "Every 100 enemy Strength Points lost". 7. Add to 1.2f: "Wilderness hexes are negated for straggler recovery purposes it' they contain or are adjacent to trails, roads, railroads, or open terrain features. 1-06 Perryville 1. The Chaplin River is missing its center dark blue line. It is a river in game terms--not a stream or a third kind of feature. 2. Our laser printer lobed off the furthest right loss chart boxes for a few units in their C fire level. Each of the following brigades should have three boxes following the lonely "C" on the Loss Charts: Confederate: 1-M-Ky Union: 34-10-1, 3-1-3, 36-11-3, and 37-11-3 1-07 Embrace an Angry Wind 1. On the Union Order of Arrivals on the back of the rule book, order number 4 (unlisted) is "Rejoin Corps." 2. As in Perryville, the Panic and Status rules are not used in this game. 3. On the Confederate Order of Arrival, the last two entries (10:00pm and 10:30pm) should both be listed as AM arrivals ( 10:00am and 10:30am respectively). 5. Technically, Cooper's Brigade (1-2-23) was off on detached garrison duty during the battle. He has been added here as a game balance. Should players want a more historical game to play, subtract 1-2-23 from the Union OOB and give the Union player one victory point. 6. The Spring Hill garrison may not be used to initiate the bridge building conditions over the Harpeth. Furthermore, the units which are to fulfill those conditions must have explicit accepted orders to do so, and such orders cannot be given using initiative, but must come from the Union army commander himself. 7. The Minor Union Victory Level includes up to 30 (pg 6) TCS Series (ver 3.0) 1. The roll to lose a step from the AT Roll attacker should be "a raw roll of 2 or 3". not a modified roll as stated in the rules and Charts & Tables. No unit is required to make an AT Roll attack. 2. Always roll for Fired Markers after firing at Movement-based Overwatch triggers, even at range one. Units with Fired Markers cannot engage Movement based triggers--at any range, including adjacent. 3. Suppressed units can never fire Overwatch--there is no one-hex range exception. 4. Air Sorties: If the identified target is in Open or Billiard Table terrain, scatter the sortie using the CONVERGED Artillery concentration. Remember, an air sortie can only hit one hex, so it could very possibly miss. In Partly Protective or Protective terrain, use the OPEN Artillery concentration. This scatter abstractly represents difficulty in target recognition and coordination bringing airpower back into its propernuisance value. Furthermore, regardless of the Sortie's fire effects, after their resolution, roll one die separately for each stack in the hex hit and all hexes adjacent to it-on a 4-6, Suppress the stack rolled for, on a 1-3, there is no effect. On a Mistaken ID roll, roll one die for direction and another for distance. The sortie hits the nearest unit to that hexfriendly or enemy (roll in the case of ties). Do not apply the Terrain Effects column shifts for Open or Billiard Table terrainonly apply those for Partly Protective or Fully Protective hexes. 5. The Minefield MP costs in the rules are correct (+2 By Force, +3 Breach). Those listed in the Charts & Tables are reversed. 6. Smoke Markers affect their entire hex, to include the hexsides around it. 7. AT Rolls never generate overwatch triggers. 8 no 8 9. When identifying artillery spotters, record the company of the spotter. The exact unit can be any unit of the company and it need not be selected until the mission is to be fired. That particular unit need not be in position to spot when the mission is called (but some unit of the company must be, unless it is an On-Call mission). 10. Afternate Point Fire SFAs firer by firer. All Rate of Fire targets need to be identified before beginning to fire (two shots here, one shot there, etc.). 11. A hex may only be overrun ONCE in an Action Phase. This restriction does not affect or apply to combined assaults or regular assaults. 12. The first case under 13.1b should read "The unit must be in Fire Mode and must have continually been so since the beginning of the current phase." 13. Apply the artillery concentrations (when firing for effect) with the Target Hex as the center. The Adjustment Point is for reference only and missions (if fired at all) always adjust back to and are fired upon the marked Target Hex. 14. Infantry Guns (100mm or larger) can fire Smoke in the same manner as Mortars, except they do so as direct fire. 15. The Rate of Fire rule (13.1h) should be optional. When it is used, overwatch return fires are allowed after each shot, not after all of them as the rule states. The player making the ROF shot need not use all the shots his die roll allow she can fire as many times as the die allows, once, or any number inbetween. 16. Vehicle and Carrier units are not 'foot' units--all others are 'foot.' 17. Delete rule 20.0e. Furthermore, eliminate the portions of 20.0i which deal with stack movement and stopping after drop-off-retain only the sections dealing with keeping track of MPs and inability to assault together if not stacked at the beginning of the phase. 2-01 Bloody 110th 1. Add the 38th PzJg Btn (all) to the Historical Order of Arrival to the other units arriving at 0200. 17 Dec 44. That the 273 Flak did not enter the map is correct, and it should not he on the Order of Arrival. 2. Only one German Bridge may be built during the game. If a bridge allows the use of Areas 3 and 4, the player need not wait to reduce Hosingen before using Area 3 when the bridge is up. Hosingen only makes units wait which are trying to enter Areas 4 or 5. 3. 2 PG Regimental troops, 2x Gw38(t), enter with 2/ 2 PG in the Historical Order of Arrival. 4. One 38th Pioneer Platoon was printed without a morale. It has the same morale as the others in its company (5) 2-02 Objective: Schmidt 1 . Teaching Scenario #4, Forward Observer, ignore the portion of the U.S. Victory Condition that calls for occupation of all of Vossenack. 2. Scenario 3: Ignore the German 150mm Artillery ammo Supply. It is not needed. 3. Scenario 5: Under German Artillery Available, I 843 should instead be the 1/4/89. 4. The German Fus/275th should have morale boxes for each company, I through 4, instead of just one box for the battalion. 5. D/86 Chem Mortars should not be on the Order of Arrival------it sets up at start. 6. American Variable Reinforcement Schedule result number 5 should include C Company, 20th Engineers. 2-03 Omaha Counters: 1. The Panzer Lehr Mk V's should have a defense of 4 and movement of 18. 2. One mortar platoon in each of 4/1/915 and M/3/116 is incorrect on the back--they should read A A 4. 3. An MG section in H/2/18 is incorrect on the back-should read A A 5. 4. The M3 in D/745 with A A 6 on the back should read the same as the other MVs. 5. One of the Recon platoons in the 1st ID Recon Company is listed as A B on the back, should be A A. Rules 1. Scenario 9 lists Panzer Lehr's artillery as 105mm, it should be 150mm and the ammo for the Germans should also be this type. 2. Add the following to the German Variable Reinforcement Table in scenario 1: The dice roll result of 5-6 on the Reinforcement Table should read 1/352 PJ or 2/352 PJ. The German player has his choice of one of these units -if one is already in play, he gets the other on a later roll of 5 or 6. 3. Pill Boxes are never considered dug in for terrain effects. All the Pill Boxes on maps A and B are used when determining the survival roll modifier. Pill Boxes do not get the benefit of "being stacked with infantry" on the AT Roll Table-unless an actual infantry unit is present in the pill box's hex. 4. Fortified Zone effects and other terrain effects are cumulative. The net modifier for terrain on a pill box in the open should be 0. Note that PB's are not considered AT Guns for terrain effects-they act like immobile tanks. 5. Artillery vs. Rocket Pits on the Artillery vs. Point Target Table: Rocket pits are assumed to have a defense rating of more than 2 and no modifier is applied for the reason of "weak defense." 6. LCT(R) fires whose center hex drifts off-map or into the sea are lost and of no effect. There is no effect for the "edge" of a rocket fire which a player might argue is still on the beach, It it goes out to sea, it is all lost. Let's keep it simple. 7. PB squads are consider dug in-in the hex their Pill Box was located-if f they are in fire mode. If they move from that hex, they lose that status. 8. The Shingle modifier (-2) is in addition to the normal terrain effects of the hex the target is in--i.e. open. 9. AT Rolls against Pill Boxes at ranges one or less are allowed. Range two is not. 10. Leaders land with any of their own units: CO 1/16 lands with any unit of 1/16,CO 16RCT would land with any unit of the 16 RCT, etc. Note the restrictions on which leaders are allowed to make up the pool on page 7. In the one map scenarios, divide the number of leaders to be selected by 2, round Lip. 11. Change the headings of the Pill Boxes Remaining Modifier when playing one map landing scenarios, use the following:
12. The Variable Reinforcement Table for Scenario 2 hits two places where a roll of 9 would end up. The dice rolls for each table position should be 2-9, 10, 11-12. 13. The "1st Flak Corps" mentioned in the German Order of Battle should he read as the 1st Flak Regiment 3rd Flak Corps. 2-04 Matanikau 1. Any unit can assault across the Matanikau River. There is no limitation on Banzai Mode units for this purpose. 2. One of the Whaling Scout units has a range of 6, they should all have ranges of 4. 3. The Marine Halftracks with the 75mm guns should have the white number on red box indicator of point weapons on the front. 4. Use any available marker for the Marine Steps Killed in Assault Combat track. 5. In scenario 5.6 there is a reference to an SBD aircraft--there is no such aircraft in the game, ignore the reference. 6. The 29th Japanese Regiment belongs to the 2nd Division (as listed on the counters and OB on the back of the rules), not the 18th Division as on the Morale Box Sheet. 7. If a Banzai result happens during an assault combat, do the following: A) remove any Suppressed Marker from the Japanese, B) Flip them to Move Mode, C) Place a Banzai Marker atop them, D) Continue the assault with the Japanese as the attackers--regardless of who was the attacker before. If the Japanese win, remove the Banzai Marker. 8. No Mines are available to either side in any scenario of this game. 2-05 GD'40 1. The Air Tables (on the Player's Aid) use one die--not two as the rules text indicates. 2. One of the platoons in 1-1205 R.I. has only a "6" on the back. It should have the same "AA6" as all the other infantry platoons in the game. 3. The Heavy Infantry Guns 105mm should be 150mm. The values on the counters are correct, only the caliber is wrong. 4. The French 67 R.I. regimental weapons come on with the 1st Bn, 67 R.I. 5. The French cannot have On-Call missions set up before play begins. 6. The Reinforced Defense Availability Table entry for the 4-11-8 Pz Company should be 0900, not 0700. This entry is for the return of this unit after its withdrawal. 3-01 Force Eagle's War 1. Two of 2/E's ITV's were printed with the same info on the front and back. The backs of these units should read P B 15, like the others. 2. Modern Expansion rule 3.3c is in error. The T-80 may fire an AT-8 or its main gun during a single fire---never both--and this dual system does not free it from the standard "one shot per unit rule." OCS Series Errata 1 The Attrition Table modifier reading "more than 2, but less than 4" should read "at least 2, but less than 4." 2. On the Barrage Table the following column and dice combinations should have 1/2, not 1 results: 25-40 @ 7, 69-116 @ 5, and 117+ @ 2-3. 3. The order of rounding for Dump Capture needs more explanation and is as follows:
B) Take that % of the dump (the amount captured or destroyed) and round. C) Remainder of dump displaces. D) Halve the Captured-Destroyed amount and round. That much is captured. E) Remainder is lost. 4. A unit cannot enter Reserve Mode if it is adjacent to an enemy unit--as is also the case with Strategic Move Mode. 5. Air units executing an abort are exempt from interception by the air units with which they were just in air to air combat, 6. A unit has its Reserve Marker removed from it the instant an overrun is declared against the hex it is in. 7. Artillery units can never make more than one barrage attack in a single phase. The first sentence in section 12.4 is not meant to imply that artillery cannot fire at adjacent hexes--only that they can fire at hexes further than those which are adjacent. 8. Barrage Table: A player can use modification I OR 2 in a single barrage resolution-he may never apply both of them in the same time. 9. DELETE the "exploit result, flip to combat mode" rule. ADD: Units which get an exploit results do not change mode, but may only move at 1/2 of their movement allowance in the Exploitation Phase. Released reserve units may still move their full movement allowance after release. 10. The Air Drop Table in the Charts & Tables Booklet and that listed in rule 14.19b conflict. The Charts & Tables version is correct. 11. CHANGE: Combat supply may use the same tracing procedure as sustainment supply, in other words, enough trace MPs must exist to get into the hex adjacent to the unit. This allows units across rivers and in swamp hexes to get combat supply. If the adjacent hex also happens robe adjacent to an enemy unit, the trace is still blocked unless that hex is negated. 12. In Supply (11.0), the last paragraph before 11.1 allows a player to use HQs to get SPs for any purpose. It should not imply that SPs can be aquired using the throw range of the HQ-SPs must use the 5 MP draw range to aquire the SPs, which are then 'thrown" to the needy unit using the throw range. 13. Rail Repair Units may enter Reserve and Strategic Move Mode. They may not, however, conduct rail repair in those modes. 4-01 Guderian's Blitzkrieg 1. The First Stab at Tula scenario's victory conditions for the Soviet player has the descriptions for Major and Minor flip-flopped. 2. The 3rd Motorized Division's MC Bn should have the same Move Mode values as any other MC Bit. 3. The Moscow Defense Hexes should be "close" terrain, not "very close." 4. In Scenario 7 and the turn 10 set up, The 19 Pz units should set up in hex A43.25, not A48.25. 5. The "1" unit referred to in the historical set ups as part of the 3rd Pz is the "1 Rec" unit. 6. Wagon load/unload costs in Deep Snow should be 1 MP (as is the case in Rasputitsa). 7. The Soviet "22 Mtrd Div" listed in scenario 2 should be the 220 Mtrd Div. 8. Optional: Count Soviet Tank brigades as 1/2 DSE for supply purposes. If this rule is used, they no longer count as free non-divisionals. This rule does not affect artillery, katyusha, and cavalry brigades which remain free non-divisonals paid for by the extra point. SCS Series Errata (ver 1.06) None yet. 5-01 Stalingrad Pocket 1. The German supply rules imply that one can trace an unlimited distance to a supply source and then proceeds to define the map edge and supply units as supply sources. In the latter case, the distance is limited by the supply range of the supply unit. 2. The bottom Stalingrad Holding Box refers to hex 41.30, not 41.29 as printed. 3. The Supply Summary on the map incorrectly limits the Soviet Supply source to the East map edge. Rule 1.3d is more correct, the Soviets can trace off the East or North map edges. 4. The two German airfields may never be involved in an attack and may never he used to absorb step losses for the attacking side. 5. Yes, that's a Rumanian Panzer Division. The German 1st Panzer is up in AGC's sector. 6. CHANGE: Soviet units must use the HQ of their historical designation for supply purposes. Reinforcements may draw from any Soviet HQ. HQs which do not have units assigned to them may only be used to supply reinforcement units. Units whose HQ is destroyed are perpetually out of supply. German HQs may supply any alert unit and are not subject to this rule. 7. The German 20th Infantry Division should be Rumanian. 8. In scenario 2, the German supply unit which is to set up in hex 36.27, should be in hex 38.27. Also, 524/297/4 should be in hex 40.27, not 40.26. 9. German units which begin scenario 2 pocketed are out of supply at the beginning of that scenario (even though they have not yet had a Supply Phase). 10. German HQs, unlike Soviet ones, are allowed to move off roads. Soviet HQs must remain on road features. 11. The Soviet Naval infantry "divisions" should be brigades. 5-02 Afrika 1. Units cannot move between hex A34.25 and hex A34.24. This all sea hexside should be considered prohibited to movement and combat (but not barrage, Of Course). 2. [it scenario 5.2, one of the Allied 4-5 Variable Reinforcement rolls has already occurred and the RECAM unit should not be in the dead pile. 3. In scenario 4.1, the values for the 288 Sonderverband should be 4-7-18, not 3-4-15. 4. Supply cannot be traced into Salt Marsh or Delta hexes except along a road. 5. Case 1.6b should be a NOTE. The first case 1.6c should be 1.6b. 6. Design Note for LT There is no reason to disallow proportional use of truck points. Proportional truck point use is allowed in the place of the current rule it' players desire to use it. The existing rule was designed for simplification purposes only. 7. In 1.11a, add "Units which are out of supply cannot replace step losses." 8. Clarification's: 1.16-The SP expended to construct a box must be in standard supply range and does not supply the unit constructing the box for the coming turn. 1.17-the Babini group counts as a division for this rule. 9. For purposes of combined arms, parachute infantry counts as infantry. 10. The second player always sets up first. 11. Rommel can move in both phases, he does, not have to choose between them as rule 2.3 seems to indicate. NBS Series Errata 1. The LOS formula: "Middle" should be the distance from Contention to Low and not High. The formula should be greater than, not less than. 2. There is no modifier for flank or rear attacks on the Countercharge Table. The entire statement was to have been removed, but only the actual modifier was. 3. 11.5f should be changed from "Skirmishers not stacked ... must ... retreat" to "Skirmishers not stacked ... can retreat." The owning player may decide to retreat before close combat or not as he wishes, he is not forced to do either. Furthermore, Skirmishers have the following values on the Odds Table for Close Combats which get that far: Full=2, Reduced=1. 4. The distance used for the Cavalry Countercharge Check Roll is the actual distance, not the path distance as given in the example. The shortest line between the potential countercharging stack and the charging cavalry is used for the Check Roll, not the path of the countercharge itself. 5. 26.0 should state that leader ratings are added to the rally roll, not subtracted. 6. Squares have the same values as Road Columns for the Odds Table. Squares which retreat because of the Odds Table or by being dragged by an extended line automatically fall into column formation, not line as mentioned in 11.6c. 7. The Wrecked Brigade of aWreck Division Morale shift should be -6, not -4. The +0 shift for attacking Cavalry in a Cav Charge is correct. The -4 for Defender in Cavalry Charge also applies to Defenders in Close Combat. 8. On the Straggler Table, delete the Mounted Modifier. 9. All references to Cavalry Charge impulses should be in 2 MP increments, never 2 HEX increments. 10. Delete rule 24.4c, Countercharging Cavalry of both players must make the check roll--not just the nonphasing player's. 11. In all cases, Cavalry Recovery occurs AFTER Rally. 12. A failed attempt to start a Cavalry Charge (for the non-phasing player, failure in the Morale Check, say) does not count as a pass. 13, Prohibitive terrain negates the need of charging cavalry to attack as per 24.21, provided all routes to the potential target arc covered by such terrain. Tile same applies to terrain which cavalry cannot charge through (as per 24.2b) even if not technically "prohibited" for movement purposes. 14. When using the Optional road column length rule 12.2), allow an exception to the infantry restriction on formation change (11.1) to allow units to switch to column from road column at the end of their movement. 15. Pre-set written orders before the game begins are accepted before the game begins. 16. Ignore the reference to 26.6 in 20.2f there is no section 26.6. 17. Replace all references to "small arms range" in 10.3b to "3 hexes." 18. Skirmishers, when stacked with unlimbered artillery, do get the morale benefits for doing so. 19. Skirmishers receive the benefit for flank/rear shots when firing at Road Columns ONLY. 20. Skirmishers no longer MUST retreat before close combat (the "push" rule)-- they can if the owning player chooses to, but it is not required. 6-01 Austerlitz 1. Entry Hex C, should he the road entering at A63.07 2. In scenario 7.3, Napoleon, the HQ, and the French Army supply set up in hex A28.29, not A28.28. 3. In section 1.0, the Santon Redoubt is in A34.32, not A36.32 and the Sokolnitz Castle is in A17.29, not A 17.30. 4. In 1.0a, the sentence should begin "Only the infantry unit..." 5. In scenario 7.5, the units told to be at "elevation 5 or lower" shot, should be at "elevation 6 or lower". 6. The Allied player is limited to no more than 5 full strength Skirmisher units at any one time. Note that two reduced strength Skirmishers can replace the full strength one. This total is for the combined Russian-Austrian armies, not for each one separately. 7. The Pheasant Garden consists of hexes B 19.28, B 19.29, and B 19.30 only. Back to Table of Contents -- Operations #12 Back to Operations List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1994 by The Gamers. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |