by Russ Lockwood
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We received the following press release. --RL Rich Jarosz, SAGA's web designer, has established a Wargamer's Database on the SAGA Publishing web site. This database was set up in order to list all of the Ancient/Medieval and Renaissance wargamers from around the world who might want to be accessible to other players. I attempted to do this a couple of years back, but at the time did not have the resources or capabilities that Rich has brought to SAGA Publishing. Through the use of the database, gamers can quickly get in touch with players throughout the world, not only for gaming purposes, but to share research information as well. Though set up primarily for Medieval Warfare, Ancient Warfare and Renaissance Rules players, 70% of the MW/AW/RW players do play other rules sets, including WHAB, DBA/DBM, Hack, Warrior, DoB, etc. By putting your name, location and armies you have up on the database, other players can immediately check to see if there are others in the same city, town or county and what scale armies you have to do battle with. This is a large undertaking, and it will only be usefull as a tool if wargamers join. So take a few moments to click on the SAGA Publishing link below. The first thing you will see on the SAGA web site will be the blue lettering for the Database. Click on that and follow the simple directions. For those of you who belong to other lists (WHAB, Hack, DBM, DBA Resource Page, etc.) I would appreciate it if you could cut and paste this notice and send it along to these other groups. The more players we have signed up, the more potential opponents...and that's always a good thing! Note: SAGA # 84 will be mailed out Friday. Those of you who receive the email version will be getting your issues then as well. SAGA's new website Back to 1st Quarter 2002 List of News Items
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