Battlefield Domination

Napoleon's New Grande Armee
Thrashes the Austrians
at Haslach-Jungingen
During the Ulm Campaign of 1805

Data compiled by Scott Bowden
Layout by D.L. McElhannon

Order of Battle (text only):


1st Infantry Division: General DuPont

    1st Brigade: General Royer
      9th Legere: 2 bttns (1,258 men)
    2nd Brigade: General Marchand
      32nd Line: 2 bttns (1,390 men)
      96th Line: 2 bttns (1,457 men)
    Company from 1st Foot Artillery
      Two 4-pdr guns
      Four 6" Howitzers
    Detachment from 2nd Horse Artillery
      Two 8-pdr guns
    Attached to division
      1st Hussars: 3 squadrons (383 men)

1st Brigade (4th Dragoon Division): General Sahuc

    15th Dragoons: 3 squardons (283 men)
    17th Dragoons: 3 squadrons (317 men)


Right Column: Generals Riesch and Werneck

    Front Line
      Karl Riese #15: 3 bttns
      Reuss-Plauen #17: 3 bttns
      Stuart #18: 3 bttns
      Kolowrat-Krakowsky #36: 3 bttns
    Army Reserve (not engaged)
      Manfredini #12: 5 bttns (1 is Grenadier)
      Auersperg #24: 5 bttns (1 is Grenadier)
      Erbach #42: 4 bttns (1 is Grenadier)
    Artillery: 24 6-pdr guns

Note: in 1805 each Austrian infantry battalion serving in the Danube theater was supposed to have two 6-pounder guns attached as battalion artillery. However, due to the shortage of drivers and horse teams, this goal was never fully realized. At Haslach-jungingen, only the 12 battalions of the Right Column brought battlion artilley onto the field, resulting in a total of 24 6-pdr guns. Unfortunately, a better breakdown of which guns went to which battalions during the action is not available.

Also, the size of Austrian battalions in this action is not available.

Left Column: Generals Ferdinand and Schwartzenberg

      Erzherzog Ludwig #8: 3 bttns
      Erzherzog Rainer #11: 2 bttns
      Kaunitz-Reitberg #20: 3 bttns
      Froon #54: 3 bttns (1 is Grenadier)
      Albert Kurassier #3: 6 squadrons
      Mack Kurassier #6: 8 squadrons
      Latour Chevaulegers #4: 8 squadrons
      Rosenberg Chevaulegers #6: 8 squadrons
      Austrian Horse Artillery Battery
        Four 6-pdr guns
        Two 7-pdr howitzers


    Archives de Service Historique de l'Etat-Major de l'Armee de Terre, Chateau de Vincennes, Cartons C-2-13, C-2-470, C-2-482, and Operations Journal du 6e Corps.
    Generalmajor Alfred Krauss, 1805. Der Feldzug von Ulm, Vienna 1912.
    P. Birle, Geschichte des franzosischen Kriegs von 1805, Archiv Oberelchingen.

    Order of Battle

    Back to Part III: The Battle of Haslach-Jungingen

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