by Charles Sharp
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Complete Listing and Description of Figures Note: Unless otherwise stated, figures are dressed in a full justacorps; knee-length collarless coat with side pleats and a vent at the back, large cuffs with three buttons, buttons down the front of the coat and one horizontal pocket at each side with 2-3 buttons on the cover flap of the pocket. The legs below the coat are covered with stockings up over the knee held by garters just under the knee. Headgear is a Tricom hat with faint edge tape and no cockade or other lace. Ordinary foot and grenadiers are armed with a flintlock musket with ramrod stowed under the barrel, held by one barrel band, with fixed bayonet. Swords are hung on waist belt to left rear with bayonet scabbard mounted just in front of the sword on the same belt. "Advancing" figures are all striding forward with musket held at "high port" forward of body and almost vertical, with right hand at trigger and left hand high on stock "Marching" figures are all striding forward with musket held vertical in front of left shoulder: sometimes called the "Left Shoulder Shift" position. "Charging" figures are running with musket held leveled at waist, pointing forward. There are minor variations in placement of hands and positioning of weapons and accouterments within each pack of line infantry. Sergeants, drummers, and tricom-wearing troops have following different head variants: (Not every pack has all variants)
with loose (collar-length) hair and large mustache with loose hair and no mustache with loose hair and no mustache, shouting with loose hair and small mustache with hair tied back and large mustache with hair tied back and no mustache Old Glory Pack: MW 1
Senior Officers: (All): wearing heavy wigs ("periwigs"), gorget hung below throat 1 Posture:A plump figure, standing with right hand at side, hat in left hand, looking to right and forward Uniform: large waist sash, heavy button lace on coat, sword worn outside the coat, under the sash 2. Posture:walking, sword held in right hand point down, left hand up to hat Uniform: large cockade on hat, sash at waist, sword worn outside the coat under the sash Company Officers: (All): wearing wigs and gorgets as above, except as noted 1 . Posture: marching with spontoon at left shoulder, pointing forward with right hand Uniform: sword belt worn under the coat with no sash, heavy lace cast on pockets and cuffs of coat 2. Posture: marching with spontoon at right shoulder, left hand open at hip, head turned and shouting over left shoulder. Uniform: no gorget, sash worn at waist with sword hung outside the coat, under the sash 3. Posture: standing with spontoon grounded in right hand, looking up with hat held down in left hand (either praying or receiving orders!) Uniform: sword worn under coat on belt, sash at waist, light lace cast on cuffs, sleeves, pockets of coat 4. Posture: marching, spontoon at trail in right hand, left hand on sword hilt, looking forward and left Uniform: sash at waist with sword worn outside coat, hung under sash. Heavy lace cast at buttons on cuffs, pockets, front of coat. Ensigns: (All): cast without flagstaff, open hands to take a wire) 1. Posture: marching, right hand open at waist, left hand on sword hilt, looking to right Uniform: gloves, gorget hung below throat, sash at waist, sword worn outside coat 2. Posture: marching, right hand open at waist, left hand clinched near sword hilt Uniform: sword belt worn under coat, no sash or gorget 3. Posture: stepping out with left hand up, right hand at waist to hold f lag up and forward, shouting (classic "charging" pose) Uniform: neckcloth worn outside coat with ends hanging loose (ala Steenkirk- a fashion fad from the 1690's), sash at waist, sword worn outside coat, buttoned gaiters over stockings Sergeants: 1 . Posture: marching, with halberd held at "high port" (forward across body) Uniform: neck cloth tucked in, sword hung from waist belt, fur knapsack slung low on back 2. Posture: marching with halberd at right shoulder ("parade ground" style) Uniform: sword hung from waist belt outside the coat 3. Posture: marching with halberd at right shoulder, left hand held out from hip, palm back gesturing to restrain troops. Uniform: neckcloth worn outside coat (ala Steenkirk- see above), sword on belt at waist. Drummers Posture (All): marching with drum hung in front, hands on top of drum with sticks 1. Uniform: coat cast with French Royal Livery - chained lace on cuffs, sleeves, pockets, and edges of coat. 2. Uniform: neckcloth worn ala Steenkirk, ribbon lace cast running up and down sleeves and back of coat and across cuffs 3. Uniform: large leather knapsack and water bottle slung across back, coat cast with heavy lace around buttons but sleeves and rest of coat plain. Old Glory Pack: MW 2 Pack Title: Infantry in Tricorn Marching-Collarless Coat Figures: Postures: a. musket at left shoulder, steadied by left hand b. musket at left present held by both hands Uniform: neckcloth knotted neatly at front under coat; large cartridge box on right hip slung from baldric over left shoulder. Suitable For: ordinary soldier of British, Dutch, Bavarian, Hessian-Kassel, Upper Rhine, Wurzburg, Cologne, and some Austrian Foot Regiments Old Glory Pack: MW 3 Pack Title: Infantry in Tricorn Advancing-Collarless Coat Figures: Heads: at least three, all with full hair to collar Uniform: neckcloth knotted neatly under coat. Large cartridge box on right hip, slung from baldric over left shoulder. Suitable For: Same as MW2 Old Glory Pack: MW 4 Pack Title: Infantry in Tricorn Advancing - Coat with Collar Figures Heads: at least four Uniform: collar open with neckcloth tucked inside. Large cartridge box at rear of right hip slung from baldric over left shoulder. Sword belt worn inside coat, coat open in front. Suitable For: Prussian and some Austrian Infantry Old Glory Pack: MW 5 Pack Title; Infantry in Tricorn Marching-Coat with Collar & Fur Pack Figures: Heads: at least three, including: bandaged head without hat, cleanshaven (1 per pack?) Uniform: collar open with neckcloth neatly tucked inside. Large cartridge box at right hip slung from baldric over left shoulder Waist belt with sword worn under the ooat.Cuffs smaller than on other figures. Fur knapsack slung low on back with water bottle above the pack Suitable For: Same as MW4 Old Glory Pack: MW 6 Pack Title: Infantry in Tricorn Marching-Collarless Coat, Belly Box Figures: Heads: at least four Uniform: Neckcloth almost invisible under coat. Large belly box on waist belt centered in front. Powder flask hung in front of right hip slung on thin strap over left shoulder. Coat has double vertical pockets with buttons Suitable For: 1703-1724 French ordinary foot. Double vertical pockets with varying numbers of buttons are precisely correct for the following regiments (known): Picardie, Champagne, Bourbonnais, Royal, Poitou, Lyonnais, Dauphin, Touraine, Royal-Vaisseaux, Bourbon, Beauvaisis, Vermandois, Saxe, Senneterre, Royal-Comtois, Berry, Brie, Beauce, Berwick Old GIory Pack: MW 7 Pack Title: Infantry in Tricorn Marching-Right Shoulder Shift, Belly Box, Collarless Coat, Ribbon-Both Shoulders Figures: Heads: at least two Uniform: Neckdoth worn ala Steenkirk (outside coat, ends hanging loose). ribbons hung from point of both shoulders with thin epaulet tape on shoulder to collar. Coat has prominent button lace in groups of three on front and back of coat,pockets,and cuffs.Belly box on waist belt worn at right front of body. Suitable For: Spanish Walloon Guards or Royal Guards, 1703-1708+. Without ribbons, can be used for French Garde Francaise and Garde Suisse Old Glory Pack: MW 8 Pack Title: Infantry in Tricorn Charging-Leveled Bayonet, Collarless Coat, Belly Box Figures: Heads: at least four Uniform: neckcloth worn ala Steenkirk, Belly box with embossed cover flap on waist belt, almost hidden under left arm. Horizontal pockets on coat, almost hidden Suitable For: 1703-1724 French ordinary foot. Horizontal pockets with varying numbers of buttons are precisely correct for the following (known) regiments: Navarre, Piemont, Normandie, La Marine, Richelieu, Auvergne, Tallard, Du Roi, Gondrin, Anjou, Noailles, Souvre, La Reine, Limousin, Orleans, La Couronne, Bretagne, Artois, Rochechouart, DOuray, La Sarre, La Fere, Alsace, Royal-Roussillon, Conde, Rouergue, Bourgogne, Royal-Marine, Royal Italien, May, Brendle, Bettens, Burky, Languedoc, Puyguyon, Medoc, Duras, Monconseil, Provence, Mortemart, Bevenval, Mailly, Toulouse, Guyenne, Flandre, Angournois, Perigord, Saintonge, Forez, Cambresis, Foix, Bresse, LaMarche, Ile-de-France, Vexin, Dauphine, Luxembourg, Bassigny, Ponthieu, La Marck, Montmorency, Diesbach, Courten, Buckley, Clare, Dillon, Rosnyvinien, La Ferte-Imbault, Gatinais, Conti, Auxerrois, Agenois, Santerre, Des Landes, Dorrington, Enghien, Royai-Bavariere Old Glory Pack: MW 9 Pack Title: Infantry in Tricorn-Advancing-Collars, Fur Pack Figures: Heads: at least four Uniform: neckdoth hidden beneath collar and strapping. Large cartridge box on right hip slung from baldric over left shoulder. Strap over right should for fur- covered knapsack slung in middle of back with canteen slung on left hip, in front of the sword. Suitable For: Same as MW2 Old Glory Pack: MW 10 Pack Title: Infantry in Tricorn Marching-Right Shoulder Shift, Collarless Coat, Gafters Figures: Heads: at least four Uniform: prominent folded down collar, neckdoth hidden. Large cartridge box on right hip slung from baldric over left shoulder. Prominent button lace cast on front of coat and on pockets. Gafters over shoes and up over knees with prominent buttons down side Suitable For: center companies of British Foot Guards Old Glory Pack: MW 11 Pack Title: Infantry in Tricorn Marching-Collarless Coat-closed Figures: Heads: at least four Uniform: coat buttoned tight at throat, no neckcloth showing. Large cartridge box at right hip slung from baldric over left shoulder. Bayonet scabbard behind sword on waist belt. Prominent vertical lace cast on front of coat, and on pockets and cuffs. Suitable For: Dutch, Bavarian, Hessian, Cologne Foot Guards Old Glory Pack: MW 12 Pack Title: Infantry in Tricorn Advancing-Collarless Coat-Closed Figures: Heads: at least three Postures: two slightly different postures, slightly different placing of hands Uniform: Neckcloth barely visible- hidden on some head variants. Large cartridge box on right hip slung from bandoleer over left shoulder. Suitable For: Sarne as MW2 Old Glory Pack: MW 13 Pack Title: Infantry in Tricorn Standing-Collarless Coat, Belly Box, Ribbon-Right Shoulder Figures: Heads: at least three Uniform: No neckcloth showing. Double-breasted coat with narrow epaulet stripe on right shoulder and nest of ribbons hanging from point of shoulder Belly box centered on front of waist beft. Leather knapsack and water flask slung across back from strap over left shoulder. Suitable For: Spanish Line Infantry, Some Westphalian Foot Old Glo!y Pack: MW 14 Pack Title: Infantry in Tricom Advancing-Collar, Fur Pack, Flask Canteen Figures: Heads: at least four Uniform: Prominent collar laid flat, no neckcloth showing. Large cartridge box on right hip slung from bandoleer over left shoulder. Fur knapsack and cylindrical canteen slung on back by strap over right shoulder Suitable For: Same as MW10 Old Glory Pack: MW 15 Pack Title: Infantry in Tricorn Charging-Leveled Bayonet, Collarless Coat Figures: Heads: at least four Uniform: Coat has barely visible soft collar, not visible on all head variants. Medium sized cartridge box on right hip slung from bandoleer over left shoulder. Suitable For: Same as MW2 Old Glory Pack: MW 16 Pack Title: Infantry in Tricom Advancing-Collarless-closed Fur Pack Figures: Heads: at least four Uniform: No collar or neckcloth showing.Medium sized cartridge box on right hip slung from bandoleer over left shoulder. Fur knapsack slung on back by strap over right shoulder. Button lace cast on pockets and cuffs, Double breasted button lace down front of coat. No garters showing on stock ings (thick and smooth, could be painted as gaiters) Suitable For: Danish Foot Old Glory Pack: MW 17 Pack Title: Infantry in Tricom Advancing -Collarless, Ribbon Both Shoulders Figures: Heads: at least three Uniform: Neckcloth barely visible, tucked in under coat. Large nest of ribbons on both shoulders. Belly box with embossed cover flap on front of waist beft, sword hung at left rear with bayonet scabbard mounted above sword. Prominent cast lace on 6 buttons on each cuff, pockets, and button lace in groups of three on front and back of coat. Suitable For: Same as MW7 Old Glory Pack: MW 18 Pack Title: Infantry in Tricome Advancing-Collarless, Belly Box, Ribbon-Right Shoulder Gourd Figures: Heads: at least three Uniform: Neck of coat hidden beneath neckcloth worn ala Steenkirk. Large nest of ribbons on right shoulder. Belly box with embossed cover flap on center front of waist belt. Leather or cloth pack rolled, slung on back by strap over left shoulder, gourd canteen slung on back by strap over right shoul der. Prominent ribbons on stockings as garters below each knee. Suitable For: Same as MW13 Old Glory Pack: MW 19 Pack Title: Grenadier Advancing-Low Metal Front Plate Figures: Heads: one with hair full to collar and small mustache Uniform: Cap with rolled cloth lower edge, upright bag with prominent button on top, low metal front plate with cast embossing on front. Collarless coat with neck cloth neatly tucked in. Large cartridge box on right hip hung from ban doleer over left shoulder. Suitable For: Grenadiers of Hessia, Hannover, other minor German Protestant States Old Glory Pack: MW 20 Pack Title: Grenadier Marching-Low Metal Front Plate Figures: Heads: same as MW-19 Uniform: same as MW-19 except small Belly Box at left front, almost hidden under left arm. Suitable For: Same as MW19 Old Glory Pack: MW 21 Pack Title: Grenadier Marching-Cloth Front and Bag Figures: Heads: one with hair full to collar and large mustache Uniform: Cap with folded up lower edge, bag hanging over with tassel at top, low stiffened plain cloth front. Neckcloth knotted in front outside of coat, faint hint of a standing collar on coat. Large cartridge box on right hip slung from ban doleer over left shoulder. Fuse box on front of bandoleer. Waist belt with small belly box on left front. Suitable For: Grenadiers of Dutch infantry regiments, most British regiments, Dutch, British, or German fusiliers Old Glory Pack: MW 22 Pack Title: Grenadier Marching-Cloth Mitre Cap & Gaiters Figures: Heads: one, hair worn loose but trimmed, no mustache Uniform: Cap, lower edge folded up, tall stiffened cloth mitre with ribbed back bag and button on top. Large neckcloth worn ala Steenkirk (knotted outside coat, hanging down front).Collar on coat folded down, cast on button lace on cuffs, pockets, and front of coat. Large cartridge box on right hip slung from bandoleer over left shoulder. Leather knapsack hung on back by strap over right shoulder. Prominent buttons on gaiters which extend from top of shoes to over the knee, with garters under each knee. Suitable For: British Foot Guard Grenadiers and Grenadiers of Royal Irish (18th Regt of Foot) Old Glory Pack: MW 23 Pack Title: Grenadier Marching-Fur Cap, Low Plate, Rear Bag Figures: Heads: hair tied back, large mustache Uniform: Cap with high fur front faced by low metal plate. Large back hanging down back with prominent embossing on bag and tassel at end. Coat with standing collar or tight neckcloth. Medium sized cartridge box on right hip slung from bandoleer over left shoulder. Leather knapsack on back slung by strap over right shoulder. Suitable For:Imperial Austrian Grenadiers; without plate for Bavarian, Wurzburg, some Upper Rhine (Catholic German) Grenadiers Old Glory Pack: MW 24 Pack Title: Grenadier Advancing-Cloth Front, Lower Fur Edging and Rear Bag Figures: Heads: hair tied back, small mustache Uniform: Cap with low f ur edging all around, low metal or cloth front with cast embossing and edging, a semi-stiff bag behind with prominent tassel on top. Collared coat with no neckcloth showing, cast button lace on cuffs, pockets, and front and back of coat. Medium cartridge box at right hip slung from bandoleer over left shoulder. Suitable For: Spanish Grenadiers in Austrian Service Old Glory Pack: MW 25 Pack Title: Grenadier Standing-Fur Cap Figures: Heads: Hair full to collar, large mustache Uniform: Tall all-fur cap with no plates or bag. Neckcloth knotted tight in front. Small cartridge box at right hip with powder flask slung in front of box, both by bandoleer and strap over left shoulder Leather pack hung on back by trap over left shoulder. Small box hung on back over pack by strap over right shoulder. Suitable For: Grenadiers some German minor Catholic States (Rhine Bishoprics, Regt von Leyen of the Upper Rhine Circle) Old Glory Pack: MW 26 Pack Title: Grenadier Marching-Fur Cap, Plate, Rear Bag Figures: Heads: hair full to collar, large mustache Uniform: High fur cap with large front plate, large embossed bag hanging down back to shoulder with tassel on end. Coat with no collar, neckcloth neatly tucked in. Large cartridge on right hip slung from bandoleer over left shoulder, fuse box on front of bandoleer. Waist belt with small belly box on front. Suitable For; Grenadiers of some Austrian foot regiments Old Glory Pack: MW 27 Pack Title: Grenadier Advancing-Fur Cap, Plate, Rear Bag Figures: Heads: same cap and head as MW-26 Uniform: Neck cloth tied high and tight, no collar. Large cartridge box on right hip hung from bandoleer over left shoulder. Suitable For: Same as MW26 Old Glory Pack: MW 28 Pack Title: Grenadier Marching-Low Front Plate and Bag Figures: Heads: hair full to collar, no mustache Uniform: Cap with back edge folded up, bag with three embossed ribs and tassel hanging to rear, low mitre-shaped smooth front. Low collar on coat, neckcloth high and tight on neck. Medium cartridge box on right hip hung from bandoleer over left shoulder. Bayonet scabbard hung behind sword at left rear of waist beft. Coat cast with button lace on pockets and cuffs, double-breasted button lace on front and on back vent. Suitable For: Danish Grenadiers Old Glory Pack: MW 29 Pack Title: Dragoons with Command Figures: Heads: hair tied back, small mustache hair loose, clean shaven - shouting All figures provided with right arm separate, arms are provided holding sword, pistol, trumpet, or flagstaff. Carbines are also cast separately. Horses are separate, a mixture of standing, walking, trotting, and running types. Uniform: Tricorn with visible edge lace, collarless coat open to show waistcoat underneath. Bandolier over left shoulder with cartridge box slung to the right rear, hole to glue carbine hanging from the bandolier on the right. Square-cornered saddlecloth (sabraque) with two cloth-covered pistol holsters in front, rolled cloak behind the rider. All riders with high boots and sword visible from urder the coat on the left. Suitable For: Most German, Imperial, Dutch, or British dragoons or unarmored cavalry. French cavalry. For Dutch or British, hands would have to be selected without pistols, which were not used in battle. After 1707, Dutch and British cavalry should have brestplates in place of waistcoats under the coat. Filling in buttonholes on waistcoats and painting would be almost enough to show this - not much of the waistcoat edge is showing on any of the figures. Trumpeters as musicians are appropriate only for cavalry, not dragoons, and mounted kettledrums were more important for the regular cavalry, but are not provided. Old Glory Pack: MW 30 Pack Title: Cuirassiers with Lobster Helmet and Command Figures: Heads: All hair covered by helmet, all with mustaches. All figures provided with right arms separate, arms provided holding sword, pistol, trumpet, or flagstaff. Carbines cast separately. Separate horses all trotting, walking, or running. Uniform: Lobster helmet with ridged neck guard, visor and nasal. Full back and brestplate with prominent shoulder reinforcements, bandolier for carbine slung over left shoulder to right hip. Long coat from under the cuirass to top of high boots, just a bit of pants showing. Square-cornered saddlecloth (sabraque) with two cloth-covered pistol holsters in front, rolled cloak behind the rider. All riders cast with empty sword scabbard on the left. Three officers provided cast with no bandolier and prominent waist sash over the cuirass. Suitable For: Austrian Imperial and Bavarian cuirassiers. NOTE: musicians did not wear armor, so a seperate unarmored kettledrummer or trumpeter should be used in place of one of the armored figures provided. Old Glory Pack: MW 31 Pack Title: Cuirassiers with Tricom and Command Figures: Heads: Same heads as in Pack MW29 All figures provided with right arms separate, arms provided holding sword, pistol, trumpet, or flagstaff. Carbines cast separately. Separate horses all walking, trotting, or running. Uniform: Tricorn with visible edge lace, full cuirass as in MW30 pack with bandolier for carbine over the left shoulder. Figures below the neck are, in fact, identical to the MW30 pack, including three officers with prominent waist sashes and no bandolier over their cuirasses. Suitable For: Bavarian Cuirassiers. Some Dutch and Danish units labeled cuirassiers who may have worn the cuirass over the coat. Venningen Gendarmes of the Palatinate (Pflaz). The single French cuirassier regiment, which however never fought against Marlborough or the British! Musicians should be provided from unarmored figures -see comments for MW30 above. Old Glory Pack: MW 32 Pack Title: Heavy Artillery with Crew Figures: All: wearing tricorns Officers: Two officers are provided, one gesturing to the front and one to the left side with a long match. Both: wearing coats with lace on cuffs, down the front, on pockets, on back vent, waist sash prominently knotted over the sword, which is worn under the coat, sticking out of the vent on the left side. NCOs: Two figures provided, one with linstock and one holding long match to the front. Wearing coats open to show waistcoat underneath, one figure with collar and one without.Both: cartridge/fuse box slung from bandolier over the left shoulder to the right hip, sword hanging from a waistbelt worn under or over the coat. Gunners: Five different figures with rammers or swabbing staffs in variations of standing holding staffs vertically or at port arms, one holding swab low horizontally. All wearing collarless coat with prominent neck cloth/scarf, bandolier with large cartridge/fuse box slung f rom left shoulder, waistbelt with small "hanger" sword slung from left hip Powder Monkey: One figure cast standing in front of a barrel, holding a large mallet to broach the barrel on order. Waist belt worn outside the coat, small fuse box on left front of belt, small sword hanging from left hip. Guns: Large guns on box trail, decorative castings on barrels. Could represent 12 to 18 lber pieces. Suitable For: All nationalities Old Glory Pack: MW 33 Pack Title: Light Artillery with Crew Figures: Same as for Pack MW32 Guns: Two types of light gun barrels, 4 barrels for 2 box carraiges. 2 barrels are slightly shorter than the other two, so could represent light 6 lbers or 4 lbers. Both types have decorations on barrels. Both appear to be a little heavy for battalion guns, but not by much. Certainly could be used for Bavarian or Hessian- Kassel light 6-lber regimental guns. Suitable For: All nationalities Old Glory Pack: MW 34 Pack Title: Generals with Tricorns Figures: All: All 7 generals have full wigs, long coats, high boots, and tricorns. Horses are cast separately, in standing, walking, trotting, and running poses. All coats have varying degrees of lace cast on. Most tricorns have only edge lace cast on, but one figure has feathered edge on tricorn (there may be more in other packs). Some figures have no sash, others have either waist sash or sash worn over the right shoulder and knotted at the left hip. Figures are cast with square-edges or rounded saddle cloths and holster-covers at the front, all cast with decorative fringed edges. Postures range from pointing pistol or sword, looking through small spyglass, gesturing with hands. Suitable For: All nationalities. Could in fact represent officers from Colonel up, since there were no enforcable regulations on officer uniforms or attire in any of the armies. Over-All Comments:Virtually all the figures are between 25 and 27mm tall and "medium" on the Barrett Scale. That makes them very compatible with the Stratagem, Imperialist, or Wargames Foundry 25mm figures. The Wargames Foundry tend to be a little heftier, but not noticably so. The best single aspect of this line is the animation and variety within each pack. In this they are unmatched by any other line available. Even where there are gaps, such as the lack of unarmored musicians or mounted drummers in the cavalry packs, the best solution is to buy a single musician from another line and add it to the Old Glory regiment. Where figures are completely unavailable in this line, such as French dragoons in stocking caps or mounted kettledrummers, they are available from other manufacturers and, as stated, can be mixed easily with the Old Glory packs. The Command Pack alone (MWI) has a variety of "personalities" that is awesome, and the officers of the early eighteenth century were undisciplined enough in their attitude towards uniforms that you can use that pack alone to add a tremendous variety and color to any unit right up to the 1750s. Back to MWAN #98 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1999 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. 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