by Bruce McFarland
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A bunch of the Edmonton boys had got together for some DBA campaigning. They were extolling the virtues of the DBA system when one exclaimed, "Why can't there be a similar system for WWII?". "Yes," said another. The Humberside Wargame Society ( did a wonderful job of extending DBA to 1900 AD, What's fifty years more?" That sounded like a challenge to me, DBA really has two strokes of genius; the Command System and the "Quick Kills". The Command System should be transferable enough. The more you break your command up the harder your command is to control. At first, I tried using the Command Decision idea of stating that a "group of elements" were all those within a 6" radius facing the same direction. This worked well enough, however, we found that by raising the scale of the game to 1" = 500 paces we could return to the simplicity of the original DBA and have the elements toughing 9 they were in a group. I thought arranging the different arms would be more difficult; getting each weapon to Quick-kill the correct enemy, However, when I sat down to actually fill in a matrix of the quick-kills I found that if one looked at the purpose of each WWII weapon they corresponded perfectly to some ancient counter-part. Heavy tanks are meant to smash and exploit - just like knights, Light tanks on the other hand, like light horse were meant to delay and harass, but were hard to kill, anti-tank weapons were slow, very effective against vehicles but vulnerable to infantry - just like bows. and grunts were like - er. well... grunts. We did end up changing a few things. Most elements, of course, have ranged fire. Attrition is made possible in that every recoil a element suffers causes it to lose one (1) off of each of its combat factors. After three recoils, the element is lost. We limited range fire and sighting to penetrating cover only up to 1 inch. This means that Submachinegun infantry in towns Oil have to be "dug" out not blasted out. An optional rule caused a bit of controversy. The original variant gave infantry +1 for being supported in the rear by heavy tanks (knights) or medium tanks (cav). Half the group felt this was a legitimate use of armour in an infantry support role and that the trade off of no ranged fire was fair exchange for the +1 for infantry in firefights and melees. The DBA purists of the group pointed out that DBA only allows elements to support like elements and so the rule went against the 'spirit" of DBA. Then there was a gamer who believed that infantry should get +2 for tank support against other infantry, but +0 against enemy armour. Experiment for yourself. POINTS COST SYSTEM(the following point system was borrowed and converted from Chris Brantly DBA Resource Page) Formula CF - Combat Factors (vs. foot + vs. vehicle) QKB -Subject to quick kill by other unit types 0-1=2:2-3=1:4-5=0:6-2 QKO Quick Kills on other+ units 0-3-0: 4-5-1; 6-7-2: 8+-3 Flee if element is less than half of enemy and unit flees instead of being killed 1 TF Not Quick-Killed in bad-going - 1 Sup -Ability to increase combat factor with support = 1 RG - Basic Ranged attack (+1 for indirect) 0"-0-1 1-4"-1 1 5-8"-2 -1 9-3 Air or Naval support 3 Mv - Base movement rate in good going 2"-1 -1 3"=01' 4'+= 1 TRANSPORT NOTESTrucks, horses and halftracks are transports and can carry one element of Infantry, Artillery or Anti-tank. There is no cost to disembark - just place the rider along the front edge of the transport element at the end of movement. Riders cannot disembark while the transport element is in contact with enemy units, however. While riding in the transport the rider cannot fire or melee and suffers the same fate as the transport when hit. Embarking is more difficult. The combat element must be in contact with the transport element at the beginning of the turn. and not in contact with any enemy elements. To embark onto a transport costs each element 1 CP. A second command point may be spend on the transport (or transport Toup) to move it according to the movement rules. OFF BOARD SUPPORTOff board naval artillery and air support must have a infantry "spotter" within 12" of the target and have a direct line of sight. A 2cm radius circle is placed on the target and a dice is rolled for drift. First die is distance of drift in inches, with "5"& "6" "direct hit". Second dice is direction of drift 1 - north; 2= northeast; 3-- south-east; 4=south 5 = south-west: 6 = north west While under the template the target cannot be shot at by other units and no modifiers are applied to either the attacker's or targets combat rolls. If the target recoils roll for the direction of the recoil. 1 - north; 2- north-east; 3-- south-east; 4 - south; 5 - south-west: 6 - north west OPERATIONAL MOVESIn double DBA games, an element or group of elements starts a turn more than 6" away from any enemy elements and on a road, it may move at as many march moves as the commander has PIPs to spare. Infantry units move at regular road speed. Vehicles move at triple road speed. Elements that move via march move cannot make a tactical move at the same time. Players may want to experiment with instituting , flank marches and ambush rules from DBM, as well ADDITIONAL COMBAT FACTORS
Target being shot at in prepared works +2 For every recoil the element has suffered in this game - 1 (on third recoil the element is eliminated) Unit OrganizationGerman (1940) Infantry Reg't (47pts.) 1 x HWps, 4x Infantry , 1 x horse Motorized Reg't (49 pts) 1 x HWps, 4x Infantry , 1 x truck Engineer Battalion(15pts) ' 1 x Engineer, 1 x truck Recon Battalion (1 2pts) 1 x Recon, 1 truck Tank Reg't (23pts) 2x Pzkw II, 1xPzkw III Independent Tank Bat (22pts) 2x Pzkw IV Anti-Tank Battalion (9,10,11pts) 1 x 37mm AT or 54mm AT or 88mm AT, 1 truck Artillery Battalion (11 pts) 1 x light artillery, 1x horse Motorized Art. Battn (13pts) 1 x light artillery, 1 x truck German (mid-war) Infantry Reg't (39 pts) 1 x HWps, 1 x SMG, 2x Infantry, 1 x horse Volksgrenadier Reg't (45 pts) 1 x light Artillery Bat, 1 HWps,1 x SMG, 2x Infantry, 1 x horse Luftwaffe Field Regt (50 pts) 1 x HWps. 3x Infantry, 1 x SMG, 1 x trucks Motorized Infantry Regt (74 pts) 1 x light Artillery Bat., 1 x SP light artillery, 1 x HWps, 3x Infantry, 5x trucks PZ Armoured Inf. Regt (89pts) 1x light Artillery Bat., 1x SP light artillery, 1 x HWps, 2x Infantry, 1 x SMG, 1 x STG III , 3x trucks, 2x haftacks; SS Panzer Inf. Regt (97pts) 1x light Artillery Bat., 1x SP light artillery, 1 HWps, 3x Infantry,1x SMG, 1x STG III, 4x trucks, 2x halftracks Engineer Battalion (15pts) 1x Engineers, 1 truck Recon Battalion (49pts) 1 x light Artillery Bat., 2 Armoured Cars, 1x Recon, 1x SMG, 4x haftacks Anit-Tank Battalion (10 pts) 1 x 75mm AT, 1 x truck Panzer Regt (36, 38 pts) 1 x light Artillery Bat., 2x Pzkw IV or Panthers, 1 x half track Heavy Tank Reg't (24 pts) 2x Tiger Assault Gun Brigade (21pts) 1x STG Ill. 1x Infantry, 1x truck Artillery Reg't (11, 13 pts) 1x light artillery or heavy artillery, 1x horse Motorized Artillery Reg't (17pts) 1 x SP heavy artillery Divisional Organization SS Panzer Div.(296pts)= 2x SS. Arm.Inf Regt, 1x Engineer Bat., 1 x Recon Bat., 1 x AT Bat, 1 x Tank Regi, 1 x Assaut gun Bat., Motor. Art, Reg't Panzer Div.(264pts)m 1xMotor.lnf Regt, 1xArm.Inf Reg't, 1x Engineer Bat- ix Recon Bat. 1 x AT Bat, 1 x Tank Regt, 1 x Heavy Artillery Regi Panzergrenadier Div (238 or 226 pts,)= 2x Motor. Inf.Flegl, 1x Engineer Bat., 1 x Recon Bat., 1 x AT Bat. 1 x Tank Bat. or Assault gun Bat. Infantry Div. (197 pts,)= 90 3x Intantry Reg't, 1 x Engineer Bat.,1 x Recon Bat., 1 xAT Bat., 1 x light Artillery Regt Volksgrenadier Div.(164pts)- 3xVG Inf Reg't, 1x Engineer Bat., UAT Bat. 1 x light Artillery Reg't Luftwaffe Field Division (136pts) 2x Luft. Inf Regt, 1 x Engineer Bat., 1 x AT Bat. 1 x light Artillery Bat. British and Commonwealth1940 Infantry-Tank Brigade (14pts)1 x Mk IV, 1 x Matilda Crusier Tank Reg't (18pts)2x Valintine A10 Cruiser Tank Brigade (69pts)5 Valintne A10, 2x Infantry, 2x trucks Mid-War and later Infantry Brigade (95 pts)1 x 57mm AT, 1 x Hwps, 6x Infantry, 7x trucks, 1 x halftrack Lorried Infantry Brigade (101pts)1 x 57mm AT, 1 x Hwps, 6x Infantry, 2x trucks, 6x haftack Parachute Battalion (26 pts)1 x HWps, 1 x SMG, 2x trucks Airlanding Battalion (37pts)1 x Hwps, 2x Infantry, 3x trucks Machinegun Battalion (20pts) 2x HWps Recon Reg't (43pts)3x Armoured Cars, 1 x Recon, 1x haftack Engineering Battalion (30pts)2x Engineers, 2x trucks Light Tank Regt (8,9pts)1 x M5 Stuart or 1 x Cromwell Armour Regt (26pts)1x M5 Stuart, 2x M4 Sherman Armour Brigade(! 02pts)1 x, 1 x M5 Stuart, 4x M4 Sherman, 2x Firefly, 2x Infantry, 2x truck Anti-Tank Reg't (19pts)1 x 37mm AT, 1 x 75mm AT, 2x trucks Field Artillery Regt (13pts)1 x Light Artillery, 1 x truck Heavy Artillery Reg't (15pts)1x Heavy Artillery, 1 truck Mechanized Artillery Reg't (17pts) 1 x SP heavy artillery Divisional Organizations Armoured Div.(339pts). 1 x Lorr. Inf Brig, 1 x Eng, Bat., 1 x Recon. Bat 1 Lt. Tank Regi, 1 x Armour Brig- 1 x AT Regt, 2x Mech, Hvy. Artillery Regt Infantry Div. (442pts)= 3x Inf. Brig., 1 x IVIGun Bat., 1 x Eng, Bat., 1 x Recon Bat. 1 x AT Bat., 3x Field Art, Regt Airbourne Div. (267pts.)= 6x Para Inf. Bat, 3x Airland Inf Bat, AmericanInfantry Regt (83pts) 1x 50mm AT, 2x HWps, 4x Infantry, 7x trucks Armoured Infantry Regt (84pis) 2x 50mm AT, 1 x SP heavy artillery. 2x HWps. 4x Infanty, 2x trucks, 6x halftacks Parachute Regt (53pts) 1 x HWps. 4x SMG, 1 x truck Glider Reg't (59pts) 2x HWps, 4x Infantry, 1 x truck Engineer Battalion (28pts) 1 x HWps, 1 x Engineers, 2x tucks Recon Battalion (40pts) 1 x 57mm ATJ x SP 76mm AT, 1x, 1 x Recon, 2x haftack Light Tank Battalion (24pts) 3x M5 Stuarts Medium Tank Regt (69pts) 2x M5 Stuart, 3x M4 Sherman. 1 x M4/76, 1 x HWps, 1 x haftack Self-Propelled AT Battalion (34,36pts)l x, 2x SP 76mm AT or 82mm AT Anti-Tank Battalion(18, 20,22 pts) 2x 57mm or 76mm or 90mm AT. 2x trucks Infantry Artillery Brigade (13pts) 1x light Artillery, 1x truck Armoured Artillery Brigade (17pts) 1x SP heavy Artillery Divisonal Organizations Armour Div. (274pts) 1 x Armour/Inf Regt, 1 x Eng. Bat 1 x Recon Bat., 1 x Med. Tank Reg't, 1 x SP AT Bat., 1 x Arm Artillery Brig Infantry Div. (132pts)- 3x Infantry Reg't, 1x Engineer Bat., 1x Int.Artillery Brig Airbourne Div. (213pts) - 2x Parachute Reg't 1 Glider Regt, 1x Engineer Bat Soviet UnionTank Brigade (19pts) 1 x 76mm AT, 1 x T-34, 1 x truck Mechanized Infantry Brigade 1 x 76mm AT, 1 x HWps, 2x Infantry, (59pts) 1 x T-34, 5x truck Motorized Infantry Brigade 1 x 76mm AT, 1 x HWps, 1 x Recon, (59pts) 2x Infantry, 5x trucks Self-Propelled Artillery Reg't 1x SU85 or SU152 (heavy artillery) (19,19,18,15,17pts) or SU100 or JS I or JSII (light artillery Cavalry Regt (19pts) 1x 46mm AT,1x truck 1x Infantry (moves 4", 4", 4" Anti-Tank Regt (10pts) 1 x 76mm, 1 x truck Infantry Reg't (29pts) 1 x HWps, 2x Infantry, 1 x horse Motorcycle Battalion (13pts) I x SMG, 1 x tuck (motorc.) Recon Battalion (12pts) 1 x Recon, 1 x tuck Submachinegun Battalion (13pts) 1 x SMG, 1 x truck Motorized Infantry Battalion (12pts) 1x Infanlry, 1 x truck Infantry Battalion (9pts) 1x Infantry Machinegun Battalion (1 Opts) 1 x HWps, Divisional Organizations Infantry Div (99pts) - 3x Infantry Regl., Ant-Tank Regt., 2x horses Mechanized Corps (223pts). 2x Recon Bat., 1 x Anti-tank Regt., 2x SP Art. Regt, 1x MGun Brig., 2x Mech Inf Brig., 1 x Tank Brig., 2 x trucks Tank Corps (157 pts)..........2x Recon Bat., 1 x AT Bat 2x SP Art. Regt., 1 Motor Inf, Bat, 3x Tank Brig, . 1 x MGun Brig, 2x trucks France (1940)Infantry Regt (55pts) 1 x 25mm AT, 1 x HWps, 4x Infantry Motorized Infantry Regt (61pts) 1 x HWps, 4x Infantry, 5x trucks Dragons Portes Reg*t (79pts) 1xAMR, 1x 25mm AT, 1x HWps, 4x Infantry, 6x truck Engineer Reg't (23pts)1 x AMR, 1 x Engineer. 1 x truck Recon Reg't (24pts) 2x Recon, 2x trucks DCR Infantry Reg't (37pts)1 x 25mm AT. 2x Infantry, 2x trucks, 1 x DCR Armoured Brigade (15pts)1 x H-39, 1 x Char 131 DCR Artillery Regt (1 5pts)1 x heavy Artillery. 1 x truck DLM Recon Regt (20pts)1 x Recon. 1 x truck, 1 x AMR DLM Armour Brigade (15,16pts)1x S-35. 1x H-35 or H-39 DLM Artillery Reg't (13pts)1 x light Artillery, 1 x truck Anti-Tank Company (7pts)1 x 25mm AT, 1 x horse Motorized Anti-Tank Reg*t (15pts) 2x 25mm AT. 2x truck Heavy Artillery Regt (31pts) 1 x heavy Artillery, 1 x horse Motorized Hvy Artillery Reg't (15pts). 1 x heavy Artillery, 1 x truck Light Artillery Regt (11 pts) 1 x light Artillery, 1 x horse Motorized Lgi Artillery Reg't (13pts) 1 x light Artillery. 1 x truck Divisional Organization Infantry Div (235pts)- 3x Infantry Regt., 1 x Recon Regt., 1 x light Art. Regi., 1 x heavy Art. Regt., 1x Eng. Regt Motorized Infantry Div. (255pts) - 3x Motor. Int. Regi., 1 x Motor.light Art. Regt., 1 x Motor. heavy Art. Regt., 1 x Recon Regl., 1x Eng, Regt Division Legere Mecanique - 1x DLM Arm. Brig., 1 DLM Recon Regt, (164pts) 1 x Dragons Portes Regt., I x Motor. AT Regt., 1x DLM Artillery Regt,, 1x Engineer Reg't Division Cuirassee - 1 x DCR Armoured Brig., 1 x DCR Infantry Bat, (85pts) 1 x DCR Art, Regt, 1 x Engineer Regt Charts Unit: DBA equivalent: Movement (Good/Bad/Rd): Combat vs. Inf: Combat vs. Veh: QKB: FLE: TF: SUP: RNG: MV: Pts ![]() ![]() ![]() Back to MWAN #97 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1999 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |