by Hal Thinglum
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By Hal Thinglum - OUTLAND GAMES PAINTING SERVICE - Outland Games, 1061 Bertram Ave., Dayton, OH 45406 (937-276-2336) offers a quite competent painting service. I recently received some 15mm ECW horse regiments and an ECW foot regiment. The figures were from the ESSEX line, some of the best ECW/TYW figures on the market. The figures looked very nice: horse harnesses were neatly done and stood out nicely: the figures had a slight white collar with belting and sashes being clearly clone~ horses were done in two colors: and the figures had mustaches. ESSEX has cast on flags which were painted very nicely at no extra figure cost. Swords are done in two colors: gold for the handle and silver for the blade. They utilize a black priming technique. 15mm foot figures cost $1.00 while mounted are $1.40. Very good quality at a very reasonable price. Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - JOHN PRICE PAINTING SERVICE - John Price, 5657 E. 32nd St., Tucson, AZ 85711 (520-790-072 I recently returned some 15mm ECW figures which I'd sent off for painting. Prices are $1.25/foot and $2.25/i-nounted for "standard" painting. He also offers a "custom" job for $1.75/$3.00. 1 requested the "standard" job. Horses are in two colors (body and mane/tail) with well done harnesses. Riders have nicely done sashes and leather belting and beards/mustaches are done. Swords are done in two colors. I also sent him a TYW Swedish foot regiment which I was very pleased with. The standard bearer and officer had the "full" shirt sleeves with "cuts" in them revealing another garment underneath and they were painted in two different colors very effectively. These were MINIFIG figures with a little less detail than ESSEX but John painted the collars (hard to make out on these figures). The drummer had "reverse" coat colors and pikes had painted tips. I also sent off about 30 ECW/TYW artilleryi-nen and John painted thern a variety of colors, as requested. These are very nice. All detail is painted and they are quite attractively done. The mounted bugler's trumpet sash is nicely outlined in gold. Good work and highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - A&A HUGHES PAINTING SERVICE - Alan Hughes, 2 Princess Rd., Scaham, Co. Durham, UK, SR7 7SP (phone 0191 581278 1) charges $1.25/foot and $2.25/mounted for 15mm figures. His prices include basing as well as flags and standards. I sent him ECW foot regiments from ESSEX. Alan's work is very good. The apostles are especially well done in that Alan added a little rnetal/silver color to make them stand out. I also liked the drums as he did them in two colors in a checkerboard type fashion. Flags are nicely done as to detail. Sorne of the figures have buttons painted on while all have mustaches. Metal helmets and breastplates must have been done in two different metal colors or dry brushed as they stand out nicely. One regiment of pikemen had edged uniform trim which was very effective! Collars and cuffs are very good. Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - ANDY'S ARMIES PAINTING SERVICE - Andy's Armies, PO Box 15296, Portland. OR 97293 (503-695-2668) charges $5.00 for a 25mm painted figure. I sent Andy 12 REDOUBJ Peninsular War Spanish Guerillas and he did an outstanding job on them. First of all, the REDOUBT Figures are full of character and are in many different types of uniforms and civilian clothing. Eyes and eyebrows are clearly done: all buttons are clone~ pistols and muskets are done in several different metal colors and stand OLIt nicely: Andy added patches on clothing - a nice touch - clothing is also shaded. Detail is very -ood. Andv terrained the metal bases I'd glued the figures to in a workmanlike manner and added touches of lichen to some of' thern to give a nice effect. Highly recommended' By Hal Thinglum - THE HONOURABLE LEAD BOILER SUIT COMPANY 25MM RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR FROM RLBPS - I twess it vas only a rnatter of tirne before someone came out with 25mm Russian Civil War figures. A number ofcompanies are producing WWII 25mm and this scale seerns to have caught on for the WWII period. Elie great thing about this new UK company is that not only are they produce RCIA 25nirn figUres, but they are releasing WWI and WWII resin/metal vehicles! These samples corne from RLBPS, 4827 Treevie\,\ Terrace, Rockford, IL 61109 (815-874-5351), who is distributing them here in the USA. First of all, the vehicles - there are 24 WWI resin/metal 25mm vehicles ranging in price froin $18.00 to $3 1.50. First of all there is GW 12 German A7V tank ($31.50) which has a cast resin main body 5" long, 2 1/4" wide and 2" high with metal tracks, and metal accessory pieces. None of the vehicle kits come with instructions, which is too bad as I know so very little about WWI vehicles that I wouldn't know what to do with many of the "accessory" pieces. There are six machine guns and one main gun for the tank. The metal tracks have no flash to speak of, while the metal accessory pieces have some. The resin cast inain body is very well cast with no flash and much detail including exhaust pipes and rivets clearly cast. The machine guns fit neatly into holes cast in the resin. This would be a beautiful inodel! GW3 is a Rolls Royce Armoured Car ($18.00) and also a beautiful model! The main body again is resin while the undercarriage. wheels, and turret are metal. This model has essentially no flash and as with the German tank, detail is Outstanding! GW9 is a French FTI 7 tank with three different turrets ($18.00). This kit is all resin with the exception of the metal machine gun. Beautifully cast resin piece! Right now, there are British, Russian, French, and German WWI vehicles available. Let me just mention the WWII vehicles of which there are currently eight, ranging in price from $6.75 to $28.00 including two jeeps, kubelwagen, ketternkraftrad, Horch I A recce, Humber 1/11 scout car, 30 cwtLRDG Chevy truck, and 222 armored car. Now to the RCW 25mm figures!!!! Figures are priced at $1.35/foot and $2.00 for horses/ponies. There are a great many figures available currently and they are quite exciting! First ofall. the intantry: Red Guard (4), Red Navy ( I I ), Red Infantry (17), Red Infantry 1919 wearing Slern (10), Russian infantrv 1914-21 (18), White Officer Company (6), Standard Bearers (4), Cossack infantry/disnitcl (6), and HMG teams (6). There are 15 Red Cavalry and 12 White cavalry. The figures measure approximately 26mm tall from the top of the stand to eye level. Detail is fairly good and figures are fairly well animated. I am impressed with the vastness of the range and the figures would look good painted up, I am sure! I've been doing some inore reading about the RCW, narnely the role of the US Army. and I find the period to be fascinating! WARGAMES FOUNDRY offers 25mm GREAT WAR 1914-18 figures for the British, French. and Germans: all of which could be used. They also offer a Royal Horse Artillery limber and 6-horse team as well as guns and two British tanks (priced in the $50 plus range). If you are looking for painting information, pick up the MEN-AT-ARMS OSPREY books - THE RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR (I ) The Red Army, and (2) The White Army. They are both outstanding and highly useful! By Hal Thinglum - TRADITION "WILLIE" 30MM FIGURES FROM SPENCER SMITH MINIATURES - Peter Johnstone of SPENCER SMITH MINIATURES, The Old Rectory, Wortham, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 1SL, UK (01379-65002 1 ) has made the 30inin "Willie" figures available to the wargaming public again, as well as the 25mru and 30rnrn Tradition ranges and the 30mm plastic and metal Spencer Smith line (which we all know from Charles Grant's THE WARGAME book)! I ordered a regiment (24 figures) of Prussian SYW Cuirassier. I've always wanted a regiment of "Willie" (by Edward Suren) figures in my SYW army. I obtained D61 Cuirassier officer, D62 trumpeter, and D63 trooper at 2.90 pds for horse and rider. The horses certainly could be said to be "heavies" as they stand 31mm high from the base to the top of the back ("here the rider sits). With the rider seated, they measure 50mm high. They come with separate swords and trumpets. The riders and swords are flash free, while the horses sometimes have a little bit of flash between the legs. Detail is good, considering this line is probably thirty years old. In its time. "Willie" figures were considered the best line available, and they still are good! Order a catalog from Peter and take a look at the ranges. The 30mm Tradition figures are 1.05 pds/foot and 1.55/horse and rider. The 25mm Tradition figures are .60/foot and 1. 10 pds/rider and horse. Many years ago I obtained a number of 25mm Tradition British Colonial figures and was pleased with them and used them ill my Zulu War Project. By Hal Thinglum - ACW SCENARIO BOOKS BY POTOMAC PUBLICATIONS FROM THE LAST SQUARE - THE LAST SQUARE. 5944 Odana Rd.. Madison, WI 53719 (800-750- 4401) carries the Potomac Publications American Civil War scenario books ($14.00 each). I obtained the latest three releases: Bermuda Hundred Campaign (Pea Ridge/Elkhorn Tavern Campaign) Bayonets. Shells& Balls! (Eastern Theatre) and a Clash of Sabers! (Cavalry scenarios for all theatres). These are, by far, the best scenario books on the market and these three bring the total to seven! Outstanding efforts! Each scenario has an historical back"rOUnd. deployment. terrain. Victory conditions, orders of battle, and a good map. The Bermuda Hundred Carripaign booklet offers historical background. terrain, movernent charts, weather, personalities. Umpires roles. objectives for both sides. orders of battle, maps, and a campaign narrative carried Out b\ the author. Highly recommended and my congratulations to the authors, George Anderson and Ryan Toews, By Hal Thinglum - REDOUBT ENTERPRISES NEW 25MM RELEASES - Redoubt Enterprises, 49 Channel View Rd., Eastbourne, East Sussex. BN22 71-N, UK (0 1323-738022) has a number of new releases to their 25mm ranges. First ofall. trorn their 25min ACW range comes AC71 infantry kneeling firing in sack coat with separate heads. AS usual, with Redoubt figures, absolutely no flash! Nice poses! They've also added kepi heads with havelocks (12 different heads!). Next are French Mounted Dragoons for the Napoleonic range~ there are six dragoons including officer (2-part casting), trumpeter. standard bearer with cast on eagle standard. and three dragoons (sword on shoulder, charging w/sword help up, and hold musket across body) as well as four Dragoon horses (walking, trotting, cantering, and galloping. Just outstanding figures! No flash, great animation! Horses have cast on saddles. There are also British Hussars: standard bearer with cast on staff. trumpeter. officer w/separate sword arm, and two troopers. See illustration abo%e' Lastly there is ACX22 Engineers/Sappers with bare heads working on pontoon bridge. There is a 1.5" X 5" resin pontoon, numerous planks (in metal), and six figures of which two have separate arins. I'm not aware of the cost of this pack. The pontoons Could be used for a variety of historical periods. Redoubt is also available from the Miniature Service Center. 1525 Bridge, 163, Yuba City. CA 95993 (916-673-5169). Outstanding products! By Hal Thinglum BATAILLENFEUR GAMES 20MM SYW FIGURES - Hap Jordan, 14 Parkview Ave.. Jamestown. NY 14701 (716-488-1586) has a growing listing of 20mm Seven Years War figures There are Prussian, Austrian, British and French foot and horse as well as artillery crew and three Austrian guns. The individual countries have foot officers, drummers, standard bearers, two EM poses (march attack and advancing). Mounted units have officers, buglers, and EM. There are three medium Hussar horses, two Dragoon horses, and one Cuirassier horse. There are three Austrian guns (3, 6, and 12 Pounders). The figures are very nice measuring about 19min high front top of the base to eye level. Detail is outstanding; the only flash I could find was a small amount between horse legs. I find this range very tempting being smitten by the 20mm scale and being in love with the Seven Years War period! Standard Bearers have cast on staffs. Hap keeps adding to this line and also offers a 20mm Napoleonic line. I can recommend this line most highly. Nice work, Hap! Hap hopes to be adding SYW Russians in the spring of 1999. There are no limbers and. as I mentioned, there are only three guns. I was looking around for items to supplement this range and thought of FRYING PAN AND BLANKET, 2283 Apache St., Menclota Heights, MN 55120. They have a number of gun sets including gunners, limbers and limber horses. I compared them size-wise from some FRYING PAN AND BLANKET samples sent to me some years ago and the FP&B limber horse is a little smaller than the Bataillenfeur horses, though it is probably something I could live with. Just for example, FP&B offers Box 117 British 6# gun pack with two guns. two limbers and four limber horses for only $9.95. If you are interested in 20mm SYW. drop both of these companies a line and order some samples and a catalog. By Mike Adams - OLD GLORY 25MM NEW RELEASES - My wife, Mary, and I decided to go on vacation to Visit Our friends, Norm and Robbie Flam (Toy Soldier Gallery fame) and go to HISTORICON '98. I stopped by OLD GLORY (Box 20, Calumet, PA 15621) because I heard they were releasing a new series of ancients. Well! It was a huge new release of about 23 new armies! Another fine job done by Russ and Connie and their staff! OLD GLORY is yet again setting new standards for the wargamer and answering the wargarner's needs by the selection, fine castings, and the most important thing, the price! a good bang for the buck! Thirty foot sell for $24.00; ten cavalry for $24.00: three chariots for $27.00; and two elephants for $27.00. Here is the list of armies and the number of selections! Hittites (6 bags Plus chariots) New Kingdom Egyptians (12 bags plus chariots); Assyrians ( 10 plus chariots) Alexander's Army (7): Indians (10 bags plus chariots and elephants); Tharcians (5): Greeks (7) Seleucids (4) Scythian (4): Republican Romans (7); Carthaginians (9); Imperial Romans (9): Dacians (3) Parthians (5): Sarinations (6) Late Romans (11) Sassanids (8); Goths (4) Huns (3): Franks (2) Lombards (3) Palrnyrans (4) and Carolingians (3). I will only review the figures I bought or saw. PPA-3 Greek Command (Foot Alexander Armies): all figures measure 2529mm w/separate shields. Sorne shields have the arm inside the shield! This makes the figure look better. Excellent $17.00 for 15 figures! PPA2 - Hypaspists: 30 figures/$24; assorted poses, separate shields. excellent (note: no spears are with these, but most gamers make their own). PPA1 Phalangites: assorted poses. all pikes at 45 degree (thanks). Shields plug in at elbow (great), but you have to make Your own pike (we make Our own Out of brass, or you can make yours Out of steel). PPA4- Companion Cavalry: ten figures, excellent cavalry. PPTI- Thracian Infantry: these are the best Thracians on the market today. They have 2HCW but the catalog doesn't tell You that. What a great surprise! Assorted tigures with helmets. cloak with hood and fox skin headgear which no one has. Excellent figures! PPG! Hoplites Advancing: saw this figure painted at the Toy Soldier Gallery. Excellent looking figures; assorted figures with different style helmets. PPG4-Peltasts: six assorted figures with different style helmets and shields. All with tunics. Note that this figures carry in their left hand a short spear. If you care to, you can use these as hoplites or as city states militia. PPH1 -Scythians: saw these painted at OLD GLORY booth excellent! PPH2-Noble Heavy Cavalry: best looking Noble cavalry I have ever seen. Right out of the WRG book and Osprey books. PPR2-Republican Rome: Principlm excellent figures - I finally will build a Republican Roman Army! 25 to 29rnm tall. PPR4-Foot Command: Excellent. PPCI - Carthaginians: Citizen spearmen with great looking command. PPC2-Citizen Cavalry: Excellent with command! PPC3-War Elephant: two for $27: great looking elephant and fits well when assembled. PPC4-Libyan medium infantry: excellent; has command in pack. If you want any mounted command for your armies such as Romans and Carthaginians, check Caesars Gallic Wars: CWG 17. Also for Dacian and Sarmations foot. use the Germans for the Gallic Wars. Note that there will be more releases to this massive release in November so call or write for more details. Also, for all you Colonial gamers out there, OLD GLORY will release their 25mm Colonial range in November and they will cover from the Zulu War to the Boxer Rebellion including buildings. Let's support OLD GLORY as they are supporting the hobby with their new releases and prices. Another great job, Russ and Connie! Back to MWAN #96 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1997 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |