by Hal Thinglum and Others
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By Bill Widrick-AIM 10mm Napoleonies-New releases from Division after Division: C/O Roger Dospil, 167 10 Bradbe Rd. Fisherville, KY 40023. If you are thinking about going into Napoleonic gaming or changing scale, you owe it to yourself to take a look at these figures. I had a 15mm collection in this era, of well over 1800 figures, covering the Peninsula battles. For a long time I regretted selling my collection. Then I came across the AIM 10mm line. At the time I was rather reluctant to order due to the lack of troop types and nation coverage. At the time only French infantry and command, and British infantry and command, and Austrian infantry were covered. Well suffice it to say that my painting has not been able to keep pace with the release of additional troop types and equipment. And let me tell you that I can paint these figures very quickly, and I am not a fast painter. I once painted 125 Austrian infantry in four days, and I never worked more than 4 hours a day. Also, these figures look every bit as good as any 15mm figure that I have seen. I possess and sampled figures from almost all manufacturers available at the time. AIM figures are like ESSEX in that they are on the "chunky"side and very well detailed. They have very little flash to remove. Most of the figures in a bag needing only the bottom of the base run across with a file to even it up for a level mounting surface. First up we have the Russian Pavlov Grenadiers, early and late. Not knowing much about this era's Russian armies, I'm afraid I don't know which is which. But they both have different types of accouterment belts, one wears a blanket roll/greatcoat slung over the shoulder and across the chest, he is also equipped with a sword. Both carry muskets with fixed bayonets, and have good facial detail, including mustache. Both figures are very clean with no flash. Just clean, prime, and paint. Next we have figures and guns for British Foot and Royal horse artillery. The guns and carriage are cast in one piece. Detail is crisp and very clean. Trail detail includes cast on rings to accommodate handspikes and the handles on the barrels actually look like handles and not raised lines. Wheels and spokes are well cast and easily attached to the carriage axle. Foot artillerist figures include: loader holding roundshot, figure with handspike, figure with portfire, and figure at attention. Royal horse artillerist figures include: loader carrying roundshot, figure holding sponge/ram, figure with portfire, figure standing at attention. All are well cast and clean, with good detail and easily identifiable personal equipment. Last but perhaps first on many Napoleonic gainers want lists are figures from the Imperial Guard. These include Grenadiers and Chasseurs. These are all in a march/attack pose and are very well detailed, including mustache. A couple of things that make these figures attractive to me are the quality, the affordability - 20 infantry to a $3.25 bag, and the fantastic service that Roger has always provided no matter how small my order. Dealing with Roger and Division after Division has been, and I'm sure will continue to be a pleasure. Again I urge you to try this line; Roger also carries many other lines, periods, and accessories]. Send for your copy of his catalog today ($3.00). Soon to be released, the heroic but difficult to control British cavalry. GOOD GAMING! By Bill Widrick: AIM 10MM NAPOLEONIC FIGURE RELEASES: Well here we are again looking at some beautiful new figures from the folks at AIM. I cannot speak highly enough about the quality of these little gems. As some of you may already know I am currently building armies using these figures. One of the appealing attributes of these figures is their affordability. For myself (and my budget) that is an important consideration. If you paint your own figures, and are not as speedy as some MWANers are, say like Hal for instance, they still paint up quickly and easily. If you prefer to use a painting service, most offer a very affordable 10mm schedule. And, as another plus you can have about three 10mm figures painted for the cost of one 25mm. Now on to the new figures The expansion of the French Imperial Guard continues with new poses for the already released foot Grenadiers and Chasseurs. They are as follows, NEF7 29 Old Guard Chasseurs a Pied in March. Attack pose, and NEFI 4B Old Guard Grenadiers a Pied in the March Attack pose. You just would not believe the amount of detail on these figures. As one painting service told me, there is no price difference between 10mm and l5mm due to the comparable amount of detail. The above the knee gaiters, moustaches, and accompanying accouterments, are very nicely cast. The work is typical of AIM products I have seen. Next are the new pieces of French Artillery. These include three new types, NEF20A 6 lb gun, the NEF 20B 8 1 b gun, and last, but certainly a very important addition, NEF20D Howitzer. All are beautifully cast and carriage and gun are cast as one piece, you only need to affix the wheels by your preferred method (hopefully this is not duct tape), and paint. Now on to a release that I have been looking forward to for some time, BRITISH CAVALRY! These include NE832 Heavy cavalry accompanied by NES33 Heavy cavalry command. Following these are the Heavy Dragoons (NE836) and heavy Dragoons command (NE837). Again these are cast superbly. The only flash that has needs to be trimmed from these figures is at the bottom of the stands. Riders and horses are cast as one, which is a feature that I like. The cavalry command packs come with three each of standard bearer, trumpeters, hornist, and officer. To close this up I suppose I should let you know that these figures are available from Division after Division, in care of Roger Dospil, 7677 0 Bradbe Rd., Fisherville, KY 40023. He also has many other items available and a catalog is available for, I believe $3. 00. 1 have been purchasing from Roger for over a year now, and in 15 years of wargaming have not come across better, or quicker, mail order service. At this writing the AIM 10mm packs are $3.25, with a $10.00 minimum order and $4. 00 S&H. Until next time I wish you God's Blessings, good gaming, and great friendship through this HOBBY of ours. Keep your stick on the ice! By Phil Hartman - BLOODAXE MINIATURES 15MM WWII BRITISH 8TH ARMY INFANTRY - Bloodaxe Miniatures is a small figure manufacturer located in Medford, Oregon. They produce a limited range of Russian, American, Italian and German l5mm. castings. Recently I acquired several samples of the newly released British 8th Army infantry figures. British infantry are advancing with rifle, 3 poses, with Bren gun, with Thompson submachine gun and officer. Also, a water cooled heavy machine gun and crew were included. All these figures were well cast and easy to paint. Weapons were oversized with thick bayonets on the rifles. While this may appear initially "clunky" they paint up well. All the figures are in shorts and rolled sleeves. There is definite lack of equipment on the figures, no webbing or packs of any kind. These figures go nicely with my Peter Pig and Old Glory castings. I would hesitate to mix the heavy weapons from Bloodaxe with other vendors as the size difference would be too great. Bloodaxe has a presence on the WEB at www.warflag.coni/bloodaxe with a downloadable catalog. You may E-Mail the owner, Lance Runolfsson, and receive a listing, or simply contact: Bloodaxe Miniatures, c/o Lance Runolfsson, 31 Lewis St., Medford, OR 97501, hlo@e@cdsnetnet By Geow Dullughan - REVIEW OF MARK BASE WWI WARPLANES - I have been looking for some time to have large sized 1/72nd WWII airplanes due to my growing interest in WWI. Mark Base was able to supply these for me. They are well painted and assembled and based on excellent flying stands made with aerials. Each plane represents that of a true flier and Mark knows the history of each. He is a very intelligent and polite man. He also has a set of rules that are quite excellent being readable and understandable. I must say that I am pleased with the rules and planes. The price is reasonable for such fine planes and since I have loved WWI flying since I saw Errol Flynn in Dawn Patrol, I am very content. His address is: Mark M. Base, 1045 E. Mishawaka Ave., Mishawaka, IN 46544.
If these figures don't make you enter the 25mm ACW period, either on a massive basis or on a skirmish basis (using the rules "Brother vs Brother"), you aren't a "true" wargamer! Figures are well cast with virtually no flash. You will have to clip off a bit of the sprue on the head of the figure before you can glue it into the body. The enlisted men have varying amounts of equipment ranging from blanket rolls to light equipment. They are in my favorite ACW pose - shoulder arms advancing. The separate heads have various types of beards/clean shaven/etc. What a wargames unit this offering would make!
Next is the 25mm Napoleonic line; PX17 Mounted British officer w/drawn sword, wearing bicorne on a walking horse (2.00 pds); excellent casting. This officer appears to be overlooking the battle or waiting with his battalion for the French to advance against the British two-man deep line! No flash.
By Hal Thinglum - NEW UK RELEASES AVAILABLE FROM BROOKHURST HOBBIES Brookhurst Hobbies, 12188 Brookhurst St., Garden Grove, CA 92840 (phone 714-636-3585); EMail - Web Site - is consistently kind enough to forward a variety of new releases from the UK. Just a "editorial" word re Brookhurst; I find their prices for UK wargame items very fair to the wargamer and am impressed with this as well as the service I have received in ordering items from them. I have to recommend them highly as a professional service! MMS MODELS 1/76 SCALE WWII MILITARY VEHICLES - This is a USMCC M4A2 (75mm) Sherman tank 1945 ($18.95). This is a finely cast model except for the two front hatches which will need you to remove a little bit of flash. It comes in multiple parts including extra track to be attached to the vehicle. The instructions provide a history of the vehicle and easily followed instructions. I used to collect 20mm WWII Eastern Front and Pacific era troops and vehicles and had not seen any of the MMS Models but I must admit to being impressed with the quality of this model. OUTPOST WARGAME SERVICES ARTHURIAN 420-680 AD 15MM RANGE - This range include Romano-British figures and consists of six packs of figures thus far. Three packs were included for review. ROB I Shield Wall various poses w/shields: there are eight figures in various poses for $1.98 and four w/shields were included - three spearman with separate spears and a swordsman. ROB2 again has 8 figures - archers in two different poses firing, one with a cape. ROBC 1 foot command has six figures ($2.50) with one separate shield and two separate poles and standards. Very impressive figures; I like the command pack best of all. Detail is outstanding. Very nice figures! 20MM B&B MINIATURES FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR RANGE - Oh, my goodness; 20mm Franco-Prussian War from B&B. I love their style - chunky and well detailed! Well, they've added a lot of stufll. FPGS-9 Saxon Staff dismounted ($4.98) - four figures in overcoat with a tree stump. FPGA-7 Saxon 4 pdr foot gun and three crew ($9.98) - outstanding gun and crew set. You'll have to clean a minimum of flash on the gun which comes in four pieces (wheels, carriage, and barrel. FPFC-6c French line lancers charging (12 riders w/horses for $28.98) - different head positions for the figures; identical horses; and separate arms w/lances. Lances are durable. FPGI-25 Wurttemburg infantry advancing (20 figures for $18.98) - 14 enlisted men charging in different poses and various amounts of equipment in caps; drummer, two officers, and standard bearer w/separate pole. You will have to drill out holes in the standard bearer's hands to fit the flag pole. Nice, nice figures, gentlemen! Lastly, FPGS-1 Prussian cavalry Staff mounted ($7.50) - three Prussian staff officers mounted on running horses (I would have used standing horses myself for staff officers). All three are in greatcoats; one is pointing w/left arm and the other two are just looking straight ahead. All figures will require very little preparation; perhaps just running a file on the bottom of the stand. I am very impressed with this expanding 20mm line and it tempts me beyond belief. Highly recommended line; I'd be interested in hearing from any MWANers who are collecting these figures and/or gaming in this period. The figures are packed according to the organization provided in "They Died For Glory" and I always wonder about the wisdom of packaging figures for a specific wargames rules set because of the fact we wargamers use so many different rules sets and many of us write our own. My feeling is that wargarners do not like figures packaged like this, but I could be wrong. Anyway, this is an excellent line. Does anyone know where to obtain 20mm European buildings and accessories for this time period? By Hal Thinglum - RIEGIMENTAL COLOURS FLAGS - Regimental Colours, 1416 Forsyth Way, Brandon, FL 33511 has released a number of 15mm and 25mm flag sets. I don't have the prices available to me at this time. First of all, there are two sets of ACW Confederate Infantry; one has nine flags with five regiments represented. The other four flags on this set are "battle damaged" flags for four of the regiments. The second set has one cavalry flag (8th Texas) and four infantry, again with battle scarred options for each regiment. These sets come in either 15mm or 25mm size. All have battle honors listed on them. Lastly, there are four sets of Seven Years War flags - I love to get SYW flags for review as they find their way into my armies! First of all is a Bavarian infantry set with six identical flags and three battle scarred. The second set is also Bavarian infantry and represents the King's Colors and has nine identical flags. The third set has six Hungarian infantry regimental colors and three battle scarred while the fourth set features King's colors for Hungarian Infantry (9 flags). I like this approach as I like to have two standards for each of my regiments; the King's color and the regimental color. These are cut-out flags which you apply white glue to and attach to the flag. This is easily done, even by me, and gives an excellent effect as you can bend the flag as you wish it once it is attached to the flag pole. The glue dries quickly and I have never had a flag come off a pole once glued on. Highly recommended products! Excellent colors and details! By Hal Thinglum - MUSKET MINIATURES 20MM AMERICAN CIVIL WAR - You may be aware that I am building 20mm ACW armies for Fire & Fury. I've long considered obtaining some Musket Miniatures 20mm figures and have spent many an enjoyable hour looking over their catalog (which, by the way, is a very well done effort!). This line has been around for many years and although they are not "state of the art" figures currently, they are very serviceable indeed! I order "bulk packs" to save money (100 figures for $39.95) and obtained the following packs: CWS05 Ragged Rebs; CWS IOR CSA Infantry Command; CWS02 Infantry Troops; CWSOI Infantry Troops; and packs of eight figures ($4.25) for casualties (CWH64 - regulation uniform on ground and CWH65 blanket roll on ground). Although the bulk packs are advertised as containing mixed poses including marching, advancing, loading, and firing, I requested all advancing and marching as these are my favorite poses for the ACW, and Jim McCarron and his son, Jeff, were glad to oblige me. The infantry command pack has 20 officers, 20 standard bearers, 20 drummers, and 20 buglers, and I asked if I could substitute 20 additional standard bearers for the 20 buglers and they again agreed. I was very pleased with this; the idea behind bulk packs is to save time for the company in putting the figures together, yet I was able to request exactly what I wanted. Re the infantry command packs, there are two differently poses drummers, one with separate drum. Infantry officers come in kepi and soft hat in a variety of poses, including an officer with hat on sword running. All standard bearers come with attached flag pole, which I like. The pole is long enough for me to glue on a flag and not worry about it breaking off. Within each bulk pack, there are numerous poses in various types of equipments. The figures are pewter so it is a little more difficult to clean the flash off the bottom of the stands as pewter is a little harder, I think. The only flash is on the end of a bayonet and under the figure stand itself and it is minimal. Infantry poses come in a mix of soft hats and kepis. Some of the marching poses, for example, are at march attack, while others are at right shoulder shift arms. No broken bayonets. I plan on using the casualty figures as morale markers, as usual. I order this rather large order on a Tuesday by phone, and the figures arrived the following Saturday! Outstanding service! I also ordered STRIOOO house w/lap siding, side gabled shake shingle roof, stone chimney: unpainted it runs $8.95 and $16.95 painted. I ordered the painted version to see what the quality would be like. I would describe it as an "average" paint job. The house itself is very nice and I plan on ordering more buildings from their extensive (18 buildings with an additional six stores with different types of store fronts). Musket Miniatures 20mm ACW line is perhaps the most extensive 20mm ACW line available encompassing a wide selection of infantry, cavalry, guns, wagons, and accessories. I can recommend them highly and, as a wargamer, appreciate their quality service! Thanks, Jim and Jeff. By Hal Thinglum - SCENARIO BOOK FOR THE AMERICAN WAR OF INDEPENDENCE Stenhouse Game Productions, PO Box 92, McLean, VA 22101-0092 has just released An Army of Professionals: American War of Independence Scenarios for Busy People (AOP), a 66 page booklet featuring eight scenarios which would fit upon a 4'X 6'table and require no more than 225 figures or 20 combat units per side. Figure ratios are 1: 10 for some battles and 1:20 for most others. Robert Haworth, MWAN, and author of the booklet, states they were written for 15mm. but are playable in other scales with modifications. Cost is $13.95 postpaid (cash or check only). The scenarios are as follows: Moore's Creek Bridge, Stono Ferry, Blackstock's Plantation, Hobkirk's Hill, Birmingham Meeting House, Eutaw Springs, Whitemarsh, and Freeman's Farm. In addition, there is a section on suggestions for tactics and a bibliography. Each scenario has a hand-drawn map, explanation of the situation, terrain notes re the table, setup, special rules, victory determination, historical outcome, and detailed roster for both sides. I like scenario books like this and find them very useful. Even if I don't go into the period, I like to keep them around on my shelf and refer to them for either reading enjoyable, or to read closely if I am thinking about going into the period. Very well done, Robert! By Hal Thinglum - PRESENT FIRE! QUICK-START MINIATURE WARGAME RULES FOR THE HORSE AND MUSKET ERA - Paul Gabriel of Gabriel's Miniatures, PO Box 2001, Elmhurst, IL 60126 (630-834-6030) has published a very interesting little booklet of 13 pages ($4.00 including postage) and his goal was to produce a set of "introductory miniature wargame rules". He reports the rules "are targeted primarily at two types of individuals: young people who are just becoming interested in the miniature wargaming hobby; and the growing number of toy soldier collectors." The rules were written for 1/32 figures but the author states they can be adapted for other scales. Infantry regiments are 12-14 figures while cavalry are six figures strong. An artillery battery has a single gun and four crew. Movement is 6" for foot in line and 12" for horse in line. Small arms firing is done by rolling 1D6 per two figures and there are two ranges. These are very simple rules and would be invaluable with younger wargamers or gainers who enjoy very simple rules. I have to recommend it highly for those reasons! By Hal Thinglum - PAPA TANGO WWII PT ACTION IN THE SLOT - Our own Orv Banasik, Prairie Products, 395 West 33rd Ave., Marion, Iowa, 52302, has released these WWII rules ($18.00) which are 13 pages long as regards the rules, with additional numerous pages providing ship specification charts and maps. In addition, there are very well done color photos of Orv's terrain. Very attractive booklet! Orv reports that "Game players are members of the "Lucky Seven" PT squadron, afictitious squadron operating in the "Slot " during the Guadalcanal and New Georgia campaigns during WWII." Each squadron has 3-6 players with six PT boats. He uses 1/300 and 1/400 scale ships and scratch builds others. However, the game can be played with 1/600 and 1/700 scale ships as well. Terrain building tips are included. A point scoring method is outlined for scenarios as to victory determinations. Firing is carried out by throwing darts at a silhouette target ship! Movement is done via a square grid system. This is a very simple set of rules and quite attractively done! Recommended for the wargamer interested in WWII ship wargaming! By Hal Thinglum - EL DORADO BOOKS NEW RELEASES - The busy Terry Hooker (27 Hallgate, Cottingham, East Yorkshire, HUI 6 4DN, UK), who publishes the excellent El Dorado magazine, has released two MWAN-sized publications: Notes on Haiti, 1793-1916 (booklet #6) and New Spain & Mexico 1500-1945 (Booklet #1). Each are 6.50 pds and are available in the USA from Andrew Preziosi, 11017 SW 125th Ave., Miami, FL 33186 (phone 305-274-9745). Notes on Haiti 1793-1916 is a 70-page publication and features 18 articles starting with the British in St. Domingo 1793-1798 and ends with Haitian Uniforms 1916-20. It has many uniform illustrations as well as historical information which would be very difficult to dig up on your own. The New Spain and Mexico 1500-1945 (1 st volume) is also 70 pages long and has 24 articles which have appeared in The Journal of the Company of Military Historians over the last 45 years; again, great information for those interested in this time period and subject! Terry has done an excellent job in putting these booklets together and they are invaluable to individuals interested in this time period! By Hal Thinglum - WARHAMMER ANCIENT BATTLES WARGAMES RULES This professionally printed 144-page quality effort is published by Warhammer Historical Wargames, PP Box 5226, Nottingham, NG7 2WT, UK (15 pds; 1.50 pds postage in UK; 3.00 pds elsewhere; US customers can send dollar checks $25 plus $8.75 postage); checks payable to Warharnmer Historical Wargaines Ltd.). It has been written by Rick Priestley, Jervis Johnson, and Alan and Michael Perry. I am highly impressed with this rules book; color photos, line drawings by the Perry twins (I love their work!), and much more. It provides a basic introduction to wargaming which would be very good for newcomers (explains what a D6 is for example). Units are apparently rated on a ten point scale for nine various characteristics (movement allowance, weapon skill, ballistic skill, strength, toughness, wounds, initiative, attacks, and leadership). Basing information is provided for 25mm figures though I didn't find a scale. A turn consists of four parts though each part has phases within it. There are many illustrations used to explain the rules and the explanations are well done and understandable. "Shooting" is handled via each figure throwing a D6. There is a three page section on painting a wargames army; organization is described as foot units being between 20 and 30 figures and cavalry between 5 and ten. Eight types of scenarios for wargames are described. A scenery generation system is used to determine terrain and victory conditions are provided. There is an excellent ten page section on campaigns - I love it when authors include this in a wargames rules book! There is a sixteen page section of color pictures on painting, buildings, basing, and transfers (beautiful pictures!). Army lists are provided with line drawings (very nice!). There is a rules summary (2 pages) and nicely done line drawings of period buildings. Highly recommended! Back to MWAN #95 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1998 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |