by Hal Thinglum
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By Hal Thinglum - SCENIC EFFECTS 20MM TARAWA 1943 - SCENIC EFFECTS, Inc., PO Box 70332, Point Richmond, CA 94807 (510-235-1955) has produced another gem! Tarawa "1943" is a beautifully done terrain piece which includes the following: a two-piece island measuring 23 1/4" X 47"; a pier, reef wrecked ship, large command bunker, big gun bunker, anti-tank trench, 4 HMG bunkers, 2 heavy gun emplacements, 6 underground dugouts, 15 palm trees, destroyed runway, ruined hut, and many shell holes and coconut log walls. It is beautifully made of durable material and cost is $159.00. Here's the thing, as far as I'm concerned, regarding the cost of such an item. You can't have it made for less than $159.00! We are seeing this in all types of terrain in the last few years. There truly is something to be said for scratch-building; however, you can't beat the commercial price! I am impressed with the palm trees from this set. They are about the size of the usual "craft-store" palm trees (plastic) we are used to seeing; however, the quality is much higher. You can purchase them separately ($25/15 trees in two sizes: WB35) and I can recommend them to you! For the WWII Pacific gamers out there, they also offer WB36 Jungle Village, WB19 Lamb Chop Hill (with trench systems on the hill), RS8 Swamps, and WB23 Hill 123. Outstanding stuff! Tarawa is a fantastic terrain piece! You could spray paint it black and then work in your colors from there; I really was impressed with the coconut log walls at the beach head! A Japanese machine gun team could be placed on the wrecked ship on the reef; 20mm figures fit perfectly in the shell holes and emplacements/bunkers! All, by the way, have removable tops. Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - HOWARD WHITEHOUSE TERRAIN - Howard (Howard Whitehouse, 265 McCarter Rd., Lafayette, GA 30728-6479; 706-638-8199) has been a friend for close to 15 years and I've had him make me some terrain items over the years. I've always been pleased with them having had numerous items in 15mm for my Sudan project made. This time, I wanted something for the English Civil War in 15mm; I'd picked up several painted ECW-type 15mm houses at stores a number of years ago. You've seen the type; beautifully painted for about $8.00! Anyway, I sent them off to Howard with a request that he base them for me. I also asked for some ECW enclosed farm fields (hedges) and a few hills. I received two nicely done hedged-in fields; one about 7" X 9" and the other 6" X 10". Both a bit "irregularly" shaped, which I wanted. They are surrounded by hedges in what I would describe as a "rough" fashion (this is good!), each with a small wooden gate. Both have crops growing in rows which looks very effective. The three hills are 12"-14" long and 7"-11" wide. Constructed from high density Styrofoam (two deep), Howard sculpted them very nicely to form gentle rises in the hills. Terrained with a brown "base", Howard added green "grass" over the brown which is very effective. My favorites now; the two houses! One of the houses was an English manor "U" shaped house; Howard mounted it on a hill; created a hedge on much of the hill as well as a hedge lining the road leading up the hill to the house; added a wooden gate for the hedge system; and inserted half a dozen trees I'd sent him. He also added a small water pond which looks very nice. The entire model measures about 15" X 15" and looks great! The other house again was an ECW type but a timbered model. This was placed on a high hill on a 10 X 14" base with a number of rocky positions which I really like! There are about three different "levels" with lots of scrub and again, four trees I had provided him with. Very good work, Howard! Contact him with your terrain needs and a price quote; you won't be disappointed! By Hal Thinglum - 3-D CONTOURS TERRAIN ITEMS- Andrew Doyle of 3-D Contours, 120 McPhail Rd., Hattiesburg, MS 39401 (601-583-4321) is another terrain builder I've utilized over the years. To me, Andrew's speciality is making rivers and streams and tree sections, though I know he also makes any variety of terrain items and is well known for his hills. I sent Andrew several 15mm/20mm bridges including one ruined bridge and asked that it be put on a stream section (2" wide) and that the other bridge - a wooden bridge a little longer - be put on a river section (6" wide). Each section is 12" long and Andrew does a great job with terraining the sides of the stream/river as well as making the water look realistic! The bridges were painted by Andrew and were done very well! The banks have lots of debris, including rocks, grass, dirt, and bushes. Beautifully done, Andrew! I also sent him about 30 K&M trees in 15mm scale and asked him to base them in groups. Andrew did them in groups of from two to seven trees on bases. The bases are irregularly shaped and again terrained in the fashion outlined as with the river banks with lots of bushes added for effect. I really like this method of basing trees. They are also easy to store; I have a number of 20" X 20" X 5" boxes and I can fit about seven bases in each box and can easily stack them. Prices are very fair, in my opinion; check with him and he'll quote you on items. Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - THE SKIRMISH LINE PAINTING SERVICE - Charles Van Norman, 347 N. Maple Ave., Green Bay, WI 54303 offers a quality painting service at very reasonable prices. I sent him some 20mm ACW Confederate and Union infantry figures to be painted at .70 per figure and was very pleased with the result! Charles uses a black undercoating method as many painters are now using. Detail is good with all belts being painted in different colors (leather, white, etc) and the Confederates were done in a large variety of colors as requested; butternut, greys, browns, etc. I do like the black undercoating method as it makes it appear as though the figure has a lot of detail painted in, especially in 15mm. Muskets have the "bands" painted separately, which I was impressed with. I don't do this in 15mm, just running the brush across the top of the musket when I do the bayonet. The Union infantry are also well done; Charles did a great job on the blankets adding what would appear to me to be a bit of shading giving each figures' blanket a little different look! Nice Job, Charles! Highly recommended! Drop him a line re prices for different scales. By Hal Thinglum - THE LONDON WAR ROOM 25MM SPANISH BOURBONS & TERRAIN - I recently had the chance to meet Vince and Sharron Clyant of THE LONDON WAR ROOM (41 Bevelry Hills Loop, Petal, MS 39465; phone 601-584-8533) and thoroughly enjoyed their company; fascinating people to talk with! Howard gave me a 25mm powder magazine for the 17th/18th century which he scratch built ($30) measuring 10" X 10" with a removable roof (5" X 5") and detailed interior including log revetted walls. The sides of the magazine are built up to a height of 1 1/2". Terrain is of a "dirt" type; the entry has steps leading down inside the magazine and the entry also has log walls. Very nicely done and I can recommend Vince's terrain/scratch-building to you! They also offer their own 25mm Spanish Bourbons line; I've mentioned how I have six Spanish musketeer SYW units (37 figures each) of Vince's figures in my SYW collection. Vince gave me a pack of Spanish "leather-jackets" (SBB4 $14.00) containing six "soldados de cuero with horses (three different poses of horses; cantering, trotting, standing). Three of the figures are priming their muskets (escopetas) while the other three are open-handed. Also included were six sprues, each with a shield, lance (very nicely cast, by the way), musket in leather case, and sword in scabbard. Flash is minimal and the figures fit perfectly with Front Rank, Old Glory, Guernsey Foundry figures. The "open-handed" figures won't need "work" on the hand so as to fit a lance; you'll just be able to super glue it in. Take a look at this interesting line. Vince and Sharron will be adding grenadiers, more and varied dismounted soldados de cuera, mounted/dismounted dragoons, colonial militia, guns/gunners, mounted fusiliers, and armored engineers in the summer of 1998 to the line. They also carry the 20mm NEWLINE DESIGNS 20mm figures which are very good! Good to see you, Vince and Sharron! By Hal Thinglum - CELTIC FURY PAINTING SERVICE - Roy Downes of CELTIC FURY, 9 Belvidere Place, Monclair, NJ 07042 recently did some more 25mm REDOUBT ECW figures for me; 12 beautifully cast musketeers w/officer and standard bearer. First of all, the standard bearer (w/o flag) - gold stripe down the legs with white on each side of the gold; the pole was beautifully done with two alternating colors (gold and metal); beautiful painted uniform details . The officer w/Partizan has a nicely done uniform with lots of trim and slash in a reddish shade. The ten musketeers are wearing "worn" uniforms with many patches (of different colors than the uniform), including patches on cloaks, trousers, and shirts! Although the coats are all blue, the coat trim varies from figure to figure as do the color of the trousers and socks. This is what, I would assume, an ECW unit would look like. At least, it is what I wanted mine to look like! One of the musketeers is a Frenchman and is wearing a much fancier uniform trimmed with fur. "Snapsacks" (is that how you say it?) are of different colors. The faces of the figures have "character" from the paint job and there would appear to be a lot of "outlining". Cost is $5.00 per 25mm foot figure. Contact Roy for further information. Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - FIGURES ARMOUR ARTILLERY 20MM WWII - FAA, 17 Oakfield Drive, Upton Heath, Chester CH2 1LG UK (01244-379399) used to submit all of their new releases to MWAN and then stopped. I missed their submissions as I always thought their 20mm WWII figures were in a class by themselves, not to mention I was interested in 20mm WWII Eastern Front! Anyway, they've added new figures to their already considerable line - I enjoyed looking at their catalog again! - and some of them from the Eastern Front: Romanian infantry 1941-45! Ten packs consisting of platoon command and NCO's w/Ortia M-41 smg (3 figures in each pack 1.55 pds/pack); riflemen in steel helmet and side cap (5 figures in each pack); LMG team moving & firing w/ZB30 (4 figures); ZB54 MMG & crew firing(3 figures); gun/mortar crew(4 figures; command post (5 figures 2.50 pds); engineers (4 figs); and two different teams of tank hunters (4 figs). All packs where I didn't list prices are 2.00 pounds. Well, I've always loved these figures, so you know where I stand! I like the "moving" and "firing" MG teams; in the "engineer" pack, one of the figures is prone digging out a mine (!); the machine guns and figures as well, are finely cast and detailed and just beautiful figures in general. What would you think of a convention scenario where you have a "tank hunter" scenario? A Russian attack on a German held position; lots of woods, scrubs, cover, trenches, etc. Sound like fun and perhaps easy and quick to run as a game? Good stuff from FAA! Secondly is Belgium 1939-40 with ten packs consisting of platoon headquarters, infantry w/rifle grenade, LMG moving & firing, and command post. I love the machine gun teams, both moving and firing! All of the figures are wearing the heavy overcoat. Very nicely done! It would seem that the enlisted men are all wearing back packs. Coming for the Belgiums are the "Ardennes Rifles" - whatever they may be! Also released are ten packs of British "1940". There are four packs of "Home Guards" including command, riflemen, improvised weapons, and BAR LMG team. Pack #5 has five local defense volunteers (firing shotgun, w/pistol and walking stick, w/shovel, w/pitchfork, and running), "Village Characters" (woman, priest, w/whistle, directing traffic(?) and walking w/books), "Stay Behind Party" (prone sniper, firing LMG, kneeling firing pistol w/silencer(?), and setting off explosives), German Bomber Party (officer, airman helping injured comrade, w/map, and walking with possible injured leg), "Suspicious looking nuns" (three "nuns": running w/pistol, holding pistol behind "her", and holding pistol behind or inside of bag), and finally, regular infantry patrol w/Thompson smg (pack of three in helmets with heavy equipment). What is this preoccupation you Brits have recently with this "Home Guard" business? Aside from this editorial statement, very interesting figures with a wide applicability, I would think. The FAA line is available from BROOKHURST HOBBIES, 12188 Brookhurst Street, Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714-636-3585) who were kind enough to submit figures from the above FAA lines as well. Thank you! By Hal Thinglum - B&B MINIATURES 20MM ALLENBY'S WAR - BROOKHURST HOBBIES (see address right above) carries a number of UK figure lines; probably more than any other place in the USA, I would think. They also provide many samples to wargaming publications and do it in a very well organized manner. In addition, I think their prices are more than fair to the customer. All in all, a company worth supporting, and if any UK figure manufacturers are looking for a US distributor, they have my highest recommendation! Back to work - B&B Miniatures has been producing more and more 20mm ranges and I find this scale most interesting! Their latest new line "Allenby's War" covering WWI campaigns in Palestine, including British Expeditionary Forces and Lawrence of Arabia thus far as 16 packs for the Arabs, 48 for the British and Empire, and six for the Turks! Infantry packs have 14 figures ($13.50), mounted packs have 11 ($23.98), camel packs have 8 ($23.98), MG's have on MG and crew ($4.98), artillery have one gun and crew ($9.98), and limber packs have one limber, six horses, three horse riders ($14.98). This is obviously an extensive line. Let's look at the Arabs first: AW4 Arab irregular mounted in cloak had three sample riders all with separate arms (spear, rifle, sword); all three horses were of the same pose. The horses had quite a bit of flash on them. AW15 Arab regulars in Fez mounted: again w/separate arms (lance, rifle, sword) and virtually flash-free horses. The separate arms all seem to fit well within the figure's shoulder for glueing. AW6 Arab regulars face covered on foot: kneeling w/rifle, running w/rifle, officer w/pistol, and prone apparently loading for MG. Some flash between legs but nicely poses figures. Bow the British and Empire forces which encompass British, Indians, Australians, New Zealanders, and Highlanders. AW26 British soft cap with 13/18 pdr gun and three crew ($9.98); the gun has nine pieces and is very nicely produced and cast and is free of flash. There are not, however, any directions for assembly; I could not assemble this gun without instructions I am afraid. I always loved these WWI guns with the shield. When I was little, I had a heavy metal WWI gun of this type. Have no idea where I got it and wish I still had it! AW35 British steel helmet on foot had four samples: officer leading charge (great figure), kneeling w/rifle, charging w/rifle, and advancing w/rifle. These are very fine figures! AW48 Indian Turban limber & crew has limber in five pieces (again, no assembly instructions), six limber horses and three riders. I love limbers and I love artillery. I don't understand, however, why we need "six" limber horses; I've never seen this done on the wargames table. B&B does this with all of their limber packs. I would think it would be more advisable to provide two in a pack and then offer extras in other packs. Very nice set; horses have fair amount of flash between their legs. Couldn't you use these Indians in Turbans for the NWF? Lastly, AW72 Turkish Mounted had three samples with separate arms (two sword arms and one rifle); one figure had a fez (probably an officer) while the other two had helmets w/neckcloth. Very little flash on horses. I am very impressed with the size of this line as well as the figures. I like the 20mm size and B&B does a nice job. By Hal Thinglum - FAA 25MM SPANISH CIVIL WAR - Yes, I did say 25mm Spanish Civil War, not 20mm! FAA will be releasing this line soon and although I don't have a listing, BROOKHURST HOBBIES was kind enough to send samples for Anarchist Militia, Foreign Legion, and Moroccans. These are fantastic figures and I think they will be quite popular! The militia are dressed sidecaps; there is an officer w/pistol (perhaps a Luger?) pointing; an NCO advancing w/rifle and twin bandoliers, and an enlisted man running w/little equipment save a rifle. I'm sorry; these are very nice figures! The three Moroccans feature a running officer w/pistol and fez and two EM advancing/running w/rifles and turbans. All of the six figures mentioned thus far are in rolled up shirt sleeves. The Foreign Legion figures consist of kneeling w/rifle, running w/smg, and advancing w/rifle. All wear side caps. The bayonets are a little weak as two of them broke off. Excellent figures and highly recommended! I am very anxious to see the listing and future releases! By Hal Thinglum - OUTPOST 15MM FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR ADDITIONS - BROOKHURST HOBBIES also carries this truly extensive line of 15mm pewter FPW figures! They just released FPFG1 Mounted Imperial Generals, Emperor Napoleon III and Staff ($2.40) and FPPG1 three Prussian, Saxon & Hesse-Darmstadt Generals ($2.40). All six generals are on standing horses; riders are separate from the horse. Very well done figures from a very extensive line. They would appear to be a "true" 15mm size. Outpost Wargame Services is at 55 Westerdale, Hadrians Lodge West, Wallsend, Tyne & Wear, NE28 8uB, UK. I am most impressed with this line and can recommend it highly! By Hal Thinglum - THE FOUNDRY LTD NEW RELEASES - The Foundry Ltd., Huberts Lane, Off Doyle Road, St Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands, GY1 1RG, UK (01481-714241) has released a most interesting 28mm line - DARKEST AFRICA range - there are six packs currently available with an additional 40 or so (!) in the works! DA1 Eccentric Explorers has six figures: Burton, Speke, Livingstone, Lord of the Jungle, Peters, and Baker; DA5 Loyal Askaris One has eight differently posed Askaris w/muskets in advancing or standing poses; DA7 Loyal Askaris Firing has eight standing firing figures; DA9 Stalwart Bearers 1 features eight excellent porters w/different types of baggage (very nicely done!); DA30 Ferocious Tribal Spearmen 1 features eight tribesmen in loincloths with open hands. Shields are separate and come in different sizes. Finally DA34 Stealthy Tribal Archers 1 has eight bowmen firing with separate arrow pouches to be attached to the back/side of the figure. All packs are 5.50 pounds/$10.00. As usual, the figures are up to a high standard; I am very impressed with the proposed extensiveness of this line! Offers a great possibility for skirmish gaming and the figures could be used for a number of periods, I would assume. How about WWI Colonial Africa? Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - STRATEGIC SYSTEMS "FIX BAYONETS" RULES - Terry Cabak, 2284 Woodside Drive, Carpentersville, IL 60110 has released FIX BAYONETS, a set of "horse & musket" rules ($10.00). This is a 38 page spiral bound effort in 8 1/2 " X 11" format. Each stand equals 100 foot/horse/artillery crew; one gun equals three actual guns; 1" equals 25 yards; one turn equals 15 minutes; and Terry reports that the game "works best using no more than two divisions per side" and these games can take up to two meetings to resolve. Musket range is 18" with smoothbore artillery range at 36" and rifle at 48". Units are given order "markers" prior to each turn. Foot move 6" while cavalry move 10". Terry has a "Command Valuation System" (CVS) which represent commander's "Ability Traits" and encompass initiative, tactical, aggressiveness, morale bonus, and combat bonus. Commanders are ranked for these five characteristics and their ability to carry out functions is dependent upon their die roll. The rules are written in a straight-forward manner and Terry offers examples of play. Worth taking a look at! By Hal Thinglum - GAUNTLET PUBLICATIONS - Our friend, Craig Martelle, 1203 English Bluffs Ct., Brandon, FL 33511, is offering a number of wargaming publications for sale. The majority of them were written by Mark Hannam, publisher of THE GAUNTLET in the UK. The booklets are: Kampfgruppe Peiper: Ardennes Mini Campaign by Mark Bevis - an MWAN-sized publication of 62 pages with separate large color map ($12) which provides a wealth of information about the campaign; very impressive, Mark! Orders of battle, reinforcement schedules, resupply and ammo, map movement and much more. If you are at all interested in this period, or (as we all are), enjoy reading booklets relating to campaigns, pick this one up! A Few Good Men At Arms: Retinue Level Medieval Wargames Rules by Mark Hannam and Mathew Sparkes - again an MWAN-sized effort of 55 pages ($12). No set time/ground scale; figure scale is 1:5 or 1:10; Units are organized in multiples of four and function to build "blocks" which form "Banners" (basic game unit) which in turn form "Battles". Troops are classed by type, armour, arms, and formation (six types); there are four classes of armor; eight weapon classifications; three formation types (dense, normal, and loose). Leaders are given ratings from zero (poor) to 12+ and each commander of a "Banner" is rolled for prior to the game and assigned characteristics which affect their behavior during the game. There are rules for "worthy deeds" and "single combats"; movement is determined by an average die for foot (times two for horse) in inches. During melee, a D6 is rolled for each four figures and modified. The rules themselves cover 21 pages and additional chapters are concerned with medieval organization, a set of skirmish level wargame rules (3 pages), and six scenarios. Cross of Iron WWII Eastern Front Skirmish Rules by Mathew Sparkes and Mark Hannam - This MWAN-sized 51-page effort ($12) is my favorite! If you liked the movie "Cross of Iron" and have wanted to do something on the wargames table about it, this is for you! One figure equals one man; 1" equals five metres in 20/25mm and 1cm equals 5 metres in 15mm. Each figure is given a rating ("Schnell") which encompasses their "combat energy". In addition, figures can be given other characteristics to make the game more interesting via a die roll. A move equals six inches and each turn, each figure makes an "action roll" to determine what he can do during that turn; this roll is modified by his "Schnell" rating and the current situation. Weapon ranges are as follows: LMG/Rifle = 30"; Carbine = 20"; SMG = 10"; Pistol = 4". Fire can be aimed or unaimed. The rules cover only 11 pages and the rest of the booklet is devoted to a "Steiner" minicampaign, which is very interesting. There is also a section "infiltration" which utilizes playing cards to determine events and a piece on German small unit tactics. Highly recommended for the WWII wargamer! Fall Gelb: 12 Blitzkrieg Scenarios for the Fall of France 1940 by Mark Hannam - This is an 8 1/2 " X 11" 46 page effort ($12) offering 12 scenarios for actions fought in France and the Low Countries in 1940. The scenarios were designed to be used with the RAPID FIRE: FAST PLAY RULES FOR WWII ruleset. Each scenario offers a brief historical section, specifics re wargaming it, orders of battle, and a full page map. Most of us really enjoy scenario booklets and this would be a valuable addition to any WWII gamer. Recommended! Scudbusters: The SAS in the Gulf War by Matthew Hartley - This 8 1/2 " X 11" 41 page booklet ($12) is designed according to the author to "be played either solo or as a multi-player game" at a skirmish level to represent Gulf War actions by the British Special Air Service. Units are given what is called a "Bottle" score which reflects their abilities. Another concept is that of "Critical Success/Failure" and this is possible when "doubles" are rolled on the dice and the score is either higher or lower than the unit's "Bottle" score. SAS and Iraqi structures are discussed briefly. A handy Iraqi "Reaction Table" is provided - these are always helpful in solo games and can usually be applied to other periods/conditions. The SAS always fire and move prior to the Iraqi's. Movement is dependent upon the "Bottle" score and is determined by throwing 2D6. A deck of playing cards is used in some instances to determine events in the wargame. The rules use an interesting concept called "Grids" in which playing cards, minus the face cards, are laid out in a 5 X 8 rectangle with each card representing a location connected to the other cards. The card suit determines what is to be found in each location. This system would hold considerable value for solo gamers! There are several short scenarios as well as a six page section providing historical information. Interesting and valuable for the concepts presented. Rompan El Fuego! An Accessory for Gaming the Spanish Civil War by Mark Hannam - again, an 8 1/2 " X 11" 39-page ($12) publication which has been designed in conjunction with the RAPID FIRE FAST PLAY RULES FOR WWII. The figure ratio is 1:15 and 1:4 or 5 for guns/vehicles. There are morale and combat listings for the Nationalists and Republicans as well as for "generic" units. AFV's are classified as to class, armament, gun class and speed. Artillery is provided with a gun class. There are additional rules specific to the Spanish Civil War (to be added to the RAPID FIRE rules). Other chapters include military and unit organizations and four scenarios. I found this booklet very interesting and will be hanging onto it for future reference! Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - MISSOURI BROTHERS IN GRAY - MWANer Michael E. Banasik has published his second ACW book (that I am aware of, at least!), MISSOURI BROTHERS IN GRAY: The Reminiscences and Letters of William J. Bull and John P. Bull - Unwritten chapters of the Civil War West of the River Volume I ($12.95 plus $2.50 for P/H to Press of the Camp Pope Bookshop, PO Box 2232, Iowa City, Iowa 52244; 800-204-2407). This 179-page paperback is an account of a diary and letters home from two participants in the Western Campaign. Michael offers footnotes as well as a roster of Gorham's/Tilden's/ Lesuer's Third Missouri Field Battery unit; biographies of 15 ACW personalities, and numerous other items of specific interest to ACW gamers. These "speciality" publications add a considerable amount of information about the Civil War and make for very interesting reading; congratulations, Michael! Looking forward to further efforts! By Hal Thinglum - "BATTLE IN A BOX" RORKE'S DRIFT FROM THE RICHARD HOUSTON COLLECTION - My old friend, Richard Houston (of the old Lyzard's Grin), PO Box 14522, Oklahoma City, OK 73113 has released his second "Battle in a Box", the first being San Juan Hill! The subject is one dear to my heart as I did this in 25mm many years ago and it brings back pleasant memories. If there is one battle which would be perfect for Richard's concept of "Battle in a Box", it would be Rorke's Drift! What does he offer? Well, 250 15mm Zulus (in 10 poses), 20 British "rankers", five sergeants, 5 wounded, and six personalities, not including the 24th's mascot, Pip! First of all, the accessories: cardstock cut and assemble buildings for the hospital and storehouse, both with interior plans, the Kraal, cookhouse, mealie bag and biscuit box barricades, and a metal wagon. Personally, I have never cared for cardstock buildings, however, many people swear by them. They are nicely done as are the mealie bags etc. They also have a 11" X 17" map and blueprint for construction as well as a set of rules (3 pages) with a two page set of rules charts. Price is $85.00. OK, now the figures; first of all, the wagon is brand new and well worth it; I've always appreciated Richard's work for his vehicles! The 20 British "rankers" come in three poses: standing firing, on guard, and advancing. These are fairly done; the rifles have perhaps less detail than we have come to expect on 15mm figures. There are three poses of sergeants and three of the wounded figures; "true" wargamers will want the wounded figure with pistol who has his right arm in a sling. The personalities pack has Dabulamanzi(mounted and dismounted), Chard, Bromhead, Reynolds, Dalton, Smith and Pip, the dog; all nice figures. These are "true" 15mm figures measuring 15mm from the top of the base to eye level. The Zulus - I always like looking at Zulu figures! - are in ten packs of twenty-five figures each, thus there are ten different poses. All the Zulus come with separate shields and the shields can easily be glued to the figures' left arm/hand. I like the Zulu figures very much; none of the figures appear to have much, if any flash on them. Two of the ten Zulu poses have knobkerries while the rest have assagais. The rules are straight forward and would, I am sure, provide a good game. The Zulus have ten 25-man units; the British are divided into four 6-man units (each with a sergeant). There are special rules for climbing/entering buildings, digging through the roof, crossing walls, etc. Also included are 2D6. All in all, a good deal, I would think, for the Colonial wargamer who wishes to recreate this battle on the tabletop! "Battles in a Box" is an interesting idea; I wonder how it will catch on? Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - HELION & COMPANY MILITARY HISTORY BOOKS - Helion & Company, 26 Willow Road, Solihull, West Midlands, B91 1UE, UK (0044-121-705-3393) is a bookseller I've never heard of before, They sent MWAN nine "large" booklets concerning periods of military history and because of the extensiveness(over 13,000 titles), I feel compelled to mention hem within this column. The periods covered are Antiquity to 1700 AD, 1700-1914, WWI, WWII, Post-1945, Aviation, Maritime History, WWII Video catalog, and a book supplement for March, 1998. They also offer a professional book search service. Duncan Rogers, proprietor, will seen be offering a range of 25mm Austro-Prussian War figures toward the end of 1998. Hope to hear from Duncan regarding his efforts in this regard! By Hal Thinglum - WAR IN MINIATURE: SMALL UNIT ACTIONS IN 15MM - War in Miniature Publishing, 10622 Lathrop Drive, Dallas, TX 75229-5133 (214-358-4471) has released this set of miniatures rules (individual rules $12.95; deluxe edition $29.95; add 8.25% sales tax if ordering from Texas). The deluxe edition was sent for mention within this column and consists of a three ring binder with four separate sets of rules covering late 19th century (Zulu War, 1st Afghan War through 2nd Boer War), WWI (Russo-Japanese War through early 1930's), WWII (Spanish Civil War through 1950), and Post WWII (Korea, Indochina, Malaysia, Algeria, Belgian Congo, etc). There are six sections within each of the four periods and the first five sections contain the "basic" rules for the period while the sixth section presents the "optional" rules. While reading the rules, I noted that the"characteristics" of each historical period "changes" or "builds" upon the basic rules; in other words, the "basic" rules for each of the four historical periods is not the same for all four. I must admit to being impressed with this effort. It is well written and presented and I like the concept the author, William Hession, utilized. The scale is 1:1 with figures being based individually, and the rules were written for 15mm. The author recommends using movement stands on which you can mount four or so figures for ease of movement. Following each of the rules sets, there are two scenarios. Included are very nicely done individual game table sheet which are encased in plastic. A fifth provides information on AFV's and a plastic template is included. Very nice game aids! Infantry line/close order move is 4"/column 6"/skirmish 8". Also included are cardstock markers. I find this ruleset to be very well put together; of high quality re materials; and would recommend it very highly! Congratulations on a very good job, William! Back to MWAN #94 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1998 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |