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By Hal Thinglum - MERRIMACK MINIATURES 15MM SHIPS - Merrimack Miniatures, 1524 Lois Drive, Shoreview MN 55126 (612-786-6799) has released a numbed of new 15mm resin cast ships of which I am highly impressed with! I've had several MWANers write to me within the last few months asking where they can obtain 15mm ships to be used with the "Limmeys and Slimmeys" rules which have been so popular for some years. Well, here you are, gentlemen! First of all, a new release a 17th Century 36-gun galley ($40.00) 12" X 3" X 2" high. Beautiful cast resin model! There are three "crow's nests" (is that what you call them?), a large platform for one of the three main masts (made of wooden dowels), and smaller dowels for the sails. In addition, there is a strip of 17 gun port covers (also made of resin), eight beautiful metal deck guns (which come in two pieces, barrel and carriage), two swivel guns, and 28 partial gun barrels which are used for the lower decks. Detail is very good on this handsome model and there was very little "flash" on either the resin model or metal guns. For the deck gun area, I did have to "push" out a very thin coating of resin and do a little cleaning in these areas. I haven't tried to separate the gun port covers yet so not sure how difficult that will be. For all of the lower deck guns, there is a hole drilled into the resin for placement of the partial gun barrels so that it actually appears as though there are 36 guns represented. On one side of my ship, I had to drill my own holes as they weren't present. This was easily done with a hand-held drill. There are no crew members, however, I understand that MINIFIGS has an extensive listing of 15mm crew members. In my English Civil War reading, I've come across several accounts of ships being used to support land forces and when I received this model, I realized that this was the perfect model for me to use. I pulled out some ECW 15mm ESSEX gun crew figures and they fit perfectly well with the guns/ship. I plan to use two crew members per deck gun (8 deck guns X 2 crew = 16; one gun crew per swivel X 2 = 2; total of 18) and from the ESSEX foot command pack, I found an ideal Ship's Captain! I'm thinking that I'll mount the crew two to a gun, and perhaps the gun (not sure re this yet) on a small metal base from WARGAMES ACCESSORIES. This should work out well. What do other MWANers do re mounting 15mm crew on 15mm ships? I'd like to know. Now I'm going to be looking for a small harbor fortification for the ECW period; can't you see a combined land and sea attack on an ECW town? Would look good! Outstanding work, Merrimack Miniatures! Other items from Merrimack: first of all 15mm WWII Landing craft packed two for $12.00. Wargamers, including myself as evidenced above, always seem to be attracted to combined land-sea operations. You 15mm WWII gamers will be glad to see these little ships! Measuring 1 3/4's wide X 3 1/2" long by just over 3/4" high, they should serve your invasion force well! They also offer 15mm American Civil War ships including the CSS Manassas ($20) 2 3/4" wide X 6" long with separate smokestack and separate metal gun barrel; the Hunley and David (two ships for $15), each about 1" X 8"; the larger of the two comes with separate smokestack; and a fire barge and tug ($20). The tug comes in four pieces including smokestack while the fire barge is a one-piece casting. The Fire Barge has "built-on" burning logs and wood which should paint up nicely. I really like these ships a lot as they are very well cast, virtually no "flash", and inexpensive as well as being good looking products. Highly recommended! I'm anxious to see more from Merrimack Miniatures! I should mention that Joel Gregory of Merrimack Miniatures informed me that he is the new owner and manufacturer of CONNOISSEUR figures, the old Peter Gilder 25mm line that I liked so much. He reports that he is expecting to add new figures to the line and would appreciate any suggestions that would complement the existing figures plus any new ideas. Let him know if you have any ideas. I'm glad to see that these fine figures will still be available as they are good! Joel also reports that he is working with THE COMPLETE BRIGADIER on their 20mm American Revolutionary War Navy and plans to have the "Philadelphia" available at COLD WARS. This is good news for the AWI 20mm gamer! By Hal Thinglum - 'STALINGRAD' THE MOVIE - Ever since I found out the movie was out, I've wanted to purchase a copy. Last night, at our local video store, I saw three copies of it; unfortunately, they were all out! However, I made a second trip late at night and managed to pick it up. I was quite excited and really looking forward to viewing it! Directed by Joseph Vilsmaier. it is a 150 minute film in English. I understand that it was made by the same people who made the famous "Das Boot". "Stalingrad" follows a company of German Stormtroopers from Italy, where the movie begins, to the Eastern Front. It is quite a good movie, though not quite as good as I thought it would. I am sure I expected a lot more of it and had I not done that, I probably would have been very satisfied with it. However, I don't know as I liked it enough to purchase a copy. It's hard for a movie not to operate in stereotypes and generalizations. They only have a certain amount of time to present their story and moral so that has to betaken into consideration. Another factor is that they have to make the movie/story line for an entire viewing population, not just -wargamers" who are quite well read on the subject. There are the usual characters: veteran sergeant; young idealistic officer; battle hardened company commander who isn't afraid to throw his men's lives away to accomplish a mission though he is respected by his soldiers; the sadistic, probably SS, officer who makes a number of appearances during the film and is responsible for numerous atrocities and incomprehensible acts; the young scared soldier; the young Russian prisoner; and so on. The main battle scene is the company's attack on a Russian-held factory and it is very realistically presented. The confusion found in close combat in a built up area is vividly shown. There is a scene where the "kid," in his first combat situation, kills a fellow soldier who he knows and the resultant reaction by himself and his comrades is quite moving. "Stalingrad" does, in my opinion based upon my reading of the Eastern Front, is a "realistic" movie of the period. Will it make you go out and purchase figures and vehicles to reproduce the action(s) of the movie? I don't know. In terms of "time" since the true event, it's perhaps a little too close to 1998 to move a lot of us in that manner. By Hal Thinglum - MINIFIGS 15MM TYW/ECW LINES AND NEW RELEASES FOR 15MM NAPOLEONICS AND MARLBURIANS - MINIFIGS, 5938 Carthage Ct., Cincinnati, Ohio 45212 (800-543-0272) has been around for many years. The very first wargame I ever saw in probably 1975 featured what were the "brand new" 15mm MINIFIG Napoleonics - remember them? Five to a strip; first 15mm figures in this country. I believe Peter Laing, of the UK, had been the first to come out with. 15mm figures. Anyway, I recall being so impressed with the table and what seemed to me to be so many figures! Actually, there were probably less than two hundred, but it sure made an impression on me! Well, MINIFIGS has perhaps the most extensive line of 15mm and 25mm wargames figures in the world. I remember spending many hours pouring over their catalog listings when they were out of White Plains, NY. Lots of fun. They are a company which has changed hands, in the US, several times and is now operated by RAL PARTHA, another "old-timer". I hadn't seen MINIFIGS' figures for a number of years although I had read that they were redoing their I 5mm lines starting with their Napoleonics and that quality had been greatly increased. I'll be talking about that soon, however, I'd like to start with their 15mm. TYW line. I ran across a MINIFIG listing of this interesting period and was impressed with the number of packs and called an old friend, Dan Rakowski, who I remember had a number of 15mm. MINIFIGS in his ECW army. I wanted to know how they "fit in" size-wise with other manufacturers. Dan said enough nice things about them to sell me on the idea of trying them out. Starting with the Thirty Years War Swedish Army, there are Pikemen (TY 10 1), Musketeers (TY 102), and Infantry Command (TY 104). All foot are 24 figures to a pack for $7.50. The pikemen (in armor with helmet) have two different poses; eight "push of pike" and 16 with pike upright; the musketeers are all in the same firing pose with musket rest and hat, and the foot command have eight poses each of an officer advancing with Partizan and holding his hat in his left hand, drummer, and standard bearer. Dan had mentioned to me that the MINIFIGS pikes were "weak" and prone to breakage so he used to superglue them before painting them to strengthen the pike, however, I didn't find that to be the case. I think the switch to "pewter" took care of this problem. The figures do have some flash though not much. I'm talking about a piece of flash at the end of a pike as well as a little "blob" on the bottom of the figure stand. Pewter is a little harder to clean as regards flash - takes a little more "elbow grease". Detail is fair, especially when one considers the TYW/ECW line has not been redone and must be at least ten years old and probably more. They must have redone the molds over time because the figures don't seem that old. Size-wise - well, the foot certainly fit in perfectly well with ESSEX figures, so I was happy. However, as I will discuss later, the horse are smaller than ESSEX and wouldn't mix well in the same unit. I do, however, plan on having them in my TYW/ECW armies. From the Imperial TYW line, TY204 artillerymen has five different poses: holding ball, w/powder scoop, w/sponge, w/portfire (I think that's what you call it), and w/mallet. They come in a mixture of several different hats and helmets. I'll use some of them for ECW artillerymen. Very handy figures! The TYW Horse, including Cuirassier, Medium Cavalry, Heavy Lance (nice figure!), and Mounted Arquebusier are all two piece castings (8 troopers/horses for $7) and feature one pose per pack. The TY 154 Swedish Mounted Command pack has three differently posed Mounted Generals as well as a horse officer, trumpeter and standard bearer ($7). Personally, I would have preferred two sets of horse command and then a separate pack with mounted generals as if you are trying to obtain mounted command for your horse units, you would end up with a lot of "Mounted Generals" as you only get one set of mounted horse command per pack. As mentioned previously, the horses are smaller than Essex horses. I am not singling Minifigs out for this as I have found this to be the case with the majority of 15mm manufacturers for the ECW/TYW period. I may be able to mix foot figures from two different companies, however, I can't mix their horse in the same units. I suppose everyone has their own view of how large horses should be in relation to foot figures. I can't explain it any other way. I've always liked the MINIFIG horses; they just plain "look" good to me. How's that for a "professional" opinion? The horses are all of one pose. My favorite horse figures from the items listed above are the Imperial "Heavy Lancers". Even though the lance was "dying" out as the Thirty Years War wore on, I probably have four or five such units in my TYW army and this one will be the best looking, I think! TY203 Imperial Grenzers features three different poses; two w/muskets while the third holds a pair of pistols; I'm not sure if he's an officer, but I'm not treating him as such because there were eight of each of pose in the 24-figure pack. I'm going to include them in with units from Essex' Grenzers and they look fine together in the same unit. MINIFIGS, as many of you know, has redone their 15mm Napoleonics line. I may have mentioned already that they do everything in pewter. NWA-202 British Line Infantry in Stovepipe is a terrific value at $19.95 for 78 center co advancing, 24 flank co advancing, 18 line command, and one mounted officer. That's a total of 122 figures if you count the horse and rider separate. I don't think you'll find less expensive 15mm figures on the market! There are six sets of line command consisting of foot officer (2 poses) and standard bearer (I pose) in bicorne, and drummer (I pose) in stovepipe. The mounted officer is in bicorne as well and is mounted on an excellent horse. The center and flank company figures consist of a single pose each and both are sort of leaning forward in an advance position. The Peninsular War is always something I am considering doing and I have to admit to being quite impressed with the new MINIFIGS quality, not to mention their price! The flash can easily be removed with an Exacto knife and the bottom of each stand would not require more than a single sweep of a file to make it even. Standard Bearers have an attached flag staff which is quite durable and would not need to be replaced. The horse does not have the "old" glob of metal joining the tail to the base and in general, I would have to assume that their "new" molding/casting is far superior to the "old". On to more Napoleonics: N-104 French Old Guard Grenadiers advancing (24 for $7.50) in bearskin is a quality casting with excellent detail! Minimal flash! How about some Russians? N-477 Dragoons w/command (1803): first of all, beautiful horses. Although I mentioned previously that I always liked the MINIFIGS horses, these are much better! There are five troopers w/swords down along right leg, an officer, standard bearer, and trumpeter. All of the cavalry figures still have the casting sprite attached to their legs, scabbard, and the tip of their sword, as with the "old" castings, but the sprue is not as pronounced and is removed easier than before. This set of figures comes with separate horse bedroll, which I am surprised at. Hadn't seen that with any line previously! N-407 Pavlov Grenadier advancing, N-420 Fusilier firing w/shako (1805), and Horse Artillerymen w/crested helmets round out the Napoleonic Russians. The Grenadiers are in one pose while the firing Fusiliers have standing and kneeling firing poses. Very nicely done! There are 19 figures in the artillery pack with six different poses: kneeling, rammer, trailspike, portfire, w/charge, and assisting. I'd have to recommend their new Napoleonic line very highly and congratulate MINIFIGS on the quality. Apparently these are not your Father's MINIFIGS! John Sarver of MINIFIGS reports that they plan to release Austrian Napoleonics in February with Bavarians "soon to follow". How about a new line from MINIFIGS? What would you think of 15mm Malburian? Well, you have them! They sent four British and three French packs of infantry. For the British, MB-101 Musketeer advancing, M-103 Musketeer march attack (always my favorite pose for this period), MB- 121 Musketeer Command advancing, and MB-126 Grenadier Command advancing in "stiff mitre". Both sets of infantry have one pose each while the command packs contain the following: 16 enlisted men, two drummers, two officers, and two standard bearers, giving you two sets of identically posed command. For the French: MB-201 Garde Francais advancing; MB-223 Infantry Command advancing-, and MB-226 Grenadier Command in Tricorn advancing. Again, the command packs have 16 enlisted men and two sets of command. I suspect what the label should have said is "infantry w/command" instead of just "infantry command." Again, I am impressed with the quality of the figures. If you are considering the Malburian period in 15mm, 1 would check out the MINIFIGS listing for them; you'll be more than pleasantly surprised! John states that cavalry and artillery will follow soon. Highly recommended and looking forward to seeing more of MINIFIGS -new" releases in the future! By Hal Thinglum - WODENSFELD MINIATURES 20MM ACW - Wodensfeld Miniatures, 6, Swallowfields Drive, Cannock, Staffordshire, WS 12 5UQ, UK has a nice listing of 20mm ACW pewter figures available. I recently obtained the following to add to my growing 20mm ACW collection: All RSS packs are infantry advancing at right shoulder shift. RSS3 shell jacket/kepi; RSS4 shell jacket/hat; RSS5 Shell jacket, blanket roll/kepi; RSS6 Shell jacket, blanket roll/hat; RSS7 Sack coat/kepi-, and RSS8 Sack coat/hat. These figures come 10/pack (three pounds which works out to .30 p each). My favorite ACW pose for infantry is right or left shoulder shift and I'm looking forward to getting these painted and based! Wodensfeld Miniature figures are slim and about 22/23mm tall from top of the stand to eye level. They fit in well with Musket Miniatures being just a bit taller and filled out. What I like about this line is that within each pack of ten figures, there are often ten "different" poses. The differences might be very small, perhaps the left arm is in a different position, but they are different and as such, would look very good in a full unit! Flash is very minimal; for the first time I can ever recall, I won't have to file down the bottom of the stands. As for Infantry command, I obtained CP2 Shell Jacket and CP3 Sack Coat. Each contains two foot officers (hat/kepi), two standard bearers (hat/kepi), and one drummer (1.60 pds/pack). In CP2 the drummer has a hat and in CP3 he has a kepi. The drummer boys are just that - "boys" - being a little smaller. Several of the officer figures are outstanding. I do not like the standard bearers as the cast on flag staff is way too thin and breaks very easily. What I'll do is cut them all off and drill holes and insert wire to be used as flag poles. The foot command packs come with black/white paper flags (US flag/State flag and CSA flag/Battle flag) which would need to be colored. Detail is fair; equal to Musket Miniatures. I think these figures will look really good painted up as units in a marching pose! By Hal Thinglum - REDOUBT ENTERPRISES 25MM ACW ADDITIONS - Redoubt Enterprises, 49 Charmel View Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 7LN, UK (0 1323 73 8022) has added 12 packs of ACW 25mm infantry to their already considerable listing for this period. The figures come in packs of six with all six in different poses. First of all, "March Advance at the Double Command" has an officer, drummer two standard bearers and two NCO's in ACW37 shirt order, ACW38 Shell Jacket, ACW39 Sack Coat, and ACW40 Frock Coat. "Right Shoulder Shift" has the same four packs in different uniforms and the figures have separate arms with the musket on the detached arm. "At the Trail" also has four different uniform types as well as a separate arm and "Rifle at the Ready" features four uniform types and a "charging" type figure. All figures have separate heads (8 different types). Peter Heim announces that they will be soon be releasing a limber w/opening box and rammer/wad. Well, I continue to be impressed with this 25mm ACW line! Virtually flash-free; separate arms are easy to affix (even for me!); and I have learned to affix the separate heads by using a hobby drill to drill out the top of the body before using super glue to attach the head. The figures have various types and amount of equipment, something else I like with figures; a vast variety of poses (you know I like that); and in general, just high quality figures. Highly recommended and my congratulations! Available from Miniature Service Center, 1525 Bridge 163, Yuba City, CA 95993 (916-673-5160). By Hal Thinglum - TABLETOP GAMES 15MM ENGLISH CIVIL WAR and AIM 10MM NAPOLEONICS - Roger Dospil of DIVISION AFTER DIVISION, 16710 Bradbe Rd., Fisherville, KY 40023 sent along some samples of the Tabletop Games 15mm. ECW figures. I don't have prices, but they are from the Renaissance line which covers the late 15th C to late 17th C. and I assume these two figures are from the "17th C." listing which has Scot Mercenary pike and musket, dismounted dragoon, English pike/musket, New Model Army pike/musket, Highland swordsman, Covenanter pike/musket, European officer/standard, and Balkan Archer. Write to Roger re cost. Included were a musketeer and pikeman measuring 15/16mm from top of the base to eye level. The pikeman has a very sturdy, though not out of scale, pike which is quite long; obviously, he has not cut his pike down to make it more manageable. I am surprised how often, in my ECW readings, officers complain about their pikemen doing this! He looks like a "Trained Band" member with a very nice plume on his helmet. The musketeer is firing from a rest and is the first 15mm musketeer figure I've seen that has an accurate rest. All of the others just have a piece of metal running down from the bottom of the matchlock; this one actually has the rest coming around the side of the matchlock. Both have very good detail; I guess I have to get a few units of Tabletop Games ECW figures for my armies now, don't P. Also included for mention are some 10mm AIM Napoleonic figures including a French 12lb gun and crew. MWANer Bill Widrick, a long-time friend, swears by this line, as well as Roger's service. The gun comes in four pieces: two wheels (how many did you expect?), gun and carriage in one casting (I like that), and ammo chest. There are four gun crew members: portfire, trailspike, rammer, and standing at attention. I can tell why you like this line so much, Bill, they are good. Detail is excellent; bases are well proportioned for this scale; good poses; and virtually flash-free Oust a little on the end of the portfire). Cost is $3/pack of 20 infantry/10 cavalry/4 guns. Very tempting figures/line/scale, I must admit! Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - "THE KING'S WAR" FROM CLASH OF ARMS GAMES - You may recall that I mentioned this English Civil War game by Charles Vasey in my article on ECW products in the last issue of MWAN. I had obtained it some years ago through the PIKE AND SHOT SOCIETY when they made it available, however, CLASH OF ARMS GAMES, The Byme Building #205, Lincoln & Morgan Streets, Phoenixville, PA 19460 (610-935-7622) apparently picked it up and published it in a professional fashion. First of all, Charles Vasey is perhaps one of the leading authorities on board games as well as being a well-thought of designer of the same. "The King's War" covers the period of the First English Civil War, 1642-46, and I wanted a copy to allow me to do campaigns with miniatures. It has been rewritten, in this edition, and is well worth picking up if you are at all interested in this period of history. The map/playing board has been greatly upgraded into a full color, very attractive map as have all of the playing counters. There is an "errata" sheet as well as two sets of a cardstock map and a single set (two pages front and back) of cardstock providing all of the rules. I am not a boardgamer; I have never played a boardgame; I would have virtually no idea as to how to play a boardgame; however, I love maps and the idea of doing a campaign. It seems to me that this boardgame offers the miniatures player that chance. What I really like about it is that there are seven scenarios and each provides information as to how many units there are and where they start. Sounds perfect to me for miniatures campaigns! The game takes politics into account as well as the Scots and the Irish; you have to have them if you are doing ECW, don't you! Also included was Issue #26 Spring 1997 THE ART OF WAR: The Clash of Arms Games Magazine ($2.95) because Charles Vasey wrote an article pertaining to "additional designer's notes" and I found this of great interest. At the end of this article, there is a footnote that the next issue will contain "The King's War Expansion Rules"; I have to get my hands on a copy of that issue! Cost of the game is $36.00. The illustration on the next page is taken from the cover of the box. The rules themselves cover 14 pages of the booklet and there are many examples of play. There are rules for "Gaining experience in battle" as well as "desertion and recruitment" and "fortifications." Ed Wimble of Clash of Arms Games would like us to know that they have available an ACW series of five games which could be used to structure ACW campaigns. Write to them for a listing of games. Very valuable game for the period gamer! Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - REGIMENTAL COLOURS FLAGS - Regimental Colours, 1416 Forsyth Way, Brandon, FL 33511 (813-661-0641) continues to pump out wonderful 15mm and 25mm color flags for the SYW, AWI, ACW, and now, Napoleonics. The flag below, which I scanned into the computer, is the 42nd Highlander's regimental flag pre- 1758 in "tattered" condition. They also have the 42nd's flag for post -1758 and for post-1807. Also sent for mention in this column was the 42nd's King's Colours for the same three time periods. A number of American War of Independence flags were sent including "Gostelowe Standard" - nine different standards including eight "tattered" flags, all in 25mm. In 15mm, they sent a sheet of 36 SYW Prussian Fusilier regimental AND King's Colors flags for Prussian Fusilier regiments #37 through #48. Amazing! Colors are excellent as is the overall quality. Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - FAIRFAX by JOHN WILSON - Fairfax: General of Parliament's Forces in the English Civil War, by John Wilson (Franklin Watts, NY 1985; cost $22.50) is an excellent account of the life of Sir Thomas "Black Tom" Fairfax. I'd wondered how Thomas Fairfax became General after formation of the New Model Army and was anxious to read this book. Fairfax, and his father, Ferdinando Fairfax, raised local forces for the Parliament, and fought a number of engagements with these forces. I was surprised at the number of skirmish actions that Thomas was involved in. Reading the accounts provides for much information in putting such skirmishes together for the tabletop. The book traces his life after the Civil Wars as well and is most fascinating and well-written. As an aside, I was surprised to find out that he was a stutterer, as was Charles 1. As a stutterer myself, and a speech-language pathologist, I found this of interest. I've been paying close attention to personal descriptions of Charles I for some time, taking into consideration the fact that he stuttered. I've wondered if his reported tendency to "distance" himself from his troops and countrymen had anything to do with his stuttering problem. A "sovereign" perhaps may not wish anyone to see them in any way less than ideal. Anyway, I greatly enjoyed this look at Thomas Fairfax and would recommend it to those interested in the period! By Hal Thinglum - JACOBITE RENAISSANCE 15MM FROM SIMTAC - SIMTAC, Inc., 20 Attawan Rd., Niantic, CT 06357 carries the Jacobite 15mm lines and I have some of their ECW figures for mention. First of all, ECWC-01 Trooper in lobster pot ($4) has five identical poses of a horse trooper with his sword arm extended over his head and far to the right; ECWC-02 Trooper in buff coat and hat has the same pose. The five horses within each pack are in the same pose, although the pose is different: walking for 01 and galloping for 02. 1 ordered a horse command pack but was informed they are out of production. ECWA01 artilleryists ($4) has ten crewmen; there are three poses of crew w/rammer, and one of a crewmen carrying a ball. One figure w/rammer is holding both ears while holding the rammer with his left arm; one is carrying a bucket w/rammer; while the third is swabbing out the gun. Nice crew figures! I really like to have wagons in my armies so I ordered packs of ECWE-11 a 4-wheeled cart with two oxen and a foot driver and ECWE-07 4-wheeled cart with 2 horses and foot driver ($5 each). These are nice wagons and well worth the money. I always have a walking figure accompany each wagon so I appreciated the walking figure. The wagon comes in seven pieces: four wheels, the base of the wagon, and the two sides which fit together nicely. The oxen and horses have harness attached to them and are nicely done figures. Detail on the Jacobite ECW 15mm figures received is fairly good. Horses have a fair amount of flash on them, but the figures do not. Both horse and foot fit in with Essex ECW well. The riders have their legs spread a little too much for my taste, however, I will just use a pair of pliers and gently bring them a little closer together. Recommended. By Hal Thinglum - WARGAME MAPS REPRODUCTION - I've lately made enlargements of two maps for wargames campaigns. First of all, I put a map together from the WARPLAN 5/5 series and then wished to make an enlargement of the KONIG KREIG campaign map. I brought both maps to OFFICE MAX and a clerk took them and enlarged them to 18" X 24". I had a choice of having them on regular paper or card stock so I selected card stock. Each enlargement cost me only $4.95 and the clerk kept trying till I was satisfied with the map and it still only cost me $4.95. Regular paper would have cost $1.95. I also had some 32" X 36" regular paper sized maps made but can't recall the price. If you don't have an OFFICE MAX nearby, try your local copy shop or printer. Very helpful to have larger maps for campaigns! By Hal Thinglum - CELTIC FURY ENTERPRISES PAINTING SERVICE - Roy Downes of CELTIC FURY, 9 Belvidere Place, Montclair, NJ 07042 offers a quality painting service. Mr. Downes paints only in 25mm. I recently received a group of 13 REDOUBT ENTERPRISES English Civil War dismounted dragoons and was very impressed with them! The "red" Dragoon coats ranged in color from red-brown, which would represent a "bad" dye job, "true" red to "red-pink," representing a long campaign. The figures have patches and occasional rips. The steel helmets are done in various stages of "iron" and "brass" colors and then coated in varnish. Detail is outstanding with frequent and effective black outlining. Even figures with helmets with a metal piece reaching down over part of the face have their eyes painted! I was very impressed with Mr. Downes work and can recommend him very highly without reservation. Cost runs about $5.00 per foot figure and $10 for mounted. Discounts are offered. By Hal Thinglum -'ANDY'S ARMIES' - Andy's Armies, PO Box 15296, Portland, OR 97293-5296 is a quality painting service. 25mm foot figures are $4-6.00 each while mounted are $9.50/10.00 each. I received 21 REDOUBT and WARGAMES FOUNDRY 25mm British Napoleonic 95th riflemen in their usual "rifle green" uniform. Painting quality was outstanding as was detail. Andy even added some terraining features to some of the figures. All of the uniform "trim" is there for the coat collars and edging. Eyes are realistically done; canteens are done with trim; faces and sideburns are very effective; and figures with open mouths have their tongue and teeth done! Andy does only 25mm figures. Outstanding quality painting and highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - REDOUBT ENTERPRISES NEW RELEASES FOR 25MM - REDOUBT ENTERPRISES, 49 Channel View Rd., Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 7LN, UK continues to -pump out" quality figures in 25mm scale. First of all for their Peninsular War Range, they've added ten very interesting Spanish Guerrillas. Three are charging and in very outstanding poses; two are standing firing (one of which is "crouching" and very well ' done); one kneeling firing, a Priest waving bible and holding a club; and three women: advancing shouting and waving sword; advancing with knife; and waving banner (cast on). There are now twenty Guerrilla poses available from REDOUBT! Also released were four French Line Grenadiers: advancing w/leveled musket; march attack, at the ready, and officer advancing. Three have bearskins and the fourth has a shako. Foot figures are .60 pence each. From their 25mm American Civil War line, they've added ACX14 casualty set with three walking wounded and two men carrying a ladder section with a soldier on it; ACX15 Confederate Command Set and ACX16 Union Command Set: each of the command sets has two mounted officers, two different standing horses, and one dismounted officer (3.60 pounds per pack). All of the ACW figures have separate heads. Outstanding ranges and quality figures! Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - SIMTAC'S JACOBITE 15MM NAPOLEONICS - SIMTAC, Inc., 15-G Colton Rd., East Lyme, CT 06333 (860-739-3609) sent five 15mm Baden infantry figures: officer, standard bearer (w/cast on flag staff), drummer, and two enlisted men (one line, one elite) advancing in plumed helmet. These are "true" 15mm figures from top of the stand to eye level; detail is very good as is proportion. SIMTAC reports that Jacobite will be redoing their entire Napoleonic range. In the UK, Jacobite figures are available from Scotia Micro Models, 32 West Hemming St., Letham Angus DD8 2PU, UK. I like this line and wish they had British Peninsular War figures as if so, I would probably pick Jacobite to do my Peninsular War Project. I'd have to recommend these figures highly. I would really like to see a full listing and to know which of the figures in the range have been redone. I don't know the cost; will try and get this information for you next time. Good stuff.
Huberts Lane, off Doyle Rd., St Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands, GY1
1RG, UK has released a
number of items including a brand new range, the Renaissance, all in 25mm,
or as they call it, 28mm
Now on to the AMERICAN CIVIL WAR new releases for this
highly productive manufacturer! The ACW is one of my favorite
periods of wargaming and I love looking at new figures! This line is
expanding by leaps and bounds! First of all, six packs of colorful
Zouaves! Eight castings (5.50 pounds/$10.00), all differently posed.
Also for the American Civil War comes lots of mounted and dismounted cavalry packs in kepi and shell jacket; one of my wargaming projects years ago was to build a 25mm collection of ACW cavalry for a "raid" into Southern territory and Greg Novak was kind enough to write a set of rules for such a campaign action and they were in MWAN. Boy, does this line get the ideas flowing again! Four mounted with horses are 7.20 pounds/$12.00. Dismounted packs are as follows: ACWCav1 - 8 figures consisting of officer, standard, trumpeter, sergeant, horseholder, and three enlisted men. I really like these poses; the trumpeter is standing ready to take an order from his officer; two enlisted men are kneeling; and one is firing while standing. ACWCav2 features at ready figures w/carbines at 45 degree angle while ACWCav 3 features figures running or advancing w/carbines down lower. All are in kepis. These dismounted figures are just in the poses that I like them to be; I don't like too many dismounted firing figures. Now for the mounted poses: ACWCav1AX Troopers and IBX Command: one figure in the command pack has a separate weapon (carbine) while one trooper in 1AN has a separate arm allowing either a sword or pistol. 2AX troopers w/swords in right hand; 2BX troopers w/swords (both of these groups have their swords out from their bodies; 3AX and 3BX feature troopers w/swords drawn close to the shoulder. As usual, all poses within a pack are differently posed in some fashion. There are three different poses of horses. I find these figures to be outstanding; just looking at the horses, there are fodder bags attached to some of the horses; animation is outstanding, as usual with THE FOUNDRY figures; and there is so much variety available! Highly recommended! Additions for the WILD WEST included OWM8 Mexican Soldiers Command with five foot and one mounted officer. The foot include one standard bearer with open hand, three officers, and a trumpeter. OW16 has eight assorted armed Mexican Peons in various poses/headgear. OW17 has eight assorted Mexican civilians including women and men. There is also a "New Mexican Infantry Pack" with eight Mexican infantry in shako (one with bare head, but with shako on sprue) in "on guard" pose: they have different footgear as well! I really like the Mexican infantry; there are so many poses available. Seems like a lot of Central/South American scenarios could be done with this fine line! Prices are 5.50 pds/$10.00 per pack. Highly recommended! Finally, the Seven Years War - one of my favorites! They have released three SYW packs of figures and I don't have prices on them - sorry! First of all, Prussian Musketeers "Mould One" features what I think are all of the Musketeer "poses" made by THE FOUNDRY - six enlisted men at march attack; one EM waving tricorne; fifer, drummer, standard bearer w/open hands; dead and sitting wounded casualties-, and three excellent officers with partizans. Prussian Grenadiers Mould Two features six enlisted men at march attack (one w/o headgear) and another six at determined advance (again, one w/o headgear) and I have to get a unit of these(!); dead casualty; drummer and fifer, and officer w/separate Partizan. VIG. #1 six Assorted Prussians features some interesting figures: first of all. there is a figure on crutch w/wooden leg waving his tricorne; another in vest w/tankard; officer w/stick; officer w/right hand outstretched w/palm up; boy standing w/hat in left hand; one chest and one box; and the most interesting figure of all - I assume this is a "plunderer" as he is carrying a large chest over his left shoulder, a pair of boots tucked under his right arm; and carrying a Partizan (separate) in his right hand. Oh, he is probably an officer's servant! Great idea! These figures are perfect for little dioramas or additions to your wargames table. I'm thinking of putting together a "command" stand for the commander of each SYW army which would feature mounted and dismounted figures on a single stand. These SYW figures fit in very well with the other major 25mm SYW manufacturers and they are outstanding figures and an outstanding line! I am looking forward to expansion of this line into more cavalry, the beginning of their artillery, and Austrians. Most highly recommended; outstanding quality, casting, variety, animation, and prices are most reasonable! In the US of A, available from THE FOUNDRY LTD., 1549 Marview Dr., Westlake, OH 44145 (440-871- 4587). By Hal Thinglum - THE FOUNDRY'S 'ARMIES OF THE 16TH CENTURY' BY IAN HEATH - This is the first book re lease by THE FOUNDRY and they have intentions of doing many more. If so, we as wargamers stand to greatly benefit from the same kind of quality they exhibit in figures being applied to the publishing business! Congratulations to THE FOUNDRY on their first publication! Well, everyone in our hobby knows the name of Ian Heath. "THE ARMIES OF THE 16TH CENTURY - The Armies of England, Scotland, Ireland, the United Provinces, and the Spanish Netherlands 1487-1609" is an excellent publication. This is an 8 1/2" X 12" hard cover 160 page effort with more than 128 black/white line drawings of uniforms and flags (123 figures and 105 flags); price is $40.00 plus $4.00 postage which attempts, successfully I would say, to cover the organization, tactics, dress and weapons of the period. First of all, Ian opens up with a two-page sections where he defines the various types of firearms; he then moves into the "Major Battles of the Period" though he admits they cover only a small portion of the time. There are 40 such battles briefly described; many of them skirmishes. The next chapter is concerned with England 1487-1603 and covers organization of the army and the militia, tactics, and uniform information via 40 figure illustrations and many flags/banners. Scotland 1500-1603 discusses the French in Scotland as well as artillery and tactics and discussion of uniforms with 14 figure illustrations. Ireland 1487-1603 provides information regarding strengths of the armies, mercenaries, weapons and troop types, artillery, tactics, as well as English garrisons and forces in Ireland. There are 19 illustrations of figures. The United Provinces 1566-1609 discusses Dutch Army history and organization; foreign troops; garrison troops; strengths; artillery and tactics; sieges; and uniform info with 25 figure illustrations. The Spanish Netherlands 1556-1609 has the Army of Flanders organization; information re Tercios, Non-Spanish troops, mutinies, artillery and tactics, and 27 figure illustrations. This is not a period of history which I'd read very much about, nor did I have an interest, though I have to admit that I greatly enjoyed reading this well-written book! I especially liked the figure drawings and accompanying text on uniform details. Ian Heath has done an excellent job in writing this helpful book; I see it becoming "The Bible" for wargamers for this period of history! Highly recommended! THE FOLLOWING FIGURES ARE AVAILABLE FROM BROOKHURST HOBBIES, 12188 Brookhurst St., Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714-636-3585); E-mail Brookhobby@aol.com; Web Site - hitp://www.brookhursthobbies.com: By Hal Thinglum - GRIPPING BEAST 25MM 'EL CID' RANGE - GRIPPING BEAST is a fast-growing manufacturer with an equally fast-growing reputation of producing quality 25mm wargames; figures. They started with an extensive listing of Vikings, Normans & Saxons and have branched off into a new range - 'El Cid'. There are 15 Moorish Infantry (Nubians, Berbers, & Andalusians), mostly spearmen with a drummer, standard bearer, two "Black Guard" infantry, archer, and "Iman". In addition, there are ten Moorish horse; Berbers (5) and Andalusians (5). The Spanish, thus far, have six infantry: four footmen of which two are armored, an archer, and one irregular; and ten cavalry consisting of armored and unarmored knights. There are two personality packs: Ben- Yusef ($1.50) and Rodrigo Diaz del Bivar (El Cid) mounted ($2.98). In addition, there are five battle packs: Moorish warband of 56 foot ($71.50); Ben Yusef's Retinue of 59 foot/10 horse($100.50); ten Moorish horse ($27.98); El Cid's Retinue of 24 foot/ 10 horse ($55.98); and ten Spanish horse ($27.98). This is one period that I would like to read more about and if anyone is aware of a good book or source I could see, I'd appreciate it. Would also appreciate some articles on the period! I have four samples: two Spanish Christian Infantry and two Moorish Infantry with spears. They are 28mm. high from top of stand to eye level. All spears are separate and are very well cast. Shields are cast on. Detail seems fair although one has to consider that the figures are wearing robes for the most part so aside from the "folds", there isn't a lot of opportunity for detail. A pack of four foot is $5.30 while a single mounted figure and horse is $2.98. Recommended! By Hal Thinglum - TUMBLING DICE CRUSADES IN 1/72ND - TUMBLING DICE has released 1/72nd scale Crusaders in pewter (12 figures/$9.98); they began with an extensive WWI line and are branching off into WWII, ECW/TWY. Crusades, and Viking/Normans. There are I I packs of mounted figures (each pack contains 12 riders): Early Period Knight (4); Brethren Knights and Sgts (4); and Later Period Knights (3). Also offered are three "Warhorse" packs (each contains 6 horses) with Plain Caparison, Chain Barding, and Quilted Barding. There are 11 packs of dismounted knights (same distribution as mounted knights): the Early Period and Berthren Knights are in conical helm, phrygian helm, flat-topped helm and round helm; Later Period Knights are in Barrel, kettle, or sugar loaf helms. 'Mere are three packs of accessories consisting of different types of shields and they offer three sample packs of 3 mounted and 3 foot knights for Early, Berthren, and Later Period Knights. Well, first of all, I have to tell you that I really like the 20mm scale; the Early Period (C 1250) kite shields and lances are separately cast and, very well cast, I might add - the pennant is very well done and being in pewter, they come out very well. Likewise, the figures' hands are nicely cast so as to fit in the lance without difficulty. I would think this is one of the advantages of pewter. The horses are extremely well done and would look great painted up! Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - PETER PIG 15MM RELEASES - PETER PIG is a very interesting UK manufacturer which just keeps expanding their lines. One exceptionally interesting line is their "Generic Modem African Wars 1960-85 in 15mm (8 figures or one vehicle for $3.25 although the majority of the vehicles in this line run between $6.95/10.25) which offers 39 different packs of fascinating items. Submitted for mention were 17-14 Regular/ Professional/Militia mortars & ammo and 17-30 Regular officers in beret. There are four cleanly cast mortars and matching sets of mortar ammo in this pack. 17-30 Regular officers in beret has eight figures in three different poses; all nicely cast and detailed. Within this line you can obtain regular/professional/militia figure types as well as civilians and TV/media figures; Also offered are many vehicles including T-55 MBT ($10.25), Unimog truck, Toyota pickup, 90mm Panhard, Landrover, and huts and buildings, and even crocodiles! Very interesting line! I don't have samples, but their 15mm WWII line just continues to expand. Some years ago, I obtained a large number of PETER PIG WWII items and ended up giving them to a convention as a door prize but I really liked the looks of them. Are you ready for this? There are now 200(!) different packs in the WWII line! Outstanding and fascinating items in this line! Also submitted was "Smilin' Solie" or Peter Pig in LA 1998 which is a promotional sample of BROOKHURST HOBBIES manager, Erik Solie, dressed in Wild West gear for the Old West Range. Comes with a prone casualty figure as well. By Hal Thinglum - SDD WWII 15MM MILITARY VEHICLES - SDD is a UK company producing a wide range of vehicles in 15mm with a few 20mm (Vietnam, WWII landing craft, Spanish Civil War, Home Guard figures/vehicles; 1/300th Airpower WWII/Modem; 1/300th Starships; and 20mm Vanguard buildings) items. I'd never seen any of their products previously but am very impressed with the listings of vehicles and the sample included by BROOKHURST HOBBIES. From their WWII Vehicle range in 15mm metal comes 15RI I Russian OT-25 Flamethrower tank ($7.95) which is a four piece casting and easily assembled (no flash to speak of). WOW; if you are a WWII 15mm gamer and looking for vehicles, check SDD out! Many British, US, French, Russian, German, and "Low Countries" vehicles as well as landing craft) 5 types) and a few aircraft: German DFS 230 Glider and British Supermarine Spitfire. Most highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - OUTPOST WARGAME SERVICES RELEASES - OWS offers what may be the most extensive 15mm Franco-Prussian War collection in the hobby. Prices are very nice as well: 50 foot/25 mounted for $11.98; 8 crew/2 guns/8 foot command for $1.98; 3 mounted command for $2.40. Are you ready? OK, there are 67(!) packs of foot and horse, including command for the French, as well as 18 artillery packs, including limbers. The German side has 59 packs presently including Prussians, Saxons, Hesse-Darmstadt, Bavarians, and Wurttemburgers. In addition, there are five packs of General Staff between the two sides. Outstanding selection! Submitted for mention were FPF11 French Imperial Guard Chasseurs a Pied advancing and FPP29 Prussian Dragoons/Hesse-Darmstadt Reiter/Baden Dragoons Charging. These are pewter figures and it shows in the fact that there is no flash that I can find; outstanding detail; very clean casting; and good animation. I'd wondered what this 15mm line looked like and have come away most highly impressed with the quality and extensiveness of the line! Figures appear to be about 16mm high between the top of the base and eye level. Most highly recommended. Also from OUTPOST comes a new range of 15mm figures: Ancient Eastern Armies (8 foot for $1.98 or four mounted for $2.40). There are Avar cavalry, Slavs, and Khmer figures within this range including a Khmer War Elephant ($2.98), Elephant mounted artillery, and CinC on Elephant. Submitted for mention were Avar Heavy Cavalry, Slav Javelinman, Khmer Maiden Guard, and Khmer Infantry in round shields. Shields/weapons are cast on and detail is good. The Maiden Guard figure is smaller than the male figures. Nice stuff! Does anyone game in this period? By Hal Thinglum - KENNINGTON MINIATURES 20MM ENGLISH CIVIL WA KENNINGTON MINIATURES, 1A Kempsford Rd., Kennington, London, SEI 4NU, UK (0171735-7787) has added to their high quality 20mm metal miniatures with a release of the English Civil War! Before I forget, I'd like to comment on the great response Kennington gives to overseas orders! They have always shown a very fast tum-around time! Well, 20mm metal seems to be showing an increased popularity within the hobby! We've had some articles, over the last three years or so, from MWANers who collect in this scale, and it has caught my eye, that's true enough! I've heard a number of gainers report that 20mm is really the "ideal" miniatures wargaming scale and I have to admit that they may have a point in this regard. Don't get me wrong, I love the 15mm. and 25mm scales. However, you may find this of interest; I did when I thought of it this very moment! When I am doing a period in 25mm, I find myself wishing I had done it in 15mm scale so I could have more tabletop room. However, when I am doing a period in 15mm, I find myself wishing I had done it in 25mm because I miss the "size" of the figures. Hey, what's in between 15mm and 25mm? I wonder if that has anything to do with my "attraction" for 20mm metal figures? Anyway, Kennington Miniatures 20mm ECW is in it's first phase and already has 57 releases (with, they report, an additional 150 poses to come!), just for pike, musketeers, and foot officers. A fairly good start, I'd say! There are 26 open-handed pike figures in breast plate within six groupings differing as to with/without tassets, and type of helmet (motion, cabacete, 16th C. Helmet) in four to five different poses (marching, order pike, advance your pike, charge pike, and marching w/helmet on back). These are "true" 20mm figures being 20mm from the top of the stand to eye level. Pikes are not included. There are 22 musketeers figures available in four groupings differing as to type of headgear (soft hat, montero, wooly hat, and no hat) and with (16) and without (6) rest. Poses are marching, loading, firing, and at the present. There are nine "officer" figures: w/o plume, advancing, and "aristocrat" officer standing; two drummers, two fifers, and two ensigns (with cast-on staff). All "command" figures are in hats thus far. Detail appears very good; the tassets can be individually made out. The open hands of the pikemen appear to be well cast allowing easy placement of a wire speak. I have never understood, however, why manufacturers make pikemen in a "charging" pose; they take up a great deal of space in storage. Do any MWANers possessing armies with pikemen use such poses? I suppose we must use them; nobody would make them if we didn't purchase them. Musketeers are very well done as well! I like all four poses of marching, loading, at present, and firing. I like to put my ECW/TWY figures in three ranks. The first two rows of musketeers are either firing or firing and loading/at present with the last row either loading/at present. The foot command figures are nicely done! The "Aristocrat" officer looks stately; the ensigns have cast-on standards which are sturdily made and won't need replacing. Aside from running a file across the bottom of the stand, you won't need to remove flash. I am very impressed with this line, as I was with the 20mm ACW line. There is 100% "consistentency" across the the line as regards size and quality; I am always impressed with such lines. Cost is .35 pence per figure; surface postage is 25% of order while airmail is 30%. It may take awhile, but I suspect we'll be seeing a lot more 20mm figures used by wargamers. Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - ROYAL OAKS MINIATURES - ROYAL OAKS MINIATURES, 10 13 W. 12 Mile Rd.. Royal Oak, M148073 (810-546-6781), as you know by now, offers a high quality painting service for buildings. I just received a shipment from Fred Bultman. I sent him eight 18th Century European Hovels buildings as well as some hedges, stone walls, and metal wooden fences, all in 15mm scale. The buildings, as usual, were beautifully done! Lots of shading, great detail painting, and outlining. For instance, several of the buildings had doors and closed shutters with slats or boards running on an angle; these were done in alternating colors (red/white/red/white), a most effective look. Brick buildings have comer bricks painted in a different color. Very effective work. The resin hedges look very realistic. All fence sections were terrained. Total painting cost was $130.00. Highly recommended! Although I have always sent buildings to Fred to painting, he offers in stock painted buildings in most scales from JR Miniatures, The Drum, Gallia/Hovels, TCS, and Stone Mountain as well as accessories such as haystacks, bridges, redoubts, brick walls, etc. Send Fred an SASE for a listing. He also offers painted 15mm Malburians. By Hal Thinglum - HALLMARK FIGURES FROM REGAL MINIATURES - REGAL MINIATURES, 1116 Broadway, Polk City, Iowa 50226 (515-984-6470; FAX 515-984-6682) carries the 15mm HALLMARK FIGURES line from the UK which, in my opinion, is a vastly unknown line to gainers. Over the years, I've found so many interesting items in the 15mm scale from this company. For example: CW20A is two loaded tumbrils (wagons) with solid wheels ($3.50); it is also available with spoked wheels; there are so many different types of wagons within this range! GR14 has eight ECW gunners($3); MC11 consists of two Scots frame guns with four gun crew; MC 16 feature four "carters" (figures leading horses) in hat/smock ($1.50); and AE25 has two wheelbarrows and men pushing them ($1.50). All of the above are for my 15mm. ECW/TYW project. Since I have a "carter" for each wagon and/or gun, I've been in need of a lot of such figures. The four carters are all in the same pose with right arm extended leading horse. These are "true" 15mm figures from the top of the base to eye level and nicely cast w/o flash. The wheelbarrows are cast in one piece and well done; no glueing required except to glue the wheelbarrow handle to the figure's hands. They will look good with my ECW artillery! The Frame guns are in two pieces with two kneeling and standing Scots, both poses having ramrods. There are four different poses of ECW gunners; two w/ramrods (which I've used for Scots gunners in the past as they have morion helmets); two w/trail spikes and monmouths; two w/hat holding ball; and two in hat with (can't recall the name of it!) the device used to ignite guns. Now, my favorite! The wagons; I've got perhaps 15-20 wagons - the majority from HALLMARK - for my 15mm ECW/TYW project. They are easy to assemble (even for me!); have many different types (ammo card, mobile forge, pontoon, rack carts, cask cart, wagons with basketwork body, and much more. In addition to being of high quality, they are the least expensive in the 15mm market, MWANers. The tumbrils I received come in four pieces: two wheels (fine detail on the solid wheels), flat body part and the four sides and covered "load" are cast in one piece. My favorite wargames wagons line! I also picked up several more packs of GLADIATOR GAMES 15mm ECW mounted horse command from REGAL, which have been reviewed in the past. I mention it now because they have added another 18 packs (48 total) to this fine line although I haven't seen them. I had the chance to pick up these items at LITTLE WARS in March here in Chicago, from Darryl Sheldon of REGAL and really enjoyed meeting him. MWANer and long time friend Rich Smethurst of Cincinnati and I had been discussing 15mm ECW and looking at the brand new "recast" MINIFIG 15mm ECW figures (quite good; I hope to be able to report on the line next time) when I suggested that Rich check out GLADIATOR 15mm ECW and HALLMARK ECW items. Rich was really taken aback by the wagons and picked up quite a few for his collection as well as getting some GLADIATOR ECW mounted generals. Drop Darryl a note (w/SASE) requesting a listing for HALLMARK. He also has the complete HOWARD HUES paint line now so you'll want to check that line out. By Hal Thinglum - RAVENTHORPE MINIATURES WWII 20MM - RLBPS, 4827,Treeview Terrace, Rockford, IL 61109 (815-874-5351; FAX 815-874-4829) offers the complete REVENTHORPE MINIATURES 20MM lines of which the WWII line is the most extensive. Submitted were Royal Marine Commandos (WWII) RM14 (walking w/rifle; advancing w/rifle; advancing w/Bren; and standing firing rifle. All are in berets measuring out at about 2 1 mm from top of stand to eye level. Detail and casting is very good; no observable flash. There are seven more Royal Marines to this listing as well as five crew men including a MMG. There is also a 2" mortar and figure walking w/Piat. The Bren gun comes out especially well. From the Canadian paratroop range (23 figures) comes MG 18723 (Bren advancing at ready; walking w/piat; marching w/separate rifle over right shoulder and carrying ammo box in left; as above but marching at trail w/o ammo box; marching w/slung rifle; and running w/rifle. The steel pots are lined with branches; they are in a variety of gear; and would paint up-very nicely! Prices for this line have gone down from .95 to .90 cents/figure. They also offer 20mm Boer War, NWF 1909-42 (this would be interesting, I would think!); WWI British infantry, Germans, and Turks; NWF Tribesmen; Zulu War (25 figures); Sudan (6 Fuzzies); and Mexican Revolutionary Wars (1900-30) as well as cowboys and US Cavalry 1900's. RLBPS also carries the FRONTLINE WARGAMING line of scenery of which I am highly impressed with; I have many of their 25mm WWII scenics. Drop them an SASE and a buck or two for listings. By Hal Thinglum - OUTLAND GAMES 15MM WWII LINE - OUTLAND GAMES, 1061 Bertham Ave., Dayton, OH 45406 (800-736-8961) is offering a line of 15mm WWII figures and Chris von Fahnestock gave me a pack of WWII "Desert" French (24 figures/$5.50) in three different poses (kneeling firing; advancing w/SMG; and running w/rifle. They are wearing the Adrian helmet w/various amounts of gear; detail is fair. Chris also gave me a two-man prone "Aussie" heavy machine team behind sandbags and an Aussie standing rifleman firing figure. All are in shorts and bush hat. Although they are intended for the desert, you can use them for the Pacific as well. I like the HMG prone team! By Hal Thinglum - DUTCHMAN, SPANIARD, SWITZER. SWEDE- TYW RULES - I've been looking for these rules for sometime and Chris von Fahnestock of OUTLAND GAMES carries it ($12.00 not including P&P). Written by Douglas Hubbard (1993), it is a 27 page set of 15mm rules with I " = 40 yards; I figure = 50 men; I turn = 30-45 minutes with the "basic" unit being a brigade or regiment sized force. Three to eight such units are grouped together into a "division" and are commanded by one player. Chapters include: Scale/Mounting (w/formation info); Sequence of Play; Leadership/Initiative; Operations (each unit has a certain number of actions it can carry out each turn); Movement (foot/limbered guns move 3"; horse move 6"); Fire Combat 3" range for shot; 20" long range for heavy guns); Melee; Special Cavalry Rules (deals w/"exploitation" and Swedish Cavalry w/Musketeer support; I found this interesting as I know very little about the period); Artillery and Visibility (artillery must be grouped into large batteries); TYW Army Lists (three pages covering Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Holy Roman Empire, Catholic League, and Leipzieger Bund, Bohemia, Spain, and France), along with leader "ratings"; three interesting scenarios (Lutzen, Jankov, and a hypothical scenario, all with maps and OOB; also includes an interesting page on development of scenarios); Designer's Notes (I always like these) and short Bibliography. Also within the booklet is a page of "markers" for disorder/etc., and six pages of summary sheets as well as an "errata" sheet. Well worth the $12.00 even if you purchase it with the intention of learning something about the TYW, as I did!
NEW RELEASES - One of the most enjoyable things I did at the recent
Convention was to sit down with MWANer Bob Haggerty, who operates
ENTERPRISES, 229 N. 2nd Street, Apt C., Elkhart, IN 46516 (219-293-4398
after 4:00 PM). Have
you ever (sure you have; you're an MWANer!) daydreamed about having your
favorite wargames
period sculpted for you and marketing it? Well, don't do it, but if you do,
go about it with Bob's
attitude of "This is something I really enjoy doing for people who love
this period!". Let me
quote him again,"We take pride in presenting a quality line of 25mm
figures for gaming the
Spanish Succession (1702-1714). Our figures will mix well with most of the lines
currently on the market. We
will not only cover the major armies, but many of the smaller units with
unusual arms or equipment.
This line will be expaned in time to also cover the Great Northern War and
the early Jacobite Risings.
". Bob was quite anxious to show me his newest releases for this
interesting line and I can
understand why. For as long as I've known him, he's been fascinated by this
period and looking at the
figures, and Bob's illustrations contained within his catalog (send him $1
or so for a 3-page listing
By Hal Thinglum - OLD BATTLEFIELDS PRESS RELEASES - OLD BATTLEFIELDS PRESS, 5 East County Road 600 North, Valparaiso, IN 46383 is run by MWANer Jim Mitchell and he has released some interesting SYW and American Revolutionary War scenarios maps. These are one page (front/back) full color maps (on the front) of the battlefield w/troop dispositions while the back contains the order of battle as well as a brief synopsis of the battle; an interesting concept and well done by James. Cost is $3.00; oh, each one is enclosed in a plastic binder punched with three holes on the side for storage. Very nice work! Map #1 is The SYW in Westphalia while the other three are "The Revolution in the South" #2 Cowpens; #3 Guildord Courthouse; and #7 The Siege of Charleston. Highly recommended! Next is CAMP TOPOGRAPHIES OF THE CAMPAIGN OF MDCCLVII, IN WESTPHALIA, which was translated from French by Jim ($20.00). This is an 8 1/2" X 11 spiral bound (on the 8 1/2" side) 166 page publication with a plastic cover for protection. It covers "France's first campaign against Hanover and her allies at the beginning of the Seven Years War." Written in diary form, it runs from April, 1757 to July, 1757 and covers the battle of Hastenbeck as well as many small skirmishes It contains 58 maps of the campaign and would be very valuable to the SYW gamer. I also found a plan of the Harbourg Castle which was besieged by the Allies. Some interesting items! Hope to see more of this type of approach from you in the future, Jim!
By Hal Thinglum - THOROUGHBRED FIGURES 1/600 ACW SHIPS - This is the
I've seen the 1/600th ACW ships by THOROUGHBRED FIGURES, 4106 Timberland
Portsmouth, VA 23703 (757-686-1048) -please note new address -
although I've heard of
By Hal Thinglum - HEKI PRODUCTS - HEKI produces a number of model railroading products which are helpful for the wargamer. I was at my local hobby shop today and picked up two items which would be of interest. First of all, HO Cobblestone Code 8213 HE6563 ($4.99) is a strip of flexible self-sticking cobblestone 39" long and 3" wide. My plan is to use it to make cobblestone roads for my 15mm ECW towns which will be on a base of perhaps 9" X 9" or something like that. I'll cut the roads (or streets) to size, affix them to the base, and then place on the buildings and other types of terrain, such as gardens, fences, hedges, etc. Very handy stuff at an inexpensive price! The second item is Flex Hedgerow Lt (HE 1184) ($5.99); there are three different pieces of approximately 15" long each and these will be used for my 15mm ECW project. What's nice about them is that they can be "flexed" as needed for different scenarios. By Charles Sharp - MICROSCALE 20MM WWII DECALS - In reference to your request in MWAN #92 for 20mm WWII decals, I recommend checking out the following: Microscale, PO Box 11950, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (714-434-8995; FAX 714-434-9607). They make an incredible collection of aircraft, railroad, car and truck, and general stripes, numbers, letters, and patterns in decals, and a special collection of WWII military decal sheets. The sheets specifically usable for 20mm vehicles are as follows:
There are also other sheets exclusively of 1:35 and 1:48 scale markings, and some sheets for micros armor. Each sheet is multi-colored. They also have sheets of numbers and letters in various sizes and styles in black, white, yellow, and red, for a variety of turret or vehicle numbers. The decals are very sharp, and if you can get enough people interested (minimum order is 500 sheets) they will do custom decal sheets. Their catalog illustrates exactly what is on each sheet: send $4 to them for General Purpose Decal Catalog No. 13. Back to MWAN #93 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1998 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |